发表于 2021-3-21 23:36:50
发表于 2021-3-23 13:40:05
发表于 2021-3-24 12:15:24
发表于 2021-3-24 12:15:59
发表于 2021-3-24 22:33:04
发表于 2021-3-26 12:51:29
发表于 2021-3-26 14:22:02
部分翻译参考了 帅大2004, zyjking , AzureZeng (MCBBS)以前的翻译。
For Map Makers and Add-On Creators:对于地图制作者和Add-On创建者:
Updated Template Packs
[*]Updated templates for 1.16.210 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available for download
[*]Resource Pack Template:
[*]Behavior Pack Template (Includes documentation):
[*]Added the "fogs" folder to the Resource Pack template
[*]为资源包模版增加了 "fogs" 文件夹
[*]Added Fog documentation
[*]Horses, Donkeys, Mules, Skeleton Horses, and Zombie Horses can now properly be given custom names, and identified using their respective "runtime_identifier"
[*]马,驴,骡,骷髅马和僵尸马现在能被正确命名了,并以它们的 "runtime_identifier" 进行识别。
[*]Improved performance for actors using 'TemptGoal'
[*]改进了使用 "TemptGal" 的实体的表现
[*]Zombie villagers spawned from zombie spawners on Marketplace worlds that were created after version 1.11 now correctly spawn as V2 zombie villagers. When cured, they will now correctly turn into V2 villagers
[*]Fixed upgrade path for 'format_version' 1.13.0 boats to be properly upgraded to 1.16.100, which resolves a bug where boats templated worlds with a version lower than 1.16.100 had no gravity
[*] 'format_version' 为1.13.0 的船能正常升级到1.16.100,修复了版本1.16.100以下的世界模版中的船没有重力的问题。
[*]Documentation for Bedrock Server Commands has been updated to show the correct commands for permission reloading and listing (BDS-2341)
[*]Structure blocks no longer auto-save data when structure name text box is deselected (MCPE-101055)
[*]Entities that use material state "Blending" now render correctly behind transparent parts
[*]The scoreboard data of an entity is no longer removed if the entity is being teleported to an unloaded area of the world
[*]Custom blocks now can only drop default state when broken, even with Silk Touch
[*]修复了自定义方块被破坏后只会掉落默认状态的方块 (即使使用了精准采集) 的问题。
[*]Structures can now be deleted from the saved structure list using the new '/structure delete <name>' command
[*]使用新的 '/structure delete <name>' 命令,结构能从保存的结构列表中被删除。
[*]Added new slash command options for '/setblock', '/fill', and '/clone' commands for passing in a list of block states to set on the block being spawned
[*]'/setblock', '/fill', and '/clone' 指令新增了命令提示选项,来向要生成的方块传递方块状态列表
[*]A boolean parameter called "ignore_game_mode" has been added for the block event response "decrement_stack", set to false by default. Thus "decrement_stack" no longer decreases the item stack when playing in Creative by default
[*]为方块事件 "decrement_stack" 新增了布尔值变量"ignore_game_mode",默认值为false。所以,默认为创造模式下,"decrement_stack"不会再减少物品的数量。
[*]Changing 'RideableComponent' property "rotate_rider_by" to function for custom mobs
[*]更改了 'RideableComponent' 的 "rotate_rider_by" 属性,使其能为自定义生物生效。
[*]'SetBlock' and 'SetBlockAtPos' events now support custom block states (MCPE-104747)
[*]'SetBlock' 和 'SetBlockAtPos' 事件现在支持自定义方块状态了。
[*]Attachable items created in 1.16.2 and before will not render for their player in first person. Attachable items created after 1.16.2 will render for their player in first person unless they are armor
GameTest FrameworkGameTest 框架
[*]GameTest is server-side test automation tool that is based on pairing test code with test structures. You can trigger the tests via the '/gametest' command once you have enabled the "Enable GameTest Framework" experimental toggle for a world
[*]GameTest是一个服务器端测试的自动化工具,其基于将测试代码与测试结构配对。启用 "Enable gametest Framework" 实验性玩法后,就可以通过 /gametest 命令来测试。
[*]NOTE: GameTest is not functional on console platforms
Custom Biomes and Blocks自定义生物群系和方块
[*]Disabled loading of entities in custom biome features
[*]Fixed UVs of data-driven blocks to not be slightly shrunk, which caused texel warping
[*]Fixed data-driven blocks being pushed by pistons not working correctly
Render Offsets Component渲染偏移组件
[*]Simple items, like swords or pickaxes, can have an optional offset applied to them to modify the way they are rendered. Note this component should not be added to an attachable item
[*]Component Variables:
[*]main_hand - An optional object storing optional transform data for 'first_person' and 'third_person' for the player's right hand
[*]main_hand - 可选的对象,用来存储玩家右手的 'first_person' 和 'third_person' 的转换数据。
[*]off_hand - An optional object storing optional transform data for 'first_person' and 'third_person' for the player's left hand
[*]off_hand - 可选的对象,用来存储玩家左手的 'first_person' 和 'third_person' 的转换数据。
[*]first_person - An optional object storing 3 vectors 'position', 'rotation', 'scale' used to build the first person matrix
[*]first_person - 可选的对象,用来存储3个用来构建第一人称矩阵的向量:'position', 'rotation', 'scale'
[*]third_person - An optional object storing 3 vectors 'position', 'rotation', 'scale' used to build the third person matrix
[*]third_person - 可选的对象,用来存储3个用来构建第三人称矩阵的向量:'position', 'rotation', 'scale'
Bedrock Dedicated Server基岩版独有服务器
[*]On server side, added protection from semicolon usage in server-name parameter in '' config file. If semicolon symbol(s) are used by the user in server-name parameter then any semicolon(s) will be removed to provide correct client-server interactions. Additional comments are added to '', which are not allow to use semicolon symbol(s) in server-name parameter
[*]服务端,'' 配置文件中的服务器名称参数不能使用分号。如果使用了,所有的分号都将被删除除来保证正常的用户端和服务端交互。'' 中对此增加了额外的注释。
[*]On server side, added protection from semicolon and symbols illegal for file name usage in level-name parameter in '' config file. If semicolon or symbols illegal for file name are used by user in level-name parameter then those symbols will be removed to provide correct client-server interactions and correct level-name parameter usage on server side. Additional comments are added to '', which are not allow semicolon or symbols illegal for file name usage in level-name parameter
[*]服务端,'' 配置文件中的等级名称参数不能使用分号和任何文件名中禁止的符号。如果使用了,它们会被删除来保证正常的用户端和服务端交互。'' 中对此增加了额外的注释。
[*]On client side, added additional verification and correction for Unconnected Pong packet data to prevent incorrect server parameters parsing and inability of the client to connect to the server as result of that. Unit-tests are added for parsing, additional verification and correction of Unconnected Pong packet data (BDS-6825)
发表于 2021-3-27 09:24:50
发表于 2021-4-3 12:33:44
发表于 2021-4-8 20:58:14