本帖最后由 BlueNine 于 2025-1-5 01:08 编辑
一款支持玩家自己设定家园世界垃圾桶的插件 没听明白? 该清理插件在某个世界(玩家家园)清理物品时 会把物品收集到玩家自己创建的家园垃圾桶里 集各种功能于一身 配置性极高 支持多国语言
在这里讲个地狱笑话 [Player]:腐竹,我的量子太阳能被扫地插件吃了,能不能补我? [OP]:不是,你没法证明,我清理插件也没记录啊
[OP]:万一你藏起来,我补了相当于刷两份 [Player]:***
至此,这个插件诞生了 功能展示 (图片大小被特殊处理,放心食用)
文字版功能说明,也可直接前往配置文件查看 (如果你不想看下面的图的话) 一:特殊扫地功能: ①清理时把各世界的物品装进玩家自己创建的家园垃圾桶中 ②支持一个世界创建多个垃圾桶 ③支持VIP玩家放置比默认垃圾桶数量更多的垃圾桶 ④公共垃圾桶(如果有某个家园世界的垃圾桶已经塞满了就会进公共垃圾桶),可翻页,支持配置最大页码、每次扫地之前是否清理内有物品,都可配置 ⑤家园垃圾桶支持玩家自己配置物品黑名单(垃圾桶黑名单用Gui配置物品, 放入同一物品两次即解除黑名单,在使用黑名单时会让玩家在三秒内破坏/放置任何方块来证明拥有这个世界的权限才可以打开黑名单配置Gui), 同时也支持公共垃圾桶黑名单,黑名单指的是这类物品不会进垃圾桶,如果两种垃圾桶都没有进,才会直接清理 ⑥锁箱子类的创建垃圾桶的方式,创建拆除均有提示,创建垃圾桶时会进行文字替换,更加炫酷,同时也可配置 ⑦支持配置精确到任何一秒不一样的提示,如60:还有60秒进行扫地,3:还剩三秒 ⑧支持禁止某些世界玩家不能创建垃圾桶 ⑨支持公共垃圾桶配置在第N次扫地时进行一次公共垃圾桶的清理,-1为不清理公共垃圾桶 二:实体扫地功能 ①支持配置白名单、黑名单 ②支持检测模组类型实体 ③支持使用所有怪物以及所有动物来进行懒人式配置 三:密集实体清理 ①支持配置不同实体数量(如果看不懂,直接看示例) ②支持配置检测距离 ③支持配置以上条件达标后的实体杀死数量 ④支持某些世界不限制密集实体 示例:羊:10格内:最多8只,达到条件后清理4只;鸡:4格内,最多3只,达到条件后清理2只 四:禁止刷屏/刷指令系统 ①支持配置间隔、消息提示 ②支持配置指令白名单即不受刷屏限制的指令 五:优化 ①瞬间清理插在地上无法拾取的箭矢,如骷髅射的和无限附魔弓射的 ②禁止踩踏耕地 六:防御物品丢弃系统 ①玩家可主动开启或关闭防丢弃模式 七:支持多种提示同时显示 ①Actionbar 玩家经验条上方 ②Title 大标题小标题 ③BossBar boss血条 ④Chat 聊天框 精确到每秒不同样式不同RGB颜色 如,最后三秒bossbar + chat + actionbar一起提示,且每秒的bossbar的样式不同,RGB颜色不同 *:提示信息 所有提示信息可配置(Debug模式下除外),语言可选中文英文繁体(作者自翻,尽量精确) |
完全可定制的提示 (和以前的告示牌锁箱子类似) 支持多条提示消息,可以实现完全自定义的提示例如,当还剩三秒时,让“bossbar”、“actionbar”、“chat”和“title”一起提示 或者,您可以让bossbar每秒更改其样式 (bossbar可换实心、非实心,包括其颜色,可以做到每秒换一个样式,每秒换一个RGB颜色)变形态
玩家自行创建世界垃圾桶 (和以前的告示牌锁箱子类似) 但是创建后告示牌字体会变形态
玩家制作家园垃圾桶 (当清理执行时,会把物品添加到家园垃圾桶里)
家园垃圾桶溢出才会添加到公共垃圾桶 (公共垃圾桶可设置最大页码,公共垃圾桶黑名单)
玩家可将物品加入家园垃圾桶黑名单即可不回收该物品 这样的话该物品会直接进入公共垃圾桶 (如果该物品同时也是公共垃圾桶的黑名单,才会真正意义上的被清理)
(现已支持配置排除带有特殊lore的物品被处理,如QS商店的悬浮物带有showLocation) (公共垃圾桶支持在每次扫地时候提前清理装入新物品也支持不清理,把扫到的所有垃圾都堆在里面)
(使用指令/WorldListTrashCan Look 可查看实体的类型,填入配置文件可配置实体黑名单/白名单) (支持清理模组拔刀剑的特殊实体,如下图的实体,只需将Look指令查看到的类型填入黑名单即可清理) .
