Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview 发布
本帖最后由 RemyYYZ 于 2023-6-30 17:59 编辑|测试/预览版是 Minecraft 基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。
|Minecraft 基岩版 1.20.20 仍未发布,Beta & Preview 为其第1个测试/预览版。
Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview
[*]Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
[*]Minecraft Preview 现已在 Xbox, Windows 10/11, 和 iOS 设备上可用. 访问 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ 以获取更多信息
[*]The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions.
[*]Minecraft Beta则在 Android (Google Play) 设备上可用。要获取加入与退出Minecraft Beta的更多信息,请参阅 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta
It’s time for a new Minecraft Preview and Beta! Here’s a list of the fixes and features in this update. Please continue to send us your feedback and bug reports, and have fun!
又到了发布我们最新的Minecraft Preview & Beta的时间啦!以下是本次更新内容的详细介绍。请别忘了提交您的 反馈 与 错误报告,祝您玩的愉快!
[*]Command line auto-complete has been added for recipe unlocking. Useful when you want to see what recipes you can unlock. (MCPE-171086)
[*]配方解锁的有关命令现已能在命令行中进行自动补全,在您想查看那些配方可以被解锁时这一功能十分有用。 (MCPE-171086)
[*]The order of command inputs was changed to be the same as on Java Edition. (MCPE-171098)
[*]此命令输入的顺序已被更改以适配Java版。 (MCPE-171098)
[*]You’ll get a confirmations message when unlocking recipes with a command. It’ll inform you if the command worked...or not. (MCPE-171065)
[*]Notification sound updated on Bedrock. Thanks for the feedback! You told us the Java swoosh sound was better for the unlocking notification. And you are right. So, we changed it. (MCPE-171116)
[*]基岩版上的通知音效现已被更改。 谢谢你们的反馈!它们让我们意识到了Java版的swoosh音效更适合用于配方解锁通知。你们是对的,所以我们决定做出这一改变。 (MCPE-171116)
[*]The duration of recipe notifications is now calculated based on how many recipes got unlocked
[*]Fixed a bug that caused players to not be able to crawl under Slabs when standing on Top Snow (MCPE-170994)
[*]修复了玩家在顶层雪上时无法正常在台阶下爬行的问题 (MCPE-170994)
[*]Top Snow is now in parity with Java Edition and each layer has a different height
[*]Missing Thorns damage sound has been added, and is played when appropriate (MCPE-37335)
[*]缺失的荆棘伤害音效现已被补全,并将在适当时机进行播放 (MCPE-37335)
[*]Anvils now emit the proper sounds when broken, stepped on, fallen onto, etc. (MCPE-33286)
[*]现在,铁砧现在将在被破坏、有生物在上方行走或下落时将正常播放音效 (MCPE-33286)
[*]Skeletons and Drowned now play sounds when firing Arrows and Tridents, respectively (MCPE-50609)
[*]现在,骷髅和溺尸将在发射箭矢或三叉戟时将正确播放音效 (MCPE-50609)
[*]Trident Channeling sound is now played when entities are hit (MCPE-43402)
[*]现在,当实体被三叉戟击中时将正确播放音效 (MCPE-43402)
[*]Empty Maps now emit the appropriate sound when players draw them
[*]Nether Portals now emit the Glass breaking sound when their Obsidian frame is broken (MCPE-94722)
[*]现在,当构成下界传送门的黑曜石被破坏时下界传送门方块将播放玻璃破碎的音效 (MCPE-94722)
[*]Loyalty Tridents returning to players now play their sound at the player's position (MCPE-43831)
[*]现在,拥有忠诚附魔的三叉戟在回归到玩家手上时将正确播放其音效 (MCPE-43831)
[*]Big Dripleaf Blocks now play the correct sound when their tilt is reset (MCPE-123488)
[*]现在,当大型垂滴叶的倾斜程度被重置时将播放正确的音效 (MCPE-123488)
[*]Conduits now play their deactivation sound when deactivated (MCPE-128117)
[*]现在,潮涌核心在被取消激活时将正确播放其音效 (MCPE-128117)
[*]Respawn Anchor Blocks now correctly play their ambient sounds (MCPE-136484)
[*]现在,重生锚将正确播放其环境音效 (MCPE-136484)
[*]Falling blocks will now break when falling onto a boat
[*]Wandering Trader now also trades Cherry Saplings (MCPE-171521)
[*]现在,流浪商人将交易樱花树苗 (MCPE-171521)
[*]Updated the camera interpolation rate when crawling to match Java Edition (MCPE-170841)
[*]更改了爬行时的视角插值以匹配Java版 (MCPE-170841)
[*]Entities no longer disappear when they are teleported to saved chunks near the edge of the player's render distance
[*]The third-person camera will no longer clip through terrain when near Water or Lava
[*]Fixed Creative Mode players not being ignited when standing in fire
