Minecraft 1.20 将加入考古机制
Dig into the history of Minecraft!
探寻 Minecraft 中的历史!
You read that title correctly, dear reader. Archeology is coming to Minecraft! But that’s not all. We’re going to be revealing the remaining features for Minecraft 1.20, so keep your eyes on Minecraft.net and our social channels. You can start digging, dusting, and testing out all the new features in snapshots, betas and previews that will be coming to you very soon! Keep in mind that this is just the very first iteration, we will be adding a lot more as we continue to develop this feature. Check out these instructions for installing snapshots, betas, and previews so you’re prepared when they make it to a device near you!
亲爱的读者,你没有看错。考古机制将加入 Minecraft!不仅如此,我们还将逐步公布 Minecraft 1.20 的其它特性,请持续关注 Minecraft.net 以及我们的官方频道。可供你尽情采掘、扬尘、测试新特性的快照、Beta、预览版本将很快发布!请注意即将发布的内容只是初版,我们在开发此特性过程中还将加入许多新内容。你可以阅读此说明了解如何安装快照、Beta、预览版,这样你就能在它们发布的时候第一时间体验!
When you’re ready to get started with your new career as a Minecraft Archeologist, or M’archeologist as it’s known colloquially, head out to a nearby desert. That’s where the sand lives. Yes, yes, beaches have sand too. Good for them. But we’re looking for a special type of sand today. Pick a nice plot near some desert temples and start shoveling. As we continue to work on archeology, more dig site areas will be added. So keep sending us your feedback and checking in on future snapshots, betas, and previews to stay up to date on where to dig!
如果你已经准备好成为 Minecraft 考古学家,或 M’考古学家,这二者没有区别,请前往最近的沙漠。那里是沙子居住的地方,对对对,海边也有沙子,但今天我们要找的是一种特殊的沙子。你可以选一处沙漠神殿附近的好地方开始挖掘。在我们开发考古机制的过程中,更多挖掘良地也将被加入。所以,反馈不要停,记得跟进最新快照、Beta、预览来保持消息灵通!
While you’re digging, look out for a new block: suspicious sand! As the name suggests, you need to tread carefully here. Or rather, brush carefully. Along with new blocks and a general air of mystery, archeology also brings a new tool: The brush. Break it out, and carefully brush your block of suspicious sand. This allows you to distract whatever is hiding within, which can be anything from pottery shards to random objects!
If you look closely at the pottery shard, you can see that a partial pattern is painted on it. Once you collect four shards, you can put them together for a pot! There are different patterns that tell unique stories and make for very decorative accents in your builds.
Speaking of unique stories, the secret library that I found and now officially live in is filled with them. But it also contains an extensive travel section, which is where I found a journal that was as mysterious as it was dusty. It was stuffed between an Overworld atlas and a stack of Nether travel brochures . I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the string of numbers that were listed on each page. Could this be a secret code? Phone numbers to former Minecraft.net writers? Or could it be someone’s super-secret seed log? I am going to test out that last one by entering some of them into my game and see where I spawn!
说到神奇的故事,我前段时间找到了间神秘的图书馆,现在住在里面,全是这种东西。里面还有一个巨大的游记专题,我在那里找到了一本日记,身上的谜团就和上面盖的灰尘一样多。它塞在一本主世界地图册和下界旅游手册之间。我也不知道我拿这本书是想看什么,但我确实没想到会在里面每一页上发现神秘数字,连成了一串数字。这可能是什么暗号吗?前 Minecraft.net 编辑的电话?或者超——级神秘的种子码?我会在游戏里测试一下第二种可能,看看会出生在哪!
While you’re perusing seeds and getting ready to dig like you’ve never dug before, check out the instructions for how to install Bedrock betas and previews and Java snapshots on your preferred platform!
在你破译种子,并且如饥似渴地采掘的同时,请看看关于如何安装基岩版 Beta 和预览以及 Java 版快照的说明 !
原帖地址:【https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1426818-1-1.html】 好耶!终于加入考古学了 不知为何,我和马库斯达成了共识——现在的Minecraft已经死掉了 训练师杉斯 发表于 2023-2-12 07:27
你要搞明白的是,Minecraft究竟是因为什么火起来的,自身的游戏性自然是一大卖点,可这并不是真正让Minecraft火起来的原因。它纯粹是靠这庞大的有趣的多元化的社区,由始至终,没有这个社区,Minecraft不会出名,会永远是一个小众游戏,所有的Minecraft热度低谷也是因为社区活力降低。搞明白了原因我们再来看这次更新,它有使社区活力降低吗?会让人们对这次更新失望吗?完全没有,相反,这次更新开始汲取各种社区内的意见,激发了社区的活力,听到这些更新之后无不高兴,尤其是国外社区(当然Minecraft社区主力在国外,虽然国内Minecraft社区不小,但属于小巫见大巫)这样的更新我相信会重新使Minecraft热度上升。承认吧,马库斯并不是伟大的,他仅仅是创造Minecraft的人,我很感谢他创造了这个多姿多彩的世界,可是我们更应该感谢社区,社区使Minecraft永远年轻,如果mojang不再更新Minecraft,它仍会因为社区的活力而热度不减,这样的Minecraft难道可以说是死了吗 感觉现在这个陶罐的材质还没有1.17预告片里的陶罐长得好看呢[贴吧_喷] 感觉还没有预告片好看。 训练师杉斯 发表于 2023-2-12 07:27
Minecraft没有死,反而Minecraft正在从半死不活中重新活起来 考古学终于踹开棺材板了[哔哩_星星眼][哔哩_星星眼][哔哩_星星眼] 好期待啊 看来1.20mojang确实用心了,吸取了1.17到1.19的教训