密集实体清理 (可配置检测半径,目标数量,杀死或移除多少只以及对玩家的提示)
1.快速的移除本就无法拾取的箭矢(如骷髅和带有无限附魔的弓射出的箭矢) 2.禁止玩家踩踏耕地
具体功能解释都在配置文件里,这里只做功能展示 基本都可以配置
进群反馈BUG/提建议 QQ群:923738709
2.插件代码优化不错,只会对黑名单进行简单类型判断,不用担心检测是否会造成性能问题3.在配置文件中可配置某些世界不可创建垃圾桶,垃圾桶本身不会进行权限判断,因为毕竟,如果其他玩家本身有家园权限才能放置方块 4.垃圾桶本身不会进行权限判断,但是垃圾桶黑名单添加Gui会进行权限判断,判断方式为三秒内放置或破坏任意一个方块(当然,不会真的被破坏掉)才会打开黑名单添加Gui
近乎所有参数都可在config.yml调整 配置文件里每个参数有详细的说明 (近乎所有的功能以及所有的提示信息都可配置!)
目前支持并自带的语言文件 简体中文 - PluginTitle: "&7|&e⭐&b世界垃圾桶&e⭐&7|"
- BanChestInventoryName: "%PluginTitle% &d&l世界:%world%黑名单&c&l(放入两次视为移除)"
- GlobalBanChestInventoryName: "%PluginTitle% &d&l全局黑名单&c&l(放入两次视为移除)"
- BanAddItem: "%PluginTitle% &b您在世界垃圾桶的黑名单中添加了物品: %ItemType%"
- BanRemoveItem: "%PluginTitle% &c您在世界垃圾桶的黑名单中移除了物品: %ItemType%"
- BanNull: "%PluginTitle% &d你没有加入/删除任何物品,因为它是空的"
- GlobalBanListTitle: "%PluginTitle% &6目前全局世界垃圾桶禁用了如下物品"
- BanListTitle: "%PluginTitle% &6目前该世界垃圾桶禁用了如下物品"
- BanItemFormat: "%PluginTitle% &b[&a%Item%&b]"
- RashBreak: "%PluginTitle% &a你在 %world% 世界破坏/删除了一个世界垃圾桶"
- ReachRashCanCount: "%PluginTitle% &c你不能再创建更多的世界垃圾桶了!"