[*]The player no longer gets forced into sneak or crawl in Spectator Mode (MCPE-170907)
[*]The player now gets forced out of sneak/crawl when riding (MCPE-170870)
[*]现在,当玩家切换到骑乘状态时将被强制退出潜行或爬行状态 (MCPE-170870)
[*]The player no longer gets forced into sneak or crawl during the Riptide animation
[*]Players should no longer accidentally trigger crawling when they shouldn't
[*]Fixed some scenarios where crawling was not correctly being triggered on the server (MCPE-171225)
[*]修复了在服务器上某些区域无法正常触发爬行的问题 (MCPE-171225)
[*]Entering flight mode in Creative Mode will now correctly cancel Elytra gliding (MCPE-171797)
[*]现在,使用创造模式的飞行功能时鞘翅滑翔状态将被强制移除 (MCPE-171797)
[*]Fixed a crash when entering a world with a corrupted saved chunk (MCPE-164634)
[*]修复了在进入有损坏的已保存区块的世界时会崩溃的问题 (MCPE-164634)
[*]Pick Blocking a Decorated Pot will now produce the correct hover hint in the inventory (MCPE-171800)
[*]现在,纹饰陶罐将在物品栏中显示正确的描述 (MCPE-171800)
[*]Transparent blocks viewed through an End Portal will no longer be visible nor flicker (MCPE-162061)
[*]现在,透明方块将不再能透过末地传送门异常显示或闪烁 (MCPE-162061)
[*]Fixed bottom face of portal effect so its color and transparency match the other faces
[*]Cherry Leaf blocks will now generate particle effects at a relatively large distance based on system performance
[*]Suspicious Stew no longer shows up in the Creative inventory (a recent unintended change caused it to appear there)
[*]Fixed an issue with gliding with Elytra and switching to Creative flight (MCPE-171797)
[*]修复了在创造模式飞行功能与鞘翅滑翔功能中切换时所产生的问题 (MCPE-171797)
[*]Villagers killed by players no longer drop items held in their hands
[*]Zombified Villagers now show correct professions when infected (MCPE-80924)
[*]僵尸村民现在将正确拥有不同职业 (MCPE-80924)
[*]Changed Joystick Visibility option to a dropdown menu
[*]Changed Sneak option to a dropdown menu
[*]Moved "Sync Old Worlds" button to the Settings/Storage screen
[*]Improved mouse input to be more responsive when used on Xbox (MCPE-163671)
[*]改善了在Xbox上使用鼠标输入时的灵敏度 (MCPE-163671)
ADD-ONS 与 脚本引擎
[*]Render controllers without textures will now result in a content error and be ignored
[*]Added support for the "allow_random_seed" option in world template manifests
[*]AmethystCluster blocks use state "minecraft:block_face" instead of "facing_direction". "minecraft:block_face" uses string values ("down", "up", "north", "south", "east", "west")
[*]紫水晶簇方块现在将使用 "minecraft:block_face" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态。 "minecraft:block_face" 状态使用字符串值。 (包括"down", "up", "north", "south", "east", "west")
[*]Slab blocks use state "minecraft:vertical_half" instead of "top_slot_bit". "minecraft:vertical_half" uses string values ("bottom", "top")
[*]台阶方块现在使用 "minecraft:vertical_half" 状态而非 "top_slot_bit"状态。 "minecraft:vertical_half" 状态使用字符串值 (包括"bottom", "top")
The Editor is in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Learn how to use the Editor and join the GitHub Discussion forum, post bugs, view more detailed release notes. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
基岩版编辑器目前仍处于早期开发阶段,仅适用于基于 Windows PC 并使用键鼠输入的Minecraft Preview预览版。你可以在 这里 查看使用教程,也可以在 GitHub讨论页面 上进行讨论、反馈 bug、获取最新版本通知。同时你可以在社交媒体上使用 #BedrockEditor 标签来提醒我们。
This week marks the release of v0.4: The Editor API Update! While still in early development, we’ve released it with the following support:
[*]Editor Extensions overview article and API reference documentation on learn.microsoft.com
[*]learn.microsoft.com上的 编辑器扩展简介 与 API参考文档
[*]Starter Kit: Contains the compiler tools and various libraries required to get started making Editor Extensions
[*]快速开始 :包含开始创作编辑器扩展所需的编译器与各种资源
[*]Samples created by our team to jump-start your own Extension creations
[*]示例 :由我们的团队创作的用于使您快速开展扩展创作的示例内容
Additional fixes this week to the general Editor experience:
[*]Fixed a bug where number slider thumbs in the tool panes were extending beyond the boundaries of the pane.
