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本帖最后由 RemyYYZ 于 2023-5-26 12:20 编辑 | 测试/预览版 是 Minecraft 基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。| 测试/预览版主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。使用测试/预览版打开存档前请务必备份。适用于正式版的领域服务器与测试/预览版不兼容。 | 如果在测试/预览版中遇到旧版存档无法使用的问题,测试/预览版将允许你将存档上传以供开发团队查找问题。 | Minecraft 基岩版 1.20.10 仍未发布,Beta & Preview 为其第1个测试/预览版。 | 转载本贴时须注明原作者 以及本帖地址。 Minecraft Beta & Preview - Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview
Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ Minecraft Preview 在 Xbox, Windows 10/11, 以及 iOS 平台可用。更多信息可在 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ 查询。 The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions. Beta 版在 Android (Google Play) 平台可用。要加入或离开 beta 版,请访问 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta 获取详细指引。
FEATURES AND BUG FIXES特性和漏洞修复 ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES 辅助功能特性 Improved Xbox On-Screen Keyboard experience including better positioning, updating fields with typed input and no more screen dimming while on screen keyboard is open (MCPE-156575 ) 改进了 Xbox 屏幕软键盘的使用体验,包括更好的定位,能随着输入的文字更新其位置,以及当屏幕软键盘开启时屏幕不再会变暗。 (MCPE-156575 ) SNEAK AND CRAWL (EXPERIMENTAL) 潜行和爬行 (实验性玩法) Added the ability to crawl behind the Short Sneaking and Crawling Experimental toggle 加入了爬行功能,可以通过打开实验性玩法中的 “Short Sneaking and Crawling” 开关来使用。 Created new player crawling animation 新增了玩家爬行的动画。 Players will now begin crawling when in a 1 block gap, similar to sneaking 与潜行类似,当玩家处于1格高的空间中时,会进入爬行状态。 Crawling is the same speed as sneaking 爬行的速度与潜行相同。 Players will automatically stand up or begin sneaking if they leave the 1 block gap 当玩家离开1格高的空间时,会自动站立或潜行。 Players will begin swimming if they enter water while crawling, or vice-versa 玩家若在爬行时进入水中,会进入游泳状态,反之亦然。 Player's model is now centered around their hitbox when swimming (MCPE-54294 ) 玩家在游泳时,模型会以其碰撞箱为中心。 (MCPE-54294 ) Players are no longer able to sneak while riding (MCPE-170613 ) 玩家处于骑乘状态时,不能够潜行了。 (MCPE-170613 ) Players will now always spawn projectiles from the camera position when sneaking, swimming, or gliding 当玩家潜行,游泳或滑翔时,其发射的弹射物会在相机视角的位置生成。 Players will now spawn particle effects when eating in the correct position if they are sneaking, swimming, or gliding 当玩家潜行,游泳或滑翔时,其在正确的位置进食时会产生粒子效果。 Loyalty Tridents will always return to the player's camera 附魔有忠诚的三叉戟会回到玩家的相机视角位置。 Players will no longer suffocate when short sneaking in certain scenarios 在一些特定的情况下进行更矮的潜行时,玩家不再会窒息了。 Players will no longer suffocate when riding on a Camel in 2 block gaps (MCPE-166451 ) 在两格高的空间中骑乘骆驼时,玩家不再会窒息了。 (MCPE-166451 ) Players will no longer be pushed slightly when short sneaking is by being pushed by a block (MCPE-166411 ) 当玩家因被方块推动而进入更矮的潜行时,不再会被稍稍推动了。 (MCPE-166411 ) Fixed many interactions where being forced into sneaking acted the same as holding the sneak button (MCPE-170610 ) 修复了当被迫进入潜行状态时,许多交互和按潜行键主动潜行时的交互相同的问题。 (MCPE-170610 ) WORLD GENERATION 世界生成 Polished Basalt and Chiseled Deepslate can no longer be replaced by Sculk during world generation 世界生成时,磨制玄武岩和雕纹深板岩不再会被幽匿块替代了。 Polished Deepslate can now be replaced by Sculk during world generation (MCPE-160238 ) 世界生成时,磨制深板岩现在会被幽匿块替代。 (MCPE-160238 ) VILLAGERS 村民 Farmer Villagers will now interact with Torchflower Seeds and Pitcher Pods. They can pick up the seeds and plant them, but they will not harvest the Torchflower or Pitcher Crop (MCPE-169758 ) 农民职业的村民现在会与火把花种子以及瓶子草荚果交互。