- InBanWorldList: "%PluginTitle% &c这个世界禁止玩家创建世界垃圾桶"
- NotChest: "%PluginTitle% &c这不是一个普通箱子,无法充当世界垃圾桶"
- CreateRashCan: "%PluginTitle% &a你在 %world% 创建/覆盖了一个世界垃圾桶"
- AddRashMaxCountTrue: "%PluginTitle% &a设置成功,目前%world%世界最大世界垃圾桶数量为%count%"
- NotInt: "%PluginTitle% &c你输入的不是整数,添加失败"
- NotFindChest: "%PluginTitle% &6由于没有找到箱子,自动从存储中移除了该 %location% 位置"
- NotFindConfig: "%PluginTitle% &c插件无法写入信息,请检查插件data子文件夹是否存在"
- NotFindMessage: "%PluginTitle% &c插件无法找到message子文件夹,请检查插件message子文件夹是否存在"
- NotFindMessageSlave: "%PluginTitle% &c语言文件节点: %path% 未找到,请自行添加,或下载最新版的语言文件"
- ConfigError: "%PluginTitle% &c配置文件里有一个不正常的坐标或不存在的世界: 尝试加载的世界名为%world% 坐标名为%location%"
- NotIsOp: "%PluginTitle% &c只有管理员能够使用这个命令"
- NotFindWorld: "%PluginTitle% &c没有找到这个世界"
- NotIsPlayer: "%PluginTitle% &c只有玩家可以使用这种格式的指令"
- WorldListTrashCanAdd: "%PluginTitle% &c正确用法为: /WorldListTrashCan add [世界名] <世界垃圾桶数量>"
- NotInputArgAdd: "%PluginTitle% &c只有玩家能够不写世界名字这个参数来使用这个命令"
- ReloadInformation: "%PluginTitle% &a插件已重载"
- NotHavePermission: "%PluginTitle% &c你没有%permission%权限,无法使用"
- TrashMenuTitle: "&b 全球世界垃圾桶"
- TrashMenuUpPage: "&b 上一页"
- TrashMenuDownPage: "&b 下一页"
- NotWorldPlaceOrBreakFlag: "%PluginTitle% &c你并没有这个地图/家园的权限,无法打开黑名单Gui"
- HaveFlag: "%PluginTitle% &a看起来你有权限,已为您打开黑名单Gui"
- SecondCountdown: "%PluginTitle% &6请在三秒内放置/破坏任意一个方块,证明自己有该地图(家园)权限"
- SecondCountdownEnd: "%PluginTitle% &c三秒已到,你没有尝试放置/破坏任何方块,暂时视为无权限,无法打开黑名单添加Gui"
- HaveHomePlugin: "%PluginTitle% &d如果你拥有家园插件,这是正常现象,因为玩家并没有加入地图,地图未加载,垃圾箱也不会被加载,&6当玩家进入地图时,垃圾箱会自动加载"
- EntityCountSetOK: "%PluginTitle% &a成功设置各世界该 %Entity% 实体默认最多出现 %Count% 个"
- EntityCountSetError: "%PluginTitle% &c实体类型错误!错误实体名称为:%EntityName% 可选的实体类型包括:%EntityTypes%"
- ClickFindEntityType: "%PluginTitle% &d该实体类型为 %EntityType%"
- PleaseRightEntity: "%PluginTitle% &a请右键一个实体"
- GatherClearToNearPlayerMessage: "%PluginTitle% &c你的附近 %range% 格内有 %entityType% x %size%只 , 达到密集实体的要求,已清理"
- LimitDropItem: "%PluginTitle% &a你禁止丢弃物品,如果想取消请使用指令/WorldListTrashCan DropMode 来改变丢弃模式"
- OffDropMode: "%PluginTitle% &a你已关闭丢弃模式"
- OpenDropMode: "%PluginTitle% &a你已打开丢弃模式"
- HelpTitle:
- - "&l&0——————&r&7【&bWorldListTrashCan&7】&l&0——————"
- - "&6WorldListTrashCan可简写为WTC 如/wtc reload"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan GlobalTrash &d打开公共垃圾桶"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan help &d查看帮助"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan reload &d重载插件"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan ban &d打开本世界垃圾黑名单Gui"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan look &d右键查看实体类型"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan GlobalBan &d打开全局世界垃圾黑名单Gui"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan add [世界名] <数量> &d设置世界名垃圾桶最大数量(不填则为脚下世界)"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan DropMode &d打开或关闭物品丢弃模式"
复制代码 |
繁体中文 - PluginTitle: "&7|&e⭐&b世界垃圾桶&e⭐&7|"
- BanChestInventoryName: "%PluginTitle% &d&l世界:%world%黑名單&c&l(放入兩次視為移除)"
- GlobalBanChestInventoryName: "%PluginTitle% &d&l全域黑名單&c&l(放入兩次視為移除)"
- BanAddItem: "%PluginTitle% &b您在世界垃圾桶的黑名單中添加了物品: %ItemType%"
- BanRemoveItem: "%PluginTitle% &c您在世界垃圾桶的黑名單中移除了物品: %ItemType%"
- BanNull: "%PluginTitle% &d你沒有加入/刪除任何物品,因為它是空的"
- GlobalBanListTitle: "%PluginTitle% &6目前全域世界垃圾桶禁用了如下物品"
- BanListTitle: "%PluginTitle% &6目前該世界垃圾桶禁用了如下物品"
- BanItemFormat: "%PluginTitle% &b[&a%Item%&b]"
- RashBreak: "%PluginTitle% &a你在 %world% 世界破壞/刪除了一個世界垃圾桶"
- ReachRashCanCount: "%PluginTitle% &c你不能再創建更多的世界垃圾桶了!"
