南南又摸鱼了 发表于 2024-5-2 13:04:44


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Meet the musicians behind the 1.21 Update soundtrack!

What melody captures the moment of meeting a breeze for the first time? And what does successfully navigating a trap-filled trial chamber sound like?

Take a musical journey into the trial chambers and listen to the Tricky Trials album on your favorite streaming platform – today! In fact, why not listen along as we speak to the three composers behind these beautiful tracks: Kumi Tanioka, Lena Raine, and Aaron Cherof to understand what composing for a game like Minecraft is like, what inspired them, what challenged them, and more!
进入试炼密室,踏上一个充满音乐性的旅途,并且在你最喜爱的流媒体平台上欣赏棘巧试炼的专辑——就在今天!事实上,为什么不顺着我们对这些美妙的原声带背后的三位作曲家:Kumi Tanioka, Lena Raine, and Aaron Cherof的采访来聆听,以对为像minecraft这类游戏作曲是怎么样的,什么给予他们灵感,什么对他们来说是一个挑战,以及诸如此类的问题有一个了解呢?

【请替换此处视频链接的BV号】 Listen now



Trial chambers are a very special feature of the Tricky Trials Update not just because they’re full of traps, tricks, and treasure; but because each trial chamber you find will have a different layout, different mobs to do battle with, and different challenges to face!

“Keeping the trial chambers in mind framed my entire composition process. Especially “Deeper”, which felt like a piece closely tied to my visualization of the trial chambers: new colors, materials, and a sense of intentional design in an otherwise chaotic space.” – Lena Raine
Lena Raine is no stranger to challenges. Having gained her degree in composition, Lena struggled to break into music, and instead focused her early career on her love of game design. Later, she was able to combine her passions for composing and video games by writing the music for Celeste. Since then, she’s composed music for several video games, including Minecraft! Composing for the Tricky Trials Update proved a little challenging for Lena, too as she wanted to do something she’d not tried before:
Lena Raine对挑战并不陌生了。拿到了她的作曲学位之后,她用了极大努力打入音乐行业,并关注于她的早期职业,基于她对游戏设计的热爱。之后,她成功结合了她对音乐的热情和电子游戏,为游戏《蔚蓝》创作游戏音乐。这之后,她为好几个游戏创作了音乐,其中也包括minecraft。为棘巧试炼更新音乐对lena来说有些挑战性,她想要做一件她从来没尝试过的事:

“I was determined to try out some new sounds for “Deeper”, but nothing I did seemed to work. I spent two days recording, but I didn't like where it was going. So I made the radical decision to scrap everything and start again (which was really tough after 2 days of work!) What I ended up with, however, ended up becoming one of my favorite tracks.
我决心要为“Deeper” 尝试一些新的声音,但是我做的一切似乎都没取得成效。我花了两天进行录音,但是我并不喜欢它的发展。所以我做了一个极端的决定,把一切推翻重来,在两天的努力后,这是很艰难的。但是,结果是,它最终成为了我最喜欢的一首作品之一。

“Deeper” isn’t as dark as some of the Nether tracks, but it speaks to a slightly darker side of the Overworld, and evokes a feeling of constrained darkness.”

—— Lena Raine

Aaron Cherof, who has been composing for games for fifteen years and worked on the soundtrack for the Trails & Tales Update, used darkness in a different way in his composition process – by creating one of his tracks while sleeping. This is a level of multitasking I can only dream of – and even then it doesn’t happen!
Aaron Cherof已经为游戏作曲长达十五年之久,并且创作了[专有名词]更新的原声带,他用一种不同的方式在音乐中表现黑暗:在睡觉的时候创作其中一首曲子。这是一种我只能想象的多线程工作的等级,即使那样它也不会发生!

I’ve been composing for a long time, but having a musical idea come to me in a dream is something that’s only happened twice in my entire life! “Watcher” had been rattling around unfinished in my head for a while, so it spent a lot more time “in the oven” than my typical songs. Working on this update was the inspiration I’d needed to give “Watcher” form, and finish it! It’s pretty magical to hear it out in the world after being trapped in my head for so long!”我已经作曲很多年了,但是在梦中一个乐思来到了我的脑海,这种事在我的一生中只遇到过两次。Watcher这首曲子当时已经在我脑中游荡了有一会儿了,所以它的酝酿的时间比我其他的曲子长的多。为这个更新而工作给了我灵感,要赋予这个“观察者”音乐形象,然后完成它!在现实世界中听到这首困在我脑子里很久的曲子确实是一件挺魔幻的事情。– Aaron Cherof