他们能捡起种子并将其种植,但并不会收获火把花和瓶子草植株。 (MCPE-169758 ) ARCHAEOLOGY 考古 Decorated Pots crafted with at least one Sherd now have a hover tooltip displaying the Sherd and Brick ingredients 至少使用一种陶片合成的饰纹陶罐现在会有悬停提示,展示组成该饰纹陶罐的陶片和红砖。 AUDIO 音频 Camera position is now used for audio system listening and ambient sounds 现在音频系统的收听以及环境音效会依据相机视角。Previously the player position and rotation were sometimes used for audio listening 以前音频的收听会根据玩家的位置和旋转角度。 This effectively flips audio panning when using 'third person front' camera perspective 这样,在使用“第三人称正面”相机视角时,能有效地翻转音频的摆动(?) 。 BLOCKS 方块 Players without permission to open/close containers can no longer interact with Chiseled Bookshelves 没有打开/关闭容器权限的用户不能和雕纹书架交互了。 Cauldron water texture is now the correct version (MCPE-170427 ) 炼药锅中水的纹理现在是正确的版本了。 (MCPE-170427 ) Note Block on top of Soul Soil now produces the Harp sound instead of the Snare sound 灵魂土上方的音符盒现在会发出竖琴的声音,而不是小军鼓的声音。 Shovel can no longer mine Packed Mud as fast as Pickaxe (MCPE-161207 ) 锹不再能和镐一样快地挖掘泥坯了。 (MCPE-161207 ) Placing blocks on Top Snow and Tall Grass while moving side to side will no longer cause them to stack up continuously (MCPE-162785 ) 在顶层雪和高草丛上放置方块的同时移动,不再会使得这些方块向上堆叠了。 (MCPE-162785 ) GRAPHICAL 图像 Fixed issues with highlighted blocks and mob shadows appearing through the Pumpkin head overlay on Switch 修复了 Switch 平台上突出显示的方块和生物的影子会透过南瓜头盔的图层出现的问题。 Rendering of snow or rain is now based on camera position instead of player position 雪和雨的渲染现在基于相机视角的位置而非玩家的位置。 Shields no longer flicker when held in both hands on RTX 开启 RTX 时,拿在手里的盾牌不再会闪烁了。 Fixed sleep and camera fade effect not covering the screen until after first-person rendering happens 修复了非第一人称渲染时,睡觉以及视角变暗的效果不会盖住屏幕的问题。 MAPS 地图 Fixed black pixels being generated on maps when Client-Side Chunk Generation is enabled 修复了启用客户端区块加载时地图上产生黑色像素点的问题。 MOBS 生物 The sound played when a Camel is dashing is no longer played repeatedly (MCPE-164064 ) 骆驼冲刺时播放的音效不再会重复播放了。 (MCPE-164064 ) Fixed issue with Jump Boost effect not affecting Magma Cubes (MCPE-54294 ) 修复了跳跃提升效果不会影响岩浆怪的问题。 (MCPE-54294 ) USER INTERFACE 用户界面 Added a toggle to all platforms enabling extra-large GUI scaling beyond what the GUI slider allows 在所有平台加入了一个开关,能开启比 GUI 滑动条允许的大小范围更大的特大 GUI 缩放。 Changed the Pause Menu disconnection text to be platform agnostic 修改了暂停菜单的断开连接文本,使之不再与平台相关。 Fixed an issue that caused the inventory to get locked up after auto placing (MCPE-46795 ) 修复了在自动放置后,物品栏被锁定的问题。 (MCPE-46795 ) Imported worlds now get their last played date modified to the time they were imported 导入的世界现在会将其最后游玩时间更改为导入的时间。 VANILLA PARITY 原版特性同步 Items dropped by storage entities are now centered inside the nearest block (MCPE-160189 ) 由储存物品的实体掉落的物品现在会以最近的方块为中心。 (MCPE-160189 ) Shovel has been removed from Boat recipe 移除了船的合成配方中的锹。The Bamboo Raft recipe has not been updated yet 竹筏的合成配方暂未作出更新。 Barrel recipe has been modified to use planks instead of Sticks 更改了木桶的合成配方,将木棍改为木板。 The Cobweb to String recipe has been removed 移除了由蜘蛛网合成线的合成配方。 Fixed a bug where Zombie Villager did not drop given item after curing (MCPE-163670 ) 修复了僵尸村民被治愈后不会掉落其捡起的物品的问题。 (MCPE-163670 ) Wild Horses, Mules, and Donkeys can now be tempted using a Golden Apple/Carrot or Enchanted Apple. Llamas will be tempted by a player holding a Hay Bale (MCPE-140814 ) 未驯服的马,骡以及驴现在能被金苹果,金胡萝卜或附魔金苹果吸引。