- InBanWorldList: "%PluginTitle% &c這個世界禁止玩家創建世界垃圾桶"
- NotChest: "%PluginTitle% &c這不是一個普通箱子,無法充當世界垃圾桶"
- CreateRashCan: "%PluginTitle% &a你在 %world% 創建/覆蓋了一個世界垃圾桶"
- AddRashMaxCountTrue: "%PluginTitle% &a設置成功,目前%world%世界最大世界垃圾桶數量為%count%"
- NotInt: "%PluginTitle% &c你輸入的不是整數,添加失敗"
- NotFindChest: "%PluginTitle% &6由於沒有找到箱子,自動從存儲中移除了該 %location% 位置"
- NotFindConfig: "%PluginTitle% &c插件無法寫入信息,請檢查插件data子文件夾是否存在"
- NotFindMessage: "%PluginTitle% &c插件無法找到message子文件夾,請檢查插件message子文件夾是否存在"
- NotFindMessageSlave: "%PluginTitle% &c語言文件節點: %path% 未找到,請自行添加,或下載最新版的語言文件"
- ConfigError: "%PluginTitle% &c配置文件裡有一個不正常的坐標或不存在的世界: 嘗試加載的世界名為%world% 坐標名為%location%"
- NotIsOp: "%PluginTitle% &c只有管理員能夠使用這個命令"
- NotFindWorld: "%PluginTitle% &c沒有找到這個世界"
- NotIsPlayer: "%PluginTitle% &c只有玩家可以使用這種格式的指令"
- WorldListTrashCanAdd: "%PluginTitle% &c正確用法為: /WorldListTrashCan add [世界名] <世界垃圾桶數量>"
- NotInputArgAdd: "%PluginTitle% &c只有玩家能夠不寫世界名字這個參數來使用這個命令"
- ReloadInformation: "%PluginTitle% &a插件已重載"
- NotHavePermission: "%PluginTitle% &c你沒有%permission%權限,無法使用"
- TrashMenuTitle: "&b 全球世界垃圾桶"
- TrashMenuUpPage: "&b 上一頁"
- TrashMenuDownPage: "&b 下一頁"
- NotWorldPlaceOrBreakFlag: "%PluginTitle% &c你沒有這張地圖/家園的權限,無法打開黑名單 GUI。"
- HaveFlag: "%PluginTitle% &a看起來你有權限,已為您打開黑名單 GUI。"
- SecondCountdown: "%PluginTitle% &6請在三秒內放置/破壞任意一個方塊,證明自己有該地圖(家園)的權限。"
- SecondCountdownEnd: "%PluginTitle% &c三秒已到,你沒有嘗試放置/破壞任何方塊,暫時視為無權限,無法打開黑名單添加 GUI。"
- HaveHomePlugin: "%PluginTitle% &d如果你安裝了家園插件,這是正常現象,因為玩家尚未加入地圖,地圖尚未加載,垃圾箱也不會被加載。&6當玩家進入地圖時,垃圾箱將會自動加載。"
- EntityCountSetOK: "%PluginTitle% &a成功設定各世界的 %Entity% 實體默認最多出現 %Count% 個"
- EntityCountSetError: "%PluginTitle% &c實體類型錯誤!錯誤實體名稱為:%EntityName% 可選的實體類型包括:%EntityTypes%"
- ClickFindEntityType: "%PluginTitle% &d該實體類型為 %EntityType%"
- PleaseRightEntity: "%PluginTitle% &a請右鍵一個實體"
- GatherClearToNearPlayerMessage: "%PluginTitle% &c在你周圍 %range% 格內有 %entityType% x %size% 只實體。滿足密集實體的標準,已清理。"
