



[版本发布] Minecraft Java版 24w33a 发布

 发表于 2024-8-18 00:35:47|显示全部楼层|阅读模式 IP:江苏省
本帖最后由 El_Trueno 于 2024-8-21 10:59 编辑

|Minecraft Java 版是指 Windows、Mac OS 与 Linux 平台上,使用 Java 语言开发的 Minecraft 版本。
|每周快照是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。
|然而,每周快照主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。在快照中打开存档前请务必进行备份适用于正式版的 Mod 不兼容快照,且大多数 Mod 都不对每周快照提供支持
|Minecraft Java 版 1.21.2 仍未发布,24w33a 为其第 1 个预览版。
|本文内容按照 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 协议进行授权,转载本帖时须注明原作者以及本帖地址


Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
Minecraft 24w33a 快照

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java 快照版本

We know you have been waiting long for the next update, and we are finally kicking off the new snapshot cycle with Snapshot 24w33a!
我们知道大家已迫不及待要看下一次更新了,就拿 24w33a 快照版本作为新一轮快照周期的开始吧!

Over the summer someone changed our password and wouldn't let us know what it was until we finished 200 bug fixes (the password was cubepork14 by the way). This update also features a Bundle of new Experiments that we are eager for you to try out!

Enable the new experimental features in the Experiments menu when creating a new world and let us know what you think!

Read below for a full list of the changes included.

Your thoughts on the game continue to shape new updates so please upvote and report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave us your feedback at feedback.minecraft.net .


The following changes only apply when their respective Experiment is turned on, either by activating the corresponding experimental data pack or by turning it on in the Experiments screen while creating the world.

These experiments have no effect unless enabled. You can find more information about Feature Toggles here .


Bundles are back! The Bundle was added to Java Edition as an experiment in 2020. We are now working on Bundles again! To test Bundles you must create a new world with the Bundles experiment turned on. (When creating a new world click ‘More’, then ‘Experiments’, then click the button next to the word ‘Bundles’.) A Bundle is an item that lets you stack different blocks or items together in the same inventory slot. Different items normally don’t stack together, so you can end up wasting space by only having a few items in each slot. A Bundle lets you pack those items together so there is no wasted space.
是的,孩子们,收纳袋回来了!早在 2020 年,收纳袋就已经作为实验性内容加入了 Java 版游戏。而现在有关收纳袋的工作重新启动!要测试收纳袋的内容,你需要在创建世界时启用名为“收纳袋”的实验性内容选项。(在创建新的世界时点击“更多”,然后是“实验性内容”,最后点击“收纳袋”旁边的按钮。) 收纳袋可用于将物品栏中不同的方块或物品统合到一个格子里。通常来说,不同的物品无法进行堆叠,这时你就可以使用收纳袋来避免一些格子里只能放一两个物品的窘境。从而最终充分利用所有物品栏空间。

The Bundle has a tooltip that shows some of the items inside. If the Bundle has up to 8 item types, you will see all of them and can pull any item out immediately. If there are more than 8 item types then some rows of items will be hidden. You may want to craft a new Bundle to keep everything easy to reach. A Bundle can be crafted with 1 String and 1 Leather. Please try out this all-new version of the Bundle and let us know what you think!

  • A Bundle only fits one stack (usually 64 items) but it can be a mixture of many different item types
  • 收纳袋仍然只能装填一组物品(通常为64个),但可以为复数个物品种类
  • You can insert items into a Bundle directly in the inventory
  • 你可以将物品直接从物品栏放入收纳袋
  • Bundles have a tooltip that shows the items inside
  • 收纳袋的提示框中可以展示内容物
    • If a Bundle has less than 8 item types inside, the tooltip will show all of them
    • 若物品种类数不多于8,则提示框中可以展示全部物品
    • Otherwise the tooltip will show the top two rows of items and the others will be hidden below
    • 否则只会展示最前的两行物品,其余物品的细节会被隐藏
  • You can select any of the visible items to pull out of the Bundle
  • 玩家可以选择并拿出收纳袋中所有可见的物品
    • Right-click to take the first item
    • 右键单击来拿出第一个物品
    • Use the number keys or scroll wheel to select a different item, then right-click to take it
    • 使用数字键或鼠标滚轮可以选择另一个物品,右键单击可以拿出

Developer's Note:In the original Bundle experiment you could only pick the top item. We got a lot of feedback that players wanted more flexibility when taking items out. To address this we put a submenu inside the Bundle, which has never been done before in Minecraft!

  • When selecting an item to remove, the Bundle icon shows that item poking out of the Bundle
  • 收纳袋的图标会以露出一部分物品的形式展示将拿出的物品
  • When holding a Bundle in hand, you can empty it onto the ground by right-clicking
  • 手持收纳袋时可以右键单击地面将内容物全部取出
  • The Bundle is crafted with one String above one Leather
  • 收纳袋可以使用一个线与一个皮革合成

Developer's Note:The original prototype for Bundles was much more expensive to craft and used Rabbit Hide which is only available in certain biomes, so the player had to explore to get their first Bundle. In this version we’ve made it cheaper and something that you can craft at home in almost any biome. We want it to be easy to get Bundles in a new world so you can use it in your early adventures.

