



[版本发布] Minecraft Java 版 21w05a 发布

 发表于 2021-2-4 10:44:34|显示全部楼层|阅读模式 IP:浙江省
每周快照是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。

然而,每周快照主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。在快照中打开存档前请务必进行备份适用于正式版的 Mod 不兼容快照,且大多数 Mod 都不对每周快照提供支持

Minecraft 1.17 仍未发布,21w05a 为其第 7 个预览版。



Minecraft Snapshot 21w05a
Minecraft 快照 21w05a

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版快照

In today's snapshot, we're adding a few new blocks that you, later on, will see in the lush caves! They're perhaps not as lush as Jens' hair, but close enough.
在今天的快照里,我们将添加你们将会在繁茂洞穴里见到的几个新方块!它们可能还不及 Jeb 的头发茂盛些,但是已经很接近了。

New Features in 21w05a
21w05a 的新特性

  • Azalea bushes as well as flowering azaela bushes!
  • 杜鹃花丛和开放的杜鹃花丛!
  • Added cave vines and glow berries!
  • 加入了洞穴藤蔓和发光浆果!
  • Added drip leaves!
  • 加入了浮萍植物!
  • Added decorative blocks for the upcoming lush caves: hanging roots and rooted dirt!
  • 加入了为即将到来的繁茂洞穴准备的装饰性方块:气根和生根泥土!
  • Added moss!
  • 加入了苔藓!
  • Added spore blossom!
  • 加入了孢子花!

Cave vines and glow berries

  • Cave vines grow down from the ceiling, like weeping vines
  • 洞穴藤蔓从天花板垂下来,像垂泪藤一样
  • When they grow they have a chance of producing glow berries
  • 它们生长时有几率生成发光浆果
  • Glow berries are a natural light source as well as a food source
  • 发光浆果是一种自然光源和食物来源
  • Foxes eat glow berries
  • 狐狸吃发光浆果
  • Use glow berries to plant new cave vines
  • 使用发光浆果来种植新的洞穴藤蔓
  • Bonemealing a cave vine will create glow berries
  • 对洞穴藤蔓使用骨粉会生成发光浆果


  • Small dripleaf needs moisture, so it grows on clay or underwater
  • 小浮萍植物需要潮湿环境,所以它生长在黏土上或者在水下
  • Small dripleaf grow into big dripleaf when bonemealed
  • 给小浮萍植物撒骨粉会变成大浮萍植物
  • Big dripleaf grows taller when bonemealed
  • 给大浮萍植物撒骨粉会是它长得更高
  • If you stand on a big dripleaf, it will tilt after a while and you will fall off
  • 如果你站在一片大浮萍植物上,他会在一段时间后倾斜,而你会摔下来
  • You can crouch or jump to prevent a big dripleaf from tilting
  • 你可以蹲下或跳跃来预防大浮萍植物倾斜
  • A tilted big drip leaf will tilt up again after a while
  • 倾斜的大浮萍植物会在一会儿之后恢复
  • The big dripleaf will break when hit by a projectile
  • 大浮萍植物会在被投射物射中后裂开
  • The wandering trader will sometimes sell small dripleaf plants
  • 流浪商人有时会售卖小浮萍植物


  • Two new decorative blocks: moss block and moss carpet
  • 两个新的装饰性方块:苔藓块和苔藓毯
  • Moss carpet can be crafted from moss blocks
  • 苔藓毯可以用苔藓块合成

Spore blossom

  • A beautiful large flower placed on ceilings
  • 从天花板上垂下来的美丽的大花
  • Particles drip from it
  • 有粒子会从孢子花上掉落

Changes in 21w05a
21w05a 的更改

  • The stonecutter can be used to craft the different copper block variants
  • 切石机可以用来制作不同的铜块变种了
  • The stages of copper oxidization are now called “Copper Block”, “Exposed Copper Block”, “Weathered Copper Block” and “Oxidized Copper Block” in sequence of least to most oxidized
  • 铜块氧化的各个阶段(按照氧化程度最轻到最重排列)现在被叫做 铜块裸露铜块风化铜块 氧化铜块
  • Drowned now have a chance of dropping a copper ingot, they no longer drop gold ingots
  • 溺尸现在有几率掉落铜锭,它们不再掉落金锭了
  • Added new sculk sensor events
  • 加入了新的潜声传感器事件
  • Changes to powder snow
  • 更改了细雪

Sculk Sensor Changes

Added the following game events that the Sculk Sensor reacts to, along with corresponding frequency value:

Vibration Types
Frequency Value
Minecart Moving, Ring Bell, Block Change
Drinking Finish, Prime Fuse
Mob Interact
Equip, Shear, Ravager Roar
Entity Place
Entity Killed
Shulker Close
Shulker Open

  • Block Change is for when player or dispenser action has changed a block. Example: cake slice being eaten
  • 方块更改是指玩家或发射器的动作改变了一个方块,例如吃掉蛋糕片
  • Mob Interact is for specific mob interaction events that cause vibrations
  • 生物交互是指制造振动的特定生物交互
  • Prime Fuse is for both TNT and Creepers
  • 引燃导火线对于 TNT 和苦力怕都可以适用

Powder Snow changes

  • Flaming arrows now get extinguished when they collide with powder snow
  • 着火的箭现在在撞上细雪时会被熄灭
  • Skeletons now convert to strays when frozen
  • 骷髅现在在被冰冻后转化为流髑
  • Powder snow is now pushable by pistons and sticky pistons
  • 细雪现在可以被活塞和粘性活塞推动了
  • Foxes can now walk on top of powder snow without falling in
  • 狐狸现在可以在细雪上面走而不陷落了

Technical Changes in 21w05a
21w05a 的技术更改

  • Improved performance when using many overrides on an item model
  • 改进了在物品模型上使用多层覆盖时的性能
  • Copper oxidization is now a random tick effect and thus affected by the randomTickSpeed game rule
  • 铜块氧化现在是一个随机刻效果,因此会被 randomTickSpeed 游戏规则影响