[*]Fixed a bug where clicking on the selected tool in the tool rail was not re-opening the closed tool pane.
[*]Fixed an issue where structure void, light, and barrier blocks were only visible when the player was holding them – now they’re always visible in the Editor.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the player's body to not rotate in third-person view when the simulation is paused.
[*]Improved logging and moved operation chat notifications to the log panel.
[*]Fixed selection gizmo visibility when there is no active selection. Previously, when there was no selection volume, selection arrow gizmos were being rendered at the world origin (0,0,0).
[*]The selected theme will now be correctly applied to external links in the Help tab of the Quick Start panel.
[*]Removed the non-functional hamburger menu button from the Quick Panel tabs.
[*]Released the "minecraft:hand_equipped" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]在1.20.20及更高版本的Json中发布了 "minecraft:hand_equipped" 物品组件
[*]Deprecate "minecraft:creative_category" component in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]在1.20.20及更高版本的Json中弃用了 "minecraft:creative_category" 物品组件
[*]Creative group and command visibility can now be set in the "description" field in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]Renamed the "minecraft:foil" item component to "minecraft:glint" and released it out of experimental in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]Changed fire enchant duration used on projectiles from a ShooterItemComponent to match vanilla behavior
[*]Released the "minecraft:use_duration" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]在1.20.20及更高版本的Json中为 "minecraft:use_duration" 物品组件进行了去实验化
[*]Released the "minecraft:stacked_by_data" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]在1.20.20及更高版本的Json中为 "minecraft:stacked_by_data" 物品组件进行了去实验化
[*]Linux dedicated server: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) is now the minimum supported version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is no longer supported
[*]Linux 专用服务端: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) 现在成为了Ubuntu版Linux专用服务端的最低支持版本.对于 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 的支持现已停止
[*]Sound definitions now accept both float and integer values for min_distance and max_distance - please set sound_definitions.json "format_version" parameter equal to or greater than 1.20.20 to use this functionality (MCPE-154378)
[*]音效定义中的min_distance和max_distance现在允许使用浮点和整数值 - 请确保sound_definitions.json“format_version”参数大于等于1.20.20才能使此功能正常启用 (MCPE-154378)
[*]Converted "set_block_property" to "set_block_state" for custom blocks
[*]将自定义方块的 "set_block_property" 转换为了 "set_block_state"
[*]Added defineVector to DynamicPropertiesDefinition
[*]将 defineVector 加入了 DynamicPropertiesDefinition
[*]Implemented slot validation for setEquipment, which now returns a boolean indicating whether the item can be equipped to the specified slot
[*]EntityEquipmentInventoryComponent is currently limited to Players only. However, we hope to reintroduce this component for mobs in a future update
[*]EntityEquipmentInventoryComponent 现在变为了仅限玩家可用。然而,我们希望在未来的更新中重新使该组件对生物可用
[*]Moved getDay to 1.4.0
[*]将 getDay 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved getTimeOfDay to 1.4.0
[*]将 getTimeOfDay 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved setTimeOfDay(timeOfDay: number | TimeOfDay) to 1.4.0
[*]将 setTimeOfDay(timeOfDay: number | TimeOfDay) 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved getAbsoluteTime to 1.4.0
