



[版本发布] Minecraft Java版 1.19.4 发布

 发表于 2023-3-20 21:38:47|显示全部楼层|阅读模式 IP:上海

|Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。
|正式版是Minecraft Java版经过一段时间的预览版测试后得到的稳定版本,也是众多材质、Mod与服务器插件会逐渐跟进的版本。官方启动器也会第一时间进行推送。


Minecraft Java 1.19.4 Released
Minecraft Java版 1.19.4 发布

We're now releasing 1.19.4 for Minecraft: Java Edition. This release comes with improvements to horse breeding and jukeboxes, new visuals for potions, new accessibility features and many new technical capabilities like the damage and ride commands and display and interaction entities.
我们现发布 Minecraft 1.19.4。在这个版本中,我们改进了马匹繁殖机制和唱片机,提供了药水的新外观,新增了辅助功能选项,同时还做出了很多技术上的更新,例如 damageride 命令,以及还有展示实体和交互实体。

The update_1_20 experiment has also been updated with a first look at the Sniffer, Archaeology, Armor Trims and Cherry Grove features.
同时 update_1_20 experiment 数据包提供了嗅探兽、考古系统、盔甲纹饰和樱花树林等玩法上的预览。


  • Updated Horse Breeding
  • 改进了马匹繁殖机制
  • Jukeboxes have changed to be at parity with Bedrock
  • 调整了唱片机,以同步基岩版
  • Interacting with armor or elytra items in-hand will now swap them with equipped gear
  • 现在可以手持盔甲或鞘翅时按下使用键,将它们与正在装备的物品互换
  • The camera tilt when hurt is now based on the direction of incoming damage
  • 现在当玩家受伤时,视角倾斜方向取决于伤害来源的方向
  • Potions colors have been adjusted to make different types of potions more distinguishable
  • 对药水颜色做出调整,以提升辨识度
  • Potions no longer have an enchantment glint due to it obscuring the color of the potion contents
  • 取消了药水的附魔光效,因为它影响药水颜色的判断
  • Enchantment glint on items and armor is now more subtle
  • 附魔物品和盔甲的光效现在更加柔和
  • Armor Stands now preserve custom names when placed and broken
  • 现在盔甲架可以在放置和破坏时保存自定义名称
  • Vexes now use a separate charging animation when empty-handed
  • 现在恼鬼会在空手时使用另外的猛冲动画
  • Tweaks to recipe unlocking to make discovering vital crafting recipes easier for new players
  • 调整配方解锁顺序,让新玩家能更快的了解重要配方
  • Updated the Create New World screen
  • 改进了创建新的世界屏幕
  • New accessibility options and improvements
  • 新的辅助功能选项与改进
  • Updated the Realms screen to be more in line with the Singleplayer and Multiplayer screens
  • 更新了 Realms 屏幕,使其更加符合单人游戏和多人游戏的屏幕布局
  • Added a notification system for Realms to tell you about important information about your Realm
  • 增加了一个通知系统,来告知有关你的 Realms 的重要信息
  • Added "Credits & Attribution" button in the Options menu
  • 在选项菜单中添加了“鸣谢与著作权说明”按钮


The speed, jump height and health of a baby is now a variation of the average of the parents' attributes, rather than being biased towards the average possible value.

This change makes horse breeding a viable way of getting great horses, if a player starts with good parents and puts in enough time and Golden Carrots.


  • Emits a note particle above it while playing a music disc
  • 现在会在播放唱片时向上弹出音符粒子
  • While playing a music disc, it will emit a redstone signal of 15
  • 当播放唱片时,它会输出强度为 15 的红石信号
  • Droppers and hoppers can now interact with it
  • 投掷器和漏斗现在可与之交互


  • Added painting variants to the creative menu
  • 向创造模式物品栏内添加了各种画
  • Paintings with a pre-defined variant will now display the author and title in the item description when hovered over
  • 预定义种类的画,会在鼠标悬停时在提示框内展示其作者和标题


  • The Crafting Table recipe is unlocked immediately on creating a new world
  • 在创建世界后,工作台的配方现在会立即解锁
  • The Crossbow recipe is no longer unlocked by sticks
  • 弩的配方现在不需要由木棍解锁
  • The Soul Campfire recipe is no longer unlocked by sticks
  • 灵魂营火的配方现在不需要由木棍解锁


  • The screen is now organized into three tabs
  • 屏幕现在分为三个标签页
    • The Game-Tab allows to set the world name, Gamemode, Difficulty and whether to allow cheats
    • “游戏”页用于设置世界名称、游戏模式、难度和作弊选项
    • The World-Tab allows to set the World-Type and Seed, and to toggle the generation of structures and the bonus chest
    • “世界”页用于设置世界类型和种子,同时能调整结构与奖励箱的生成
    • The More-Tab provides access to the Game Rules and DataPack Selection Screen
    • “更多”页用于设置游戏规则及进入数据包选择屏幕
  • Tabs can be switched with the keyboard by pressing Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab
  • 可通过按下 Ctrl+Tab 和 Ctrl+Shift+Tab 来切换各标签页
  • Specific tabs can also be navigated to by pressing Ctrl+Tab Number
  • 可通过按下 Ctrl+标签页序号 切换到指定标签页
    • For example, Ctrl+2 navigates to the second tab
    • 例如, Ctrl+2 会切换到第二个标签页
  • Removed the Import Settings button and the corresponding Export Settings button in the Edit World Screen
  • 移除了“编辑世界”屏幕内“导入设置”的按钮和对应的“导出设置”按钮
  • Added a screen to easily enable/disable experimental features
  • 添加了一个屏幕,用于更方便地启用或禁用实验性功能
    • The screen can always be found under the More-tab
    • 此屏幕总是可以在“更多”标签页中找到
    • In snapshots, a shortcut button can be found under the Game-tab
    • 若为快照版本,此屏幕还可在“游戏”标签页中快速进入。


  • Added an accessibility onboarding screen for players launching the game for the first time
  • 添加了辅助功能引导屏幕,会在玩家首次启动游戏时出现
  • Auto-Jump is now off by default
  • 自动跳跃功能现在默认关闭
  • Added arrow key navigation
  • 添加了方向键导航功能
  • Added high contrast resource pack
  • 添加了高对比度资源包
  • The resource pack screen is now keyboard-navigatable
  • 资源包屏幕现在可使用方向键导航
  • Changed how tooltips in the menu UI are positioned so buttons are still readable
  • 调整菜单 UI 中提示框的位置,让按钮更容易阅读
  • Added a tooltip in the key binds screen that specifies which key binds are conflicting
  • 在“按键绑定”屏幕内添加了提示框,显示冲突的按键绑定
  • Added a "Damage Tilt" accessibility option that controls the amount the camera shakes when being hurt
  • 添加了“受伤抖动效果”辅助功能选项,用于控制受到伤害时视角抖动的量
  • Added two new options in the accessibility menu for adjusting the speed and transparency of enchantment glints
  • 向辅助功能菜单内添加两个新的选项,分别用于调整附魔光效的闪烁速度和透明度
  • Added a "Notification Time" accessibility option that changes how long notifications such as unlocked recipes, advancements, subtitles and selected item names are visible for
  • 添加了“通知显示时长”辅助功能选项,用于更改已解锁配方、进度、字幕、选择的物品名称等通知的显示时长


