|预发布版是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和Mod制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |1.20 仍未发布,1.20 pre5/6为其第4个预览版。 |转载本贴时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版
Summer is around the corner here at the office, and what better time to stay inside and try out the new pre-release?!
Happy crafting, you wonderful people!
1.20-pre6 的技术性修改
- "item": "minecraft:air" can no longer be used in datapack recipes
- "item": "minecraft:air" 不再能用于资源包配方里
- Ingredients in array form are now also allowed in smithing_trim and smithing_transform recipes on fields template, base and addition
- 数组形式的原材料现在也允许使用在 smithing_trim 和 smithing_transform 配方里的模板、基础值和附加值字段。
- Those fields also allow empty arrays, which signalize that slot needs to be left empty
- 这些字段也允许空数组,以表明相关槽位是需要留空的。
The ID of the random sequence is now an optional field. If no sequence name is given, loot is drawn using a non-deterministic random source.
FIXED BUGS IN 1.20 PRE-RELEASE 6 1.20-pre6 修复的漏洞
- MC-237042 - Killing players in the sneaking state that have their sneak option set to "Toggle" in their accessibility settings, results in other players not being able to see them in this state when they respawn
- MC-237042 - 若有玩家在辅助功能设置中将潜行选项设为了“切换”,那么假如在该玩家潜行时将其击杀,该玩家重生后其他玩家无法看到其在潜行
- MC-241326 - Thomas Guimbretière's name is listed twice and misspelt in the credits
- MC-241326 - 鸣谢名单内,Thomas Guimbretière的名字出现了两次且拼写错误
- MC-260411 - Re-summoned dragons don't spawn end gateways when exiting the world before killing the dragon
- MC-260411 - 杀死重新召唤的末影龙的中途退出游戏不会生成末地折跃门
- MC-262340 - Iron Golems can spawn on transparent blocks
- MC-262340 - 铁傀儡可以在透明方块上生成
- MC-262575 - Company names are still inconsistent in the credits
- MC-262575 - 鸣谢名单内的公司名仍然不一致
1.20-pre5 的技术性修改 LIBRARY VERSION UPDATES 库版本更新
- uniform font has been updated to use Unifont 15.0.03 (was 15.0.01 last pre-release)
- uniform 字体更新至Unifont 15.0.03(上个预发布版是15.0.01)
FIXED BUGS IN 1.20 PRE-RELEASE 5 1.20-pre5 修复的漏洞
- MC-120158 - Anvils and other falling_blocks with HurtEntities set to true kill items and xp orbs
- MC-120158 - 铁砧和其他HurtEntities值被设置为true的下落的方块(falling_blocks)可以杀死掉落物和经验球
- MC-261294 - Jack o'lantern can be placed on the player or armor stand head without commands and without appearing the blur
- MC-261294 - 不用命令可以将南瓜灯戴在玩家或盔甲架的头上,且不遮挡视线
- MC-262334 - Item display entities have wrong lighting when they're rotated
- MC-262334 - 物品展示实体旋转后光照错误
- MC-262504 - Recipes for colored wool, carpets, and beds in the recipe book are not grouped
- MC-262504 - 带颜色的羊毛、地毯和床在配方书里没有分组
- MC-262513 - Blocks placed in the spot of a previously broken block will display the first frame of the breaking animation until updated
- MC-262513 - 当方块被放置在此前已经破坏的方块之上时,会显示破坏动画的第一帧,直到接收到方块更新
- MC-262514 - Unbreakable blocks display the first breaking animation frame when attempting to mine them
- MC-262514 - 不可破坏的方块会在玩家尝试挖掘它们时显示破坏动画的第一帧
- MC-262690 - The player can still jump from the edge of the honey block
- MC-262690 - 玩家仍然可以在蜂蜜块的边缘跳跃
- MC-262730 - Biomes being partially overwritten / regenerated in 1.20pre2 inside old world
- MC-262730 - 生成在1.20-pre2的旧世界里,部分生物群系会被覆盖或者重新生成
- MC-262773 - Markers, interaction, and display entities prevent weighted pressure plates from deactivating
- MC-262773 - 标记、交互实体和展示实体会阻止测重压力板取消激活
- MC-262778 - Losing control of a ridden mob with levitation and then re-gaining control causes levitation to persist indefinitely
- MC-262778 - 带有飘浮效果时,取消控制被骑乘的生物后再次尝试控制它会导致飘浮效果一直持续
- MC-262797 - Book model not rendering in Enchanting Table GUI
- MC-262797 - 附魔台 GUI 中书的模型不渲染
- MC-262801 - Z-fighting occurs on trimmed enchanted armor in the inventory
- MC-262801 - 物品栏中有纹饰的附魔盔甲发生深度冲突
【斯乌 译自官网 2023 年 05 月 23 日发布的 Minecraft 1.20 Pre-Release 5;原作者 Java Team】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】
【原贴地址:https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1445237-1-1.html】 苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块