- LimitDropItem: "%PluginTitle% &a你禁止丟棄物品,如果想取消請使用指令/WorldListTrashCan DropMode來改變丟棄模式"
- OffDropMode: "%PluginTitle% &a你已關閉丟棄模式"
- OpenDropMode: "%PluginTitle% &a你已打開丟棄模式"
- HelpTitle:
- - "&l&0——————&r&7【&bWorldListTrashCan&7】&l&0——————"
- - "&6WorldListTrashCan 可簡寫為WTC 如/wtc reload"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan GlobalTrash &d打開公共垃圾桶"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan help &d查看幫助"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan reload &d重載插件"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan ban &d打開本世界垃圾黑名單Gui"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan Look &d右鍵查看實體類型"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan GlobalBan &d打開全域世界垃圾黑名單Gui"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan add [世界名] <數量> &d設置世界名垃圾桶最大數量(不填則為腳下世界)"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan DropMode &d打開或關閉物品丟棄模式"
复制代码 |
英文 - PluginTitle: "&7|&e⭐&bWorld Trash Can&e⭐&7|"
- BanChestInventoryName: "%PluginTitle% &d&lWorld:%world% Blacklist&c&l(Putting twice is considered removal)"
- GlobalBanChestInventoryName: "%PluginTitle% &d&lGlobal Blacklist&c&l(Putting twice is considered removal)"
- BanAddItem: "%PluginTitle% &bYou added the item to the World Trash Can blacklist: %ItemType%"
- BanRemoveItem: "%PluginTitle% &cYou removed the item from the World Trash Can blacklist: %ItemType%"
- BanNull: "%PluginTitle% &dYou haven't added/removed any items because it's empty"
- GlobalBanListTitle: "%PluginTitle% &6Currently, the global World Trash Can has disabled the following items"
- BanListTitle: "%PluginTitle% &6Currently, this World Trash Can has disabled the following items"
- BanItemFormat: "%PluginTitle% &b[&a%Item%&b]"
- RashBreak: "%PluginTitle% &aYou broke/removed a World Trash Can in the %world% world"
- ReachRashCanCount: "%PluginTitle% &cYou cannot create more World Trash Cans!"
