Oleg Kozitsyn: UI 更新的时间通知
Oleg Kozitsyn: My dears! Some of you are wondering about the next UI update in the context of the Caves & Cliffs timeline. Currently it's only certain the UI update is going to be after the first part of Caves & Cliffs, but I'm not sure if before the second one. Stay tuned!Oleg Kozitsyn: 听说你们有些人想要打听洞穴与山崖更新过程中的下一次基岩版 UI 更新。而当下我们只敢确定一点:UI 更新只会在洞穴与山崖第一部分更新之后,但我不保证会在第二部分之前。敬请关注!
【转自mcbbs用户Jaanai的:https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1193357-1-1.html】 终于等到1.17泪目 说了但又啥也没说,泪目 什么时候出1.18
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