Fixed bugs in 21w05a
21w05a 的漏洞修复

译者注:感谢 spx 提供的漏洞翻译功能和翻译者们的翻译。此部分翻译者有:Lakejason0、SPGoding、电量量、玄素、卡狗、zyjking。

  • MC-9568 - Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block
  • MC-9568 - 在固体方块旁长大的生物会窒息或穿过方块
  • MC-130098 - Debug world spawns player at y=2 instead at y=70 where all the blocks are
  • MC-130098 - 调试模式的出生点在 y=2 而不是方块所在的 y=70
  • MC-142711 - Baby turtles take damage when pushed against ceiling
  • MC-142711 - 幼年海龟在被气泡柱推到天花板下时会受到伤害
  • MC-148432 - Sound spam while in water and lava at the same time
  • MC-148432 - 同时站在熔岩和水里时太吵了
  • MC-149495 - Pufferfish triggers tripwire without colliding with it upon reloading the game
  • MC-149495 - 重载游戏后河豚可以不接触就触发拌线钩
  • MC-152265 - Starting server outputs “unable to resolve BlockEntity for ItemStack” errors
  • MC-152265 - 服务器启动时会输出「unable to resolve BlockEntity for ItemStack」错误
  • MC-153254 - Baby zombies/piglins take damage when pushed against ceiling by bubble columns
  • MC-153254 - 幼年亡灵生物或猪灵在被气泡柱推到天花板下时会受到伤害
  • MC-163673 - Baby husks, piglins, zombies, zombie villagers, and zombified piglins take damage when jumping into a space with a solid block above it
  • MC-163673 - 幼年尸壳、猪灵、僵尸、僵尸村民、僵尸猪灵在跳入斜上方有固体方块的空位时会受到伤害
  • MC-186879 - Standing in fire and water spams the extinguish sound
  • MC-186879 - 同时站在火和水里时太吵了
  • MC-191714 - Player is dismounted when standing on farmland while riding a horse/boat while the farmland turns to dirt, causing a desync
  • MC-191714 - 站在耕地上骑着马的玩家在耕地变成泥土时会被摔下马,造成了不同步
  • MC-198432 - Pufferfish phases through blocks after reloading world
  • MC-198432 - 重载世界后河豚会穿过方块
  • MC-199356 - chatDelay in options.txt has a space between the colon and the value
  • MC-199356 - options.txt 中 chatDelay 的冒号和设定值之间有一个空格
  • MC-200906 - Pufferfish hitbox incorrect when reloading world
  • MC-200906 - 重载世界后河豚碰撞箱有误
  • MC-204801 - Large amounts of copper blocks lag the server and causes the worldsave to take forever
  • MC-204801 - 大量铜块导致服务器变慢并在保存世界时一直卡住
  • MC-205079 - Cauldrons don’t fill with powder snow in some biomes
  • MC-205079 - 炼药锅在某些生物群系中下雪时不会被细雪填充
  • MC-205401 - “Fire extinguishes” Sound repeatedly plays when a mob that burns in daylight is in powder snow
  • MC-205401 - 生物在白天燃烧并站在细雪中时会重复播放「火:熄灭」音效
  • MC-205477 - Occasional desync when trying to enter/exit a boat while the server is lagging
  • MC-205477 - 服务器卡顿时进出船可能会导致不同步
  • MC-205735 - Baby cows can suffocate on stairs
  • MC-205735 - 幼年牛在楼梯上可窒息
  • MC-206113 - Powder Snow causes Z-Fighting with Falling Blocks
  • MC-206113 - 细雪和下落的方块可导致材质闪烁
  • MC-207258 - Sculk sensors do not react to minecarts being driven
  • MC-207258 - 潜声传感器不能探测骑乘矿车
  • MC-207261 - Bell ringing event is not considered a vibration
  • MC-207261 - 钟鸣不被考虑为振动
  • MC-207262 - Drinking potions or milk doesn’t cause vibrations even though eating does
  • MC-207262 - 与食用物品不同,饮用药水或牛奶不会导致振动
  • MC-207263 - Inconsistency: Filling cauldrons with liquids or powder snow is not detected by sculk sensors
  • MC-207263 - 不一致:用液体或细雪填充炼药锅不会触发潜声传感器
  • MC-207277 - Sculk sensor can’t detect setting a fire with fire charge
  • MC-207277 - 潜声传感器不能探测用火焰弹放置火
  • MC-207283 - Extinguishing a campfire is not detected by sculk sensor
  • MC-207283 - 潜声传感器不能探测熄灭营火
  • MC-207300 - Blocks being placed or picked up by an enderman are not detected by sculk sensors
  • MC-207300 - 潜声传感器不能探测末影人捡起或放下方块
  • MC-207329 - Sculk sensors don’t properly detect eating from other mobs
  • MC-207329 - 潜声传感器不能正确探测其他生物食用物品
  • MC-207340 - Sculk sensors do not detect buckets of fish being emptied
  • MC-207340 - 潜声传感器不能探测鱼桶放空
  • MC-207358 - Sculk sensors don’t detect shulkers opening and closing
  • MC-207358 - 潜声传感器不能探测潜影贝的开启或关闭
  • MC-207384 - Flame arrows repeatedly trigger sculk sensors
  • MC-207384 - 火矢会多次触发潜声传感器
  • MC-207387 - Sculk sensors can sense players sneaking in water when they move, even when they’re not swimming
  • MC-207387 - 潜声传感器可以探测到在水中不游泳仅潜行的玩家
  • MC-207391 - Sculk sensors don’t detect certain flying mobs
  • MC-207391 - 潜声传感器不能探测某些飞行生物
  • MC-207397 - The fire extinguish sound plays every tick when the player is on fire and freezing
  • MC-207397 - 当玩家同时着火与冰冻时「火:熄灭」音效会在每刻播放
  • MC-207407 - Villages will always generate at least on y=0
  • MC-207407 - 村庄的最低生成高度总是 y=0
  • MC-207417 - Directly breaking fire does not alert sculk sensors, but removing its supporting block correctly does
  • MC-207417 - 直接破坏火不能触发潜声传感器,但移除火的支撑方块则可以