羊驼会被手持干草捆的玩家吸引。 (MCPE-140814 ) VIBRATIONS 振动 以下行为或事件现在会产生振动: Placing, rotating, or removing an item in an Item Frame or in a Glow Item Frame now emits vibrations (MCPE-166741 ) 在物品展示框或荧光物品展示框中放置,旋转或移除物品 (MCPE-166741 ) Charging a Respawn Anchor now emits vibrations (MCPE-157409 ) 给重生锚冲能 (MCPE-157409 ) Scraping or applying wax to blocks of the Copper block set now emits vibrations 为铜块涂蜡或脱蜡 Switching a Daylight Detector to an Inverted Daylight Detector, or vice-versa, now emits vibrations 把阳光探测器转换为反响阳光探测器,或反之 Adding food to a Campfire now emits vibrations 向营火添加食物 Adding or removing a Music Disc to a Jukebox now emits vibrations 给唱片机放入或移除唱片 Mud turning into Clay now emits vibrations 泥巴转变成黏土 Harvesting Sweet Berries now emits vibrations 收获甜浆果 Placing an Eye of Ender in an End Portal Frame now emits vibrations (MCPE-155372 ) 在末地传送门框架中填入末影之眼 (MCPE-155372 ) Bees now emit vibrations when entering or exiting a Beehive or a Bee Nest (MCPE-156199 ) 蜜蜂进入或离开蜂箱或蜂巢 (MCPE-156199 ) Interacting with a Composter now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 和堆肥桶交互 (MCPE-156199 ) Attaching or detaching a Lead from a Fence now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 将拴绳拴在栅栏上或将其解除 (MCPE-156199 ) Attaching or detaching a Lead from a mob now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 将拴绳拴在生物上或将其解除 (MCPE-156199 ) Dying a Sheep now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 给羊染色 (MCPE-156199 ) Picking Glow Berries now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 采集发光浆果 (MCPE-156199 ) Farmland turning into Dirt now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 耕地变为泥土 (MCPE-156199 ) Using a Spawn Egg on a Monster Spawner now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 使用刷怪蛋或刷怪笼 (MCPE-156199 ) Silverfish merging with blocks now emit vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 蠹虫进入方块中 (MCPE-156199 ) Using a Hoe on Rooted Dirt now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 对缠根泥土使用锄 (MCPE-156199 ) Using a Shovel to create Dirt Paths now emits vibrations (MCPE-156199 ) 用锹来制造土径 (MCPE-156199 ) Placing a Door now emits vibrations 放置门 Planting seeds in Farmland now emits vibrations 在耕地种下种子 TECHNICAL UPDATES 技术性更新 ADD-ONS AND SCRIPT ENGINE 附加包和脚本引擎 Added deprecation error message for the part_visibility component (the bone_visibility field in the geometry component should be used instead, see block documentation for more information) 为 part_visibility 组件添加了已弃用的错误信息 (应该使用 geometry 组件中的 bone_visibility 字段,请查看方块文档以获取更多信息。) Fixed an issue where adding a minecraft:peek component to a custom entity would cause the game to crash 修复了给自定义实体添加 minecraft:peek 组件会导致游戏崩溃的问题。 BLOCKS 方块 Updated the "minecraft:geometry" block component to allow bone visibility to be defined with a Molang expression 更新了 "minecraft:geometry" 方块组件,允许用 Molang 表达式来定义其骨架的可见性。 COMMANDS 命令 Executing the "inputpermission set" command will now output a message to the chat with the results (MCPE-168368 ) 执行 "inputpermission set" 命令会在聊天中输出一则带有执行结果的信息。 (MCPE-168368 ) Executing the "inputpermission set" command will now result in an error if it does not affect any players 执行 "inputpermission set" 命令时,若没有影响到任何玩家,会导致报错。 