Minecraft Java版 23w51a/b 发布
本帖最后由 El_Trueno 于 2023-12-19 01:40 编辑|每周快照是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。
Minecraft 快照 23W51A
A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版 快照
We're now releasing Snapshot 23w51a, the first snapshot for Minecraft 1.20.5. This one comes with a present for your pet Wolf in time for the holidays - and the Armadillo.
我们现在发布了23w51a快照,这将是1.20.5的第一个快照版本。是时候你的宠物狼送来节日礼物了 —— 当然别忘了犰狳。
Happy brushing!
[*]Added Armadillo, Armadillo Scutes and Wolf Armor
[*]The Armadillo is a new passive mob that:
[*]drops Armadillo Scutes periodically
[*]drops Armadillo Scutes when brushed
[*]spawns in Savannas
[*]its favorite food is Spider Eye
[*]Armadillo rolls up when it detects a threat such as:
[*]a sprinting player
[*]a player in a vehicle or mounted
[*]undead mobs
[*]It does not roll up when:
[*]it is fleeing
[*]in water
[*]in the air or
[*]on a leash
[*]When an Armadillo is rolled up it does not walk, cannot eat, and will not be tempted by food
[*]It will continue to scan for threats: if none are detected for 3 seconds, it will unroll
[*]此时它仍会查探周围的威胁,若有 3 秒未觉察到威胁,则犰狳会取消蜷缩状态
[*]Armadillo Scutes can be used to craft Wolf Armor
[*]They are dropped by Armadillos
[*]Dispensers can be used to brush Armadillo Scutes off Armadillos
[*]Using Wolf Armor on an adult tamed Wolf will equip the armor on the wolf.
[*]Only a Wolf's owner can put a Wolf Armor on their tamed Wolf, and with this in mind; Dispensers cannot put Wolf Armor on wolves.
[*]Wolf Armor gives the same protection as Diamond Horse Armor.
[*]Using Shears on a Wolf that is wearing armor will make it drop the armor
[*]Only a Wolf's owner can shear a Wolf Armor from it, and with this in mind; Dispensers cannot remove Wolf Armor from wolves.
[*]If a Wolf dies while wearing armor, it will drop the armor.
[*]Renamed scutes that come from Turtles to Turtle Scutes
[*]重命名由海龟获得的鳞甲(Scute)为海龟鳞甲(Turtle Scute)
[*]Llamas and Shulkers are no longer able to destroy armor stands
[*]The Data Pack version is now 27
[*]数据包版本现在为 27
数据包版本 27 更新内容
[*]Llamas now use a new damage type spit instead of mob_projectile
[*]羊驼现在使用全新的伤害类型 spit,而不是 mob_projectile
[*]FactorCalculationData has been removed from mob effect instance tags
[*]FactorCalculationData 从生物状态效果标签中移除
[*]Added generic.scale attribute that can be used to rescale any living entity
[*]新增 generic.scale 属性,可改变所有活体的尺寸
[*]Player reach distance can now be controlled with the generic.block_interaction_range and generic.entity_interaction_range attributes
[*]玩家触及距离现在由 generic.block_interaction_range 和 generic.entity_interaction_range 属性控制
[*]The maximum number of blocks that an entity can step up without jumping is now controlled by the generic.step_height attribute
[*]实体不跳跃就可走上的方块格数现在由 generic.step_height 属性控制
[*]Added a new 'whirl' idle sound
[*]Added a 'charging up attack' sound
[*]Added a sound that plays while the Breeze is in the air
[*]Added a projectile deflection sound
[*]Tweaked existing sounds
[*]The Trial Spawner now has the same two default loot tables as they have in the Trial Chamber
23W51A 修复的漏洞
[*]MC-130244 - When opening chat in F1 mode, previous messages aren't visible
[*]MC-130244 - 在F1模式下打开聊天屏幕时无法查看历史聊天消息
[*]MC-153643 - Debug overlay is rendered behind hotbar items
[*]MC-153643 - 调试屏幕渲染在快捷栏物品下层
[*]MC-167375 - Baby turtle subtitles are grammatically incorrect
[*]MC-167375 - 幼年海龟字幕文本的语法不正确
[*]MC-173672 - Title text renders in front of player names in player list
[*]MC-173672 - 标题栏文本渲染在玩家列表中玩家名称上层
[*]MC-184066 - Respawn anchors don't produce an ambient sound