[*]将 getAbsoluteTime 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved setAbsoluteTime(absoluteTime: number) to 1.4.0
[*]将 setAbsoluteTime(absoluteTime: number) 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved TimeOfDay to 1.4.0
[*]将 TimeOfDay 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Added length restrictions to setLore - Up to 20 lines with up to 50 characters per line
[*]Moved function setLore to 1.4.0
[*]将 setLore 函数移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved function getLore to 1.4.0
[*]将 getLore 函数移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved class SystemAfterEvents to 1.4.0
[*]将 SystemAfterEvents 类移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved class ScriptEventCommandMessageAfterEvent to 1.4.0
[*]将 ScriptEventCommandMessageAfterEvent 类移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved player onScreenDisplay to 1.4.0
[*]将 onScreenDisplay 玩家移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved titleDisplayOptions to 1.4.0
[*]将 titleDisplayOptions 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Moved screenDisplay to 1.4.0
[*]将 screenDisplay 移动到了1.4.0
[*]Released command /scriptevent out of experimental
[*]将 /scriptevent 命令进行了去实验化
[*]Fixed issue where items with the "minecraft:wearable" component would be duplicating when equipping by using the item (MCPE-159736)
[*]修复了使用带有“minecraft:wearable”组件的物品装时物品会被复制的问题 (MCPE-159736)
[*]Items with the "minecraft:wearable" component in non-weapon slots can no longer be stacked (MCPE-159736)
[*]非武器栏位中带有“minecraft:wearable”组件的物品将不能再进行堆叠 (MCPE-159736)
[*]Removed the "minecraft:ignores_permission" component
[*]移除了 "minecraft:ignores_permission" 组件
[*]Removed the "minecraft:mirrored_art" component
[*]移除了 "minecraft:mirrored_art" 组件
[*]Moved the "protection" field from "minecraft:armor" component to "minecraft:wearable" component in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]在1.20.20及更高版本的Json中将 "minecraft:armor" 组件中的 "protection"字段移动到了 "minecraft:wearable" 组件
[*]Deprecate "minecraft:armor" component in json formats 1.20.20 and higher
[*]在1.20.20及更高版本的Json中弃用了 "minecraft:armor" 组件
[*]Removed nonfunctional and redundant slot options from "minecraft:wearable" component, ie. mainhand, hotbar, inventory, enderchest, and equippable
[*]从“minecraft:wearable”组件中删除了冗余的物品栏选项,即主手、手持物品栏、背包、末影箱 及 装备栏
[*]Items with the "minecraft:wearable" component using the "weapon.offhand" slot will no longer equip when item is used in hotbar
[*]Equipping custom wearable items trigger generic equip sound
[*]Custom items with "minecraft:wearable" component can now be equipped by clicking and dragging in inventory or shift-clicking
[*]Display a message when the players presses the camera perspective change button but a particular perspective is already set via the camera command
【Bingkler 译自feedback.minecraft.net 2023 年 6 月 28 日发布的 Minecraft Beta & Preview -】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX Userscript v2.4.14】
[*]苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块
https://www.mcappx.com/bedrock/1.20/#preview-1202020 创造模式不能用鞘翅滑翔了
不能 掠夺 用抢夺借村民手上的东西了
爷青结!!! 路过看看 修复了创造模式中玩家不会被火焰点燃的问题
The player no longer gets forced into sneak or crawl in Spectator Mode (MCPE-170907)
Zombified Villagers now show correct professions when infected (MCPE-80924)
这两个是bug?! Ex7eM2y 发表于 2023-7-1 06:28
The player no longer gets forced into sneak or crawl in Spe ...
也许村民有死亡不掉落[哔哩_脱单] 非常好。 !!!!。!!。!。 配方解锁又加回来了?(喜) 哇呜[贴吧_滑稽][贴吧_茶杯]
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