  • The controls have changed from the original prototype:
  • 以下控制操作已由早期设计更改:
    • Use left-click to put an item into a Bundle
    • 左键单击可以将物品放入收纳袋
    • Use right-click to remove the top item type from a Bundle
    • 右键单击可以移除最上方的物品
    • When the Bundle tooltip is visible, use number keys or the mouse wheel to select a different item type then use right-click to remove it
    • 收纳袋的提示框可见时,可以使用数字键或鼠标滚轮选择另一个物品,右键单击可以拿出


Added a new Experiment containing various Redstone-related changes. This can be enabled by selecting "Redstone Experiments" in the Experiments menu when creating a world.

Please note that the experimental features behind this toggle are not aimed at any future release at this time. Instead, this is a place for us to try out changes and gather feedback.
We are excited to hear what you think about these changes: please share your feedback on the feedpack page .



  • The performance impact of Redstone wire (connected blocks of Redstone Dust) has been improved
  • 改进了(与红石块连接的)红石线的互动性
  • Redstone wire now only triggers block updates on blocks that may receive power from the wire
  • 红石线现只会对可能接收到来自自身的红石信号的位置传递更新
  • Before a line of wire causes block updates, the new signal strength of all connected wires is set
  • 在红石线引发方块更新前,红石线的信号强度会重新计算
  • The update order around Redstone wire has been changed
  • 调整了红石线更新的顺序
    • The aim is to make wire work the same, independent of position and orientation
    • 这一调整旨在让红石线机制保持一致,而无关于位置与朝向
    • When possible the order is deterministic based on the context the updates are caused in
    • 如果可能,更新顺序将仅取决于引起更新的方块上下文
    • When there is not enough context to fully determine the order, the rest is picked at random
    • 当没有足够的方块上下文时,剩余部分的顺序选择将会随机

Developer's Note:We know that randomness in Redstone is usually unwanted.
We've used it here because we've made things deterministic whenever it makes sense, and sometimes it just doesn't make sense - and we don't want some hidden state (like location-based hashes!) determining the order and making machines work differently at different coordinates or in different orientations.
The screenshot below shows an example of a 'random' vs 'non-random' wire - we think it's actually pretty logical, and is within the players control to build machines that behave deterministically.
But we are looking forward to hearing what you think after trying it out!


(汉化图源Minecraft Wiki)

Order in Which a Line of Wire Changes

  • When a line of wire turns on, the wires closer to the power source will cause block updates first
  • 一串红石线同时激活时,最靠近信号源的红石线最先引发方块更新
  • When a line of wire turns off, the wires closer to where the power source was, will cause block updates first
  • 一串红石线同时熄灭时,原先最靠近信号源的红石线最先引发方块更新
  • When two wires have the same distance to the power source, which of them causes updates first is picked at random
  • 如果一些红石元件距离侧面信号源的红石线长度相等,则这些红石元件将以随机顺序被更新
    • The random choice is made once for the entire line of wire, to limit the amount of possible outcomes
    • 这一随机顺序对整条红石线来说只会选择一次,以减少可出现的随机结果
    • This means, when powering a line of wire from the side, it randomly chooses one of two possible update orders
    • 这意味着对整条红石线来说,左右红石元件被更新的顺序总是一致的。
    • The advantage of having few possible update orders is that the results are more predictable
    • 更新顺序的随机性减少有助于提升结果的可预测性

Block Updates Around a Wire
  • The order in which blocks around the wire update is based on the direction the wire received an update from
  • 红石线更新周围方块顺序以信号来源为基准
  • Currently, the order is: back, front, left, right, down, up
  • 当前顺序为:后→前→左→右→下→上
    • left and right may be swapped, depending on the random choice made by the line of wire
    • 左右的次序可以因为红石线随机选择的不同而颠倒
  • When the updates are further distributed through solid blocks, the same order is applied there
  • 红石更新作用于固体方块时,也使用相同的顺序


As this experiment only changes Redstone wire, interactions with other components may not always act as expected, especially when it comes to update orders.


Added a new Experiment containing various movement changes to Minecarts. This can be enabled by selecting "Minecart Improvements" in the Experiments menu when creating a world.

Our long term goal is to make vehicle travel, like minecarts, a viable option for players compared to other late-game options which currently dominate most playstyles. To achieve this, we aim to make riding minecarts a smooth experience, with consistent and predictable motion and rotation. With this feature toggle we are laying a foundation to build upon in the future. We are aware of that these changes will break some existing contraptions, which is why we want to collaborate with the community to shape the upgrade and future experience of riding minecarts.

Please note that the experimental features behind this toggle are not aimed at any future release at this time. Instead, this is a place for us to try out changes and gather feedback.

We are excited to hear what you think about these changes: please share your feedback on this feedback page .


  • Minecarts will articulate their movement better when going fast, riding on the rail all the time
  • 现在矿车快速行驶时也能保持较好的运动轨迹,并且一直在轨道上行驶
    • Minecarts will now smoothly turn along with the track and are less likely to halt or derail
    • 矿车现在能更平稳地沿着铁轨转向,而不太容易停止或脱轨
  • Minecarts can now jump better
  • 提升了矿车跳跃的性能
    • They keep their vertical momentum when the track ends with a slope
    • 当铁轨尽头为斜坡时,矿车的垂直动量将保留
    • Minecarts will tilt to visually articulate while in the air
    • 滞空时,矿车也会有倾斜的视觉效果
    • No rail grinding sound is played when Minecarts are flying through the air
    • 矿车飞行时不再播放在铁轨上行驶的音效
  • Added a new accessibility setting that makes players follow the rotation of Minecarts they ride
  • 增加了一个新的辅助设置,可让玩家视角跟随乘坐的矿车的旋转
    • Defaults to off
    • 默认为关
    • Only has effect when within a world with the experiment enabled
    • 只在实验性选项开启时才有效果
  • Added new gamerule minecartMaxSpeed that changes the maximum speed of Minecarts
  • 增加了新的游戏规则 minecartMaxSpeed ,可控制矿车的最大速度
    • Defaults to 8 and goes up to 1000 blocks per second.
    • 默认为 8 ,最大为 1000 ,单位是格/秒
    • Setting it to a specific value does not guarantee that a minecart will reach that particular max speed - there are built in air resistances and similar effects that the speed added through slopes or powered rails need to overcome
    • 设置此规则并不能保证矿车一定可达到这一最大速度 —— 矿车的最终速度仍会受空气阻力、斜坡与动力铁轨的影响
    • This gamerule only exists in worlds with the experiment enabled
    • 此游戏规则只会在开启实验性选项后出现


