本帖最后由 NetheriteX1 于 2022-5-26 19:05 编辑
|预发布版是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和Mod制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |1.19 正式版仍未发布,1.19-pre3为其第3个预览版。 |转载本贴时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版
Update: We've now released 1.19 pre-release 3, which will be our last pre-release for this week. In this pre-release we've tweaked the sonic boom attack and fixed more bugs.
Update: 我们现在发布 1.19-pre3,这是我们本周最后一个预发布版,这个预发布版中我们调整了音波攻击,修复了一些漏洞。
CHANGES IN 1.19 PRE-RELEASE 3 1.19-pre3 的修改内容
- Wardens’ sonic boom attack now bypasses the damage reduction by armor enchantments such as Protection
- 监守者的音波攻击现在会无视盔甲魔咒(如:保护)的减伤效果
TECHNICAL CHANGES IN 1.19 PRE-RELEASE 3 1.19-pre3 的技术性修改
- item_interact_start is no longer detectable as a vibration to allow more specific actions be detected, like drink or eat, but item_interact_finish still is
- item_interact_start 不再是一种可侦测的振动,这能让更多特定种类的动作能被检测,例如drink 和 eat,但是 item_interact_finish 依然可被侦测
FIXED BUGS IN 1.19 PRE-RELEASE 3 1.19-pre3 修复的漏洞
- MC-209932 - Sculk sensors only detect the last turtle egg being broken when being stepped on
- MC-209932 - 海龟蛋被踩踏时幽匿感测体只能探测到最后一只海龟蛋破碎
- MC-210277 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon chickens laying eggs
- MC-210277 - 鸡下蛋不会激活幽匿感测体
- MC-210278 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon bees entering or leaving their hive or nest
- MC-210278 - 蜜蜂进入或离开蜂巢或蜂箱时幽匿感测体不会被激活
- MC-214622 - Sculk sensors do not detect daylight detector mode switching
- MC-214622 - 幽匿感测体探测不到阳光传感器的模式切换
- MC-249094 - Unexpected culling of inner sculk shrieker faces
- MC-249094 - 幽匿尖啸体面部内侧有不正确的切刻
- MC-249230 - Frogs prioritize eating entities over panicking when being damaged
- MC-249230 - 青蛙受伤时会优先吃实体,而不会惊慌
- MC-250162 - Placing a map in an item frame will break any intersecting paintings and item frames with a map inside
- MC-250162 - 把地图放入物品展示框会破坏掉与之重合的画和其他放入地图的物品展示框
- MC-250238 - Frogs attempt to pathfind to entities outside of their reach causing them to spin and twitch constantly
- MC-250238 - 青蛙尝试寻找攻击范围外的实体时会旋转并抽搐
- MC-250983 - Allays can get stuck and freeze inside non-full blocks
- MC-250983 - 悦灵可能在非完整方块中被卡住
- MC-251220 - Block lighting on extended parts are a lot darker in 22w17a compared to 1.18.2
- MC-251220 - 22w17a 中方块延伸部分的亮度比 1.18.2 暗得多
- MC-251420 - Demo Mode: The “Purchase Now!” link’s destination is incorrect
- MC-251420 - 演示模式中“即刻购买!”按钮的链接目标不正确
- MC-251858 - Subtitles are higher than in previous versions
- MC-251858 - 字幕的位置高于之前的版本
- MC-251872 - The game output and server console are logged with warnings regarding chat packets with invalid signatures when using entity selectors within commands
- MC-251872 - 在命令中使用实体选择器时,游戏输出和服务器控制台会记录关于聊天数据包带有无效签名的警告
- MC-251878 - Sculk sensors hearing items being dropped on the ground doesn’t alert shriekers even if a player drops it
- MC-251878 - 幽匿感测体检测到物品掉落时不会把信号传给幽匿尖啸体,就算物品是玩家丢出的
- MC-251968 - /execute running chat related commands logs “Received chat packet without valid signature” warning
- MC-251968 - 使用 /execute 执行与聊天相关的命令会使日志产生“收到没有有效签名的聊天数据包”的警告
- MC-252071 - Warden still detects after death if signal is traveling before death
- MC-252071 - 监守者在信号传播时死亡后仍能检测到该信号
- MC-252078 - Allays no longer flee or panic when taking damage
- MC-252078 - 悦灵受伤时不再逃跑和恐慌
【卡狗 翻译自官网2022年5月22日发布的https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/ ... -1-19-pre-release-2
原帖地址:https://www.mcbbs.net/forum.php? ... id=1343533&mobile=2】 苦力怕论坛 - 新闻资讯板块