|预发布版是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和Mod制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |1.19.1 仍未发布,1.19.1-pre1为其第1个预览版。 |转载本贴时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版
The first pre-release for 1.19.1 is now available. This release contains a few bugfixes, an increased cooldown for Allay duplication, and it also contains a new UI if you have been banned for violating the Minecraft Community Standards .
On the topic of community standards and the recent introduction of the chat reporting feature, we’re working on creating a help article that aims to add some context surrounding the functionality.
All of this said, if everything goes as planned, we plan to release the update next Tuesday on June 28th.
1.19.1现已推出第一个预发布版本。这个版本包含一些错误修复,以及增加了悦灵繁殖后的间隔时间。然后还包含了一个新的UI界面——如果你因为违反了Minecraft 社区标准 然后被封禁了的话。
CHANGES IN 1.19.1 PRE-RELEASE 1 1.19.1-pre1 的修改内容
- Allay duplication now has a 5-minute cooldown
- 悦灵现在繁殖后会有5分钟的冷却时间
- Along with the support for reporting chat, reported players can now be banned from online play and Realms after moderator review
- 在聊天举报功能实装的同时,被举报的玩家现在可以在管理员审核后被禁止进入在线游戏和realms
- The game will show a notice screen on startup if you have been banned from online play
- 如果你在在线游戏中被封禁了的话会在游戏启动时显示一个通知界面
- The reason for the ban is shown as well as how long the ban is valid for
- 该界面会显示封禁原因和封禁的有效时间
FIXED BUGS IN 1.19.1 PRE-RELEASE 1 1.19.1-pre1 修复的漏洞
- MC-249973 - Loading resource packs is significantly slower in 1.19
- MC-249973 - 1.19中加载资源包明显变慢
- MC-252327 - World list fails to load after restarting game and deleting a world
- MC-252327 - 重启游戏并删除世界后,世界列表加载失败
- MC-252508 - Realms worldgen type missing language string
- MC-252508 - Realms世界生成类型缺少翻译字符串
- MC-253055 - Resource packs causing each WeighedSoundEvents to duplicate Sounds
- MC-253055 - 资源包会使 WeighedSoundEvents 复制音效
- MC-253102 - Chat reporting uses “Messages” for one message
- MC-253102 - 聊天举报中在只有 1 条消息时也使用“Messages”一词
- MC-253105 - Chat report category scroll bar intersects the selected option outline
- MC-253105 - 聊天举报类型菜单滚动条与选中的选项的轮廓有交叠
- MC-253108 - Selection boxes within the “Select Report Category” menu aren’t vertically centered with the text inside them
- MC-253108 - “选择举报类型”页面中的选择框中的文本没有垂直居中
- MC-253109 - The descriptions of report categories can overlap the “Description:” subtitle
- MC-253109 - “举报类型”的描述文本与上方的“描述:”标题有交叠
- MC-253110 - Text within the “Discard report and comments?” menu isn’t horizontally centered
- MC-253110 - “放弃举报和留言”菜单中的文本没有水平居中
- MC-253111 - You cannot use CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END to navigate to the beginning or end of text within the “Report Chat” menu
- MC-253111 - 快捷键 Ctrl + Home 和 Ctrl + End 无法导航到“举报聊天”菜单的开头和末尾
- MC-253113 - Chat message content can extend past the outline of a button and past the scroll bar
- MC-253113 - 聊天消息文本会超出按钮的轮廓和滚动条的位置
- MC-253123 - The button within the “Sending your report” menu changes upon resizing the game window
- MC-253123 - “发送举报中”菜单中的按钮在调整窗口大小后会变化
- MC-253126 - The scroll bar within the “Select Chat Messages to Report” menu sometimes resets its position to the bottom of the list after scrolling upwards
- MC-253126 - “选择要举报的消息”菜单中的滚动条的位置在向上滚动时有时会重置到底部
- MC-253127 - Reason is not provided when chat report creation is not able to be started
- MC-253127 - 无法创建聊天举报时未提供理由
- MC-253134 - Allays from older worlds don’t duplicate
- MC-253134 - 旧版本中生成的悦灵无法复制
- MC-253176 - The character indicator symbol within the “Report Chat” menu is untranslatable
- MC-253176 - “举报聊天”菜单中的斜杠无法翻译
- MC-253178 - The word “Non-consensual” is spelled as “Non-consentual” within the “gui.abuseReport.reason.non_consensual_intimate_imagery” string
- MC-253178 - gui.abuseReport.reason.non_consensual_intimate_imagery 字符串中的“ Non-consensual”一词被错拼成“Non-consentual”
- MC-253183 - The word “Unrelated” within the “gui.chatSelection.fold” string is incorrectly capitalized
- MC-253183 - gui.chatSelection.fold 字符串中的“Unrelated”一词被错误地大写了
- MC-253185 - The ESC key cannot be used to exit the “Sending your report” menu
- MC-253185 - 按 Esc 键不能退出“发送举报中”菜单
- MC-253191 - Particles produced from allays duplicating cannot be seen by other players
- MC-253191 - 悦灵复制产生的粒子无法被其他玩家看到
【寂华 译自官网 2022 年 06 月 21 日发布的 Minecraft 1.19.1 Pre-Release 1;原作者 Adrian Östergård】
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