  • Minecarts can no longer be placed within another Minecart by the player or a dispenser
  • 现在玩家和发射器无法将矿车重叠放置
  • Minecarts can now consistently be placed next to each other along a track
  • 矿车现在可以稳定地沿轨道放置在另一个矿车旁
  • Minecarts now pick up mobs more consistently when moving along a track
  • 矿车沿轨道行驶时,现在可以更稳定地搭载乘客


  • We are aware that these changes will make certain contraptions such as 'piston bolts' not work at all, or have their behavior changed
  • 我们已知晓这些改动会导致部分机械将无法正常运行或发生改变,例如“活塞炮”将会失效
  • Very delicate rail networks will have their timings changed due to slight changes in speeds, movement distance, friction etc.
  • 特别精密的轨道网会因为矿车速度、移动距离、阻力等的微小变化而发生改变其时序。
  • Contraptions that rely on Minecarts snapping to rails will no longer work, or have their behavior changed
  • 依赖矿车撞击轨道的机械将无法正常运行或发生改变


  • Various items and blocks have had their assigned rarities changed
  • 多个物品和方块在注册表中的稀有度数值变化
  • Tweaked portal cooldowns of vehicles and projectiles
  • 调整了载具和弹射物的传送门冷却时间
    • After using a Nether Portal, Minecarts and Boats now only need to leave the portal for 0.5 seconds to use a portal again (down from previous 15 seconds)
    • 通过下界传送门后,矿车和船只需 0.5 秒便可进行下一次传送(之前是 15 秒)
    • After using a Nether Portal, projectiles such as Enderpearls and Arrows now only need to leave the portal for 2 ticks to use a portal again (down from previous 15 seconds)
    • 通过下界传送门后,末影珍珠、箭现只需 2 游戏刻便可进行下一次传送(之前是 15 秒)
  • Suspicious Stew recipes are now shown in the recipe book
  • 配方书现可以展示谜之炖菜配方
  • Breeze no longer have a minimum distance required to attack a target
  • 旋风人不再需要接近才能攻击目标
  • Added a new death message for when killed by a Mace smash attack
  • 新增被重锤猛击杀死时的死亡消息
  • Wolves can now also be fed cod, cooked cod, salmon, cooked salmon, tropical fish, pufferfish and rabbit stew to achieve parity with Bedrock
  • 狼现在可以被喂食生鳕鱼、熟鳕鱼、生鲑鱼、熟鲑鱼、热带鱼、河豚和兔肉煲,与基岩版趋同
  • Enchanted shields now have the same reduced glint as enchanted armor
  • 附魔的盾牌现有与盔甲一致的附魔光效
  • Banner Pattern items have new names and icons
  • 旗帜图案现拥有新的名称与图标
  • Smithing Template items are now named after their template type instead of the generic "Smithing Template" name
  • 锻造模板物品现以其纹饰图案命名,而不再是“锻造模板”
    • They instead specify that they are a Smithing Template through a subtitle in the hover text
    • “它们是一个锻造模板”的信息现通过提示框的悬浮文本展示
  • The game will now limit the maximum framerate when it is minimized or when the player is AFK
  • 游戏现会在闲置时降低最大帧率
    • A new Video Setting is introduced to configure this behavior
    • 在视频设置中新增选项控制这一特性
  • Added language support for Tzotzil and Belarusian (Latin)
  • 加入了对索西语和白俄罗斯语(拉丁字母)的支持
  • Tweaked Bee flight distances and cooldowns
  • 调整了蜜蜂的飞行距离和间隔时间
    • Bees now wander around randomly for less time after exiting a nest/hive
    • 减少了蜜蜂离巢时的随机飞行行为
    • If a bee has a known nest/hive, it will travel less far from it, thus being less likely to get lost
    • 若蜜蜂有已绑定的蜂巢或蜂箱,那么它在飞行时将更靠近这个方块,从而减少走丢的概率
    • Significantly increased the amount of time a Bee can take to return to a known nest/hive before it gives up trying to return home
    • 显著延后蜜蜂在飞回已绑定蜂巢或蜂箱时放弃寻路的时限
    • Bees are now a lot less likely to get stuck on corners or when they are close to a nest/hive they are trying to return to
    • 蜜蜂在回巢时更不容易卡在角落
    • Bees are also now a lot less likely to try and pathfind to a flower it cannot reach
    • 减少了蜜蜂尝试在寻路到无法到达的花的频率
  • Updated the Bundle
  • 改进了收纳袋
  • Bats can now spawn at any height, not just below sea level, as long as it is dark enough and there is a solid block to spawn on
  • 蝙蝠现在可以生成的高度由低于海平面改为任意高度,现只需要亮度足够低的固体方块
  • A triggered raid will no longer start if the raiders cannot find a place to spawn within a reasonable distance of the village they are trying to raid
  • 若全部袭击者均无法在村庄周围的合适距离内生成,则触发的袭击将不会开始
  • Added baby versions of Dolphins, Squids, and Glow Squids
  • 加入海豚、鱿鱼和发光鱿鱼的幼年变体
  • Added small and large Salmon variants
  • 加入鲑鱼的小型和大型变体
  • The title specified in the written_book_content component will now be prioritized over custom_name and item_name for any item with a non-empty title in this component
  • 对于任何 written_book_content 组件中 title 为非空值的物品,这一指定值现优先于 custom_name 和 item_name 展示
  • The performance of the server (tick rate) has been improved when using higher render distances
  • 改进了更高渲染距离下服务器的性能(游戏刻速率)
    • Furthermore, the impact of loading and generating chunks on tick rate has been reduced
    • 此外,减少了加载和生成区块对游戏刻速率的影响
  • Redstone Torches have been given a new look with updated textures and models, to give it a unique and distinctive identity
  • 红石火把现有了全新的外观纹理与模型,从而更具辨识度