  • MC-207418 - Breaking paintings/item frames/glow item frames does not alert sculk sensors, even though placing them does
  • MC-207418 - 与放置不同,破坏画、物品展示框、荧光物品展示框不会触发潜声传感器
  • MC-207445 - Sculk sensor doesn’t detect squids swimming
  • MC-207445 - 潜声传感器不能探测到鱿鱼游泳
  • MC-207473 - Sculk sensors do not detect when ghasts shoot
  • MC-207473 - 潜声传感器不能探测到恶魂发射火球
  • MC-207520 - Sculk sensors don’t react to ravager roars
  • MC-207520 - 潜声传感器不能探测到劫掠兽咆哮
  • MC-207521 - Ocelots and cats can still emit vibrations while sneaking
  • MC-207521 - 豹猫和猫在潜行时仍然会产生振动
  • MC-207592 - Shooting bow with flame enchantment while sneaking triggers sculk sensor
  • MC-207592 - 潜行时射出火矢会触发潜声传感器
  • MC-207600 - Sculk sensor detects wrong sound for fishing rod
  • MC-207600 - 潜声传感器探测了错误的钓鱼杆的音效
  • MC-207670 - Sculk sensors do not detect the placement of boats and minecarts
  • MC-207670 - 潜声传感器不能探测到放置船或矿车
  • MC-207671 - Sculk sensors do not detect candles being placed into cakes
  • MC-207671 - 潜声传感器不能探测到往蛋糕上插蜡烛
  • MC-207672 - Sculk sensors do not detect when creepers are set off with flint and steel
  • MC-207672 - 潜声传感器不能探测到苦力怕被打火石点燃
  • MC-207673 - Sculk sensors do not detect lighting TNT with flint and steel
  • MC-207673 - 潜声传感器不能探测到用打火石点燃 TNT
  • MC-207674 - Sculk sensors do not detect placing things in flower pots
  • MC-207674 - 潜声传感器不能探测到往花盆里塞东西
  • MC-207675 - Sculk sensors do not detect books being placed onto lecterns
  • MC-207675 - 潜声传感器不能探测到往讲台上放书
  • MC-207677 - Sculk sensors do not detect collecting water with bottles
  • MC-207677 - 潜声传感器不能探测到用玻璃瓶收集水
  • MC-207678 - Sculk sensors do not detect collecting honey bottles
  • MC-207678 - 潜声传感器不能探测到收集蜂蜜瓶
  • MC-207679 - Sculk sensors do not detect the breaking of bee nests and beehives in Creative mode
  • MC-207679 - 潜声传感器不能探测到在创造模式下破坏蜂窝或蜂巢
  • MC-207745 - Sculk sensors do not detect when ender dragons shoot fireballs
  • MC-207745 - 潜声传感器不能探测到末影龙发射火球
  • MC-208193 - Sculk sensors do not detect removing things from flower pots
  • MC-208193 - 潜声传感器不能探测到从花盆中移除植物
  • MC-208194 - Sculk sensors do not detect when candle cakes are eaten
  • MC-208194 - 潜声传感器不能探测到食用插上蜡烛的蛋糕
  • MC-208477 - Going into a dimension that has height higher than the maximum height crashes the game
  • MC-208477 - 进入高度超过限高的维度时游戏崩溃
  • MC-209361 - Game crashes upon instantly click-replacing the block underneath a bamboo sapling with another bamboo
  • MC-209361 - 将竹笋下方的方块左右连点快速换成竹子会导致游戏崩溃
  • MC-209625 - Baby llamas suffocate when below a solid block while standing on top of a carpet
  • MC-209625 - 站在固体方块下地毯上的幼年羊驼会窒息
  • MC-212117 - Placing glow lichen in lava creates waterlogged glow lichen
  • MC-212117 - 放置在熔岩里的荧光地衣会变成含水状态
  • MC-212141 - Shulkers get rotated when upgrading to 21w03a
  • MC-212141 - 潜影贝升级到21w03a时会发生转向
  • MC-212149 - Shulker is sometimes mis-rotated when player teleports through a nether portal and reloading an active chunk with Shulker
  • MC-212149 - 潜影贝在玩家通过下界传送门传送后再加载一个带有潜影贝的区块时转向错误
  • MC-212284 - Crammed enitities pushed through blocks when growing to adults
  • MC-212284 - 塞满的实体成年后可能会被挤出方块
  • MC-212290 - Commands “setblock” and “fill” don’t work at or above height 1024 in some cases
  • MC-212290 - 在一些情况下,命令setblockfill不能应用高度大于等于1024的坐标
  • MC-212291 - Client can dismount vehicles independently from the server, causing a de-sync
  • MC-212291 - 客户端在脱离载具时可以独立于服务端,造成了不同步
  • MC-212331 - Boats dismount you in the direction the boat is facing instead of the direction of the player
  • MC-212331 - 玩家在船面向的方向下船,而不是玩家面向的方向
  • MC-212347 - Importing custom world file height is limited to 2047 instead of 2048
  • MC-212347 - 导入自定义世界文件高度被限制到 2047 而非 2048
  • MC-212422 - Game crashes when generating a world with increased height limit
  • MC-212422 - 当生成高度限制增高的世界时游戏崩溃
  • MC-212532 - Shulkers are spawned slightly mis-rotated after a shulker was hit by another shulker’s shulker bullet
  • MC-212532 - 潜影贝在被另外一个潜影贝的潜影贝导弹击中时会稍微错误旋转
  • MC-212537 - Standing near a shulker slightly lifts you when they open
  • MC-212537 - 在打开的潜影贝旁边站立会被稍微挪起来
  • MC-212541 - Shulkers are often incorrectly rotated upon generation
  • MC-212541 - 潜影贝在生成时经常错误旋转
  • MC-213512 - Copper blocks are named differently from bedrock edition
  • MC-213512 - 铜类方块和基岩版的命名不同



参与人数 1铁粒 +64收起理由
 mcya*** + 64苦力怕论坛感谢有你~


 发表于 2021-2-4 11:14:11 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:山东省
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