- InBanWorldList: "%PluginTitle% &cPlayers are not allowed to create World Trash Cans in this world"
- NotChest: "%PluginTitle% &cThis is not a regular chest and cannot act as a World Trash Can"
- CreateRashCan: "%PluginTitle% &aYou created/overwrote a World Trash Can in the %world% world"
- AddRashMaxCountTrue: "%PluginTitle% &aSuccessfully set, the maximum number of World Trash Cans in the %world% world is now %count%"
- NotInt: "%PluginTitle% &cThe input is not an integer, addition failed"
- NotFindChest: "%PluginTitle% &6Due to the chest not being found, the location %location% has been automatically removed from storage"
- NotFindConfig: "%PluginTitle% &cThe plugin cannot write information, please check if the 'data' subfolder exists in the plugin folder"
- NotFindMessage: "%PluginTitle% &cThe plugin cannot find the 'message' subfolder, please check if the 'message' subfolder exists in the plugin folder"
- NotFindMessageSlave: "%PluginTitle% &cLanguage file node: %path% not found, please add it manually or download the latest version of the language file"
- ConfigError: "%PluginTitle% &cThere is an abnormal coordinate or a non-existent world in the configuration file: The world name attempted to load is %world%, and the coordinate name is %location%"
- NotIsOp: "%PluginTitle% &cOnly administrators can use this command"
- NotFindWorld: "%PluginTitle% &cThis world was not found"
- NotIsPlayer: "%PluginTitle% &cOnly players can use commands in this format"
- WorldListTrashCanAdd: "%PluginTitle% &cCorrect usage: /WorldListTrashCan add [world name] <number of World Trash Cans>"
- NotInputArgAdd: "%PluginTitle% &cOnly players can use this command without specifying the world name parameter"
- ReloadInformation: "%PluginTitle% &aPlugin succeed reload"
- NotHavePermission: "%PluginTitle% &cYou don't have permission: %permission%. Unable to use."
- TrashMenuTitle: "&b Global World Trash Can"
- TrashMenuUpPage: "&b Up Page"
- TrashMenuDownPage: "&b Down Page"
- NotWorldPlaceOrBreakFlag: "%PluginTitle% &cYou don't have permission for this map/homeland, unable to open the blacklist GUI."
- HaveFlag: "%PluginTitle% &aIt seems you have permission. The blacklist GUI has been opened for you."
- SecondCountdown: "%PluginTitle% &6Please place/break any block within three seconds to prove your permission for this map (homeland)."
- SecondCountdownEnd: "%PluginTitle% &cThree seconds have passed, and you did not attempt to place/break any blocks. Temporarily considered as no permission, unable to open the blacklist adding GUI."
- HaveHomePlugin: "%PluginTitle% &dIf you have the home plugin, this is normal because the player has not joined the map, the map is not loaded, and the trash bin will not be loaded. &6When the player enters the map, the trash bin will be loaded ."
- EntityCountSetOK: "%PluginTitle% &aSuccessfully set the default maximum count of %Entity% entities to %Count% in each world."
- EntityCountSetError: "%PluginTitle% &cEntity type error! Error entity name: %EntityName%. Optional entity types include: %EntityTypes%."
- ClickFindEntityType: "%PluginTitle% &dThe entity type is %EntityType%"
- PleaseRightEntity: "%PluginTitle% &aPlease Right Click a Entity"
- GatherClearToNearPlayerMessage: "%PluginTitle% &cWithin %range% blocks around you, there are %entityType% x %size% entities. Meeting the criteria for dense entities, cleared."
- LimitDropItem: "%PluginTitle% &a You are prohibited from discarding items. If you want to cancel, please use the command/WorldListTrashCan DropMode to change the discarding mode."