  • Menu screens can now be navigated by using the arrow keys
  • 现在菜单屏幕可以使用方向键进行导航
  • When navigating with arrow keys, sliders need to be activated by pressing Enter or Space to start changing the value
  • 用方向键导航时,滑块需要在按下回车键或空格键激活后才能改变对应的值


  • Added a built-in resource pack that enhances the contrast of UI elements
  • 添加了一个内置资源包,用来提升UI元素的对比度
  • Added a new option in the Accessibility menu that enables the high contrast resource pack
  • 在辅助功能选项内加入新选项,来打开高对比度资源包
  • This only affects the menu UIs for now, but we’ll be looking to bring this to gameplay UIs in the future as well
  • 它现在只能影响菜单UI,但我们将继续努力将它引入游戏内UI

Sunny trying out the new /ride command. Click here for a link to the full-size image.
Sunny 试用全新的 /ride 。点击这里 查看大图。

Noor taking a ride on a Phantom. Click here for a link to the full-size image.
Noor 御幻翼飞行。点击这里 查看大图。

Display entities can show the changelog in the game. Click here for a link to the full-size image.

Who is carrying whom? Click here for a link to the full-size image.
比翼双飞,但是谁在飞?点击这里 查看大图。


  • The data pack version is now 12
  • 数据包版本现在是 12
  • The resource pack version is now 13
  • 资源包版本现在是 13
  • Added a group of entities to display items, blocks and text
  • 添加了一组实体,用来展示物品、方块和文本
  • Added entities to detect interactions and attacks
  • 添加用于检测交互和攻击动作的实体
  • Added data-driven damage types
  • 添加数据驱动伤害类型
  • Added a damage command for applying damage to entities
  • 添加 damage 命令,用来对实体造成伤害
  • dded ride command to mount and dismount entities
  • 添加 ride 命令,用来骑乘或取消骑乘实体
  • The clone command now supports cloning to and from different dimensions
  • 现在 clone 命令支持复制到或复制自不同维度
  • A new string source is now available for the data modify command
  • 新增 string 数据源,可以在 data modify 命令中使用
  • New execute sub-commands: if dimension, if loaded, on, positioned over, summon
  • 新增 execute 子命令:if dimension, if loaded, on, positioned over, summon
  • Added a new type of atlas configuration source: paletted_permutations
  • 添加全新的图集配置资源: paletted_permutations
  • Pressing F3+S will now dump contents of dynamic textures (like atlases, maps, etc.) to screenshots/debug/
  • 现在按下 F3+S 键可将动态纹理(例如纹理图集、地图等)转存到 screenshots/debug/ 目录下
  • Added fallback fields to translate text components
  • 新增 fallback 字段到 translate 文本组件
  • Out-of-bound arguments in translate formats are no longer silently ignored
  • translate 格式中的越界参数不再被直接忽略ed
  • Added the following game events:
  • 新增以下游戏事件(幽匿感测体):
    • entity_dismount with a vibration frequency of 6
    • entity_dismount 振动频率为 6
    • entity_mount with a vibration frequency of 7
    • entity_mount 振动频率为 7
  • Changed the following game events:
  • 更改以下游戏事件:
    • item_interact_finish now has a vibration frequency of 2 instead of 14
    • item_interact_finish 现在的振动频率是 2,而不是 14
  • Removed heldItemTooltips option from options.txt
  • options.txt 中移除 heldItemTooltips
  • Added a network protocol feature for forcing bundle of packets to be processed within same client tick
  • 加入了一个新的网络协议功能,用于将打包起来的数据包强制在客户端侧的同刻中处理
  • Added --pidFile argument to dedicated server command line for printing process id to file
  • 为专用服务器命令行加入了 --pidFile 参数,用于将服务端的进程 ID 写入到特定文件中
  • The vanilla resource pack en_us language file is now sorted alphanumerically by key
  • 现在原版资源包的en_us.json语言文件以字符串键名的字母顺序排列
  • Added show_notification field to recipes
  • 向配方添加了 show_notification 字段
    • Accepts a boolean which determines if a notification is shown when unlocking this recipe
    • 是一个布尔值,用于控制配方解锁时是否显示通知
    • defaults to true if isn't specified
    • 未指定时默认值为 true
  • A new recipe type smithing_transform has been added for the updated Netherite Upgrade recipe
  • 添加了新的锻造配方类型 smithing_transform ,用于下界合金升级配方
  • A new recipe type smithing_trim has been added for the new Armor Trim recipe
  • 添加了新的锻造配方类型 smithing_trim ,用于新的盔甲锻造配方
  • A new recipe type crafting_decorated_pot has been added for the new Decorated Pot recipe
  • 添加了新的配方类型 crafting_decorated_pot ,用于饰纹陶罐的合成
  • New registries trim_pattern and trim_material have been added for the armor trim system
  • 添加了注册项 trim_patterntrim_material ,用于盔甲纹饰系统
  • Smithing table has temporarily two menu types
  • 锻造台现在拥有两个临时菜单类型
    • Old menu without Smithing Template slot has been renamed to legacy_smithing
    • 旧菜单没有锻造模板槽位,并且被重命名为 legacy_smithing
      • Will be removed when Armor Trim feature stops being an experimental feature
      • 当新菜单不再作为实验性功能时被移除
    • New menu with Smithing Template slot was added called smithing
    • 新菜单有锻造模板槽位,被命名为 smithing
  • Added new flag (value 128) to HideFlags NBT field for hiding armor trim item tooltips
  • HideFlags NBT 字段新增了旗标,用于隐藏盔甲纹饰的工具提示


  • The enchantment glint now has two separate texture files: enchanted_glint_entity.png and enchanted_glint_item.png
  • 附魔光效现在使用两个不同的纹理文件:enchanted_glint_entity.pngenchanted_glint_item.png
  • The texture format used to dynamically scale buttons and sliders has been updated to always include fixed 20px borders on the left and right
  • 用于动态缩放按钮和滑块的纹理格式现在已被更新,将始终在左侧和右侧包含固定的 20px 边框
  • Slider textures are now defined in a separate slider.png file
  • 滑块的纹理现在定义在独立的 slider.png 文件
  • The Create New World screen now uses a separate light_dirt_background.png for its background, unlike other screens
  • 创建新世界屏幕现在使用独立的 light_dirt_background.png 作为背景,不同于其它屏幕



The clone command now supports specifying the source and target dimensions.
现在 clone 命令支持指定来源维度和目标维度。

New syntax:

clone [from <sourceDimension>] <begin> <end> [to <targetDimension>] <destination> ...
clone [from <sourceDimension>] <begin> <end> [to <targetDimension>] <destination> ...


  • sourceDimension: id of dimension to clone from
  • sourceDimension:来源维度的id
  • targetDimension: id of dimension to clone to
  • targetDimension:目标维度的id


New command to apply damage to entities.


