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| 本帖最后由 Cinder 于 2023-11-3 00:27 编辑
|Minecraft 基岩版是指运行在移动平台(Android、iOS)、Windows 10、主机(Xbox One、Switch、PlayStation 4)上,使用「基岩引擎」(C++语言)开发的 Minecraft 版本。 |正式版是Minecraft基岩版经过一段时间的测试版测试之后得到的稳定版本,也是众多纹理、Addon和官方领域服会逐渐跟进的版本。与此同时Google Play、Win10 Store等官方软件商店也会推送此次更新。 |转载本贴时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
Minecraft - 1.20.41 (Bedrock) Minecraft 基岩版 1.20.41
Posted: November 2, 2023 发布于:2023年11月2日
A new update has been released to address some issues that were introduced with the 1.20.40 update. 我们发布了一个新更新来解决1.20.40版本中出现的问题。
Fixes 修复
- Fixed a crash that could occur when joining a Realm after doing other things for a while
- 修复了在浏览其他内容一段时间后加入Realm时可能发生的崩溃
- Fixed a crash that could occur when joining Featured Servers
- 修复了在加入精选服务器时可能发生的崩溃
- Fixed a crash on Amazon devices when the player had a prior Realms purchase and the Realm had not been created yet
- 修复了Amazon设备用户在已购买Realms订阅但未创建时会发生的崩溃
- Fixed a possible soft lock when performing different actions within Marketplace
- 修复了在市场中进行不同操作时可能发生的锁死
- Fixed searching, filtering, and sorting only displaying the first row of results when using the search feature inside the Marketplace
- 修复了在使用市场内置的搜索功能时检索/筛选/分类时只显示第一行结果的问题
- World type filters now apply properly when using search filters in the Marketplace
- 现在在使用市场的筛选功能时,世界类型筛选器会正常地工作
- Fixed an issue with not being able to upgrade from the demo to full version on PlayStation
- 修复了在Playstation平台上无法将试玩版游戏升级为完整版的问题
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