[*]MC-184066 - 重生锚不会产生环境音效
[*]MC-184622 - Sound for exiting a portal/travelling to another dimension does not use its subtitle string despite it existing in en_us.json
[*]MC-184622 - 离开传送门或通过传送门前往另一维度时播放的声音没有使用其对应的字幕,尽管该字符串存在于 en_us.json 中
[*]MC-185379 - Baby polar bear subtitle does not explicitly mention it comes from a baby polar bear
[*]MC-185379 - 幼年北极熊的字幕没有明确提及其来自幼年北极熊
[*]MC-187267 - Title text renders in front of sidebar
[*]MC-187267 - 标题栏文本渲染在侧边栏上层
[*]MC-187372 - There is no space between fps limit/vsync and graphics level in the debug screen
[*]MC-187372 - 调试屏幕中 fps 限制与垂直同步或图像等级间没有空格
[*]MC-193511 - Title text renders in front of narrator text
[*]MC-193511 - 标题栏文本渲染在复述功能文本上层
[*]MC-193515 - Boss bar text renders in front of narrator text
[*]MC-193515 - Boss栏文本渲染在复述功能文本上层
[*]MC-193517 - Boss bar text renders in front of sidebar
[*]MC-193517 - Boss栏文本渲染在侧边栏上层
[*]MC-193521 - Boss bar text renders in front of F3
[*]MC-193521 - Boss栏文本渲染在调试屏幕文本上层
[*]MC-193524 - Boss bar text strikethough/underline renders on tab list
[*]MC-193524 - Boss栏文本的删除线与下划线渲染在玩家列表上层
[*]MC-193753 - Respawn anchor ambient sound subtitle refers to it as a portal
[*]MC-193753 - 重生锚使用了与传送门一样的环境音效字幕
[*]MC-194948 - Block breaking subtitle inconsistent with painting, item frame and lead breaking subtitles
[*]MC-194948 - 画、物品展示框和拴绳被破坏时的字幕与方块被破坏时的字幕不一致
[*]MC-198787 - Inefficient streams in GoalSelector
[*]MC-198787 - GoalSelector 方法使用了低效的 Stream API
[*]MC-198963 - Chat text renders in front of player names in player list
[*]MC-198963 - 聊天文本渲染在玩家列表中玩家名称上层
[*]MC-219899 - Bone meal used on rooted dirt causes the particles to appear above it, despite the growth being below it
[*]MC-219899 - 对缠根泥土使用骨粉时,产生的粒子在方块上方,尽管垂根从下方生长
[*]MC-238242 - There is an unnecessary black pixel in the upper right corner of small potion UI icons in the inventory
[*]MC-238242 - 物品栏药水状态图标右上方有多余的黑色像素
[*]MC-248961 - takenDamage for achievement criteria is calculated wrongly when the player has equipped a helmet
[*]MC-248961 - 当玩家装备上头盔时,进度准则 takenDamage 的计算有误
[*]MC-249335 - Using bone meal on mangrove leaves spawns growth particles at the center of the block instead of below it
[*]MC-249335 - 对红树树叶使用骨粉时,产生的粒子在方块中心而非下方
[*]MC-251027 - Wearing a helmet doesn't reduce the damage of falling anvils or stalactites by 1⁄4
[*]MC-251027 - 头盔不会将下落的铁砧或钟乳石造成的伤害减少 1/4
[*]MC-252409 - Memory statistics within the debug menu contain some unnecessary spaces
[*]MC-252409 - 调试屏幕的内存统计中存在多余的空格
[*]MC-259587 - Negative item durability causes the durability bar to render incorrectly
[*]MC-259587 - 负数耐久值导致物品耐久条渲染错误
[*]MC-261577 - The nether portal overlay is rendered completely opaque when using spyglasses while standing inside of nether portals
[*]MC-261577 - 使用望远镜且站在下界传送门内时,下界传送门的叠加层将完全不透明
[*]MC-263256 - Chat renders on top of TAB, blocking information
[*]MC-263256 - 聊天栏渲染在玩家列表上层,这会挡住一部分信息
[*]MC-265541 - player.dat_old won't be read even if player.dat doesn't exist
[*]MC-265541 - 即使 player.dat 文件不存在,游戏也不会读取 player.dat_old
[*]MC-265669 - Hotbar text renders above subtitle background but under subtitle text
[*]MC-265669 - 快捷栏文本渲染在字幕背景上层,但在字幕文本下层
[*]MC-265835 - The freezing effect is rendered totally opaque when using a spyglass
[*]MC-265835 - 使用望远镜时,屏幕边缘的冻结效果将完全不透明
[*]MC-266055 - Opening or closing a copper door or trapdoor while holding an axe / honeycomb grants wax-related advancement
[*]MC-266055 - 开关铜门或铜活板门时,手持斧,会获得“脱蜡”进度;手持蜜脾,会获得“涂蜡”进度
[*]MC-266135 - Cached macro commands ignore permission level, allowing limited permission escalation