  • damage <target> <amount> [<damageType>] [at <location>]
  • damage <target> <amount> [<damageType>] [at <location>]
  • damage <target> <amount> [<damageType>] [by <entity>] [from <cause>]
  • damage <target> <amount> [<damageType>] [by <entity>] [from <cause>]


  • target: The entity to damage
  • target:要被伤害的实体
  • amount: Amount of damage to inflict
  • amount:要给予的伤害值
  • damageType: The type of damage to inflict
  • damageType:要给予的伤害类型
    • This determines how the damage affects the entity as well as which death message is displayed
    • 这决定了伤害将如何影响实体,以及死亡时显示何种死亡信息
  • entity: The entity inflicting the damage
  • entity:造成伤害的实体
  • cause: The cause of the damage, in the case of indirect damage
  • cause:伤害的来源,在间接伤害的情况下使用
    • Example: When shot by an Arrow, the entity is the Arrow projectile while cause might be a Skeleton
    • 举例:被箭矢射中时,entity 是箭矢的投掷物,而 cause 可能是一只骷髅
  • location: The location the damage originated at (when no entity caused the damage)
  • location:伤害的来源地点(在伤害来源不是实体时使用)
    • For instance, location might represent the location of a Bed exploding in the Nether
    • 举例:当床在下界爆炸时, location 可以代表爆炸的位置


New source available:

  • string <entity|block|storage> [path] [start] [end] - reads a value as text, resulting in a string value
  • string <entity|block|storage> [path] [start] [end] - 以文本形式读取字符串,并使用字符串格式输出

New arguments:

  • start: Index of first character to include at the start of the string
  • start:源字符串中需要包含在新字符串起始位置上的首个字符位置(索引值)
  • end: Index of the first character to exclude at the end of the string
  • end:源字符串中需要被排除在新字符串外的首个字符位置(索引值)


  • infinite is now a valid option for effect durations
  • infinite 现在是药水效果持续时长的可选值
    • Infinite effect durations show up as "∞" in the player inventory view
    • 在玩家物品栏内,无限的效果时长会显示为 "∞"



New conditions available for the execute if|unless sub-command:
新增 execute if|unless 下的条件子命令:

  • execute if|unless loaded <pos> - checks if the position given is fully loaded (in regard to both blocks and entities)
  • execute if|unless loaded <pos> - 检查指定位置是否被完全加载(对于方块和实体而言)
  • execute if|unless dimension <dimension> - checks if the execution is in a matching dimension
  • execute if|unless dimension <dimension> - 检查命令执行位置是否在指定维度内


  • pos: Block position to check
  • pos: 要检查的方块位置
  • dimension: A dimension id
  • dimension: 维度 id


New execute sub-command for selecting entities based on relation to the current executing entity:
新增 execute 子命令,基于与当前执行实体之间的关系选择实体:

  • execute on <relation>
  • execute on <relation>


  • vehicle - the entity that the executing entity is riding
  • vehicle - 正在被当前执行实体骑乘的实体
  • passengers - all entities directly riding the executing entity (no sub-passengers)
  • passengers - 所有直接骑乘执行实体的实体(不包括间接骑乘)
  • controller - the entity that is controlling the executing entity (for example: first passenger in a boat)
  • controller - 控制当前执行实体的实体(举例:船前面的玩家)
  • owner - the owner of the executing entity, if it is a tameable animal (like cats, wolves or parrots)
  • owner - 当前执行实体的主人,如果这是一个可驯服的动物(例如:猫、狼和鹦鹉)
  • leasher - the entity leading the executing entity with a leash (might be a leash knot in case of being attached to a fence)
  • leasher - 拥拴绳牵引当前执行实体的实体(若当前执行实体被拴在栅栏上,则可能为拴绳结)
  • target - the attack target for the executing entity
  • target - 当前执行实体的攻击目标
  • attacker - the last entity that damaged the executing entity in the previous 5 seconds
  • attacker - 最近5秒内对当前执行实体造成伤害的最后实体
  • origin:
  • origin:
    • shooter, if the executing entity is a projectile (like Arrow, Fireball, Trident, Firework, Thrown Potion, etc.)
    • 可以是发射者,如果当前执行实体是一个弹射物(例如箭矢、火球、三叉戟、烟花火箭、投掷的药水等)
    • thrower, if the executing entity is an item
    • 可以是投掷者,如果当前执行实体是一个物品
    • source of effect, if the executing entity is an Area Effect Cloud
    • 可以是来源者,如果当前执行实体是一片药水效果云
    • igniter, if the executing entity is a Primed TNT
    • 可以是点燃者,如果当前执行实体是一个点燃的TNT
    • summoner, if the executing entity is Evoker Fangs or a Vex
    • 可以是召唤者,如果当前执行实体是唤魔者尖牙或恼鬼

If the relation is not applicable to the executing entity or there are no entities matching it, the selector returns zero elements.


New execute sub-command for finding positions on top of a heightmap. Changes the height of the execution position to be on top of the given heightmap.
新增 execute 子命令,用于寻找高度图顶端的位置。执行时还会将命令的执行位置改为指定高度图顶端。


  • execute positioned over <heightmap>
  • execute positioned over <heightmap>


A heightmap records the highest position in a column of blocks according to some criteria. Available options:

  • world_surface: Any non-air block
  • world_surface: 任意非空气方块
  • motion_blocking: Any motion blocking material (e.g. ignores flowers and grass)
  • motion_blocking: 任何能阻挡移动的方块(例如:不包括花和草)
  • motion_blocking_no_leaves: Any non-leaf motion blocking material
  • motion_blocking_no_leaves: 任意不包括树叶的能阻挡移动的方块
  • ocean_floor: Any non-fluid motion blocking material
  • ocean_floor: 任何能阻挡流体运动的方块


New execute sub-command for summoning a new entity and binding the context (@s) to it. Meant to simplify entity setup and reduce the need for raw NBT editing.
添加了 execute 子命令,用来生成一个实体,并将命令执行者 (@s) 改为此实体。用来简化实体的设置,减少 raw NBT 编辑的需求。


  • execute summon <entity id>
  • execute summon <entity id>


  • The amount of network data transmitted when using the fillbiome command has been optimized
  • 优化使用 fillbiome 命令时网络传输的数据量


  • All time arguments to title times are now time durations and work with t, s and d suffixes
  • title times 命令中,所有时间参数现在改为时长参数,同时 t、sd 等后缀同样生效


  • The duration of the weather change now matches the game's regular weather cycle if not specified
  • 在未指定时,天气变化的时长现在匹配游戏内正常的天气变化
  • The duration parameter is now a time duration in ticks and works with t, s and d suffixes
  • duration 参数现在是一个时间段,单位是 tick ,同时 t、sd 等后缀同样生效
    • To retain existing functionality, you need to add an s suffix to pre-existing commands
    • 想要保留旧命令的功能,你需要在之前的命令后添加 s 后缀


New command to allow entities to start or stop riding other entities.