  • Each Banner Pattern item now includes their pattern type in their name instead of as a subtitle
  • 所有旗帜图案现会在命名中包含它们的图案类型,而不再是以“副标题”形式呈现
    • Unique item textures have been added to better distinguish each pattern type
    • 为每种旗帜图案添加了独特的纹理来更好地区分
  • The following Banner Patterns have been added to achieve parity with Bedrock:
  • 为趋同基岩版,添加了下述两种旗帜图案:
    • Field Masoned
    • 砖纹
      • Crafted with Paper and Bricks
      • 用纸和红砖块合成
    • Bordure Indented
    • 波浪边
      • Crafted with Paper and Vines
      • 用纸和藤蔓合成

  • The Bricks and Curved Border patterns in the Loom can no longer be accessed without the above Banner Patterns
  • 织布机现需要上述旗帜图案物品才能添加对应图案


  • Rarity is a set of categories which determine the color used to display the name of an item or block
  • 稀有度可以决定一系列物品或方块显示名称的颜色
    • It has no gameplay impact, but is used to signal how difficult something is to obtain
    • 它不会对游戏玩法产生影响,只会说明一个物品获取的难易度
    • By default, unless specified otherwise, all items and blocks have a rarity of Common which displays their name in the color white
    • 默认情况下,除非特别指定,否则所有物品和方块的稀有度均为常见,并展示为白色
  • We have re-evaluated the rarity of all items and blocks in the game to more accurately reflect the current challenge of obtaining them, given the following guidelines:
  • 我们重新评估了游戏中所有物品和方块的稀有度,从而更准确地反映当前获得它们的难度,规则如下:
    • Items and blocks become more rare depending on the following factors:
    • 物品和方块会因为以下因素提升其稀有度等级:
      • The chance of finding it in a loot table, including mob drops
      • 战利品表及生物掉落的概率
      • The amount of travelling required to obtain it
      • 获得前需要探索的程度
      • The difficulty of any obstacle which must be overcome to obtain it
      • 获得前必须克服的阻碍
      • The possible amount of that item or block which exists in the world
      • 世界中可最多拥有的物品或方块数
    • Any item or block which can be crafted must inherit the highest rarity of its crafting ingredients
    • 任何可合成的物品或方块将继承其合成原材料的最高稀有度等级
      • For example, a Mace has an Epic rarity because one of its ingredients (the Heavy Core) has an Epic rarity
      • 例:重锤的稀有度等级为史诗,因为原材料之一的沉重核心的稀有度等级为史诗
      • Likewise, any crafted item which has only Common crafting ingredients must also be Common
      • 同样的,全部合成原材料均为常见的物品也会是常见的
  • The lists below detail the items and blocks which have changed to that rarity category
  • 下面列出了更改了稀有度等级的物品和方块


  • End Crystal
  • 末地水晶
  • Golden Apple
  • 金苹果


  • Sniffer Egg
  • 嗅探兽蛋
  • Chainmail Helmet
  • 锁链头盔
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • 锁链胸甲
  • Chainmail Leggings
  • 锁链护腿
  • Chainmail Boots
  • 锁链靴子
  • Recovery Compass
  • 追溯指针
  • Disc Fragment 5
  • 唱片残片 5
  • Nautilus Shell
  • 鹦鹉螺壳
  • Echo Shard
  • 回响碎片
  • Goat Horns
  • 山羊角
  • Pottery Sherds
  • 陶罐碎片
  • Ominous Bottles
  • 不祥之瓶
  • Ominous Banner
  • 不祥旗帜
  • Netherite Upgade
  • 下界合金升级
  • Sentry Armor Trim
  • 哨兵盔甲纹饰
  • Dune Armor Trim
  • 沙丘盔甲纹饰
  • Coast Armor Trim
  • 海岸盔甲纹饰
  • Wild Armor Trim
  • 荒野盔甲纹饰
  • Tide Armor Trim
  • 潮汐盔甲纹饰
  • Snout Armor Trim
  • 猪鼻盔甲纹饰
  • Rib Armor Trim
  • 肋骨盔甲纹饰
  • Wayfinder Armor Trim
  • 向导盔甲纹饰
  • Shaper Armor Trim
  • 塑造盔甲纹饰
  • Raiser Armor Trim
  • 牧民盔甲纹饰
  • Host Armor Trim
  • 雇主盔甲纹饰
  • Flow Armor Trim
  • 涡流盔甲纹饰
  • Bolt Armor Trim
  • 镶铆盔甲纹饰
  • The following Music Discs:
  • 以下音乐唱片:
    • 13
    • Cat
    • Blocks
    • Chirp
    • Creator(八音盒)
    • Far
    • Mall
    • Mellohi
    • Stal
    • Strad
    • Ward
    • 11
    • Wait
    • Relic
    • 5
    • Precipice