Command positions will now use the current position/rotation when running mcfunctions via execute 当通过 /execute 来执行 mcfunctions 时,命令的位置会使用当前的位置/旋转角度。 Fixed issue where some execute commands stopped working on Realms (MCPE-169974 ) 修复了在领域服务器,部分 /execute 命令不工作。 (MCPE-169974 ) The "hasitem" target selector argument now counts items held with the cursor (MCPE-152002 ) "hasitem" 目标选择器的参数现在会将光标点按拾取的物品也算在内。 (MCPE-152002 ) Commands will still work with "concrete", but "concrete" won't be suggested in the command prompt, rather the new names will 命令仍然兼容 "concrete", 但 "concrete" 在命令提示中不再被建议,而会建议其新的名字:"concrete" block is now split into unique instances, namely "white_concrete", "orange_concrete", "magenta_concrete", "light_blue_concrete", "yellow_concrete", "lime_concrete", "pink_concrete", "gray_concrete", "light_gray_concrete", "cyan_concrete", "purple_concrete", "blue_concrete", "brown_concrete", "green_concrete", "red_concrete", and "black_concrete" "concrete" 方块现在被分成各个特殊的实例,也就是 "white_concrete", "orange_concrete", "magenta_concrete", "light_blue_concrete", "yellow_concrete", "lime_concrete", "pink_concrete", "gray_concrete", "light_gray_concrete", "cyan_concrete", "purple_concrete", "blue_concrete", "brown_concrete", "green_concrete", "red_concrete", 以及 "black_concrete". Java Parity: Block states in commands will use equals instead of colon in version 1.20.0 and later. For example using the setblock command: /setblock ~ ~ ~ oak_log["pillar_axis"="x"] (MCPE-168056 ) 与 Java 版特性同步: 在 1.20.0 以及更新的版本,命令中的方块状态会使用等号而非冒号。例如 setblock 命令: /setblock ~ ~ ~ oak_log["pillar_axis"="x"] (MCPE-168056 ) Block states with equals don't require a space to show autocomplete options (MCPE-168056 ) 使用等号的方块状态不再需要一个空格来显示自动补全选项。 (MCPE-168056 ) COMPONENTS 组件 Added a content error when minecraft:balloonable is used on minecraft:player to prevent issues as this component is not supported in this way (MCPE-164495 ) 当 minecraft:balloonable 被用在 minecraft:player 时,新增了一个内容错误来防止出现问题,因为这个组件是不支持这样使用的。 (MCPE-164495 ) EDITOR 编辑器 The Editor is in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Learn how to use the Editor and join the GitHub Discussion forum, post bugs, view more detailed release notes. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
编辑器现在处在早期开发阶段,并且可在 Windows PC 基岩版 Preview 版本中通过键盘/鼠标使用。学习 如何使用编辑器 ,并加入 GitHub 讨论 ,提出 bug,查看更具体的版本说明。在社交媒体上使用 #BedrockEditor tag 来和我们互动。Resolved an issue where the selection cursor was causing the glass block to render invisible 修复了选择器鼠标导致玻璃块渲染成不可见的问题。 Added Log Panel for Tool mode to display log messages. It can be accessed from the View menu or by using the CTRL+H shortcut 为工具模式新增了 Log Panel 来展示日志信息。能通过 View 菜单或使用 CTRL+H 快捷键来访问。 Fixed a bug that prevented additional servers to be added from Servers Tab in Editor mode 修复了编辑器模式下服务器栏目中无法添加更多服务器的问题。 Fixed a bug that caused the gizmo to be hidden in Crosshair Mode 修复了 Crosshair 模式下 gizmo 被隐藏的问题。 ITEMS 物品 Released the minecraft:cooldown item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher 在 1.20.10 及更高版本的 json 样式中,将 minecraft:cooldown 物品组件发布并移出实验状态。 Released the minecraft:repairable item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher 在 1.20.10 及更高版本的 json 样式中,将 minecraft:repairable 物品组件发布并移出实验状态。 