  • ride <target> mount <vehicle>
  • ride <target> mount <vehicle>
    • Makes a single target mount a single vehicle
    • 让特定的骑手骑乘特定的坐骑
    • The command will fail if:
    • 命令会在下列情况中执行失败:
      • vehicle is a player
      • vehicle 是玩家
      • target is already riding a vehicle
      • target 已经在骑乘一个坐骑
      • target and vehicle are the same entity
      • targetvehicle 是同一个实体
      • vehicle is already a passenger (direct or indirect) of target
      • vehicle 已经是 target (直接或间接)的乘客

  • ride <target> dismount
  • ride <target> dismount
    • Dismounts target from any vehicle it is riding
    • target 脱离它现在骑乘的任何坐骑
    • Fails if target is not riding anything
    • target 没有骑乘任何实体时执行失败


Damage Types are a new registry that can be extended through data packs. A Damage Type determines how damage is handledby the game. This includes which attributes the damage has as well as which death message is used when an entity diesdue to that type of damage.


  • {
  •   "exhaustion": 0.1,
  •   "message_id": "arrow",
  •   "scaling": "when_caused_by_living_non_player"
  • }

[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码


  • message_id: The message id used for deaths caused by this damage type
  • message_id:用于死亡时此伤害类型显示的消息 id
    • Will be combined with other string fragments to form a translation key
    • 与其它字符串碎片可以组成完整的翻译键
  • exhaustion: The amount of hunger exhaustion caused by this damage type
  • exhaustion:此伤害类型造成的饥饿等级的提升量
  • scaling: Whether this damage type scales with difficulty levels. Possible values:
  • scaling:伤害是否随难度变化而变化。可使用的值:
    • never: Damage is always the same
    • never:伤害值不随难度变化
    • always: Damage always scales with difficulty
    • always:伤害值随难度变化
    • when_caused_by_living_non_player: Damage scales with difficulty if it was caused by a living entity who is not a player
    • when_caused_by_living_non_player:伤害值随难度变化,但仅限由非玩家活体造成
  • effects: Optional field controlling how damage manifests when inflicted on players. Possible values:
  • effects: 可选字段,用于控制伤害施加给玩家时的表现形式,可为以下值:
    • hurt (default): the default hurt sound
    • hurt (默认值):一般受伤音效
    • thorns: Thorns hurt sound
    • thorns:荆棘受伤音效
    • drowning: Drowning sound
    • drowning:溺水音效
    • burning: A single tick of burning sound
    • burning:1 tick 着火音效
    • poking: Berry bush poke sound
    • poking:甜浆果从刺伤音效
    • freezing: Freeze tick sound
    • freezing:冻结音效
  • death_message_type: Optional field that controls if special death message variants are used. Possible values:
  • death_message_type:可选,指定是否使用死亡消息的变体,可为以下值:
    • default (default): No special death message logic is applied
    • default(默认值):不显示特殊死亡消息
    • fall_variants: Show a variant of fall damage death instead of a regular death message, e.g. death.fell.assist.item
    • fall_variants: 显示摔落类死亡消息(如 death.fell.assist.item
    • intentional_game_design: Show the intentional game design message instead of a regular death message
    • intentional_game_design: 显示“刻意的游戏设计”消息

Damage type tags control many aspects of how damage from different sources are interpreted.



The following fields have been removed from damage type predicates: is_projectile, is_explosion, bypasses_armor,bypasses_invulnerability, bypasses_magic, is_fire, is_magic, is_lightning .

A new tags array has been added, with the predicate matching if all entries match. Each entry has two fields:
新增 tags 数组,在所有项目匹配时通过。数组内每一项都有如下字段:

  • id: The ID of a damage type tag
  • id:伤害类型标签的命名空间 ID
  • expected: Whether the damage is expected to have or not have the tag for the predicate to match
  • expected: 指定待检测的伤害类型标签是否应当拥有指定 tag


  • Added commandModificationBlockLimit, controlling the maximum number of blocks changed in one execution of clone, fill and fillbiome
  • 新增 commandModificationBlockLimit,控制单次执行 clonefillfillbiome时可以被替换的最大方块数
  • Added doVinesSpread game rule, determining if vines will spread to nearby blocks
  • 新增 doVinesSpread 游戏规则,用于决定藤蔓(仅藤蔓,不包括洞穴藤蔓、缠怨藤和垂泪藤)是否能够向周围方块扩散
    • Defaults to true
    • 默认为 true


Added an optional fallback field to translate text components.
新增可选的 fallback 字段到 translate 文本组件。

  • The new field is a string that will be used in place of translation if it is missing
  • 此字段为一字符串,在翻译文本缺失时显示
  • If fallback is missing, the old behavior (i.e. using the key itself as the translation) is preserved
  • 若无 fallback 字段,则使用旧处理方法(例如:使用原本的本地化键名)


Three new entities have been added for flexible display of items, blocks and text

  • Those entities, similarily to marker, don't tick and have no collisions or physics
  • 这些实体与 marker 类似,不会导致更新,没有实体碰撞,没有物理效果
  • Models render at entity position, with normal rotation around X and Y axis (so it can be controlled by teleport commands), but also with additional arbitrary model transform
  • 模型在实体所在的位置渲染,并正常绕X轴和Y轴旋转(即可以被传送类命令控制旋转角度),但同时也受到任意的模型变换影响


Tag contents for display entities include some new data types with a complex structure.Any form can be used for modifying data, but only one form is used for saving.
加入了 2 种新的数据类型,每种数据类型接受 2 种形式,但只有其中 1 个用于存档。


Arbitrary affine transform.

  • Matrix form: array of 16 numbers, describing row-major matrix
  • 矩阵形式:由16个数字组成的数组,描述一个按行排列的矩阵
  • Decomposed form (used for saving): object with following fields:
  • 分解形式(用于存档):是具有以下字段的复合标签:
    • translation - 3d vector
    • translation - 三维向量
    • left_rotation, right_rotation - rotation
    • left_rotation, right_rotation - rotation 类型变量
    • scale - 3d vector
    • scale - 三维向量
    • Transforms are composed in order translation, left_rotation, scale, right_rotation
    • translation, left_rotation, scale, right_rotation 的顺序进行变换


  • Quaternion form (used for saving): array of 4 numbers, describingcomponents (x, y, z, w)
  • 四元数形式(用于存档):由4个数字组成的数组,分别描述 (x, y, z, w) 分量
  • Axis-angle form: object with following fields:
  • 轴-角度形式:具有以下字段的复合标签
    • axis - unit 3d vector
    • axis - 三维单位向量
    • angle - in radians
    • angle - 弧度制的角度


Some properties of display entites can be interpolated. That means that clients will see gradual changes over time instead of instantenous jumps.

