步骤:1.先下载ant。可以到 ant官网 http://ant.apache.org/ 进行下载。到官网后,先点击Binary Distributions。
下载.....1.8.4-bin.zip(前面档名省略)。下载好后请先解压缩,放到合适的位置(建议在C槽下建立一个javalib资料夹,裡面可放入这些常用的jar包)。接下来是进行ant的环境配置,配置好后可以在CMD中输入 ant -version查询版本,能够查询到就表示安装成功。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<project name="Sample" basedir="." default="all">
<!-- Your name here -->
<property name="author" value="C. Reeper" />
<!-- Your release version here -->
<property name="version" value="1.0.0" />
<!-- Choose ".zip" or ".jar" as the dist file extension -->
<property name="filetype" value="zip" />
<!-- Update if mcp directory isn't in same location as this file -->
<property name="mcp.dir" location="./mcp" />
<!-- Update if dist directory isn't in same location as this file -->
<property name="dist.dir" location="./dist" />
<!-- Update only if build directory isn't in same location as this file -->
<property name="build.dir" location="./build" />
<!-- Update to point to your Python executable. Example: /usr/bin/python -->
<!-- The following location is for Windows: -->
<property name="python" location="${mcp.dir}/runtime/bin/python/python_mcp.exe" />
<target name="init" description="Initialize build environment">
<echo message="Cleaning old build and dist, MCP reobf directories" />
<delete dir="${build.dir}" />
<delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
<delete dir="${mcp.dir}/reobf" />
<echo message="Creating build and dist dirs" />
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
<target name="recompile" description="MCP recompile" >
<exec executable="${python}" dir="${mcp.dir}">
<arg value="runtime/recompile.py"/>
<arg value="%*"/>
<target name="reobfuscate" description="MCP reobfuscate">
<exec executable="${python}" dir="${mcp.dir}">
<arg value="runtime/reobfuscate.py"/>
<arg value="%*"/>
<target name="stage" description="Stage resources into build directory">
<copy todir="${build.dir}">
<fileset dir="${mcp.dir}/reobf/minecraft" excludes=".svn/**, *.txt" />
<!-- Copy other stuff specific to your project -->
<target name="all" description="Perform all tasks for a build" depends="init, recompile, reobfuscate, stage, jarzip">
<echo message="MCP Ant Build Completed!" />
<target name="jarzip" description="Jar (or zip) the project's dist output">
<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${ant.project.name}${version}.${filetype}" duplicate="preserve" index="true" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
<attribute name="Built-By" value="MCP (http://mcp.ocean-labs.de)"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${author}"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${ant.project.name}"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version}"/>
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" />
<property name="author" value="C. Reeper" /> 作者,自己的作品当然输入自己的名字
<property name="version" value="1.0.0" /> 版号
<property name="filetype" value="zip" /> 产出是zip或jar
<property name="mcp.dir" location="./mcp" /> 主要目录,各位如果从上面看下来,那这地方我的就应该修改成mcp62
,选择Link to files就好啦!!
都完成拉,就剩下执行,大功告成!!产出的档案会在dist里面。 我没看懂{:12_325:}{:12_304:}
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