Kumi Tanioka worked at Square Enix until 2009 before going freelance, and now as well as composing music for a variety of games (including Minecraft!) she publishes her own original albums, and performs her music live. For Kumi, the challenge of creating music for the Tricky Trials soundtrack was all about trying to find a perfect balance, not just for her but for Minecraft fans who create their own worlds within the game.
谷冈久美在2009年成为自由音乐人之前在Square Enix公司工作,现在她也为多种游戏(也包括Minecraft)创作音乐。她发布了她的原创专辑,并且进行了她的个人音乐会。对于谷冈来说,为这次更新创作音乐的最大挑战在于在不只是她自己,也和那些在游戏里创造他们自己的世界中的Minecraft玩家们之间找到一个绝妙的平衡。

“I never want to destroy the world that Minecraft fans have in their minds, and I also want to express my own feelings in the music, too. Finding the balance between how far to go and where to restrain myself while also making Minecraft fans happy was difficult!”我从来不想摧毁那个Minecraft玩家们在脑中有的那个世界,但也想在音乐中表达一些我自己个人的感受。找到我要走多远,在哪里抑制音乐中的自己并且还要让广大玩家高兴这些之间的平衡真的很难!

—— Kumi Tanioka



"I hope players can enjoy a feeling of nostalgia even when listening to songs they’ve never heard before as they embark on an adventure through the unknown."
当玩家们开始深入未知的探险时,我希望他们可以享受到怀旧的感觉,即使他们在听那些他们之前从来没有听过的歌。——Aaron Cherof
I’ve never thought of myself as a competent combat player, but for this update I’m determined to give the trial chambers my best shot, and clasp my blocky hands around one of the smashing new weapons: the mace! Of course it’ll probably take me hundreds of attempts and lots of broken armor, but you know what they say! If at first you don’t succeed, run away screaming try, try again.
我一直认为我的战斗水平挺差的,不过为了这次更新我下决心要尽我努力征服那些试炼密室,然后用我的方块手紧握住那些粉碎性的新武器之一:重锤。当然这可能会花费我成百上千次的努力以及消耗很多装备,但是你知道人们总说:如果你一次没有成功,尖叫着逃跑 尝试,再次尝试。

Kumi Tanioka tried something new in her composition process, too – to surprising ends!谷冈久美也在音乐中尝试了一些新东西,结果是令人惊讶的!

“For the first time, I used an instrument called aquarion . I love the sound of the piano, so I really wanted to use its tone, but I had been struggling to express something new with only the piano. Then I heard the aquarion, and the instrument really resonated with me. I immediately thought of a motif for a Minecraft song! Another track, “pokopoko”, includes a new sound that we created using a bamboo instrument . It’s a simple but warm tone, and it allowed me to approach the world of Minecraft from a different perspective.”

—— Kumi Tanioka

I think I might try and learn from Kumi, and approach the trial chambers from a different perspective, too. Perhaps the breeze just wants to be my friend? And if that’s the case, then maybe I shouldn’t thwack it with a sword? Sure, befriending the breeze wouldn’t be a conventional way of trying to get a trial key, but according to Lena Raine sometimes breaking with convention is sometimes a good thing.
我觉得我似乎应该尝试从久美那里学到一些东西,也从不同的视角接近试炼地牢。说不定那些旋风人只是想要和我交朋友呢?如果这是真的,那么也许我似乎不应该用剑爆杀他们?确实,和旋风人交朋友并不是一个拿到试炼钥匙的传统方式,但是正如Lena Raine所说,有些时候打破常规是一件好事。

“There are a lot of composers playing with microtonal compositions, or breaking from western tonality. As a composer who primarily works within conventional harmony, I've always wanted to try writing less "normal"-sounding music, and I played a lot with a sense of tuning in the second half of 'Endless'. I wanted to toy with the perception of tonality (which instrument feels out of tune with which?) and was pleasantly surprised by the result!”有不少作曲家创作了一些微分音音乐,或者打破了传统的西方调性。作为一个主要在传统和声框架内作曲的作曲家,我一直想要去尝试去写更少的听起来“普通”的音乐,在“Endless”中我大量用了一种“调音的感觉”。我想要玩弄对调性的看法(哪个乐器感觉走音了?),并且对结果很是满意并且惊讶! – Lena Raine