Display entities keep track of current and previous values of interpolated values:

  • All properties marked as "interpolated" are part of a single interpolation set
  • 以下所有被标记为“可插值”的属性都是单个插值集的一部分
  • Any update to interpolated property will cause all values of interpolation set to be saved as "current"
  • 任何对可插值的属性的更新都会导致插值集里面的所有值被保存为“当前值”
    • Data command executions that do not change value of property (even if it's present in NBT) do not count as updates
    • 没有改变属性值的 data 命令执行(即使存在于 NBT)不视为更新 do not count as updates
    • Updates are synchronized to clients at most once per tick, so multiple updates within command will still count as single update
    • 每个刻同步到客户端的更新最多只有一次,即命令内的多次更新依然算作一次
  • Previous current values are saved as "previous"
  • 先前的当前值会被保存为“先前值”
  • If interpolation is enabled, entity will transition between "previous" and "current" values over time
  • 启用插值时,实体将随时间在“先前值”和“当前值”间过渡
  • Start of interpolation (entity fully in "previous" state) is defined by field interpolation_start(game time, in ticks)
  • 插值的开始(实体完全处于“先前值”的状态)由字段 interpolation_start(游戏时间,单位为刻)定义
    • Set to -1 to load current game time instead)
    • 设为 -1 会加载当前游戏时间
  • End of interpolation (entity fully in "current" state) is defined as interpolation_start+interpolation_duration(in ticks)
  • 插值的结束 (实体完全处于“当前值”的状态)由字段 interpolation_start+interpolation_duration(游戏时间,单位为刻)定义


Every entity in family has the following fields:

  • transformation - transformation applied to model (after normal entity orientation). Defaults to identity. Interpolated
  • transformation - 应用于模型的 transformation(在正常的实体旋转后)。默认为单位矩阵。可插值
  • billboard - option to control if entity should pivot to face player when rendered:
  • billboard - 用于控制这些实体是否应该在渲染时旋转并面向玩家:
    • fixed - no rotation (default)
    • fixed - 不旋转 (默认)
    • vertical - entity can pivot around vertical axis
    • vertical - 实体可绕垂直轴旋转
    • horizontal - entity can pivot around horizontal axis
    • horizontal - 实体可绕水平轴旋转
    • center - entity can pivot around center point
    • center - 实体可绕中心点旋转
  • brightness - if present, overrides light values used for rendering. Omited by default (which means rendering uses values from entity position). Object has two fields:
  • brightness - 若存在,覆盖渲染所用的亮度值。默认省略(即渲染时会使用实体所在的地方的光照)。该复合标签有两个字段:
    • sky - value of skylight, 0..15
    • sky - 天空光照的值,0..15
    • block - value of block light, 0..15
    • block - 方块光照的值,0..15
  • view_range - maximum view range of this entity. Actual distance depends on client-side render distance and entity distance scalling. Default value 1.0 (roughly the same as fireball)
  • view_range - 此实体的最大可视范围。实际距离也取决于客户端的渲染距离和实体渲染距离。默认值为1.0(与火球大致相同)
  • shadow_radius - size of shadow. Defaults to 0 (no shadow). Interpolated
  • shadow_radius - 实体阴影的大小。默认为0(无阴影)。可插值
  • shadow_strength - strength of the shadow. Controls the opacity of the shadow as a function of distance to block below. Defaults to 1. Interpolated
  • shadow_strength - 实体阴影的强度。作为随与下方方块的距离而变化的函数,控制阴影的不透明度。默认为1。可插值
  • width,height - describe size of culling bounding box. Bounding box spans vertically y to y+height and horizontally width/2 in all directions from entity position. If either field is set to 0, culling is disabled. Both default to 0
  • width,height - 描述剔除边界框的大小。边界框自实体位置的所有方向纵向伸展 yy+height ,横向伸展 width/2 。若其中有一个字段设为0,则剔除被禁用。默认都为0
  • glow_color_override - override glow border color. Defaults to 0 (use team color)
  • glow_color_override - 覆盖发光边框的颜色。默认为0(使用队伍颜色)


Displays a single item stack.

  • Stack can be changed with commands by setting slot inventory.0
  • 使用命令设置 inventory.0 以更改物品堆


  • item - item stack to display. Same format as in inventory (example:{id: "minecraft:dirt", Count: 1})
  • item - 要展示的物品。与物品栏中物品格式相同(举例: {id: "minecraft:dirt", Count: 1}
  • item_display - describes item model transform applied to item (as defined in display section in model JSON)
  • item_display - 描述应用到物品模型的变换(在模型 JSON 的 display 部分定义)
    • Values:none(default),thirdperson_lefthand,thirdperson_righthand,firstperson_lefthand,firstperson_righthand,head,gui,ground,fixed
    • 值: none(默认), thirdperson_lefthand, thirdperson_righthand, firstperson_lefthand, firstperson_righthand, head, gui, ground, fixed


Displays a block state.

  • Does not display block entities, even if they would normally be created on block placement (like chest)
  • 不会展示方块实体,即使它们通常在放置时即创建方块实体(例如箱子)


  • block_state - block state to display. Same format as item held by endermen (example {Name:"minecraft:dirt"})
  • block_state - 要展示的方块状态。与末影人手持物品格式相同(举例: {Name:"minecraft:dirt"}


Displays a text component.


  • text - text to display. Components are resolved with the context of the display entity
  • text - 要展示的文本。实体展示时会解析以下组件
  • line_width - line width used to split lines (note: new line can be also addded with \n characters). Defaults to 200
  • line_width - 用于控制换行的宽度(注:也可以使用 \n 字符换行)。默认为200
  • text_opacity - opacity (alpha component) of r endered text. Defaults to 255. Interpolated
  • text_opacity - 被渲染文本的透明度 (alpha 部分)。默认为255。可插值
  • background - color of background. Includes alpha channel. Defaults to 0x40000000. Interpolated
  • background - 背景颜色。包括 alpha 通道。默认为 0x40000000. 可插值
  • default_background - if true, rendering uses default text background color (same as in chat). Defaults to false
  • default_background - 若为 true,则渲染时使用默认的背景颜色(与聊天栏相同)。默认为 false
  • shadow - should text be displayed with shadow. Defaults to false
  • shadow - 文本是否显示阴影。默认为 false
  • see_through - should text be visible through blocks. Defaults to false
  • see_through - 文本是否可以穿透方块显示。默认为 false
  • alignment - how text should be aligned
  • alignment - 文本对齐的方向
    • Values:center(default),left,right
    • 值:center(默认), left, right

Note: text display backgrounds uses new shader types rendertype_text_background and rendertype_text_background_see_through
注:文本展示的背景会使用新的着色器类型 rendertype_text_backgroundrendertype_text_background_see_through


A new type of entity that records attacks ("left clicks") and interactions ("right clicks"). Interactions are invisible and of a custom size.


