名字让我想起了某位用户[贴吧_滑稽]Dust is a medium sized PVP arena map inspired by the Call of Duty Map “Rust”. This map allows for many ways to play with a variety of options on how you want to PVP against your friends.
“尘埃”是一张中等规模的PVP竞技场地图,其灵感来自于《使命召唤》的地图 "Rust"。这张地图有多种玩法,你可以选择多种方式与朋友进行PVP。
Welcome to the DUST cargo facility , or at least was once a cargo facility…
感谢分享 非常棒地图,我和我的朋友打得很爽,我的朋友,英雄联盟,,好评 感谢分享
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