发表于 2021-7-12 21:21:05


The First AntiCheat for Bedrock Edition Everyone can Use! Hackers can be really Annoying. No matter if you have a private Server and your Friend is trolling you and hacking on you or if you’re on a Public Server and Hackers ruin your Game. Stop them all. With Simple Anti Cheat.

Simple Anti Cheat Has a lot of Features to offer: Fight Back Hackers with Multiple Cheat Detections And other Useful Features:

Speed: Players Moving to Fast will automatically set off an alert or/and be „Flagged“ Back
Fly: Fly Hackers will also set off an alert or/and be pulled to the Ground and damaged
LiquidWalk/Jesus: Hackers can no longer Walk on Water without setting off alerts
X-Ray: You will be notified if a Player finds an unusual Amount of Ores.
Phase: Hackers won‘t be able to Phase through Blocks anymore
Teleport: Hackers won‘t be able to teleport around.
KillAura/Aimbot : Detects KillAura and Aimbot and damages the Player.
Ban System: Players can be easily banned by using /tag (player) add TempBan(Time) to Temporarily Ban a Player or even /tag (player) add PermBan to Permanently Ban a Player
Excellent Notifications: /function notify/on To be notified about everything: Players Hacking, Players Changing their Gamemode, Even Players being Banned
/tag (player) add info will Grant you with all Informations about that Player SAC Has Collected like all Violations (Cheat Detections), Gamemode, Movement, Exemptions, Bans, etc.
/tag (player) add SpeedSens(1 | 2 | 3 | 4) – Changes the Sensitivity to trigger Speed Flags (The Higher the more Sensitive) – works with XRaySens, SpeedSens, FlySens & TPSens
And lots more: /function sac/help
When a Hacker gets more than 10 Flags, they will get a Warning Message to turn their Hacks off if Flagging is Enabled
When a Hacker gets more than 15 Flags, they will get Kicked from the game if AutoMod is Enabled.
If Flagging is turned off, This Anticheat is silent meaning People wont notice if it detects them for cheating. Staff however will still get notified if SAC detects Cheats and can examin the Situation themselves.

简单的反作弊 有很多功能可以提供: 通过多个作弊检测和其他有用的功能来反击黑客:

速度: 移动到快速的玩家会自动发出警报或/并被 “标记” 回来
飞行: 飞行黑客也会发出警报或/并被拉到地面并被损坏
LiquidWalk/耶稣: 黑客不能在不发出警报的情况下在水上行走
X射线: 如果玩家发现异常数量的矿石,你会收到通知。
阶段: 黑客将无法再逐步通过块
传送: 黑客将无法传送。
KillAura/Aimbot : 检测到KillAura和Aimbot并伤害玩家。
禁令系统: 可以通过使用/tag (玩家) 轻松禁止玩家添加临时禁令 (时间) 以暂时禁止玩家,甚至/tag (玩家) 添加永久禁令以永久禁止玩家
优秀的通知:/功能通知/关于一切的通知: 玩家黑客攻击,玩家改变他们的游戏模式,甚至玩家被禁止
/tag (玩家) 添加信息将向您提供有关SAC收集的所有玩家信息,例如所有违规 (作弊检测) 、游戏模式、移动、豁免、禁令等。
/标签 (玩家) 添加速度传感器 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) -更改触发速度标志的灵敏度 (越高,越敏感)-与XRaySens、速度传感器、flySens & TPSens

wdsj11 发表于 2021-7-22 21:14:48


发表于 2021-7-22 21:27:38

wdsj11 发表于 2021-7-22 21:14


2939996368 发表于 2021-9-30 16:06:17


Miss_Past 发表于 2021-12-20 20:31:48


幻境的BGM 发表于 2023-6-3 19:45:51

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