本帖最后由 Berserker243 于 2022-7-7 00:38 编辑
|预发布版是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和Mod制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |1.19.2 仍未发布,1.19.1-pre3为其第3个预览版。 |转载本贴时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版
Hi everyone,
Before we jump into today's snapshot, we would like to take a moment and dedicate some thoughts to a person who over the years has made an incredible impact on the Minecraft community and touched the lives of many. Technoblade became synonymous with a source of good – a positive force that time and time again made many, many people happy and someone we are proud to have as part of our giant family.
在我们开始今天的快照内容之前,我们想花些时间,把一些思绪献给一位多年以来对 Minecraft 社区产生了重大影响,并打动了无数人的心的人。Technoblade 已经成为了善良之源的代名词 – 他一次次地用自己积极的力量,为无数人带来快乐。我们为这个巨大的社区有了他而感到自豪。
Minecraft is its community, which is why it should come as no surprise that so many of us mourn the loss of him, with tributes and love pouring in from across the world.
Minecraft 因他的社区而有着意义,这也就是这么多人哀悼他的离开,无数的爱与默思从世界各地奔涌而来的原因。
On behalf of the Java Team – thank you Technoblade for the memories, for all the fun and the laughter. You will be dearly missed. Our thoughts are with your family and friends.
谨代表 Java 版团队 – 感谢你,Technoblade,为你留给我们的无数回忆,欢乐与笑声。我们深深地怀念您。我们的思绪与您的家人朋友同在。
Regarding 1.19.1: We still have a number of fixes in the pipeline, set for another pre-release in the near future. After that, once everything is tested and verified, we'll be aiming for a release candidate.
有关 1.19.1: 我们仍有一些推进中的修复,准备在不久后的另一个预发布版中更新。在这之后,一旦所有特性都经过了测试和认证,我们的目标就是发布候选版本。
CHANGES IN 1.19.1 PRE-RELEASE 3 1.19.1-pre3 的修改内容
- Moved the chat scrollbar to the right of the chat window
- 将聊天栏的滚动条挪到了聊天窗口右侧
- System message are now displayed with a gray color indicator
- 系统消息现在使用灰色指示器展示
TECHNICAL CHANGES IN 1.19.1 PRE-RELEASE 3 1.19.1-pre3 的技术性修改
- Custom servers can set their own auto-completion options for regular chat via a new network packet
- 现在自定义服务器可以通过新的网络数据包为常规聊天设置独有的自动补全选项
- The list of players on the Social Interactions screen now places entries for players with recently seen messages at the top of the list
- 现在社交互动界面会将玩家最近看到的消息条目置顶
- The msg_command chat type has been split apart into msg_command_incoming and msg_command_outgoing
- msg_command 聊天类型已被分割为 msg_command_incoming 和 msg_command_outgoing
- The team_name chat type parameter has been renamed to target
- team_name 聊天类型参数现已被重命名为 target
- This chat type parameter is now used by msg_command_outgoing
- 此聊天类型参数现被 msg_command_outgoing使用
FIXED BUGS IN 1.19.1 PRE-RELEASE 3 1.19.1-pre3 修复的漏洞
- MC-253182 - The second instance of a reflexive pronoun is used incorrectly within the “gui.abuseReport.reason.self_harm_or_suicide.description” string
- MC-253182 - 字符串 gui.abuseReport.reason.self_harm_or_suicide.description 中的第二个反身代词用法不正确
- MC-253214 - Tooltips will become offset in certain cases
- MC-253214 - 悬浮提示在部分情况下显示位置有偏移
- MC-253223 - A preposition is incorrectly used within the “gui.abuseReport.reason.terrorism_or_violent_extremism.description” string
- MC-253223 - 字符串 gui.abuseReport.reason.terrorism_or_violent_extremism.description 中使用了错误的介词
- MC-253496 - /execute as {player} run say counts to the report system
- MC-253496 - 由 /execute as {player} run say 产生的消息可以被举报系统选中
- MC-253742 - The chat scroll bar overlaps the colored indicators used to show the trust status of messages
- MC-253742 - 聊天消息滚动条与消息可信状态颜色指示器交叠
- MC-253773 - Whispers appear as modified by the server
- MC-253773 - 私聊总是显示被服务器修改
【苦力怕553 译自官网 2022 年 07 月 06 日发布的 Minecraft 1.19.1 Pre-Release 3;原作者 Adrian Östergård】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.11】
【原帖地址: Minecraft Java版 1.19.1-pre3 发布 - 幻翼块讯 - Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛 - (mcbbs.net)
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