  • Enchanted Golden Apple
  • 附魔金苹果
    • Enchanted Golden Apples have become more common in recent years due to being accessible in both Ancient Cities and Trial Chambers, warranting a demotion to Rare instead of Epic
    • 因远古城市和试炼密室都可以获得附魔金苹果,附魔金苹果的稀有度下降,故由史诗降级为稀有
  • Trident
  • 三叉戟
    • We recently increased Trident's rarity up to Epic from Common, but after re-evaluating we felt that it was easier to obtain than other items in the Epic category such as Heavy Cores or Elytras
    • 三叉戟的稀有度曾由常见上升到史诗,但与其他史诗级物品,例如沉重核心和鞘翅综合考虑后,我们认为三叉戟的获取相对较容易些
  • Nether Star
  • 下界之星
  • Ward Armor Trim
  • 监守盔甲纹饰
  • Eye Armor Trim
  • 眼眸盔甲纹饰
  • Vex Armor Trim
  • 恼鬼盔甲纹饰
  • Spire Armor Trim
  • 尖塔盔甲纹饰
  • Wither Skeleton Skull
  • 凋灵骷髅头颅
  • Skull Charge Banner Pattern
  • 头颅盾徽旗帜图案
    • Now that Wither Skeleton Skulls are Rare, these banner patterns should be Rare as well
    • 既然凋灵骷髅头颅是稀有级,那么旗帜图案理应也为稀有级
  • Thing Banner Pattern
  • Mojang徽标旗帜图案
    • Now that Enchanted Golden Apples are Rare, these banner patterns should be Rare as well
    • 既然附魔金苹果是稀有级,那么旗帜图案理应也为稀有级
  • The following Music Discs:
  • 以下音乐唱片:
    • Pigstep
    • otherside
    • Creator


  • Elytra
  • 鞘翅
  • Dragon Head
  • 龙首
  • Silence Armor Trim
  • 幽静盔甲纹饰(锻造模板)


  • The game will now limit the maximum framerate in certain situations
  • 游戏现会在特定情况下降低最大帧率
  • These situations are controlled by a new Video Setting: Reduce FPS when
  • 在视频设置中新增“降低帧率”选项,用于选择降低帧率的情况
  • Possible options are:
  • 可选的选项有
    • Mimimized
    • 最小化时
      • Limits framerate to 10 FPS only when the game window is minimized
      • 仅在游戏窗口最小化时将帧率限制到10
    • AFK
    • 无操作时
      • Limits framerate to 30 FPS when the game is not getting any player input for more than a minute
      • 若游戏超过 1 分钟未收到玩家输入,则将帧率限制到 30
      • Further limits to 10 FPS after 9 more minutes of no input
      • 若接下来 9 分钟也无操作,则进一步降到 10
      • Also limits to 10 FPS when the game window is minimized
      • 游戏窗口最小化时也将帧率限制到 10

  • The default is AFK
  • 默认选项为“无操作时”



  • Added reporting reason "Sexually inappropriate"
  • 添加举报理由“性相关不当内容”
    • This is intended for skins that are graphic in nature relating to sexual acts, sexual organs, and sexual violence
    • 适用于与性行为、性器官和性暴力有关的皮肤
  • Removed reason "Defamation" due to lack of relevance for skins
  • 移除举报理由“诽谤”,因该项缺乏与皮肤的关联性
  • Removed reason "Threat of harm to others" due to already being covered by "Harassment or bullying" reporting reason
  • 移除举报理由“威胁伤害他人”,这一概念已被“骚扰与霸凌”覆盖


  • Added a text label above the description box to clarify that only the name of the player is subject to the report
  • 在描述框上方增加了一个文本标签,以阐明只有玩家名称能被举报


  • Extended the text-filtering-config in order to support an internal migration for Realms Profanity Filtering
  • 拓展了 text-filtering-config 配置,以便支持 Realms 的不雅词汇过滤器的内部迁移。
    • Servers currently utilizing the text-filtering-config will be able to continue to do so without any changes
    • 目前正在使用 text-filtering-config 的服务器可以继续使用该功能,无需进行任何更改。


  • Added new variations to the hallways, including "Encounters": Short challenges leading to a larger chamber.
  • 新增走廊结构的多个变体,包括“遭遇”:一种在进入更大密室前的小型挑战。
  • Beds in intersections now have their colors randomized.
  • 交叉口的床现在具有随机的颜色
  • Replaced the empty chests at the entrance of chamber with a Hopper and Barrel to better show the players that these are meant for disposal and inventory managment!
  • 用漏斗和木桶替代了入口的空箱子,来更好的向玩家展示其整理物品栏的作用!


