OK this looks like it might work. Trying to increase the odds of actually finding a cave system from an ocean. Not sure if it will increase flooding overall though, will have to test some more. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 OK,这看起来很可以了。我在尝试提升从海洋中找到洞穴系统的几率。我不是很确定这会不会提高洞穴被水淹的几率,还需要更多测试。
Hmmm. Trying to figure out how to get aquifers to play nice with ocean floors. Ideally you should be able to swim through an ocean cave, into an underground lake, and pop up in a dry cave system. Realistic? No. Fun? Yes! Also makes for a quick fun way to exit the underground. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 Hmmm。正在想含水层和海床怎么契合才好。理想地说,你应该可以游过海底洞穴,进入地下湖,然后到达洞穴系统。真实吗?不。好玩吗?好玩!这也是从地下快速出去的好方法。
High level feedback thread! If you've tried the latest experimental snapshots, and if most or all of these worldgen changes get into the release, how do you feel about Caves & Cliffs part II overall?
Re: Assuming we fix performance, that is. Re: Reddit thread, if you want to write a longer answer reddit.com 由 电量量 翻译自英语 反馈帖!如果你已经试过了最新的实验性快照,并且大多数或者所有的世界生成特性都可以进到正式版,你对于洞穴与山崖第二部分怎么看?
For those of you who have played on 1.18 experimental snapshot 5, to what extent are microbiomes a problem there? 由 电量量 翻译自英语 各位玩过 1.18-exp5 的来说说,微群系对你来说是个多大的问题?
Haha just found this tiny cute little mountain. It is technically a mountain, complete with meadows to the left and snowy slopes leading up to snowcapped peaks. But everything at a microscale :) 由 电量量 翻译自英语 这个小山挺好玩的。按理说这是个山,左边有草旬,右边有覆雪一直到冰雪。但是一切都是 q 版的(
So. Jungle Edge. Keep it or not? Note: won't have time to change anything about that biome for this update, so either keep it as-is or remove it. Will probably rename it if we keep it though. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 丛林边缘。保留吗?注意:这个更新我们没时间再给这个群系做调整了,所以要么留着要么删了。不过如果留的话我们大概会给它改个名字。
Forgot to mention one thing about experimental snapshot 5. Snowcapped peaks mostly don't have the new peakier peaks, while Lofty peaks sometimes do. And the super big peaks aren't everywhere, only in certain areas. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 忘记说一个快照 5 的特性了。冰雪山地现在没有高耸的山峰,但是高耸山峰有。超级大的山峰不会哪里都是,只有一些地方有。
Wow I just remember how broken up beaches could be in snapshot 1. Here is snapshot 1 vs snapshot 5. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 我都忘了沙滩在快照 1 有多炸裂了。这是一片沙滩在快照 1 和快照 5 的区别。