



[文章] [翻译]GUIDES:如何度过你在Minecraft内的第一晚

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如何度过你在 MINECRAFT 内的第一晚

Stay alive with helpful tips and tricks!

The Overworld, the blocky landscape the player finds themselves in when they spawn into a new Minecraft world, is a bright and carefree place. Well, at least during the day! The night, however, can be an experience some would call scary – especially if it’s their first nocturnal adventure in Minecraft’s Survival mode.
主世界是一片遍布方块的世界,在玩家进入一个全新的 Minecraft 世界后,引入眼帘的首先就是这样一片明亮祥和的地域。好吧,至少白天一直如此!然而,主世界的夜晚可能会是一场恐怖的体验 —— 尤其对于第一次尝试 Minecraft 生存模式的新手来说。

As the sun sets and darkness falls upon the world, hostile mobs will start appearing. For new players, dealing with these mobs can be challenging, and no one likes to get defeated over and over again! Especially if you don’t know how to fight them, or even avoid them all together. So, how do you stay alive when monsters are creeping and groaning all around you? Luckily, there’s more than one way to handle it, and how you deal with it is all up to you!


If you ever hear something groaning about in the vicinity, it's likely a disgruntled Mojang employee. Or a zombie.
附近有人在呻吟,如果这不是一位正在抱怨的 Mojang 员工的话,那就是僵尸了。

Skeletons are chickens. Well, not actually chickens, but that's what we call aggressive mobs firing at you from afar!

If you have arachnophobia, we recommend you stay far away from these eight-legged fiends.

No, the iconic creeper does NOT want to hug you. Instead, it has a blasssssssst. Classic mistake, we know.

A mob is a non-player character that comes in all shapes and sizes. Some fly over the biomes, while others swim in the ocean. Mobs can either be passive, which means they won’t attack you, or hostile, which means they will! Cows, chickens, and axolotls are a few examples of mobs that exist within Minecraft. These are passive and can even be helpful to the player. Then there are hostile mobs, such as the explosion-happy creeper. Hostile mobs are dangerous because they’ll deliberately try to hurt the player. Why, you ask? Well, maybe some mobs just want to see the world burn!
生物就是指游戏内除玩家以外各式各样的角色。有些在天空飞翔,有些在海底徜徉。生物可能是被动的,这意味着它们将不会主动攻击玩家,或者也可能是敌对的,敌对生物将主动攻击!牛、鸡和美西螈就是 Minecraft 内一些有代表性的生物,它们属于被动生物,甚至有些对于玩家来说很有帮助。然后是敌对生物,例如爆破爱好者苦力怕。敌对生物的危险性就在于它们会主动尝试伤害玩家。什?你问为什么?也许一些生物就是想焚尽这片大地呢!

Most hostile mobs will only appear when the game’s light source reaches 0 in an environment close to the player. In other words: the less light there is around the player, the bigger the risk of a hostile mob spawning in their vicinity. The light level is important because sunlight can help you out of a sticky situation! Many hostile mobs in the Overworld will actually burn up if exposed to the sun, such as zombies and skeletons. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, mobs such as illagers, pillagers, and Endermen can appear in broad daylight.
大多是敌对生物只会在游戏亮度为 0 时在玩家附近一定范围内生成。换句话说,就是玩家周围越暗,敌对生物生成在附近的概率就越高。光线等级是非常重要的,因为日光往往能帮助你摆脱这些棘手困境!大多数敌对生物暴露在阳光下时将会燃烧,例如僵尸和骷髅。然而,这一规则也有例外。例如灾厄村民、掠夺者和末影人就可以在日光下自由活动。

So how can you survive between sunset and sunrise?

技巧 1:躲起来!

Daytime in Minecraft lasts about 10 real-life minutes, which is a short period of time for a new player who is busy learning the ropes, gathering materials, or exploring the surroundings. A player might not have the tools or the protection to deal with hostile mobs at the beginning of a play session. Others simply don’t like to fight mobs and would rather avoid them, if given the opportunity.
Minecraft 的白天时间约合现实的 10 分钟,对于一个忙于掌握游戏技巧、收集材料与探索周边环境的玩家来说时不够用的。对于游戏新手来说,可能在第一晚时仍没有合适的工具或庇护所。或者有些玩家单纯不想大动干戈,在有条件的情况下想尽量避开它们。

One way to deal with the approaching night is to quickly wall yourself in with blocks like dirt or cobblestone. Minecraft is a game that has an infinite source of these, so don’t worry about finding materials!
一种方案就是在快要晚上时将自己用泥土或圆石等方块围起来。Minecraft 里类似的材料近乎无限,所以不用担心找不到合适的材料!

Whether you build a makeshift house or dig a hole in the ground – the goal is to prevent mobs from reaching you by putting blocks between you and them. A hostile mob won’t attack you if it can’t see you. Now, hiding in a confined space until the sun rises might not be the most riveting experience, but it will keep the mobs away!

技巧 2:插火把!

Hostile mobs will only spawn in dark areas. Therefore, one way to reduce the risk of them appearing is to surround yourself with light sources. This can be done by placing torches all around you.