  • The Data Pack version is now 49
  • 数据包版本现在是 49
  • Resource Pack version is now 35
  • 资源包版本现在是 35
  • Added some information about data pack structure (for example, data-driven registries) to generated reports
  • 向生成的报告添加了一些关于数据包结构(例如数据驱动的注册项)的信息
  • Added unique block sounds to the Monster Spawner block
  • 为刷怪笼新增一系列方块音效
  • New server.properties option: pause-when-empty-seconds (default 60)
  • server.properties 新选项:pause-when-empty-seconds (默认为 60)
    • When set to a positive value, causes the server to pause when no player has been online for that many seconds
    • 设置为正值时,服务器在超出此时长后无玩家在线时暂停
  • Removed server.properties options: spawn-animals and spawn-npcs
  • 移除了 server.properties 的选项:spawn-animals 和 spawn-npcs


  • Added minecraft:client_tick_end serverbound packet during play phase, sent when the client finishes processing its current tick
  • 在游玩阶段新增 minecraft:client_tick_end 服务端绑定数据包,在客户端完成当前刻处理时发送
    • This is unused by the Vanilla server, but left for use by custom server implementations
    • 此功能是为自定义服务器实现打造的,原版服务器不会使用
  • Added ability for custom servers to override the order that players appear in the 'tab list'
  • 为自定义服务器添加选项控制玩家在玩家列表中出现的顺序
    • This is controlled by a non-negative ordering index that is sorted highest to lowest
    • 将会按非负的数字索引由大到小的顺序排列
  • The client now shares the state of the 'Particles' limiter option to be used by custom servers
  • 客户端现在共享 Particles 限制器选项的状态,以供自定义服务器使用

数据包版本 49

  • Goat Horn instruments are now data-driven
  • 山羊角乐器信息现为数据驱动
  • Sheep shearing is now controlled by loot tables found as shearing/sheep/<color>
  • 山羊剪毛的掉落物现由战利品表 shearing/sheep/<颜色> 控制
  • Mooshroom shearing is now controlled by loot tables found as shearing/mooshroom/<variant>
  • 哞菇剪蘑菇的掉落物现由战利品表 shearing/mooshroom/<变体> 控制
  • Snow golem shearing is now controlled by a loot table found as shearing/snow_golem
  • 雪傀儡剪南瓜头的掉落物现由战利品表 shearing/snow_golem 控制
  • The crafting_special_suspiciousstew recipe type has been removed
  • crafting_special_suspiciousstew 配方类型现已移除
  • Added new fields to painting variant definitions
  • 向画的数据格式中添加了新的字段
  • Added optional field explosion_power to tnt and tnt_minecart types
  • 在伤害类型 tnt 和 tnt_minecart 中新增字段 explosion_power
    • Defaults to 4
    • 默认为 4
    • For TNT minecarts, field value is added to speed-based explosion power
    • 对于 TNT 矿车,这一字段的值将加算到基于速度的爆炸强度上
  • Added support for Enchantment trigger projectile_spawned in the following items:
  • 将下列物品添加到附魔触发器 projectile_spawned:
    • Snowballs
    • 雪球
    • Tridents
    • 三叉戟
    • Small Fireballs
    • 火球(烈焰弹)
    • Thrown Potions
    • 可投掷的药水
    • Ender Pearls
    • 末影珍珠
    • Fishing Rod
    • 钓鱼竿
    • Firework Rocket
    • 烟花火箭
    • Wind Charge
    • 风弹
    • Eggs
    • 鸡蛋
  • Added new item components
  • 新增若干物品组件
  • Attribute IDs no longer have generic., player. and zombie. prefixes
  • 属性 ID 现不再有 generic. 、player. 与 zombie. 的前缀
  • Recipe ingredient format has been simplified
  • 对配方原材料格式进行了简化
  • Invalid selector patterns in Chat Components will now cause commands to fail to parse, instead of resolving to an empty string
  • 聊天组件中的无效选择器模式现在将导致命令解析失败,而不是解析为空字符串
  • Added tempt_range attribute - can be used to change the range, in blocks, at which temptable mobs can be tempted
  • 新增 tempt_range 属性 —— 用于改变可被引诱的生物的引诱距离,单位为格


Goat Horn instruments are now defined in a data pack registry folder called instruments. Like other registries, changing this content in data packs is considered experimental and requires a full world re-load to take effect.
山羊角乐器信息现通过名为 instrument 的数据包注册项指定。类似其他注册项,含此内容的数据包被考虑为使用了实验性设置,需要完全重载世界才能生效。


  • sound_event: The sound event the instrument plays
  • sound_event:将播放的声音事件
  • range: The maximum range (in blocks) at which the sound can be heard
  • range:音效能被听到的最远距离(单位是格)
  • use_duration: The amount of time (in seconds) the instrument is considered in use after triggering, which also serves as its cooldown
  • use_duration:乐器在触发后判定为被使用的时间,即冷却时间
  • description: A Text Component used as the descrpition of the instrument in item tooltips
  • description:乐器提示框中的描述,为文本组件


  • Added new optional fields author and title, holding text components to be displayed in the creative menu tooltip
  • 添加了新的可选字段 author 和 title,用于控制创造模式物品栏中提示框要展示的文本组件
  • This replaces previous mechanism where those values were derived from variant name
  • 替代了以前的机制,之前这些值是从变量名称派生的
  • Author tooltip has been removed for earth, wind, fire, water and wither variants
  • Earth、 wind、 fire、 water 和 wither 的作者信息已移除



  • furnace_minecart_fuel: Items that can be used to refuel furnace minecart
  • furnace_minecart_fuel:可用作矿车燃料的物品
  • villager_picks_up: Items that a Villager will try to pick up from the ground
  • villager_picks_up:可被村民尝试拾取的物品
  • Added new tags to control which items can be used to craft and repair various tool sets:
  • 新增标签用于控制可使用特定物品以合成或铁砧的方式修复
    • wooden_tool_materials
    • iron_tool_materials
    • gold_tool_materials
    • diamond_tool_materials
    • netherite_tool_materials



