|Minecraft Java 版是指 Windows、Mac OS 与 Linux 平台上,使用 Java 语言开发的 Minecraft 版本。 |预发布版是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和 Mod 制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |Minecraft Java 版 1.21 仍未发布,1.21-pre4 为其第 4 个预览版。 |本文内容按照 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 协议进行授权,转载本帖时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版
Frog day on a Friday? What could go wrong? We're back with 1.21 Pre-Release 4 today, with a couple more bug fixes, and some tweaks to the Blast Resistance and Fire Protection enchantments.
- The "Burning Time" reduction effect of Fire Protection and "Knockback Resistance" effect of Blast Protection now stack from wearing several pieces
- 多件盔甲的火焰保护魔咒提供的减少“燃烧时间”效果可以叠加,爆炸保护的“爆炸击退抗性”效果也可以叠加
- To get the maximum benefit of these effects, you now need to wear a full set of enchanted armor
- 因此想要最大化魔咒效果的话,你需要穿齐一整套附魔盔甲
- Wearing a fully enchanted armor set still grants the same effect as in 1.20.6
- 穿齐一整套附魔盔甲提供的效果相当于 1.20.6 版本中的效果
- Wearing only a single piece of enchanted armor now has reduced effect compared to before
- 穿单独一件附魔盔甲提供的效果相较于以前有所减少
- After a Primed TNT has gone through a Nether Portal, it will no longer be able to destroy Nether Portal blocks
- 点燃的TNT穿过下界传送门后,它不再能破坏下界传送门方块
FIXED BUGS IN 1.21 PRE-RELEASE 4 1.21-pre4 修复的漏洞
- MC-270540 - The prevention of fall damage from wind charges is not retained upon reloading the world
- MC-270540 - 重进世界时,风弹的摔落伤害减免不生效
- MC-271971 - Wind Charges sometimes don't prevent fall damage
- MC-271971 - 风弹有时不会防止摔落伤害
- MC-272933 - Fire protection burning time reduction now stacks for every piece of armor
- MC-272933 - 火焰保护魔咒减少燃烧时间的效果会依据盔甲数量叠加(可因此无法燃烧)
- MC-272935 - Blast protection explosion knockback resistance now stacks for every piece of armor
- MC-272935 - 爆炸保护魔咒提供爆炸击退抗性的效果会依据盔甲数量叠加(可因此无法被爆炸击退)
- MC-272947 - Boat clutching after using a wind charge results in the player taking fall damage
- MC-272947 - 在使用风弹跳后上船会导致玩家受到摔落伤害
- MC-272948 - Wind Burst damages the player twice on one use, even when using Wind Charges
- MC-272948 - 风爆魔咒会使玩家受到两次伤害,即便使用了风弹
- MC-272981 - Using a wind charge to stop the fall damage after using the wind burst enchantment doesn't correctly cancel the damage
- MC-272981 - 在触发风爆魔咒后尝试使用风弹取消摔落伤害时,摔落伤害无法取消
- MC-272982 - Mace can have sharpness
- MC-272982 - 重锤可以附魔锋利
【震天 译自官网 2024 年 06 月 07 日发布的 Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 4;原作者 Java Team】
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