Minecraft 最终用户许可协议(EULA)与商业用途使用准则更新
本帖最后由 Don_Trueno 于 2023-8-5 09:39 编辑阅读须知
MINECRAFT 最终用户许可协议与商业用途使用准则更新
Our latest changes to some of our core documents
Hello dear readers, players, and fellow block enthusiasts! We’ve made a round of changes to some important documents and would like to take the opportunity to clarify these changes.
First, we’ve updated our End User License Agreement (EULA) . Our goals for the new EULA were to generally update the language and voice, remove Mojang Accounts terms as we’ve migrated to Microsoft Accounts, reference some recent Minecraft offerings and services, more clearly integrate our community standards, and remove specific things that are already covered in the Microsoft Services Agreement . We hope you’ll find the new Minecraft EULA both clearer and simpler!
首先,我们更新了最终用户许可协议(EULA)。新 EULA 将全面更新各语言的适配,同时移除 Mojang 帐户条款,因为我们已迁移到微软帐户,引用了一些最近的 Minecraft 产品与服务,更清晰地整合了我们的社区标准,同时移除了部分已在微软服务协议中包含的内容。希望全新的 Minecraft EULA 能让你感到既清晰又简明!
Second, we updated our Commercial Usage Guidelines and Brand and Asset Guidelines . If you’re already familiar with these guidelines, nothing in the updated versions should be too surprising. Most of our updates were to simplify and consolidate several historical documents. We recognized these documents have had some duplication with each other, as well as some repetition with the EULA. Therefore, we have decided to merge the different guidelines into a brand-new Minecraft Usage Guidelines .
其次,我们也更新了商业用途使用准则和商标与资产准则。如果你已经对这些使用准则的内容足够了解,那么此次更新对你的影响不会太大。此次更新主要是简化并整合一些历史文档。我们意识到这些文件彼此间有重复部分,同时它们与 EULA 之间也存在重复部分。因此,我们决定将原先的多个使用准则进行合并,并命名为Minecraft 使用准则。
In the new guidelines, we reordered sections to make them more readable and added new sections on music, in-person events, and technology that creates artificial scarcity. We also have separated out the common elements to show more clearly what applies to everyone versus specific sections.
Here is a summary of some of the more impactful changes in the Minecraft Usage Guidelines:
以下为 Minecraft 使用准则中重要更改的摘要:
[*]We have added a purpose section to ensure our readers understand the overall scope of the guidelines. We have also clarified the definitions of key elements such as our name, brand, and assets.
[*]A new “All Uses” section and “Essential guidelines” section has been created to provide the high-level guidelines that apply to all uses contemplated in the guidelines. These are largely similar to what we previously had in the Brand Guidelines.
[*]A new section that outlines the use of music with Minecraft content. We know every video and event is better with music. We have called out specific requirements to ensure that you are using music appropriately on our platform.
[*]我们新增了一个新的章节,对音乐及 Minecraft 内容的使用作出了说明。我们知道大多数视频与活动在配上音乐的情况下效果更佳。我们对此做出了具体要求,确保你们能在各个平台上正确使用我们的音乐资源
[*]An expanded events section. We now have guidelines that provide specific requirements for in-person events, as well as some additions for live in-game events. Our intent with these sections is to differentiate between large scale commercial events versus community gatherings, the latter of which we encourage and do not intend to restrict.
[*]Since our initial blog post on the use of Block Chain Technologies, we have continued to look at NFT and blockchain technology. While the new guidelines do not have a section that covers this specifically, we have expanded them regarding access to servers, scarcity, and how you should and should not think about crypto as it relates to Minecraft. Instead of focusing on a specific technology, we are focusing on fairness and the experience our players should have.
[*]自第一次发表有关区块链技术应用的博文以来,我们一直有在关注 NFT 与区块链技术,虽然新的使用准则中并未包含专门阐述这一点的章节,但我们已将视线拓展到它们对服务器的影响,它们本身的稀缺性,以及用户是否应当考虑加密,因为这与 Minecraft 相关。我们不应局限于特定技术的讨论,而更应当专注于玩家应有的公平性与游戏体验。
You can read the full guidelines here .
【氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 08 月 02 日发布的 Minecraft EULA and Commercial Usage Guidelines Updates;原作者 Staff】
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Converted at 2023-08-04 16:36 +0800
[*]Minecraft 最终用户许可协议(EULA)
[*]帐户条款:微软服务协议、Mojang 帐户条款(旧)
[*]Minecraft 使用准则
[*]移除《Mojang 帐户条款》,替换成《微软服务协议》,这个的原因各位正版用户或许能猜到,因为 Mojang 帐户在近三年的时间分批都迁移去微软帐户了。
[*]将原本的《商业用途使用准则》和《商标与资产准则》合并成了《Minecraft 使用准则》,因为这两个准则相互之间,以及与 EULA 本身重复的太多了。
[*]在《Minecraft 使用准则》内添加了“音乐资源”、“线下活动”和“NFT与区块链”的相关章节,因为这是近期才出现的问题。
图片内容是确实存在的,但不代表 Mojang 马上就要对所有第三方服务器重拳出击。
最近 1.16.4/5 版本登录不上,是否说明什么?
不能说明什么。一个乌龙事件,起因是 authlib 库出了问题,目前应该已经修复。 az!!!!!!! 66666666666666666666 这个模组内有遗迹吗?
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