Minecraft 基岩版 Beta 发布
Minecraft基岩版 1.16.200 仍未发布, 为其第 6 个测试版。
Bug Fixes
Bug 修复
Performance and Stability
[*]Improved terrain building speed when flying with Elytra (MCPE-85614)
改进了使用鞘翅飞行时,生成地形的性能 (MCPE-85614)
[*]Fixed a bug that would crash the game when using the crafting table on Creative mode
[*]Fixed an issue with a runaway block ticking queue that occurred on a looping data-driven block that changed itself to a different permutation. The bug could cause memory issues, increase load and save times, as well as stalling the game periodically
修复了当一个不断循环的 由数据驱动的方块 修改其自身的排序时方块ticking(刻)队列失控的问题。这个问题会导致内存管理问题,增加读取和保存(存档的)时间,相当于周期性的拖慢游戏运行速度。
Technical Changes
[*]Reduced content warning spam with data-driven block geometry
减少了 由数据驱动的方块 的内容警告消息
[*]A fix for dedicated server that copies the experimental toggle state to LevelSettings while initializing the server instance to make sure it uses the values specified in the loading world
针对专用服务器的修复: 在初始化服务器实例时会将 实验性功能 的设置复制到 LevelSettings,来保证服务器在读取世界时使用了特定的值
[*]Fixed data-driven blocks to shrink UVs the same was as actors to prevent UV bleeding
令 由数据驱动的方块 的贴图引用的缩小方式与 actors 一致,来防止贴图引用错位
原文地址: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360052476232
我昨天都下载到1.16.200.57版了,你怎么今天才发布呀? 小贝呐 发表于 2020-11-26 18:00
人家找肯定是要点时间呢 为什么我下不了 这都修了多久的bug了?基岩版最近更新怎么太水了吧。Java版的更新这么多东西了。基岩版没动静。[贴吧_不高兴]
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