Minecraft 商城 夏季促销!
本帖最后由 主世界 于 2020-7-4 17:58 编辑Minecraft Marketplace Summer SaleMinecraft 商城 夏季促销!
Does free count as a sale? Apparently!
Are you enjoying the summer so far? I know it’s a weird one but don’t worry, I’m bringing you some good news. No, it’s not that I have finally found a way to stop sweating even while swimming in the ocean. If anything I’m perspiring even more than usual because the Marketplace Summer Sale has officially started!
Head over to the Marketplace and get your sweet summer savings between July 3rd - July 13th. There are over 70 discounted items, skins, and worlds and each day there will be two doorbusters marked down by a whopping 75%. There’s even a map that’s 100% off! Waaaaait a minute. I know my math skills aren’t the best, but doesn’t that mean that it’s free? Hmmm, better snatch that free map up before someone with a Ph.D. in numbers catches on. There’s also a free emote up for grabs, so what are you waiting for? A clever ending to this article? Not when there’s free stuff to claim, buddy.从7月3日,到7月13日,持续关注商城,以便开启爽快的夏日剁手吧!这里有超过70件商品、皮肤和地图开启折扣,还有每天的两件 75%OFF 的折扣商品。甚至还有一个 100%OFF 的地图!求豆麻袋!虽然我数学不太好,但 100%OFF 不就是免费吗?!Hmmm,最好趁着博士学位的大佬们还没反应过来的时候先去领了。另外,还有一个免费的表情可以领取,你还等什么呢?等着看这篇新闻的结尾有啥?喂喂,都免费了,还搁这看呢?
【转自 MCBBS 广药 的 https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1071781-1-1.html】 可惜我是用论坛的MC版本 Minecraft杰布 发表于 2020-7-4 18:55
苦力怕纸 发表于 2020-7-4 20:25
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