Minecraft Java版 1.16 pre6 发布
本帖最后由 主世界 于 2020-6-16 12:34 编辑NEWSMinecraft 1.16 Pre-Release 6
Minecraft 1.16 Pre-Release 6
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release
Minecraft Java版预发布版
Start your new week by not slipping and sliding on blocks that should not be slippy or slidey - we've now released pre-release 6 for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16.
Changes in 1.16 Pre-Release 6
[*]Tweaked map colours of crimson and warped materials
[*]There is now a text that says 'Search...' in the recipe book that higlights that you can... search...
[*]为配方书内的搜索框添加了 "搜索..." 字样,藉此来更加清楚的表明你在这里可以..搜索
[*]Opening the game mode switcher now has a default selection if you have not entered a different game mode before in that world.
[*]In the above scenario, by default, you will now select Creative if currently in any other game mode, and Survival if currently in Creative
[*]game mode switcher现会在你未切换过模式的前提下为你选择切换到的模式,如果你在生存/冒险模式,你会默认切为创造模式,若你在创造模式,则会默认切为生存模式
Technical Changes in 1.16 Pre-Release 6
Added player_interacted_with_entity advancement trigger
添加 player_interacted_with_entity 进度
[*]item matches the item which was in the player's hand during interaction
[*]item 参数匹配玩家交互时手持的物品
[*]entity matches the entity which was interacted with
[*]entity 参数匹配玩家交互的实体
Fixed bugs in 1.16 Pre-Release 6
[*]MC-45749 - Potion particles spread always from the north-west corner of a block, regardless of impact
[*]MC-45749 - 药水粒子总会从方块的西北角开始蔓延
[*]MC-163333 - Plains houses and decorations can generate in taiga villages
[*]MC-163333 - 平原村庄样式的房子会在针叶林村庄中生成
[*]MC-166593 - Zombie villagers in zombie villages aren’t persistent
[*]MC-166593 - 僵尸村庄中的僵尸村民缺失 PersistenceRequired
[*]MC-167386 - binding hotbar hotkeys to mouse thumb button won’t interact the way it should
[*]MC-167386 - 绑定在鼠标滚轮上的快捷栏键位无效
[*]MC-167554 - Enchantment glint on shields is rendered incorrectly
[*]MC-167554 - 盾牌上的附魔光效渲染错误
[*]MC-171543 - Ravagers can easily be knocked back with the knockback enchantment
[*]MC-171543 - 劫掠兽丢失其击退抗性
[*]MC-172027 - Datafixer for minecraft:recipes/misc/composter advancement is missing
[*]MC-172027 - 修复堆肥桶进度中的路径错误
[*]MC-172442 - Piglins don’t spawn with enchanted gear
[*]MC-172442 - 猪灵不会带着附魔装备生成
[*]MC-172592 - Breaking a larger than normally possible Nether portal makes the game crash with a java.lang.StackOverflowError
[*]MC-172592 - 破坏过大的下界门会导致java.lang.StackOverflowError
[*]MC-174279 - Baby piglins don’t run from wither skeletons
[*]MC-174279 - 猪灵幼体不会逃离凋灵骷髅
[*]MC-175993 - Enchantment glint of lodestone compass or enchanted compass/clock jumps when compass/clock rotates
[*]MC-175993 - 指南针/钟的附魔光效渲染错误
[*]MC-177929 - End gateways don’t always teleport the player when throwing an ender pearl into it
[*]MC-177929 - 当珍珠被掷入末地折跃门时,玩家不会立刻被传送走
[*]MC-178573 - Piglins are afraid of extinguished soul campfires
[*]MC-178573 - 猪灵惧怕熄灭的灵魂营火
[*]MC-178947 - Explosion damage can be blocked by fire
[*]MC-178947 - 爆炸伤害可被火挡住
[*]MC-181465 - Bartering with a piglin with an equipped shield using right click deletes the shield instead of dropping it on the ground
[*]MC-181465 - 装备有盾牌时与猪灵交易会导致盾牌消失
[*]MC-182309 - Command autocomplete doesn’t sort strings that start with the given word to the top
[*]MC-182309 - 指令自动补全错误
[*]MC-182325 - Iron golem causes lag when it can’t attack its enemies
[*]MC-182325 - 铁傀儡试图攻击攻击不到的实体会导致服务器卡顿
[*]MC-183759 - Oh Shiny advancement doesn’t activate when right clicking
[*]MC-183759 - 金光闪闪进度不会在右键点击给予物品的情况下触发
[*]MC-184277 - Last game mode for game mode switcher and F3 + N is always survival after relogging
[*]MC-184277 - 重新进入世界后,玩家的上个游戏模式被错误的设为生存模式
[*]MC-184813 - Superflat world corruption when converting the world
[*]MC-184813 - 升级超平坦世界会损坏存档
[*]MC-186614 - New Nether mobs make too many noises under certain circumstances
[*]MC-186614 - 猪灵/疣猪兽/僵尸疣猪兽/炽足兽在特定情况下会重复播放音效
[*]MC-186617 - Zombified piglins sound angry too many times when hit constantly
[*]MC-186617 - 重复攻击僵尸猪灵会导致其愤怒音效被错误播放多次
[*]MC-187031 - Piglin swinging animation does not match attacking or targeting animation
[*]MC-187031 - 猪灵攻击动画错误
[*]MC-187420 - Zombified piglins make angry sounds too frequently
[*]MC-187420 - 僵尸猪灵会重复播放愤怒音效
[*]MC-187490 - Piglins that pick up gold while pathfinding will continue pathfinding
[*]MC-187490 - 猪灵在捡起金质物品时仍会继续寻路
[*]MC-187522 - Server doesn’t generate amplified / large biome worlds
[*]MC-187522 - 服务器不会生成放大化/巨型生物群系的世界
[*]MC-187622 - Piglins can still remove curse of binding enchanted helmets / carved pumpkins after they’ve inspected a golden helmet
[*]MC-187622 - 猪灵可以移除带有绑定诅咒的头盔
[*]MC-187853 - Water / Lava doesnt move entities unless they move first
[*]MC-187853 - 水/熔岩不会在玩家没有移动的前提下移动玩家
[*]MC-188581 - Glass placed in item frame isn’t rendered properly
[*]MC-188581 - 物品展示框内的玻璃渲染错误
[*]MC-188659 - New “swap items with offhand” feature doesn’t work if the control is bound to the 4th or 5th mouse button
[*]MC-188659 - "切换至副手" 键位被绑定到鼠标4或5键时会失效
[*]MC-188702 - When loading in a redstone dot via a structure block, the dot gets set to a redstone cross
[*]MC-188702 - 使用结构方块放置一个点状红石时,点状红石会变为叉状红石
[*]MC-188987 - When standing on certain non-full blocks, the player gets pushed off if there is a lower area next to the block
[*]MC-188987 - 站在某些不完整方块上时候,玩家会被推开
[*]MC-189081 - Chains create water sources
[*]MC-189081 - 被水浸没的锁链会变为水源
[*]MC-189256 - Hoglin and zoglin tusks textures are not separate
[*]MC-189256 - 疣猪兽和僵尸疣猪兽的獠牙共用同一贴图
[*]MC-189326 - Lecterns don’t stack with other lecterns after being placed down and broken
[*]MC-189326 - 被放下后破坏掉落的讲台不与其他讲台堆叠
【转自 MCBBS Halcyon_Suoh 的 https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1062670-1-1.html】 真的快啊
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