STABILITY AND PERFORMANCE 稳定性和性能 Invalid JSON objects within the entity component "minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target" will no longer crash the game (MCPE-168129 ) 在 "minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target" 实体组件中的非法 JSON 对象不再会使游戏崩溃了。(MCPE-168129 ) EXPERIMENTAL TECHNICAL FEATURES 实验性技术性特性 ADD-ONS AND SCRIPT ENGINE 附加包和脚本引擎 Camera Presets can now specify "listener":"player" to have the audio system use the player position for audio positioning 相机视角的预设现在可以注明 "listener":"player" 来使声音系统将玩家的位置用作音效定位。Added "example:example_player_listener" Camera Preset to demonstrate this option 新增了 "example:example_player_listener" 相机视角预设来展示这一选项。 ITEMS 物品 Items with the "minecraft:block_placer" component will now place blocks with correct orientation 有着 "minecraft:block_placer" 组件的物品现在会以正确的方位放置物品。 API API Dynamic properties can now optionally have default values 动态属性现在可以有可选的默认值 Increased Dynamic Property registration limits: 提高了动态属性注册的限制:Actors: ~1KB -> 128KB Actors: ~1KB -> 128KB World: ~10KB -> 1MB World: ~10KB -> 1MB ScreenDisplay ScreenDisplayRemoved clearTitle() - Use setTitle with an empty string to clear the title 移除了 clearTitle() - 请用带有空白字符串的 setTitle 来消除标题 Updated fadeInSeconds, staySeconds, fadeOutSeconds to fadeInDuration, stayDuration, fadeOutDuration on TitleDisplayOptions (seconds to ticks) 在 TitleDisplayOptions 中,将 fadeInSeconds, staySeconds, fadeOutSeconds 更新为 fadeInDuration, stayDuration, fadeOutDuration (秒更改为游戏刻) Updated setTitle to reset the times per each new title 更新了 setTitle 来给每一个新的标题重设其时间 Added RawMessage support for setTitle, updateSubtitle, and setActionBar 为 setTitle, updateSubtitle, 和 setActionBar 新增了 RawMessage 的支持。 Entity additions 实体Added read-only property isGliding - Returns whether the player is gliding with Elytra 新增了只读属性 isGliding - 返回玩家是否正在使用鞘翅滑翔 Added read-only property isJumping - Returns whether the player is using the jump action 新增了只读属性 isJumping - 返回玩家是否正在跳跃 Added read-only property isFlying - Returns whether the player is flying (e.g. Creative or Spectator mode) 新增了只读属性 isFlying - 返回玩家是否正在飞行 (e.g. 创造或旁观模式) Added read-only property isSprinting - Returns whether the entity is sprinting 新增了只读属性 isSprinting - 返回实体是否正在冲刺 Added read-only property isSwimming - Returns whether the entity is swimming 新增了只读属性 isSwimming - 返回实体是否正在游泳 Added read-only property isClimbing - Returns whether the entity is climbing (e.g. Player on a ladder or Spider on a wall) 新增了只读属性 isClimbing - 返回实体是否正在攀登 (e.g. 玩家爬undefined 或者蜘蛛爬墙壁) Added read-only property isOnGround - Returns whether the entity is on the ground 新增了只读属性 isOnGround - 返回实体是否在地面上 Added read-only property isInWater - Returns whether the entity is in water 新增了只读属性 isInWater - 返回实体是否在水里 Added read-only property isFalling - Returns whether the entity is falling 新增了只读属性 isFalling - 返回实体是否在掉落 Added read-only property fallDistance - Returns the current fall distance (Used for calculating fall damage) 新增了只读属性 fallDistance - 返回当前的掉落距离 (用来计算掉落伤害) Added function fly - Makes the player fly (e.g. Creative or Spectator mode) 新增了函数 fly - 使玩家飞行 (e.g. 创造或旁观模式) Added function stopFlying - Makes the player stop flying (e.g. Creative or Spectator mode) 新增了函数 stopFlying - 使玩家停止飞行 (e.g. 