MINECRAFT IS LAUNCHING ON CHROMEBOOK Minecraft现已登陆ChromeBook平台 Early access version arrives today! 叮咚,您的抢先体验版已送达!
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we believe mining and crafting is even more fun when we can all do it together. That’s why we’re excited to announce that today, an early access version of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition is releasing on Chromebook*, featuring cross-device play with friends, access to Minecraft Marketplace, and the ability to play on Realms! While it won’t be available for everyone to buy yet (the full release will come later) it marks an exciting step towards making Minecraft more accessible to even more people.
WHAT DOES “EARLY ACCESS” MEAN? “抢先体验版”具体指什么? Early access means that in this first stage, only selected Chromebook devices that meet the minimum requirements* will get the option to buy Minecraft, so you’ll have to check the Google Play Store to see if Minecraft is available for you. This isn’t because we want to single out some of our players as special (we love you all equally!) – it’s so we can test the game’s performance before we make it available to more players.
在第一阶段的抢先体验测试中,只有满足 最低系统要求* 的特定Chromebook设备可以购买Minecraft,所以你得先在 Google应用商店 检查你是否满足获取Minecraft的要求。这当然不是因为我们要刻意孤立某些玩家(我们热爱你们所有人!真的!),这只是为了在游戏正式发布前测试并改进游戏的性能——防患于未然。
Between now and the official launch date, we’ll be working hard to make sure that Minecraft runs smoothly on Chromebook . We’ll check that every creeper hisses, every glow-berry glows, and that every snow-topped mountain can spawn a screaming goat. We still expect that there may be some bugs, and that’s where we’ll need your help . If you come across any goat-eating frogs, milkable squids, or disco dancing Ender dragons, then please let us know! You can submit bug reports to us through the website, or send us a message on Discord . Your bug reports will help us refine the game’s performance, and are always an invaluable part of our testing process, whether we’re releasing a preview of future features, or, like we are today: launching Minecraft on a brand-new platform!
在游戏正式发布以前,我们将尽力确保Minecraft能在Chromebook上正常运行。我们将确保每个苦力怕都能正常地发出嘶嘶声、每个发光浆果都能在黑暗中闪耀,以及每个雪山之巅都能生成一只尖叫山羊——确保一切如常。 但是请记住,世界上没有完美的游戏,所以我们仍然需要你的帮助。如果你遇到了什么奇葩玩意,像是 吃山羊的青蛙, 产牛奶的鱿鱼 或者 飙迪斯科的末影龙,烦请把它报告给我们!你可以在 这个页面 报告问题,或者 在Discord上给我们发消息 . 你提交的错误报告对我们十分重要,这将有助于改进游戏的性能问题、发布最新的功能预览……以及像今天一样在新平台发布Minecraft!
We don’t have a confirmed release date for the full version of Minecraft for Chromebook yet, but once it's officially released, everyone with a compatible Chromebook will be able to download it from the Google Play Store .
对于正式版发布的确切时间,恕我们无可奉告,但在游戏正式发布后,每个符合条件的Chromebook都可以从 Google应用商店 获取Minecraft.
WILL I BE ABLE TO RIDE A CAMEL ON MY CHROMEBOOK? Chromebook上的Minecraft是否会拥有最新的更新内容?
We can’t wait to share the upcoming Trails and Tails update with Chromebook users and make Minecraft playable across even more devices. The full version of Minecraft for Chromebook will feature the update once it has been released, meaning you’ll get to meet the new mobs, nab the new blocks, and journey in search of new biomes!
我们已经迫不及待的想向Chromebook与其他平台的用户分享我们最新的 足迹与故事** 更新 适用于Chromebook的Minecraft将在正式发布后提供最新的功能更新,这意味着你将遇到新的生物,或者新的方块并找到新的生物群系!
Plus because we believe that play is better together, you’ll be able to cross-play Minecraft: Bedrock Edition from your Chromebook with friends on any device! Share a camel ride with a companion, leave cryptic notes on hanging signs, or even go on a group hunt for sniffer eggs – the choice is yours. Join the excitement for the Trails and Tails update, and get ready to go on a journey of your own!
对了,我们始终坚信独乐乐不如众乐乐,因此……适用于Chromebook的Minecraft基岩版现已支持跨平台游戏!你可以跟你的朋友一起骑骆驼、在悬挂告示牌上留下神秘的标记、亦或组团寻找嗅探者的蛋! 一切取决于你,世界在你手中!对了,最新的 足迹与故事** 系列更新即将加入Minecraft——嗨起来!准备好开始一段独属于你的旅途吧!
To see if your Chromebook device is included in the early access launch, check here . Our support site is also there to help you, and we’ll keep this page updated with any new information on the early access release, the official release date of the full version, and any important ongoing bugs. In the meantime, let’s all be on the lookout for flying squid! I don’t want to find them, but I also need to find them…
要知道您的Chromebook是否拥有请先体验版获取资格,请 戳这里。如果你遇到了什么问题,请访问我们的 支持站点 ,我们将持续更新支持站点,并时刻提供关于抢先体验版的最新信息,像是正式发布时间以及关于某些重要的远古特性的详细信息。与此同时,让我们来找找 会飞的鱿鱼 吧!说实话,我真的不想找到它们,但我们又必须找到它们……