Getting the Deep Dark biome distribution right has been tricky. Generally we're looking to get it deep underneath very continental/mountainous areas, and it will stretch all the way to -64. Looking forward to see how it feels. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 Deep Dark 群系的分布太难调了。我们是想要让它在内陆和山地地区向下延伸一段距离,但是它就会直奔 y=-64。我比较期待这样会怎么样。
We can't show anything yet but stuff on Deep Dark/Warden is going well... one of the biggest challenges is perfecting AI and porting. Hoping for the best. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 Deep Dark 和守卫(Warden)的这些事进展还不错,不过我们还不能透露具体细节……AI 和 JE/BE 的互相移植是个大问题。努力搞吧。
@WonderSuperior: I think this height won't be enough. Would you please extend tha deepness up to y=-96? This has to be the sweet spot. I'm being moderate what i demand :)
我觉得这个深度还不太够。您能不能再调深到 y=-96?我觉得这杨大概就正好。要是能实现我会很高兴的 :)
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
Any further depth is not possible, too many performance problems. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 这个深度已经到头了,再深就有性能问题了。
@vsbmeza3: I imagine it to be rare-ish so finding it would be a nice and exciting achievement?
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
It will likely be the most rare biome out of the 3, but not impossible to find either. And when you find it, it should be a big area. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 这个群系应该是三个洞穴群系最稀有的一个,但也不是那种不可能发现的。另外,如果你找到了一个,那么它就会比较大。
@Prasad_Gade05: What kind of loot can we expect in the deep dark cabin/chest room ??
Deep Dark 的战利品箱子能找到什么?
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
We're still figuring that out. It may be that we don't have time for unique loot and will have to add it in an update later - just to set expectations. The base work is already quite challenging to get done. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 我们还在考虑这个问题。有可能这个更新我们就没有时间给它加独一无二的战利品了,那样就还要拖到下个更新——当然,也有可能只是空头支票了。把基本的工作搞完已经很费劲了。
@Idek42266307: Ok so yet again no reason to go into the deep dark lmaoo
Ok,所以有没有理由去 Deep Dark 了 233
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
There are still reasons beyond unique loot, such as Sculk, Sculk Sensors, Sculk Veins and Sculk Catalysts 由 电量量 翻译自英语 除了独特战利品还是有其他理由的啦,比如 Sculk、Sculk Sensors、Sculk Veins 和 Sculk Catalysts
@HenPeace5: How will the Warden work with invisibility potions? Will it work the same as with other mobs? Or will the Warden be able to hear you with/without the potion applied?
Warden 会怎么对待有隐身药水的玩家?和对待其他生物一样吗?还是 Warden 还是能听到你?
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
Wardens will still be able to detect entities that are invisible :) 由 电量量 翻译自英语 Warden 还是可以检测隐身的实体的 :)
@Th3_NewGuy: I have some questions about the Warden.
1. Will it be attracted/effected by noteblocks/jukeboxes?
2. How will it react to explosive(creepers/tnt),will it run away when it hears them?
3. If a player manages to lead a Warden into coming out into the surface, will it have some ability, which it'll go back underground?
我对 Warden 有几个问题:
1. 它会被音符盒/唱片机吸引/影响吗?
2. 他会对爆炸物作何反应(苦力怕/TNT),他会在听到它们的时候跑走吗?
3. 如果玩家成功把 Warden 吸引到地面上了,Warden 会自己回家吗?
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
1. It will not. This is both for design reasons (we want it to be something more "physical", like motion), and for technical reasons.
2. It will probably investigate the location it "felt/heard" the vibration.
3. Nope, but in the current design it will burn in sunlight. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 1. 不会。这既是基于设计原因(我们想要把它变得更加“实体化”,像动作一样),也是基于技术方面的考虑。
2. 它应该会研究一下它“感受到/听见”震动的声源。
3. 不会,但是目前的设计是他会在阳光下自燃。
@IanIllusionist: @kingbdogz A few questions regarding the Deep Dark biome
One: Is "Deep Dark" a placeholder name?
Two: Besides the Warden, will normal hostile mobs such as Zombies and Creepers spawn in the Deep Dark?
Three: What exactly is Sculk? A plant or an animal? Or fungus?
对于 Deep Dark 群系的几个问题:
1. “Deep Dark”只是暂用名吗?
2. 除了 Warden,僵尸和苦力怕这种常规敌对生物会在 Deep Dark 中生成吗?
3. Sculk 到底是什么?植物还是动物?还是真菌?
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
1) Deep Dark is the name for now, but like anything names can change. I like it though.
2) Deep Dark is one of the only Overworld biomes where only one type of enemy can spawn: Wardens. So no Zombies, Creepers, etc.
3) That is a mystery for you players to reveal in-game. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 1)目前就叫 Deep Dark(啊♂哲),不过是可以改的。我还挺喜欢这名字。
2)Deep Dark 目前是唯一一个在主世界中只有一种敌对生物可以生成于其中的:Warden。所以就没有僵尸和苦力怕什么的了。
@BlackStealth89: @kingbdogz seeing how powerful the warden is would you consider it a boss / mini boss? #MinecraftLive
Warden 太强了,你们会把它列入 boss/小 boss 吗?#MinecraftLive
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
I'd actually consider it something entirely new. The Warden is a force of a nature, not a boss. When a tornado is barreling towards you, you don't try to kill it - you run away! The Warden is exactly the same. 由 电量量 翻译自英语 其实我认为这个东西不是 boss,也不是普通怪物。Warden 应该是大自然的一种力量。龙卷风向你袭来的时候,你不会杀了它——你会跑走!Warden 是一个道理。
@WinterBlizzard_: So about the Warden, will it be able to counter the strategy where a player builds lets say 3 blocks up? Because that can be a really easy counter to the Warden if so.
所以关于 Warden,能有办法对付玩家垂直往上搭三格这种方法吗?这样就太容易格挡住了。
kingbdogz @kingbdogz
It absolutely has some tricks up its sleeves to prevent that particular strategy :) 由 电量量 翻译自英语 它肯定会有压箱底的绝招来对付这种战术的 :)