El_Trueno 发表于 2023-11-23 13:43:33

Minecraft Java版 1.20.3-pre2 发布

本帖最后由 El_Trueno 于 2023-11-23 23:21 编辑

|预发布版是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。
|1.20.3 仍未发布,当前版本为其第 2 个预览版。


MINECRAFT 1.20.3-pre2

A Minecraft Java Pre-Release
Minecraft Java版 预发布版

Hello again! The stabilization phase for 1.20.3 release continues. This Pre-Release brings more bug fixes.
又见面了!我们正在继续推进 1.20.3 正式版。这一预发布版进一步修复了一些漏洞。


[*]Breeze wind charges now break decorated pots, chorus flowers, and pointed dripstone blocks upon collision

1.20.3-pre2 修复的漏洞

[*]MC-265291 - Command suggestions within the command block interface don't disappear when the console command field is unselected
[*]MC-265291 - 命令方块界面的输入框未被选中时,命令提示依旧显示
[*]MC-265426 - Certain inputs pressed whilst in F3+Esc Pause will be carried out after game is unpaused
[*]MC-265426 - 按下F3+Esc暂停游戏后,特定输入将在游戏暂停状态结束后进行
[*]MC-265772 - A command with multiple redirect modifiers can ignore "maxCommandChainLength"
[*]MC-265772 - 有多个修饰子命令 as 的 /execute 命令可无视游戏规则 maxCommandChainLength
[*]MC-265788 - The "Start free Snapshot Realm" element can be selected or remain selected causing its tooltip to erroneously be visible when other interfaces are open
[*]MC-265788 - “开启免费的快照版Realm”在打开其他界面时依然可选中,并导致它的提示框错误的显示在上层。
[*]MC-266075 - "Player teleports" not shown in subtitles when an ender pearl lands far from the thrower
[*]MC-266075 - 末影珍珠落地的位置离投掷者太远时,“玩家:传送”的字幕将不显示
[*]MC-266206 - Renamed arrows are reffered as just "Arrow" in the death message
[*]MC-266206 - 死亡信息中,重命名过的箭矢依然显示为未重命名的“箭矢”
[*]MC-266380 - Rain texture doesn't loop correctly
[*]MC-266380 - 雨的纹理循环错误
[*]MC-266439 - Decorated pots with loot table desync item consumption if it cannot be inserted in the pot
[*]MC-266439 - 向试炼厅内带有战利品表的饰纹陶罐内放入无法填充的物品时,物品数量将会不同步
[*]MC-266496 - Wind Charge can not break Decorated Pots
[*]MC-266496 - 风弹无法破坏饰纹陶罐
[*]MC-266516 - Arrows on fire set breezes on fire, despite being deflected
[*]MC-266516 - 着火的箭矢被旋风人偏转后,依然会使旋风人着火
[*]MC-266728 - The "styled" number format uses the resource location "result"
[*]MC-266886 - Backspace in Anvil no longer works when renaming an item
[*]MC-266886 - 在铁砧上重命名物品时退格键失效
[*]MC-266890 - The minecraft:grass item does not get upgraded to minecraft:short_grass
[*]MC-266890 - minecraft:grass物品不会被升级为minecraft:short_grass

【震天 译自官网 2023 年 11 月 22 日发布的 Minecraft 1.20.3 Pre-Release 2;原作者 Java Team】
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[*]苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块

喜JJ 发表于 2023-11-26 10:31:11

ExpL 发表于 2023-11-26 11:01:36

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