- OffDropMode: "%PluginTitle% &a You have turned off drop mode"
- OpenDropMode: "%PluginTitle% &a You have opened drop mode"
- HelpTitle:
- - "&l&0——————&r&7【&bWorldListTrashCan&7】&l&0——————"
- - "&6WorldListTrashCan can be abbreviated as WTC.Such as/wtc reload"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan GlobalTrash &dOpen the Global World Trash Can"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan help &dView help"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan reload &dReload the plugin"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan ban &dOpen the local World Trash Can blacklist GUI"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan look &dRight Look Entity Type"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan GlobalBan &dOpen the global World Trash Can blacklist GUI"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan add [world name] <quantity> &dSet the maximum number of World Trash Cans for the world (defaults to the world at your feet)"
- - "&6/WorldListTrashCan DropMode &dOpen or Off DropMode"
复制代码 |
所有指令可简写为/wtc 如/wtc reload
/WorldListTrashCan GlobalTrash打开公共垃圾桶 /WorldListTrashCan help 查看帮助 /WorldListTrashCan reload 重载插件 /WorldListTrashCan ban 打开本世界垃圾黑名单Gui /WorldListTrashCan Look 右键获取实体类型(方便加入配置文件中的黑名单/白名单)
/WorldListTrashCan GlobalBan 打开全局世界垃圾黑名单Gui /WorldListTrashCan add [世界名] <数量> 设置世界名垃圾桶最大数量(不填则为脚下世界) /WorldListTrashCan DropMode打开或关闭丢弃模式 |
权限节点 默认不拥有 WorldListTrashCan.GlobalBan 打开全球垃圾桶黑名单添加Gui指令权限 WorldListTrashCan.Look 右键查询实体类型的指令权限
WorldListTrashCan.BanGui 打开玩家家园垃圾桶黑名单添加Gui指令权限
PWorldListTrashCan.GlobalTrashOpen 打开全球垃圾桶指令权限 WorldListTrashCan.help 指令帮助权限 WorldListTrashCan.DropMode 打开或关闭丢弃模式 |
下载链接 所有版本 最新版请前往spigot链接【求个好评!】 最新版本5.7.0 【截止到2025.1.5】 5.1.3版本[较老] ↑(论坛留档) 更新历史 2023/11/10 - 1.0.1 2023/11/22 - 2.2.1
- 支持简体、繁体、英语——作者手动汉化 - 优化代码,物品检测方式 - 垃圾桶被任意方式拆除,将被插件自动从data里删除 2023/11/23 - 2.2.3
- 加入黑名单添加Gui的基本权限判断(3秒内放置/破坏) 2023/11/27 - 2.4.0 - 性能优化方面加入特殊箭矢清理功能 2023/11/28 - 2.5.0 - 性能优化方面加入禁止玩家踩踏耕地功能 - 家园限制实体默认数量 2023/11/29 - 3.0.0 - 不只是清理物品,加入清理实体 - 支持黑名单,白名单,支持模组拔刀剑的刀挂台和地上的刀的清理 - 语言文件,全文件完全汉化/英化/繁体化 - 适应使用类家园世界插件的服务器,等待玩家加入地图,服务器才会载入地图的习性,将在玩家加入地图时才载入垃圾箱 2023/11/29 - 3.0.2
- 加入世界限制实体数量的开关 2023/11/30 - 3.0.5 - 加入密集实体清理 - 优化实体限制功能检测代码 2023/11/30 - 3.1.0 - 密集实体可配置清理数量,类型,检测范围 - 修复实体限制类型无法生效的bug 2023/12/4 - 3.2.0 - 加入排除lore配置选项,如带有shopLocation这个lore的物品不做处理(防止qs商店的悬浮物被插件装进垃圾桶) 2023/12/4 - 3.3.0 - 清理倒计时加入ActionBar的提示方式以及默认的聊天栏提示方式的可选配置项 2023/12/5 - 3.5.0 - 加入禁止刷屏、刷指令系统 - 可配置聊天、指令间隔,白名单指令,及提示信息 2023/12/7 - 3.6.0 - 加入清理公共垃圾桶功能 2023/12/7 - 3.7.3 - /WorldListTrashCan指令可简写为/wtc - 加入禁止丢弃系统 - 优化代码,将所有不开启的功能,从服务器内部注销监听器 - 权限WorldListTrashCan.DropMode,新指令/WorldListTrashCan DropMode控制丢弃系统开关 2023/12/10 - 3.7.5 - 做banner端的特殊兼容,修复banner端创建垃圾桶不替换字体的bug(该bug由群友反馈) 2023/12/14 - 3.9.0 - 所有的清理倒数提示单一提炼,如聊天框和Title和ActionBar的提示单独可改,也支持多个提示同时存在/关闭 - 支持Title的方式提示玩家 2023/12/19 - 3.9.5 - 清理公共垃圾桶的逻辑支持多少次扫地后进行一次公共垃圾桶的清理 - 清理公共垃圾桶时加入清理还需要扫地多少次的提示以及清理完毕的提示 - 加入%ItemSum%,%EntitySum%变量,可在清理时告知玩家有多少个物品被放入公共垃圾桶,多少个生物被清理了 - 优化代码执行逻辑,将所有代码简化 2023之后的更新日志面向国内外 WorldListTrashCan 4.8.1 by BlueNines on Apr 11, 2024 Download Due to the large length of the configuration file, future updates will include specific paths This update has added an option to clean up named creatures, with the target location being Set ClearEntity ClearReNameEntity WorldListTrashCan 4.8.2 by BlueNines on Apr 16, 2024 Download Raise the priority of the blacklist to the highest level and