El_Trueno 发表于 2023-9-29 19:59:30

我的世界:地下城的玩家数超 2500 万!完美收官谢幕!

本帖最后由 Cinder 于 2023-10-5 08:22 编辑

📖 阅前注意

[*]Dungeons 官方表示不再继续做出内容更新,但并无游戏停服信号,已购买用户仍可继续游玩。
[*]转载请注明原作者及本帖链接,本文首发于MCBBS 论坛,并在苦力怕论坛上进行转载。


MINECRAFT DUNGEONS:我们迎来了2500 万玩家,且这一数字仍在不断突破

A heartfelt ‘Thank you!’!

Time flies when you’re having fun. Before you know it, your game is all grown up and walking around on their own little legs. Today, on the day of Minecraft Dungeons announcement five years ago, we’re proud to share that our little game has hit a milestone and passed 25 million unique players!
光阴似箭。转瞬之间,你们的游戏都已经长大,可以迈开两条小腿走路了。今天正是 Minecraft Dungeons 开始立项 的五周年,我们骄傲的宣布,这一小小的游戏也迎来了它的里程碑,达成了 2500 万名玩家的成就!

Not only is that a number even the brightest people at Mojang Studios can’t count to – it's also very humbling to see that so many heroes have picked up the mantle to rid the Overworld of the influence of the Orb of Dominance. This journey has been nothing short of amazing, and we invite you to look back at it together with us.
不仅这样的一个数字让 Mojang Studio 里哪怕最聪明的员工也无法数清 ,而且光是在看到有如此之多的英雄们披挂上阵将主世界从支配之球中解放出来这点。在这趟旅程中最多的便是惊奇,我们诚邀你们能与我们一起回顾这些年的经历。


Minecraft Dungeons began as a passion project, inspired by our love of classic dungeon crawler games and reimagined as a completely new Minecraft experience. But it was the love of our players that made it grow and thrive, allowing us to continue the adventure and venture further into the Nether, the End, and eventually the mysterious Tower. It exceeded our wildest dreams, and it makes us both proud and grateful for having had the pleasure of building a game together with a community like this one.
Minecraft Dungeons 的诞生起初更像是兴趣使然,灵感源于我们对于经典迷宫探索式 DRPG 游戏的热爱,并想把它设计成一次全新的 Minecraft 式游戏体验。然而一经公布,它立刻引来了玩家们对它的热爱,这也让它得以生机勃发,也同时能让我们进行更多冒险,深入探索下界、末地以及神秘的高塔。它超越了我们哪怕是最狂野的梦,我们因为能与社区共创了这一片美好的游戏及社区也倍感自豪与感激。






However, every journey has an end. As 1.17 was Minecraft Dungeons’ final update, our team has now moved on to new projects that continue to explore experiences in the Minecraft universe. This means that there are no new features or content updates planned for the game. We do intend to continue bringing new experiences to the Minecraft universe and give our team the freedom to keep exploring the types of games they're passionate about – just as they did with Dungeons!
然而,旅途总会迎来终点。1.17 将会是 Minecraft Dungeons 的最后一次更新,我们的团队如今正在开发全新项目,继续拓展 Minecraft 宇宙,为玩家带来全新的探索体验。在此之后 Dungeons 将不再会有特性及内容更新日程。我们将继续为 Minecraft 宇宙带来全新的游戏体验,同时也给予开发团队足够的空间,让他们可以自由探索心中理想的游戏类型 —— 就像他们在 Dungeons 里做到的那样!

Don't think for a second this means your adventures are done! There are still plenty of adventures to be had together with your friends; dungeons to spelunk, ancient hunts to conquer, and toppling a Tower whose layout will continue to rotate. And while the story of Dungeons might have reached its conclusion, our community continues to build their own stories. We are happy that so many new players discover and enjoy the game on a growing range of platforms, and ultimately become part of the Dungeons family of heroes.
但这可从来不是你们冒险的终点!你还可以与伙伴们展开无穷尽的冒险。以及还有地牢等待扫荡,还有狩猎等待征服,还有高塔等待攀登,这样的旅途会反反复复,周而复始。另外,虽然 Dungeons 的故事已彻底完篇,我们的社区仍会继续谱写属于他们的故事篇章。我们乐于看到还有这么多新玩家能够在越来越多的平台上发现并享受这一游戏的乐趣,并最终成为 Dungeons 里家喻户晓的英雄之一。

You’re all wonderful. Thank you for all your support and see you in the dungeons!
你们都是最棒的冒险家。感谢你们一直以来的支持,并期待能再次于 Dungeons 里与你们相见!


【氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 09 月 28 日发布的 Dungeons: 25 million players;原作者 Staff】
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portedboar44215 发表于 2023-9-29 20:16:23


四个贝塔 发表于 2023-9-30 10:36:47


laohei 发表于 2023-9-30 15:29:06

话说那停更了 服务器开着吗
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