  • width: Width of the entity's bounding box (default 1)
  • width: 实体边界箱的宽度(默认为 1
  • height: Height of the entity's bounding box (default 1)
  • height: 实体边界箱的高度 (默认为 1
  • attack: Records the last attack action on the entity
  • attack: 记录最后一次攻击行为
  • interaction: Records the last interaction action on the entity
  • interaction: 记录最后一次交互行为
  • response: Boolean specifying if interacting should trigger a response (arm swing, sound effects, etc - default false)
  • response: 布尔值,用于确定交互是否触发响应(手臂挥动, 音效等 —— 默认为 false


When an action is stored, it always has two fields:
在记录一次行为时,action 对象始终会有两个字段:

  • player: The UUID (in standard integer array format) of the player performing the action
  • player:执行行为的玩家UUID (以标准整型数组格式)
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the game tick when the event happened (stored as a long)
  • timestamp:自事件发生开始游戏刻的时间戳 (储存为长整型)


  • Interacting with an Interaction entity triggers player_interacted_with_entity
  • 与交互实体交互触发 player_interacted_with_entity
  • Attacking an Interaction entity triggers player_hurt_entity
  • 攻击交互实体将触发 player_hurt_entity

EXECUTE ON 与交互实体的互动

The Interaction entity targets the player who last interacted with it. That makes the following possible:

  • execute on attacker: execute as the last player who attacked the entity
  • execute on attacker:将最后攻击实体的玩家作为当前执行实体
  • execute on target: execute as the last player who interacted with the entity
  • execute on target: 将最后与实体交互的玩家作为当前执行实体



  • Fire burns out faster in certain biomes, and this is now controlled by the increased_fire_burnout biome tag
  • 火焰在特定生物群系内更快熄灭,并且现在由 increased_fire_burnout 生物群系标签控制


  • The only_allows_snow_and_gold_rabbits biome tag has been renamed to spawns_gold_rabbits to match its behavior
  • only_allows_snow_and_gold_rabbits 生物群系标签被重命名为 spawns_gold_rabbits,以符合此标签控制的行为
  • White Rabbit variants are now controlled by the spawns_white_rabbits biome tag
  • 白色兔子生成现在由 spawns_white_rabbits 生物群系标签控制
  • Fox variants are now controlled by the spawns_snow_foxes biome tag
  • (白色)狐狸生成现在由 spawns_snow_foxes 生物群系标签控制


  • Snow Golems melting in warm biomes is now controlled by the snow_golem_melts biome tag
  • 雪傀儡在炎热生物群系内融化,由 snow_golem_melts 生物群系标签控制
  • Only mobs in the dismounts_underwater entity tag will now force the rider to dismount when underwater
  • 现在仅含有 dismounts_underwater 实体标签的实体会在没入水中时强制乘客离开


  • Clients now reset their Secure Chat session state when receiving the login packet
  • 客户端现在会在收到登录数据包时重置其安全聊天会话状态


  • Added new delimiter packet to clientbound game protocol
  • 客户端现在可接收一种新的分隔数据包
  • All packets between two delimiters are guaranteed to be processed within same tick
  • 两个分隔数据包间的所有数据包保证会在同刻处理
  • For security reasons this feature is not supported in the serverbound direction
  • 出于安全考虑,客户端向服务端发送的数据流不支持此功能


  • paletted_permutations is a new type of atlas configuration source used to dynamically generate new textures in memory based on a set of color palettes
  • paletted_permutations 图集配置资源,可以通过调色板在内存中动态生成新纹理
  • Color palettes allow you to swap out the colors of a texture without having to supply all files for the variants of a texture in a resource pack
  • 调色板允许直接为纹理上色,而不再需要为资源包内每个纹理变种单独制作纹理
  • This is useful for things like armor trims, where you want to be able to change the color of parts of the armor without having to create a new texture for each color
  • 对盔甲纹饰等物品非常实用,可以直接改变盔甲的部分颜色,而不是为每一种颜色创造一个单独的纹理
  • The paletted_permutations source has a set of required parameters:
  • paletted_permutations 需要的参数如下:
    • textures A list of namespaced locations of base textures
    • textures 命名空间地址列表,指定基础纹理
      • These textures will be used to generate variants of them that have been modified by color palettes
      • 这些纹理将用于生成使用了颜色替换的各个变种
    • palette_key A namespaced location of a color palette key file
    • palette_key 命名空间地址,指定调色板键文件位置
      • A color palette key is used to define the set of key pixel colors we want to swap out with the color palettes defined below
      • 调色板键可以用来指定需要被调色板中的颜色替换的像素
    • permutations A map of permutations from suffix to a namespaced location of a color palette file
    • permutations 将前缀对应到调色板的命名空间地址的排列映射
      • The suffix is appended at the beginning to the resource location of the output variant textures, with a _ character separating the suffix and the base texture name
      • 前缀位于输出纹理目标地址之前,与基础纹理名称间以 _ 隔开
      • The color palette is a texture file with a set of pixels that are used for replacing pixels that match the color palette key in each base texture
      • 调色板是用来替换基础纹理文件中符合调色板键定义像素的纹理文件
      • The number of pixels in each color palette must be the same as that of the palette_key defined for this source
      • 调色板像素数量必须与 palette_key 的定义相同
      • Key matching is done by comparing the RGB values of each pixel in the palette_key to the RGB values of each pixel in the color palette
      • 键配对的过程为比较 palette_key 与调色板中像素的 RGB 值
      • The alpha channel is ignored for key matching, but in the resulting texture the alpha channel is multiplied with the color palette's alpha channel
      • Alpha 通道会在键配对的过程中被忽略,配对完成后,输出纹理的 Alpha 通道会与调色板的相乘
      • Pixels that do not match the palette_key are copied over to the resulting texture as-is
      • 不能配对的 palette_key 的像素会被直接复制到输出纹理中

  • After defining a paletted_permutations source, you can then reference those namespaced output textures in other resources in your resource pack
  • 在定义了 paletted_permutations 后,这些输出的纹理可以被资源包中的其他资源引用

For example, if you have the following paletted_permutations source:
举例,如果定义了以下的 paletted_permutations

  • {
  •     "type": "paletted_permutations",
  •     "textures": [
  •         "minecraft:item/leather_helmet",
  •         "minecraft:item/leather_chestplate",
  •         "minecraft:item/leather_leggings",
  •         "minecraft:item/leather_boots"
  •     ],
  •     "palette_key": "minecraft:colormap/color_palettes/leather_armor_color_key",
  •     "permutations": {
  •         "red": "minecraft:colormap/color_palettes/red",
  •         "green": "minecraft:colormap/color_palettes/green",
  •         "blue": "minecraft:colormap/color_palettes/blue"
  •     }
  • }

[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码

You can then reference the resulting textures in other resources like this:

  • {
  •     "textures": {
  •         "layer0": "minecraft:item/leather_helmet_red",
  •         "layer1": "minecraft:item/leather_chestplate_green",
  •         "layer2": "minecraft:item/leather_boots_blue"
  •     }
  • }