[*]MC-266135 - 缓存的宏命令在执行时无视权限等级,可导致命令被越权执行
[*]MC-266136 - Macro commands ignore function-permisson-level server setting, including when lower than default
[*]MC-266136 - 宏函数执行时无视服务器function-permisson-level设置,包括在该项设定为低于默认值的情况
[*]MC-266144 - Copper Doors are not part of the #doors item tag
[*]MC-266144 - 铜门不属于#doors物品标签
[*]MC-266145 - Copper Trapdoors are not part of the #trapdoors item tag
[*]MC-266145 - 铜活板门不属于#trapdoors物品标签
[*]MC-266308 - Copper Bulbs have unused "turn_off" sound
[*]MC-266308 - 铜灯有未使用的“关闭”音效
[*]MC-266334 - Shulker bullets destroy armor stands
[*]MC-266334 - 潜影贝子弹会破坏盔甲架
[*]MC-266389 - Glow berry particles are barely visible when bonemealed
[*]MC-266389 - 对洞穴藤蔓使用骨粉时,产生的粒子过少
[*]MC-266430 - Breeze on top of a non-full block produces particles of the block below it
[*]MC-266430 - 在不完整方块上的旋风人会产生更下方方块的粒子效果
[*]MC-266432 - Exposed, weathered and oxidised copper bulbs are unwaxed in trial chambers
[*]MC-266432 - 试炼厅内处于斑驳、锈蚀、氧化状态的铜灯没有被涂蜡
[*]MC-266469 - When attacked, breezes sometimes stop pathfinding, jumping, or firing wind charges
[*]MC-266469 - 被攻击时,旋风人有时会停止寻路、跳跃或发射风弹
[*]MC-266524 - Breezes sometimes get the zoomies after jumping
[*]MC-266524 - 旋风人在跳跃后有时会滑行出视线
[*]MC-266533 - Breeze's AI has serious flaws in open terrain
[*]MC-266533 - 旋风人使用的AI在开阔地形中有严重缺陷
[*]MC-266589 - Armor durability is changed when swapping on creative
[*]MC-266589 - 创造模式下按下使用键交换盔甲会同时改变其耐久值
[*]MC-266628 - High polling rate causing stuttering
[*]MC-266628 - 鼠标轮询率过高会导致卡顿
[*]MC-266680 - The glowing outline isn't applied to the eyes or eyebrows of breezes
[*]MC-266680 - 旋风人在具有发光效果时,发光轮廓没有包含眼睛与眉毛
[*]MC-266685 - The entity shadows of breezes are too large in relation to the size of their models
[*]MC-266685 - 与实际模型大小相比,旋风人的实体阴影过大
[*]MC-266688 - Breeze model's glowing eyes are not resource pack-friendly
[*]MC-266688 - 旋风人模型上发光的眼睛对资源包不友好
[*]MC-266738 - Subtitles string "subtitles.block.trial_spawner.spawn_mob" is misleading and inconsistent
[*]MC-266738 - 字幕 subtitles.block.trial_spawner.spawn_mob 字符串具有误导性,且与其他字符串不一致
[*]MC-266879 - Clouds, entity hitboxes, block outlines, specially rendered blocks, and enchantment glints, render through the insides of breezes' eyes and eyebrows
[*]MC-266879 - 透过旋风人的眼睛和眉毛能够观察到云、实体判定框、方块边界框(特别是有特殊渲染的)和附魔光效
[*]MC-266960 - Bossbar text renders in front of player list background and player icons
[*]MC-266960 - Boss栏文本渲染在玩家列表背景上层,但在玩家图标下层
[*]MC-266990 - Maps with the same 'map' tag value, but different 'display' tag data can cause markers to disappear
[*]MC-266990 - 拥有相同 map 标签值,但 display 标签数据不同的地图可导致玩家标记消失
[*]MC-266999 - Crafter's tooltip buttons can still be visible to players on spectator mode
[*]MC-266999 - 旁观模式下玩家依然能看到合成器的按钮提示框
[*]MC-267193 - A function with /return fail run in chat doesn't indicate failure
[*]MC-267193 - 聊天窗口中执行的 /return 函数运行错误时不会报错
[*]MC-267194 - /return run function in combination with a fork and a function that doesn't return has inconsistent behavior
[*]MC-267194 - 分支里的 /return run 函数在执行无返回值的函数时存在不一致的行为
23w51b 于 2023 年 12 月 18 日 23:39 发布,为一次热更新,修复了一个严重问题
[*]Fixed a crash that would occur when the nametag of a player was visible during sleeping, swimming or dying
【震天 译自官网 2023 年 12 月 18 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 23w51a;原作者 Java Team】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】
[*]苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块
旋风人主要是把你滞留在空中,增加你的滞空时间(而我的世界神奇的代码会根据你滞空的时间而不停计算你的摔落伤害),从而把你摔死 感谢有你。 6666666666 好家伙,签名档是旋风人 884594585744565 好的,我已经知道前面版本的bug了
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