To craft a torch, you can either use a crafting table or the crafting menu in your inventory . You also need two of Minecraft’s most common – and essential – resources: wood and coal . Wood can be found almost anywhere and harvested by simply punching or chopping tree blocks. Placing four wood blocks in your crafting menu will allow you to create the crafting table. Coal can be mined with a pickaxe from coal blocks, which spawn in veins around the world. These are usually found below a certain height level, either buried underground, inside caves, and sometimes even visible on the surface.
要想制作一个火把,你可以使用工作台,或者是物品栏中的合成窗格。同时你需要在 Minecraft 内最为常见,也最为重要的两个材料:木头煤炭。木头几乎无处不在,你可以简单的空手或使用斧子来破坏一些树木,然后在合成窗格中放置四块木板就能制作一个工作台。而煤炭需要使用镐子开采煤矿石,它们以矿脉的形式在世界各处生成。煤矿脉通常生成在一定的水平高度以下,可能深埋于地下,可能暗藏于洞穴,但有时甚至能暴露在地表。

Use the crafting table or crafting menu to create sticks from plank blocks, which you get from wood blocks, using the same interface!

Coal can be mined with a pickaxe, and it's not unusual that you'll have to dig a little to find nodes of it.

Combine your sticks and coal, using either the crafting table or the inventory crafting menu.

技巧 3:向下挖!

Spending an entire night below ground is a good way to avoid zombies, skeletons, and creepers – or at least it will limit the numbers you encounter. It’s also a great opportunity to gather resources through mining where you can pick up materials such as iron, gold, or ore! Productive – and a way to avoid conflict!
在地下度过整个夜晚也是一个躲开僵尸、骷髅和苦力怕的好方式 —— 或者至少能减少遇到它们的几率。同时这也是通过开采矿石获取铁以及金的上好机会!因此这是一个高效且和平的方案!

Since hostile mobs can spawn wherever it’s dark, there’s always a risk of encountering them below ground where there’s little light, such as in caves or tunnels. But compared to the open terrain of the Overworld, where hostile mobs can approach from all directions, an enclosed space such as a mining tunnel is much more manageable. Plus, if you only stay in the mineshaft you’ve dug and are diligent about placing torches, then you’re pretty much safe.

Mining is also a great way to build a bank of resources to use later in the game. These resources include materials such as iron, copper, or coal.

技巧 4:打起来!

Minecraft is not just a game about mining and crafting – you can fight, too! This is important if you ever need to defend yourself against hostile mobs. Using the break block button (left-click on computers, ZR on Switch, R2 on PlayStation, and RT on Xbox) allows you to punch things in front of you, which can be used for self-defense if a mob is approaching you.
Minecraft 里不一定只能挖矿和制造 —— 玩家也是可以战斗的!对于需要抵抗敌对生物的玩家来说,这十分重要。你可以使用破坏的按键(电脑端是左键,Switch 上是 ZR 键,PlayStation 上是 R2 键,Xbox 上是 RT 键)来攻击面前的事物,这样就能有效的在一个正靠近你的生物前自我防卫。

It’s also possible to craft weapons such as swords, axes, or bows, which allow you to deal more damage, and defeat mobs more quickly. Early in the game, it’s easiest to craft swords and axes, which can be made with just a couple of materials and a crafting table. To craft a sword, simply make a sticks out of wood, then place them in a straight line together with a block like wood, stone, or iron, on the crafting table*.
* 已于WEB-6671中修复,原文误写成“使用两根木棍和一个其它材料制作”。

If you don’t like the idea of fighting, you can try and dodge attacks from hostile mobs! Also known as the time-honored tradition of running away.

Some mobs, like the skeleton, love to attack you from afar, using ranged weapons. One way to deal with these menaces is to hide behind blocks, or move sideways to avoid their projectiles. Think of it as a dance! Just keep moving left and right and you will see that these cowardly mobs are actually pretty terrible archers.


Surviving your first night is a feat on its own, but there will be many, many more – and some more challenging than others. The more prepared you can be for them, the better!
在第一个夜晚存活下来是一项里程碑式的成就,但在此之后 —— 还会有着更多更具挑战性的玩法。未雨绸缪总是好的!

Once you have created a place to call home, try crafting a bed! A bed allows you to sleep through the night, and also sets a new place spawn point – the place you re-appear after you have died. To set your spawn point, simply rest in a bed. To craft a bed, you will need three wool blocks and three wood planks. You can make planks out of wood blocks using a crafting table, and you can get wool by shearing a sheep, using the shears tool.
在你开辟了一处可以命名为家的地方后,你就可以尝试合成一张床!床可以让你跳过晚上,同时会设置一个新的重生点 —— 这是你死后重生的地方。要设置重生点,你只需躺在床上休息。要做一张床,你需要三块羊毛和三块木板。你可以使用工作台把木头做成木板,同时可以用剪刀剪羊毛。

In addition, building a furnace allows you to smelt materials and prepare food, which is essential to managing your hunger. To craft a furnace, place eight pieces of cobblestone on the crafting table.

There are many ways to survive a night in Minecraft, so even though it might feel tough at first – don’t give up! Just be creative and you’ll be able to face any challenge the game might throw at you. Good luck!
在 Minecraft 中度过一个晚上还是有很多种方式的,所以即便一开始可能会觉得很艰难 —— 也不要放弃!只要有创意,你就能够解决游戏中出现的任何挑战。祝你好运!

氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 06 月 06 日发布的 How to survive your first night in Minecraft;原作者 Per Landin】
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