[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码


  • Trim patterns and materials for armor are defined by the server through the trim_pattern and trim_material registry respectively
  • 在服务器内,纹样图案和材质分别通过 trim_patterntrim_material 注册
    • As a result, new trim patterns and materials can be added via data packs
    • 因此,可使用数据包添加新的纹样图案和材质
  • These are synchronized to clients when they join the server
  • 玩家加入服务器时,这些内容会同步至他们的客户端
    • However, clients must have an accompanying resource pack to see those registered trim patterns and materials
    • 但是,客户端必须有配套的资源包才能显示那些新注册的纹样图案和材质
    • The paths to these textures are inferred based on the filename of the pattern json, and will try to find the textures within the same namespace as the trim pattern's name field
    • 纹饰纹理的路径将取决于同名的纹饰 json 文件,同时会在相同命名空间下按照纹饰图案的 name 字段内尝试寻找纹理
  • The following data is defined by a trim pattern:
  • 以下数据值由 trim_pattern 定义:
    • asset_id which is a namespaced id used to infer texture locations and localization
    • asset_id 是一个命名空间 id ,用来指向纹理的存储位置和定位
    • template_item which is the id of the smithing template item used to apply the trim pattern
    • template_item 是锻造模板物品的命名空间 id,用来确定在锻造台内提供纹饰图案的物品名称
    • description which is a text component used for displaying the pattern name of an armor trim when hovering an armor itemstack
    • description 是一个文本组件,用于在悬停时显示盔甲纹饰的名称
  • The following data is defined by a trim material:
  • 以下数据值由纹饰材质定义:
    • asset_name which is a string used as a suffix for armor trim texture locations
    • asset_name 是一个字符串,用来确定纹饰纹理的存储位置的后缀
    • ingredient which is the id of the ingredient item used to apply the trim material
    • ingredient 是一个物品 id,用来确定纹饰材质合成时用到的物品
    • item_model_index which is a float which defines the item model override each armor item model should target to change their visuals for this material
    • item_model_index 是一个 float 类型变量,用来确定物品模型覆盖盔甲模型的位置
    • override_armor_materials which is an optional map of armor material to overridden color palette
    • override_armor_materials 可选,是调色板覆盖盔甲材质时使用的映射表
      • Map key is the armor material that this trim material wants to override with a different color palette
      • 键名为要被此纹饰材质使用调色板覆盖的盔甲材质
      • Map value is the name of the color palette that will be used when this trim material is applied to an armor piece with the corresponding armor material
      • 键值为当纹饰材料被应用于对应材质盔甲时,需要使用的调色板名称
    • description which is a text component used for displaying the material name of an armor trim when hovering an armor item stack
    • description 文本组件,用于在悬停时显示盔甲纹饰材质名称
      • The style defined in this description is applied to the armor trim pattern description as well
      • 在这里定义的样式也适用于盔甲纹饰图案的 description

Colorful armor trims! Click here for a link to the full-size image.
盔甲纹饰真奇妙!点击这里 查看大图。

A Sniffer and Torchflowers. Click here for a link to the full-size image.
嗅嗅火把花前倒。点击这里 查看大图。

Cherry Wood Boats. Click here for a link to the full-size image.
樱花木船水上漂。点击这里 查看大图。

Ancient decorations for the village? Click here for a link to the full-size image.
远古装饰村庄好?点击这里 查看大图。

Time to decorate the dungeon! Click here for a link to the full-size image.
装饰地牢时间到!点击这里 查看大图。


The following changes only apply when one or more Experiments is turned on, either by activating the corresponding experimental data pack or by turning it on in the Experiments screen while creating the world.

  • Added Smithing Template items
  • 添加了锻造模板物品
  • Redesigned the Smithing Table
  • 重新设计了锻造台
  • Changed how Netherite equipment is crafted
  • 更改了下界合金装备的制作方式
  • Added a new armor trimming system to visually customize your armor
  • 添加了全新的盔甲纹饰系统,可以从视觉上自定义盔甲
  • Added Sniffer mob and Torchflowers
  • 添加了嗅探兽生物和火把花
  • Added the Cherry Grove biome
  • 添加了樱花树林生物群系
  • Added Archaeology
  • 添加了考古系统
  • Mob Heads can now be placed on top of Note Blocks without sneaking
  • 生物头颅现在不需要潜行也能放在音符盒的上方


  • Smithing Tables have been redesigned into a workstation for physical equipment upgrades and modifications
  • 锻造台被重新设计,现在可用于装备的升级与装饰
  • Alongside slots for combining a piece of equipment and materials, there is now a required slot for an item type called Smithing Templates
  • 一侧的槽位可用于组合装备和材料,同时新增一个槽位,需要放置锻造模板
  • Smithing Templates define what type of upgrade you will be making to equipment
  • 锻造模板决定了你要对装备做出哪种类型的升级
    • It specifies both what type of items you can upgrade, and which ingredients are valid to customize the upgrade
    • 它同时指定你可以升级的物品种类,以及自定义升级需要的材料
    • There are currently two categories of Smithing Templates: Armor Trim and Netherite Upgrade
    • 目前有两类锻造模板:盔甲纹饰和下界合金升级
  • Smithing Templates are consumed when used to upgrade an item in the Smithing Table
  • 在锻造台内使用锻造模板来升级物品时,锻造模板将会被消耗
  • You can craft a copy of a Smithing Template in the Crafting Table with 7 diamonds + 1 block of material that the template is made out of + 1 smithing template, which will output 2 of the same Smithing Template
  • 你可以在工作台内使用 7 颗钻石、1 个锻造模板的材质方块以及 1 个锻造模板来制作它的复制,这会输出 2 个相同的盔甲纹饰


  • Netherite equipment crafting now also requires a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template
  • 现在制作下界合金装备时需要下界合金升级锻造模板
  • Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates can be found randomly in all Bastion Remnant chests, and there is a guarantee of 2 in every Treasure Room Bastion Remnant
  • 下界合金升级锻造模板现在可随机在堡垒遗迹的奖励箱内发现,并且在堡垒遗迹藏宝室的奖励箱内至少会生成2个
  • This change was made for a variety of reasons:
  • 这项改动基于以下原因:
    • Increase the time players utilize Diamond equipment before Netherite
    • 延长玩家从钻石装备升级到下界合金装备的时间
    • Make Netherite equipment a more significant achievement in the game's progression
    • 让下界合金装备成为游戏流程内的一个重要里程碑
    • Adapt Netherite more naturally into the new Smithing Table crafting system
    • 让下界合金升级能在新的锻造台合成系统内更加自然