The mace is one of the new weapons coming as part of the 1.21 Update!
Aaron Cherof understands the trepidation and excitement of approaching a new challenge. When composing the track for one of the music discs, breaking new ground dirt blocks was something really important to him.
Aaron Cherof 理解当面对一个新挑战的时候感到的不安和兴奋。当他为音乐唱片中的一首曲子作曲时,开辟一片新的土地泥土方块对他来说很重要。

“Without spoiling it for players who haven’t discovered it yet, the music disc was really exciting, as well as being unknown territory for me. My goal was to write something that hadn’t been explored musically within the world of Minecraft before. Inspired by some of my favorite music, I tried to filter that through a different lens. In the end, I hope the music disc track can also inspire players to try venturing into unfamiliar waters on their own creative journeys!”
—— Aaron Cherof

Consider me inspired, Aaron! On top of claiming the mace and befriending the breeze, I’ll now be going on a hunt for the music discs included in this update so I can bring the feeling of the trial chambers home with me, starting with the wonder you feel when you first uncover that rectangular structure deep underground. This quiet sense of amazement is something Kumi Tanioka wanted to preserve in her compositions, too:

“These songs are for listeners who love the Minecraft universe, who love Minecraft music, and while of course you can listen to my songs separately as a soundtrack, I hope that you will take some time to listen to my music while playing. I wrote my songs in the hope that players who are on a journey inside Minecraft will not wake up from that dream world. On the contrary, I hope the music will help them immerse themselves in their Minecraft world even further, and enjoy it even more.”
这些歌曲是给那些热爱Minecraft宇宙,热爱Minecraft音乐的听众写的,当然你可以将我的音乐单独看作一个原声带,当我的音乐播放的时候,我希望你会花些时间认真倾听它。我抱着对那些正在Minecraft中进行一段旅程的玩家不会从那个幻想的世界中出戏的期许创作了这些音乐。正相反,我希望这些音乐将会帮助他们更加沉浸在Minecraft的世界中,并且更加的享受它。- Kumi Tanioka


Kumi Tanioka’s music is so dreamy that I can find myself utterly hypnotized while mining for resources (I want all the new decorative blocks coming with the Tricky Trials Update!). Of course mindless mining can be a little dangerous in the trial chambers, especially if you stumble across a trial spawner! Then things get tense really quickly, something Lena Raine has tried to weave into her music.
Kumi Tanioka’s music is so dreamy that I can find myself utterly hypnotized while mining for resources (I want all the new decorative blocks coming with the Tricky Trials Update!)。Of course mindless mining can be a little dangerous in the trial chambers,especially if you stumble across a trial spawner!Then things get tense really quickly,something Lena Raine has tried to weave into her music。

谷冈久美的音乐实在是太梦幻了,我甚至发现自己在挖矿收集资源的时候完全的沉醉进了它(我想要所有的这个版本新增的装饰性方块)。当然,不走心的挖掘在试炼地牢里可能 会有一点点危险,特别是如果你撞见一个试炼刷怪笼!然后事情就会很快的变得紧迫了,Lena Raine尝试在她的音乐中表现这种紧迫感。

“One of my favorite things to do in ambient music is to have this sense of tension bursting at the seams. I put some explosive processing on a track, while holding it back with gating, only letting it out occasionally. This creates a wonderful sense of tension where suddenly an unexpected 'scream' comes from the synth before it ducks down again, giving you an uncertain surprise!”
在氛围音乐中我最喜欢的事情之一就是让紧张感大量充斥于其中。我在音轨上用了一些劲爆的处理,对其进行阻碍,只是为了让它偶尔的淡出。一个没被预料的从合成器发出的“尖叫”创造了一种极好的紧张感,直到它重新躲起来,给你一种不确定性的惊喜!—— Aaron Cherof
This update is filled with surprises, from the breeze’s wind charges triggering everything from switches to tripwires, to the way enemies scale based on the size of your adventuring party! Aaron Cherof dropped a few surprises into his compositions too, in celebration of Minecraft turning a very big number:
这次的更新充满了惊喜,从旋风人的风猛冲并触发所有的东西包括开关和拌线钩,到敌人们的规模基于你的冒险排队的大小的方式!Aaron Cherof把其中的一些惊喜也放进了他的作品中,作为对Minecraft的一个里程碑的庆祝:

“It’s Minecraft’s 15-year anniversary this year, and I wanted to celebrate that by using mostly minimalistic instrumentation. Piano has always been at the heart of Minecraft music, and many of the songs I wrote for Tricky Trials have piano at their core – along with a few extra surprises along the way for listeners. I hope players can enjoy a feeling of nostalgia even when listening to songs they’ve never heard before as they embark on an adventure through the unknown!” – Aaron Cherof
“It’s Minecraft’s 15-year anniversary this year,and I wanted to celebrate that by using mostly minimalistic instrumentation。Piano has always been at the heart of Minecraft music,and many of the songs I wrote for Tricky Trials have piano at their core – along with a few extra surprises along the way for listeners。I hope players can enjoy a feeling of nostalgia even when listening to songs they’ve never heard before as they embark on an adventure through the unknown!” – Aaron Cherof

"I never thought I would be part of building the Minecraft world again, so I feel very honored to have been able to create these three songs." – Kumi Tanioka


Asking a composer to pick their favorite track is a bit like asking me to pick my favorite wolf variation – impossible! But of course I asked them anyway.
Asking a composer to pick their favorite track is a bit like asking me to pick my favorite wolf variation – impossible!But of course I asked them anyway。让一个作曲家挑选他们最喜欢的音轨就像是在让我挑选我最喜欢的狼变种:简直不可能!但是当然啦,不管怎样我还是问了。

“Of course, I like all three songs because I put my heart and soul into them, but I especially like “pokopoko”. In this track I wanted to express a bird's-eye view of the world of Minecraft while delving a little more freely into it. To craft “pokopoko”, I travelled throughout the Overworld, listening to all the great Minecraft music as I explored, and then I imagined the world I wanted to express.” – Kumi Tanioka
当然,三首曲子我都喜欢,因为我将我的心血和灵魂赋予了他们,但是我特别喜欢“pokopoko”。在这首曲子中,我想要表达一个对Minecraft的世界的鸟瞰图,并且进行了一些更自由的探索。为了创造“pokopoko”,我在主世界长途旅行,同时聆听了所有最棒的Minecraft音乐,然后想想我想要表达的世界。 ——Kumi Tanioka

"It’s hard to pick a favorite! But I think if I had to narrow it down to one, it’d be “Featherfall”. I love the journey of the song, and the simplicity of the duet between the piano and music box at the heart of it. I fell in love with the melody while writing it, and I think I could live in the coda of the song forever."
——Aaron Cherof
“’Deeper’ really sticks out for me. Perhaps because it's a bit of a weird one in terms of how I came up with it, because I had to throw away two days’ work and start from scratch! On my second attempt, I started with a glitched-out piano synth which can be heard after the intro, before it goes into the main groove. The way it cuts up the rhythm into different rhythmic groupings was really inspiring to start playing with polyrhythms and build up the mood. I also played with the processing on the synths to create this wonderful sense of tension.” – Lena Raine

“’Deeper’ really sticks out for me。Perhaps because it's a bit of a weird one in terms of how I came up with it,because I had to throw away two days’ work and start from scratch!On my second attempt,I started with a glitched-out piano synth which can be heard after the intro,before it goes into the main groove。The way it cuts up the rhythm into different rhythmic groupings was really inspiring to start playing with polyrhythms and build up the mood。I also played with the processing on the synths to create this wonderful sense of tension.” – Lena Raine
“我真的坚持要创作出“Deeper”。可能这是因为我想到它的方法有点奇怪,因为我必须丢掉两天的工作并且从头开始!在我的第二次尝试中,我从一个在前奏后可以听到的钢琴的合成器开始,在进入主要部分之前。它把节奏切割成不同的有节奏性的组合激励我开始进行复合节奏的演奏,并且塑造情感。我也对合成器进行了一些处理,创造这种极好的紧张感。”——Lena Raine

What’s your favorite track of the Tricky Trials album? Listen to it today on Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you like to listen!
你在棘巧试炼更新的专辑中最喜欢的一首是哪首?今天就在Spotify,YouTube,或者你想听到的任何地方欣赏吧!译者:5月2号了网易云还没上架(小声) Listen now


【Nannan-1234 译自官网 2024 年 04 月 27 日发布的 Composing the Trial Chambers;原作者 Sophie Austin】
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查看完整版本: 为试炼密室作曲:遇见1.21更新的原声带背后的音乐家们!