fix the bug that prevents the normal cleaning of villagers and tourists WorldListTrashCan 4.8.4 by BlueNines on Jun 10, 2024 Download supported luminol server WorldListTrashCan 4.8.5 by BlueNines on Jun 11, 2024 Download Special compatibility update for Mohist server If you are not on the Mohist server, don't pay attention to this update Specific changes: Fix the issue of Mohist server being unable to chat using this plugin WorldListTrashCan 5.0.0by BlueNineson Jun 15, 2024Download5.0.0 Fix the bug in Paper and Folia where dense entity restrictions cannot restrict non live entities. Dense cleaning fully supports clearing dead entities (such as various ships, mining carts, armor frames, and even arrows shot by skeletons on the ground)Support RGB color anywhere in the plugin, remade all places with RGB color on the default language file for a more aesthetically pleasing appearanceCompatibility has been made on lower versions of servers that do not support RGB. The plugin comes with language files specific to higher and lower versions, and will automatically switch based on the server version (please delete the original language files for updates)If the server is a Paper or Folia server, the plugin will automatically determine and adapt to better APIs to improve the plugin's response speedOptimize various algorithms (such as dense entity cleaning) and decouple them appropriatelyAttempt to fix the issue of the plugin not displaying colors properly on the console (there are many functions in the plugin body that cannot be checked one by one, and there are still residues)Add default permissions: WorldTrashCan Main, If you ban this permission, players will not be able to create a world trash can. If you are only interested in the powerful features of this plugin (except for the world trash can)Abandoned the step of the server owner using the configuration file to determine whether it is a Folia server on their own, and the plugin will compare the API class names that the server can use to determine the server characteristics on its own (this supports all Folia and paper branches)Fix the bug where the plugin works on the mohist end, causing players to be unable to chat normally due to the anti swipe system that comes with the plugin registering chat events deleted on the mohist endWorldListTrashCan 5.0.3by BlueNineson Jun 29, 2024DownloadDistinguish and match the RGB color attributes of lower and higher versions of the actionbar, and rewrite some of the RGB display logicWorldListTrashCan 5.0.4by BlueNineson Jul 8, 2024DownloadFix the bug where the actionbar on higher version servers cannot use RGB properly
WorldListTrashCan 5.0.5
by BlueNines
on Jul 15, 2024
If the server does not support RGB Actionbar, the old implementation method will be used
WorldListTrashCan 5.1.0
by BlueNines
on Jul 17, 2024
Starting to support entities without entity types, such as most data packets and modules
Now when WTC Look is in use, it displays all entity types of the block it is in and can be copied
WorldListTrashCan 5.1.2
by BlueNines
on Jul 20, 2024
Fix some RGB Actionbar bug
WorldListTrashCan 5.1.3 by BlueNines on Aug 6, 2024 Download Actionbar supports the use of RGB (&#) and regular color formats (&) together
带√的说明画的大饼已经完成 - 玩家多个垃圾桶√ - 垃圾桶黑名单√ - VIP玩家与普通玩家可放置不同数量的垃圾桶(以一个世界为一个单位)√ - 不只是垃圾桶?大量的服务器性能优化也即将被添加进插件√ - 不只是清垃圾?加入实体清理系统,支持拔刀剑√ - 禁止刷屏/指令系统√ - 密集实体清理√ |
严禁剽窃插件源码,违者必究。 本插件所用所有代码均为原创,不存在借用/抄袭等行为