本帖最后由 El_Trueno 于 2023-11-21 22:09 编辑
|预发布版是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和Mod制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |1.20.3 仍未发布,当前版本为其第1个预览版。 |转载本贴时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版
We're bringing you the first Pre-Release of 1.20.3 with updates to server resource pack handling and bug fixes!
1.20.3 版本的第一个预发布版现已推出,该版本修复了一些bug的同时,对服务器资源包处理做出了更新!
- The Data Pack version is now 26
- 数据包版本现在是 26
- The Resource Pack version is now 22
- 资源包版本现在是 22
- Changes to downloaded/world resource pack handling
- 调整了已下载/世界资源包处理的行为
Changes apply to world resource packs (resources.zip), Realms resource packs and resource packs controlled by dedicated servers.
- Download screen has been replaced with a toast
- 替换下载屏幕为一个弹窗
- World resource pack application will start together with chunk loading
- 世界资源包的应用将与区块加载一同进行
Downloaded packs are now stored in downloads directory (with different file organization than old server-resource-packs)
下载的资源包现在存储在 downloads 文件夹目录(相较于先前的 server-resource-packs 也有了不同的文件组织方式)
- Files in this directory are no longer automatically cleaned (previously only up 10 packs were kept)
- 该文件夹目录的文件不再自动清理(之前最多只会保留10个资源包)
- Additionally, inside this directory there is also log file log.json that stores information about downloaded files for debug purposes
- 此外,出于调试目的,在此目录下还将生成名为 log.json 、用于存储下载文件信息的日志文件
Downloaded packs now have unique id (GUID/UUID) that can be used to differentiate them
已下载的资源包将可命名为独一无二的 id(GUID/UUID)以示区分
- This value for dedicated server pack can be configured with resource-pack-id option in server.properties
- 对于专用服务器使用的资源包,该值可由 server.properties 中的 resource-pack-id 配置
- If the value is missing, it will be generated based on URL
- 若缺失,则将根据 URL 生成
- If hash of a pack is not set, this pack will be redownloaded before every application
- 若未设置资源包哈希值,则每次应用资源包前都将会重新下载
- Previously, if hash was missing, latest downloaded version of pack was applied
- 之前只会应用最近一次下载的版本
Some additional options are added for 3rd-party servers software:
- Client can now accept multiple server resource packs
- 客户端现可同时接收多个服务器资源包
- New packet was added to un-apply server resource packs
- 新包将会被加入到未启用的服务器资源包
- Resource packs are no longer cleaned when entering configuration phase
- 资源包不再于进入配置阶段时被清理
DATA PACK VERSION 26 数据包版本 26 更新内容
- Renamed minecraft:grass block and item to minecraft:short_grass
- 将 minecraft:grass 方块和物品重命名为 minecraft:short_grass
RESOURCE PACK VERSION 22 资源包版本 22 更新内容
- Renamed minecraft:grass block and item to minecraft:short_grass
- 将 minecraft:grass 方块和物品重命名为 minecraft:short_grass
FIXED BUGS IN 1.20.3 PRE-RELEASE 1 1.20.3-pre1 修复的漏洞
- MC-142160 - pausedTickDelta updated when the game is unpaused rather than paused
- MC-142160 - pausedTickDelta字段应该在游戏冻结时更新,而不是在游戏开始正常运行时更新
- MC-164316 - Resource pack update by a hash doesn't work
- MC-164316 - 无法通过哈希值校验更新数据包
- MC-251126 - Server resource pack is not redownloaded when a hash mismatch is detected with the previously downloaded version
- MC-251126 - 即使先前下载的服务器资源包版本哈希值校验失败,游戏也不会重新下载服务器资源包
- MC-265927 - Edit box length restrictions can result in unpaired surrogate characters
- MC-265927 - 编辑框长度限制会导致出现未配对代理字符
- MC-265929 - Ctrl+Backspacing a word with non-BMP characters in an edit box deletes additional characters
- MC-265929 - 在编辑框中使用 Ctrl + Backspace 删除非BMP字符时会多删除一些字符
- MC-266456 - Breezes in minecarts or boats are passive
- MC-266456 - 旋风人坐上矿车或船后无法攻击
- MC-266468 - Breeze cannot attack in deep water
- MC-266468 - 旋风人无法在水下攻击
- MC-266472 - Charged creeper / wither armor is rendered incorrectly
- MC-266472 - 闪电苦力怕和“凋灵护甲”渲染错误
- MC-266507 - Number of block drops from TNT explosions is capped to 16
- MC-266507 - TNT爆炸炸毁方块时,掉落物数量最多为16
- MC-266563 - End Crystals and TNT Minecarts that explode without a source entity deal no damage at all
- MC-266563 - 无来源实体的末地水晶和TNT矿车的爆炸不会产生伤害
- MC-266571 - Breezes won't attack while under the effects of levitation status
- MC-266571 - 旋风人在具有飘浮状态效果时无法攻击
- MC-266656 - The interpolation of particle, entity and block entity transforms is disrupted when pausing the game in singleplayer
- MC-266656 - 单人游戏的粒子、实体和方块实体的插值变形会在游戏暂停时中断
- MC-266723 - Monsters Hunted advancement requires killing a Breeze even when they're disabled
- MC-266723 - 即使禁用了实验性数据包,怪物猎人进度依然需要击杀旋风人
- MC-266724 - scoreboard players resetno longer works
- MC-266724 - /scoreboard players reset <targets> <objective> 命令失效
- MC-266729 - Unformatted objects in scoreboard error messages
- MC-266729 - 错误消息中的记分板追踪实体名未进行格式化处理
【 震天 译自官网 2023 年 11 月 20 日发布的 Minecraft 1.20.3 Pre-Release 1;原作者 Java Team】
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