For years, Minecraft's yearly update has given players the Mob Vote: the option to vote between three creatures to be added to the yearly update. This year, three equally great options are presented, which reveals a problem with the game's content release cycle.
近些年来,Minecraft 总会在一年一次的更新中让玩家进行生物投票:届时将有3个候选生物成为投票的选项。今年的投票活动终于有了3个绝对平衡的选项,然而它却暴露了藏在游戏内容更新周期里的更大问题。
The Mob Vote generates engagement by tearing the community apart, leaving fantastic ideas on the cutting room floor, and teasing content that will never be seen in the game. That, mixed with the fact that Mojang somehow releases less content WITH Microsoft's backing than they did without, means players see minimal content to the game they love, and watch as possibly the one thing to get them to play again is ripped from them.
生物投票能够产生玩家粘性,然而依靠的却是撕裂社区,想到不错的点子却不去实施,以及用这些永远不会在游戏里出现的内容来欺骗玩家。另外事实表明,在被Microsoft收购以后,Mojang 的内容产出反而不如从前。对玩家而言,不仅要看着热爱的游戏仿佛挤牙膏般地更新,还要眼睁睁看着自己玩下去的动力被他们剥夺。
Many have expressed their discontent with the Mob Vote in the past, with fan favorites like the Moobloom not making it into the game, and with content creators mobilizing their fanbases to vote for the least popular option for the joke of screwing over the other voters. This shows that the mob vote is inherently flawed.
Lastly, Minecraft made its popularity due to its regular updates and large amounts of content. This was back as early as 2011. Now, Minecraft is not only the highest selling game ever released, but has the financial backing of the massive corporation Microsoft. Despite this, players only receive a single, very small content update each year. The Mob Vote teases at some of that content, only for a third of what was teased to make it in, further decreasing the content of the update.
最后让我们倒回 2011 年, Minecraft 那时的广受好评,根本原因在于它能定期的更新,还能产生大量的内容。反观现在,虽然 Minecraft 是有史以来销量最佳的游戏,还得到了微软公司的资金支持,然而玩家每年只能得到数量可怜的内容更新。还得承受所谓生物投票的“三中择一”,这样的生物投票还要继续挖去部分的更新内容。
So we call upon Mojang. Stop the Mob Vote. Give us three mobs each year. If unpaid modders can add your mobs to the game within days after they're announced, the least you could do is keep up with the content frequency that made Minecraft famous.
因此我们在这里向 Mojang 呼吁。不要再进行生物投票了。请让每年的 3 个生物都能加入游戏。哪怕是用爱发电的模组作者们都能在选项公布后的几天之内便让生物们在Minecraft里活灵活现地展示出来,你们也至少要让内容更新的频率对得起 Minecraft 的知名度吧!