  • If present, and this item is damageable, this item can be repaired in an Anvil using the specified ingredient
  • 若存在且物品可损坏,则物品可通过指定的材料在铁砧上修复
  • Format: object with fields
  • 格式:带字段对象
    • items: Item, list of Items, or hash-prefixed Item Tag matching what can be used to repair this item
    • items:物品、物品列表或#前缀的物品标签,匹配可用于修复的物品
    • e.g. repairable={items:'stick'}
    • 例:repairable={items:'stick'}


  • If present (and any enchantments are applicable), this item can be enchanted in an Enchanting Table
  • 若存在(且物品有可附魔的魔咒),则物品可以在附魔台上被附魔
  • Format: object with fields
  • 格式:带字段对象
    • value: Positive integer, a higher value allows enchantments with a higher cost to be picked
    • value:正整型,更改的值将允许更高价值的魔咒出现
    • e.g. enchantable={value:15}
    • 例:enchantable={value:15}


The format used for recipe ingredients has been simplified and aligned with other fields that accept item lists (like item predicates):

  • For items: { "item": "<item id>" } now becomes "<item id>"
  • 对于物品: { "item": "<物品 id>" } 现为 "<物品 id>"
  • For tags: { "tag": "<tag id>" } now becomes "#<tag id>"
  • 对于物品标签:{ "tag": "<物品标签 id>" } 现为 "#<物品标签 id>"
  • Lists of items are still allowed, but tags can no longer appear in such list
  • 现仍可接受一系列物品的列表,但不再允许此列表中出现物品标签
  • Remaining restrictions:
  • 保留的限制规则:
    • minecraft:air can't appear anywhere in ingredient
    • minecraft:air 不能以任何形式出现在原材料中
    • ingredient must have at least one tag or item
    • 原材料必须至少有一个物品或物品标签
  • Fields template, base and addition in smithing_transform and smithing_trim recipes are now optional instead of accepting empty list
  • smithing_transform 和 smithing_trim 类型的配方中,字段 template、base 和 addition现在是可选的,但不再接受空列表

资源包版本 35 更新内容

  • Added break, fall, hit, place, and step sounds for the Spawner block
  • 为刷怪笼方块添加了破坏、摔落、挖掘、放置和行走的音效
  • Removals and renames of some translations is now automatically applied at startup
  • 移除或重命名的字符串现会在启动时应用
  • Updated the format of post-processing effect definitions
  • 更新了后处理着色器效果的数据格式
  • Added support for emissive layers for block models
  • 添加方块模型的自发光层的支持
  • The texture map for the Arrow and Bee Stinger models have been updated
  • 更新了箭矢与蜜蜂螫针模型的纹理映射
  • The model and UV mapping of the Dragon Egg have been updated
  • 更新了龙蛋的模型和UV映射
  • Updated textures, models and sounds for the Bundle item
  • 更新了收纳袋物品的纹理、模型和音效
    • Bundle icon has new models and textures
    • 为收纳袋图标设计了全新模型与纹理
    • The Bundle UI has new textures and scaling
    • 为收纳袋的界面设计了全新纹理与尺寸
    • Added a new sound for when failing to add an item to a Bundle
    • 新增物品无法被放入收纳袋时播放的音效
  • The models and UV mapping related to the Torch and blocks containing Redstone Torch have been updated
  • 更新了火把和包含红石火把的方块的模型与UV映射
  • Added new models for the Redstone Torch and updated its texture
  • 为红石火把新增了模型,并更新了纹理


  • The format of post-processing effect configurations have been updated
  • 更新了后处理效果配置文件的格式
  • The ChunkOffset uniform in terrain shaders has been renamed to ModelOffset
  • 将方块渲染着色器的子区块坐标uniform由 ChunkOffset 重命名为 ModelOffset


  • intarget and auxtargets have been merged into a single inputs list, as specified by the input format below
  • 将 intarget 与 auxtargets 合并为单个列表 inputs,输入格式见下文
  • outtarget has been renamed to output with the same format
  • 将 outtarget 重命名为 output,格式不变
  • targets is now a map between target name and target definition, as opposed to a list
  • targets 现作为帧缓冲名与帧缓冲定义的映射,而不再是一个列表
    • Inline target names are replaced with an empty object
    • 内联的帧缓冲名现改为使用空对象
      • For example, ["swap"] becomes {"swap": {}}
      • 例:["swap"] 现在为 {"swap": {}}
    • Target definitions with a specific size remain the same, with the name field moved into the map key
    • 帧缓冲目标定义长度不变,name 字段现作为映射的键名使用
      • For example, [{"name": "potato", "width": 16, "height": 16}] becomes {"potato": {"width": 16, "height": 16}}
      • 例:[{"name": "potato", "width": 16, "height": 16}] 现在为 {"potato": {"width": 16, "height": 16}}

Input Format

For both render target and texture inputs, the following fields may be specified:

  • sampler_name: string - prefix to set up both _Sampler and _Size uniforms
  • sampler_name:字符串 —— 用于设置 _Sampler 采样器和 _Size uniform 的前缀
    • For example, "sampler_name": "Diffuse" will link to the DiffuseSampler and DiffuseSize uniforms
    • 例:"sampler_name": "Diffuse" 将使用 DiffuseSampler 采样器和 DiffuseSize Uniform
    • This was previously always DiffuseSampler and InSize for intarget
    • 在之前的版本中,intarget 只能使用 DiffuseSampler 采样器和 InSize Uniform
    • For auxtargets, the name defined the sampler uniform, and the size was given as AuxSize<index>
    • 对于辅助纹理 auxtargets,name 决定采样器Uniform,size 由 AuxSize<index> 指定
  • bilinear: boolean (default: false) - if true, the input will be sampled with a bilinear filter
  • bilinear:布尔值(默认值:false)—— 为 true 时,输入将用线性过滤进行采样
    • This formerly only existed on texture inputs, however now functions for render targets
    • 在之前的版本中,此项只能在纹理输入中指定,现在也可以作用于渲染目标
    • For render targets, replaces the now removed use_linear_filter field on the pass definition
    • 对渲染目标来说,此项替代了渲染过程数据格式中已移除的 use_linear_filter 字段

For inputs from a render target, the following fields may be specified:
对于使用了渲染目标的 inputs 列表,可指定的字段如下:

  • target: namespaced id - the render target id
  • target:命名空间ID —— 即渲染目标的ID
    • Either a custom target id defined in the same file, or minecraft:main to reference the main screen target
    • 可以使用同一文件的自定义目标ID,或使用 minecraft:main 写入屏幕的主帧缓冲
    • This replaces the former id field, which was a free-form string
    • 替代了先前的 id 字段,其为自由格式的字符串
  • use_depth_buffer: boolean (default: false) - true to sample from the depth texture, false to sample from the color texture
  • use_depth_buffer:布尔值(默认值:false)—— 为 true 时使用深度纹理采样,为 false 时使用颜色纹理采样
    • This replaces the former :depth suffix applied to the target id
    • 替代了作用在渲染目标 id 的 :depth 后缀

For inputs from a static texture, the following fields may be specified:
对于使用了静态纹理的 inputs 列表,可指定的字段如下:

  • location: namespaced string - the location to a static texture file that can be sampled by the effect
  • location:命名空间字符串 —— 效果采样使用的静态纹理文件的位置
    • As the id field did before, this resolves to a texture at assets/<namespace>/textures/effect/<path>.png
    • 与之前的 id 字段相同,将解析为 assets/<namespace>/textures/effect/<path>.png 位置的纹理文件
  • width: positive integer - width in pixels of the texture
  • width:integer类型的正值 —— 纹理的宽度,单位为像素
  • height: positive integer - height in pixels of the texture
  • height:integer类型的正值 —— 纹理的高度,单位为像素

External Targets

  • The 'Fabulous' graphics transparency post-processing config no longer specifies the sorted framebuffers as custom targets
  • “极佳!”的图像半透明后处理设置不再指定排序帧缓冲区作为自定义目标
    • These are instead imported in the same way as the minecraft:main target
    • 现使用与 minecraft:main 目标的相同导入方式
    • translucent, itemEntity, particles, weather, clouds are now minecraft:translucent, minecraft:item_entity, minecraft:particles, minecraft:weather, and minecraft:clouds respectively
    • translucent、itemEntity、particles、weather、clouds 现分别改为 minecraft:translucent、minecraft:item_entity、minecraft:particles、minecraft:weather 和 minecraft:clouds
  • The entity outline processing shader similarly imports the minecraft:entity_outline target
  • 实体轮廓线使用后处理着色器现直接导入 minecraft:entity_outline 作为目标


  • During load some deprecated translation strings will now be removed and/or renamed
  • 加载阶段的一些弃用的字符串现被移除或更改
  • Packs that used those translations will need to re-add them manually
  • 使用了这些字符串的包需要手动重新添加它们
  • The full list is available in /assets/minecraft/lang/deprecated.json file inside the game's JAR file
  • 完整的列表见游戏 JAR 包中 /assets/minecraft/lang/deprecated.json 文件


  • Added an optional light_emission field to block model elements
  • 在方块模型元素中新增可选的 light_emission 字段
  • Integer value between 0 and 15, with 0 being the default value (no light emission)
  • 0 至 15 的正数,默认值为 0(不发光)
  • If specified and non-zero, this will behave as the minimum light level that the element can receive
  • 为非0值时,方块将视作至少与定义值相同等级的光照

24w33a共修复了215个漏洞,篇幅较长故省略,详见Minecraft Wiki


Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Minecraft: Java 版快照现开放下载。要获取这一版本,可以打开 Minecraft Launcher 并在“安装”选项卡中启用快照版本。

Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

Cross-platform server jar:

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【轰天雷 译自Java Team 8 年 15 月 24 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a

【本文排版借助了:SPXXKLP 用户脚本 v3.1.6】

Powered by SPXXKLP 3.1.6 with love
Converted at 2024-08-16 14:52 +0800

 发表于 2024-8-18 18:48:50|显示全部楼层 IP:广东省
2#2024-8-18 18:48:50回复收起回复


 发表于 2024-8-18 19:49:48 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:上海
3#2024-8-18 19:49:48回复收起回复


 发表于 2024-8-18 20:58:52 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:辽宁省
4#2024-8-18 20:58:52回复收起回复


 发表于 2024-8-18 21:53:06|显示全部楼层 IP:安徽省
5#2024-8-18 21:53:06回复收起回复


 发表于 2024-8-18 23:44:29 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:湖南省
6#2024-8-18 23:44:29回复收起回复


 发表于 2024-8-19 10:44:56|显示全部楼层 IP:浙江省
注:同时也使用了/gamerule MinecartMaxSpeed 1000来提高矿车速度。
7#2024-8-19 10:44:56回复收起回复







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