创造或旁观模式) Added function glide - Makes the player glide with Elytra 新增了函数 glide - 使玩家使用鞘翅滑翔 Added function stopGliding - Makes the player stop gliding with Elytra 新增了函数 stopGliding - 使玩家停止使用鞘翅滑翔 Added function swim - Makes the player swim 新增了函数 swim - 使玩家游泳 Added function stopSwimming - Makes the player stop swimming 新增了函数 stopSwimming - 使玩家停止游泳 Entity additions (effects) 实体 (效果)Updated function addEffect(effectType: EffectType | string, duration: number, options?: EntityEffectOptions): void to return void and to throw if the effect does not exist or the parameters are out of bounds 更新了函数 addEffect(effectType: EffectType | string, duration: number, options?: EntityEffectOptions): void 返回 void 并且抛出效果不存在或参数超出范围的错误。 Updated function getEffect(effectType: EffectType | string): Effect | undefined to throw if the effect does not exist 更新了函数 getEffect(effectType: EffectType | string): Effect | undefined 返回效果不存在的错误。 Updated function removeEffect(effectType: EffectType | string): boolean to throw if the effect does not exist 更新了函数 removeEffect(effectType: EffectType | string): boolean 返回效果不存在的错误。 BlockEvents BlockEventsAdded events 'PressurePlatePushEvent', 'PressurePlatePopEvent', 'TargetBlockHitEvent', and 'TripWireTripEvent' 新增了事件 'PressurePlatePushEvent', 'PressurePlatePopEvent', 'TargetBlockHitEvent', 和 'TripWireTripEvent' ContainerSlot ContainerSlotRemoved function clone - Please use function getItem instead 移除了函数 clone - 请使用 getItem 函数 EntityHealableComponent EntityHealableComponentRemoved filters: FilterGroup property 移除了 filters: FilterGroup 属性 EntityAttributeComponent EntityAttributeComponentAdded effectiveMin: number Returns the minimum possible value for the component 新增了 effectiveMin: number 返回组件可能达到的最小值 Added effectiveMax: number Return the maximum possible value for the component 新增了 effectiveMax: number 返回组件可能达到的最大值 Renamed value property to defaultValue value 属性重命名为 defaultValue Renamed current property to currentValue current 属性重命名为 currentValue Renamed setCurrent method to setCurrentValue setCurrent 方法重命名为 setCurrentValue Added EntityHealthChangedAfterEvent . It is triggered when any health change happens for an Entity 新增了 EntityHealthChangedAfterEvent. 它会在实体的生命发生任何变化时被触发。 CAMERA 相机 Changed camera command fade color to take integer values from 0 to 255 rather than 0.0 to 1.0 fractional values camera 命令的褪色颜色更改为 0 到 255 的整数值而非 0.0 的 1.0 小数值。 Camera fade command now enforces fade duration limits; fade in, hold, and fade out must be between 0 and 10 seconds Camera fade 命令现在有褪色时长限制; fade in, hold, 以及 fade out 必须在 0 到 10 秒之间。 Ensuring camera pitch can only be between -90 and 90 degrees when using the /camera command 使用 /camera 命令时,确保相机的倾斜角度在 -90 到 90 度之间。 Fixed an issue where Minecraft Education players could not use the "/give" command to give a Camera item 修复了教育版玩家无法使用 "/give" 命令来获取相机的问题。 ITEMS 物品 Items in format version 1.20.10 and above with the ”minecraft:throwable” component will trigger Item Use events when thrown 格式版本为 1.20.10 或更高并且有着 ”minecraft:throwable” 组件的物品被扔出后会触发 Item Use 事件。 Custom items with "minecraft:block_placer" will no longer place certain blocks in the wrong location 有着 "minecraft:block_placer" 的自定义物品不再会把特定的方块放到错误的位置了。 Changed "minecraft:shooter" to only consume ammo when charging the item if "charge_on_draw" is set "true" 若 "charge_on_draw" 设置为 "true","minecraft:shooter" 更改为只在给物品充能时消耗弹药。 【LeoPro User 译自feedback.minecraft.net 2023 年 5 月 25 日发布的 Minecraft Beta & Preview - 】
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