无翻译文件内容:Hello~I've seen your mod "模组名" on CurseForge, it's fantastic!!!!! I want to make more players know about your mod. I want to reprint it to KLPBBS, forum in China. This is the link to the KLPBBS forum: https://klpbbs.com/forum.php . I won‘t put your mod.jar on that page, and I will redirect the download link to your page on CurseForge to make Chinese players use this mod more conviniently. Hope for your reply!
有翻译文件内容:Hello~I've seen your mod "模组名" on CurseForge, it's fantastic!!!!! I want to make more players know about your mod. I want to reprint it to KLPBBS, forum in China. This is the link to the KLPBBS forum: https://klpbbs.com/forum.php . I won‘t put your mod.jar on that page, and I will redirect the download link to your page on CurseForge to make Chinese players use this mod more conviniently. I will be updating the 'lang.json' file and, once the translation work is completed, I will send it to you via private message. Hope for your reply!
然后就到了模组的一些功能。对于某些模组的相关资料我们通过MCMOD、模组的Wiki或在B站中寻找相关的介绍视频来寻找有关资料。如果其中的渠道并没有相关的介绍内容或没有明确写明某项功能,则需要我们到游戏中实地体验或参考模组的相关自定义 Wiki 来了解相关内容。最后我们就可以对模组的相关内容进行归纳整理。