  • You can now visually customize your armor with a variety of unique trims at the Smithing Table
  • 现在你可以在锻造台上使用一系列独特的纹饰来自定义盔甲的外观
  • Armor trims are purely visual with no gameplay benefits, and can only be applied to Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings and Boots
  • 盔甲纹饰仅提供视觉效果,不会有游戏内的增益,并且只能够应用在头盔、胸甲、护腿和靴子上
    • All trim patterns are visually the same on an armor's item icon, but the color will still change based on the trim material
    • 不同的盔甲纹饰锻造模板决定纹饰种类,同时不同的锻造原材料决定它 颜色
    • To check which trim pattern a piece of armor has, you can hover over it in the inventory
    • 要确认你的盔甲上已有哪些盔甲纹饰,你可以在物品栏内悬停鼠标并查看
  • Armor Trim Smithing Templates can be found all throughout the world, and each of the following structures contain their own unique Smithing Template:
  • 盔甲纹饰锻造模板可以在世界各个地方找到,以下列举的结构各自拥有独特的锻造模板:
    • Pillager Outpost: Sentry Armor Trim
    • 掠夺者前哨站:哨兵盔甲纹饰
    • Desert Pyramid: Dune Armor Trim
    • 沙漠神殿:沙丘盔甲纹饰
    • Shipwreck: Coast Armor Trim
    • 沉船:海岸盔甲纹饰
    • Jungle Temple: Wild Armor Trim
    • 丛林神庙:荒野盔甲纹饰
    • Ocean Monument: Tide Armor Trim
    • 海底神殿:潮汐盔甲纹饰
    • Ancient City: Ward Armor Trim
    • 远古城市:监守盔甲纹饰
    • Woodland Mansion: Vex Armor Trim
    • 林地府邸:恼鬼盔甲纹饰
    • Nether Fortress: Rib Armor Trim
    • 下界要塞:肋骨盔甲纹饰
    • Bastion Remnant: Snout Armor Trim
    • 堡垒遗迹:猪鼻盔甲纹饰
    • Stronghold: Eye Armor Trim
    • 要塞:眼眸盔甲纹饰
    • End City: Spire Armor Trim
    • 末地城:尖塔盔甲纹饰
  • Smithing Templates are found in chests in their respective structure
  • 锻造模板可以在对应的结构奖励箱内发现
    • The Ocean Monument has no chests, Elder Guardians sometimes instead drop a Smithing Template upon death
    • 海底神殿内没有奖励箱,因此远古守卫者在被击杀时概率掉落锻造模板
  • Some Armor Trim Smithing Templates are rarer than others, so be on the lookout for them to impress your friends!
  • 一些锻造模板比其它的稀有,所以和你的伙伴们一起出发寻找它们!
  • An armor trim has two properties: a pattern and a material
  • 盔甲纹饰具有两个属性:图案和材料
    • The pattern is defined by the Smithing Template used to apply the trim, and represents the visual pattern of the trim
    • 图案取决于你制作纹饰时用到的锻造模板,表现为盔甲上纹饰的图案
    • The material is defined by what ingredient you used to apply the trim, and represents the color of the trim
    • 材料取决于你制作纹饰时用到的材料,表现为纹饰的颜色
  • The viable ingredients you can use to define the color of your armor trim are the following:
  • 你可以使用下列材料来决定盔甲纹饰的颜色:
    • Iron, Copper, Gold, Lapis, Emerald, Diamond, Netherite, Redstone, Amethyst, Quartz
    • 铁锭(#ECECEC) 、铜锭(#B4684D)、金锭(#DEB12D)、青金石 (#416E97)、绿宝石(#11A036)、钻石(#6EECD2)、下界合金(#625859)、红石粉(#971607)、紫水晶(#9A5CC6)、下界石英(#E3D4C4)


  • The Sniffer is the mob vote winner of Minecraft Live 2022
  • 嗅探兽是 Minecraft Live 2022 中生物投票的获胜者
  • Sniffers cannot be tempted or tamed
  • 嗅探兽不会被食物吸引,也不能被驯服
  • Sniffers are passive, friendly mobs
  • 嗅探兽是被动的友好生物
  • Sniffers sniff the air and occasionally dig for seeds, which produces a Torchflower Seed
  • 嗅探兽会嗅探空气,偶尔会挖掘种子,挖掘结束后产生一个火把花种子
  • Sniffers can be bred by feeding them Torchflower Seeds
  • 嗅探兽可以通过喂食火把花种子的方式繁殖
  • The Sniffer is currently only available as a Spawn Egg in the creative inventory
  • 目前嗅探兽只能通过创造模式物品栏的刷怪蛋生成


  • The Torchflower seed can be planted on farmland and grows into a flower
  • 火把花种子可以种植在耕地上,可以长成火把花
  • The seed can be used to breed two Sniffers
  • 火把花可以用来繁殖嗅探兽
  • The full-grown flower can be harvested and replanted but can also be crafted into a dye
  • 完全长成的花可以被收获并重新种植,也可以用来制作染料


  • Added a new Cherry Grove biome, with pretty cherry blossom trees
  • 添加全新的樱花树林生物群系,长有美丽的樱花树
    • The biome can be found in the mountains, in similar places as Meadows
    • 这个生物群系可以在山地被发现,会在与草甸类似的位置
  • Added a new Cherry wood set, with all the corresponding wooden things you can make from it
  • 新增一组全新的樱花木质套件,拥有你能制造的全部木质物品
  • Cherry Leaves have pink particles falling underneath
  • 樱花树叶会有落下的粉红色粒子
  • Added a new Pink Petals block with lots of pink flowers on the ground
  • 添加全新的粉红色花簇方块,它看起来像地面上的很多粉红色花朵
    • Each pink petal block can contain up to 4 petals
    • 每一个粉红色花簇方块可最多由 4 朵花簇组成
    • Using bone meal on it increases the number of petals
    • 对它使用骨粉,可以增加花簇的数量
    • Placing a petal on a block increases the number of petals
    • 在粉红色花簇上放置花簇可以增加它的数量
    • Mining the block gives you the number of petals in the block
    • 破坏它后,可根据数量掉落粉红色花簇



  • The brush is a craftable item you can use to brush things
  • 刷子是一个可制作的物品,可以让你刷扫物品


  • Can be found in Desert Temples and Desert Wells
  • 可以在沙漠神殿和沙漠水井发现
  • This fragile block is hard to spot and easy to destroy, so be careful!
  • 这个易碎方块难以分辨,且很容易被破坏,因此请小心!
  • Brushing the Suspicious Sand with a Brush will extract objects that were buried long ago
  • 使用刷子刷扫可疑的沙子,可以提取很久以前埋藏的物品


  • Pottery Shards have pictures on them
  • 陶罐碎片上绘有图案
  • They cannot be crafted and are only found by brushing Suspicious Sand
  • 它们不可以被制作,只能从可疑的沙子里发现


  • Crafting four Pottery Shards together will create a Decorated Pot with a picture on each side
  • 将四片饰纹陶罐组合在一起,可以制作四面绘有图案的饰纹陶罐
  • Brick items can be used instead of Pottery Shards in the Decorated Pot recipe
  • 红砖也可在饰纹陶罐的配方中取代陶罐碎片被使用
    • The sides that were made from Brick items will not have pictures
    • 使用红砖的一面将不会有图案
  • Smash a Decorated Pot with any block-breaking tool to break it apart and get the Pottery Shards back
  • 使用任何可以破坏方块的工具都将会打碎它,并返还陶罐碎片
    • Hitting the pot with bare hands, silk touch tools, or any other item, will drop an intact pot instead
    • 使用空手、精准采集工具或任何其它物品,则会掉落一个完整的陶罐

1.19.4 修复的漏洞

Around 150 bugs were fixed in this release. View the list on the issue tracker .
本次正式版共修复了 150 个bug。可以在漏洞追踪器的列表中查看。

氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 03 月 14 日发布的 Minecraft Java Edition 1.19.4;原作者 Staff】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】


苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块


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 Cin*** + 10苦力怕论坛感谢有你~


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