UID 3253 性别 保密 经验 EP 铁粒 粒 回帖 0 主题 精华 在线时间 小时 注册时间 2020-4-23 最后登录 1970-1-1
—— 高度自定义多功能物品菜单!动态特征!真的很强安全
Itemjoin是强大的,独一无二的(作者是这么说),也具有高度可自定义物品项目。它的最显著特征是——动态效果。 |功能
支持CraftBukkit / Spigot 1.7 - 1.12 加入给予物品项目 重生给予物品项目 随世界变化而变化物品项目 有关WorldGuard区域的物品设置 Itemjoin是独一无二的,无法重命名和制作 允许或拒绝覆盖库存某位置物品 可设置冷却时间 可设置冷却消息 可设置触发花费的金钱 自定义命令触发如:后台 玩家 管理 消息以及跨服传送 可清除所有物品或可在加入游戏时清除物品项目,甚至可以在改变世界而清除物品项目 可以为物品项目添加附魔或级别 可为物品项目设置为玩家的头 自定义箭头项目 自定义旗帜项目 自定义烟花项目自定义头颅 项目自定义地图项目 隐藏项目的属性 自定义是否防止移动物品项目 自定义是否防止防止物品项目 自定义是否防止扔掉物品项目 多种语言编辑配置完毕可通过重载本插件 打开/关闭更新检查 还有很多... 支持的插件: PlaceholderAPI Vault Multiverse-Core Multiverse-Inventories PerWorldInventory PerWorldPlugins AuthMe WorldGuard MyWorld xInventories 当你要使用它时,请先了解它和它的教程,然后你才能发现原来是那么简单,并没有想象那么复杂。
权限是根据插件配置文件 item.yml 中使用的物品名称自动生成的。
/itemjoin get <item> <玩家> #删除库存中的[物品项目]
/itemjoin remove <item> <玩家> #列出[物品项目]列表
语言文件(最好去下载,不要直接复制): #// <>==<>==<> ItemJoin's English language file, by RockinChaos <>==<>==<> //# #// All messages support custom placeholders including PlaceholderAPI! //# #// If you don't want a message to be sent, fully remove it from below or make it blank. //# en-Version: 6 Prefix: '&7[&e物品项目&7] ' unknownCommand: '&c未知命令' noPermission: '&c你没有权限使用' playerNotFound: '&4没有找到 &c%argsplayer% &4这个玩家' notPlayer: '&c你必须是玩家才能使用' reloadedConfigs: '&a插件配置已重载' failedOverwrite: '&c无法给你&4 %failcount% &c物品, 因为与这个位置物品冲突了' failedInvFull: '&c无法给你&4 %failcount% &c物品, 因为你的库存满了' givenToYou: '&a你有了 &7[&e%item%&7]&a.' givenAllToYou: '&a你获得了物品项目' givenToPlayer: '&a你给 %argsplayer% &7[&e%item%&7]&a.' givenAllToPlayer: '&a你给 %argsplayer% 所有物品项目' itemDoesntExist: '&c这个 &b%item% &c项目不存在' playerTriedGive: '&4%argsplayer% &c尝试给你 &7[&b%item%&7]&c 但它已经存在你的库存中' playerTriedGiveAllItems: '&4%argsplayer% &c尝试给所有物品项目,但它已经在你的库存中' itemExistsInInventory: '&c你已经有 &7[&b%item%&7]&c!' allItemsExistInInventory: '&c你已经有所有物品项目' itemExistsInOthersInventory: '&4%argsplayer% &c已经有 &7[&b%item%&7]&c!' allItemsExistInOthersInventory: '&4%argsplayer% &c已经有了所有物品项目' invalidGetUsage: '&c使用不当,应为: /itemjoin get <itemname>!' correctGetSyntax: '&c你应该输入 /ItemJoin get <itemname> <玩家>' removedFromYou: '&7[&e%item%&7]&a 从你的库存内删除' removedAllFromYou: '&a所有物品项目从你的库存内删除' removedFromPlayer: '&a为 %argsplayer% &a删除 &7[&e%item%&7]' removedAllFromPlayer: '&a为 %argsplayer% 删除所有物品项目' playerTriedRemove: '&4%argsplayer% &c尝试删除 &7[&b%item%&7]&c 但它不存在' playerTriedRemoveAll: '&4%argsplayer% &c尝试删除所有物品项目,但是库存没有任何物品项目' itemDoesntExistInInventory: '&c这个物品项目 &b%item% &cd不存在你的库存' allItemsDoNotExistInInventory: '&c你的库存中不存在这个物品项目' itemDoesntExistInOthersInventory: '&c这个物品项目 &b%item% &c不存在 %argsplayer% 库存' allItemsDoNotExistInOthersInventory: '&c物品项目不存在 %argsplayer% 的库存!' invalidRemoveSyntax: '&c使用不当,应为: /itemjoin remove <itemname>!' correctRemoveSyntax: '&c你应该使用 /ItemJoin remove <itemname> <玩家>' updateChecking: '&4%player% 要求检查更新' updateForced: '&4%player% 要求强制更新插件' itemChargeSuccess: '&a你运行了命令 $%amount%.' itemChargeFailed: '&c你没有足够条件使用! 你需要 $%amount% 为 $%cost%.' noItemsListed: '&c&l &c没有为这个世界定制物品项目' listWorldsHeader: '&a&l%world%:' listItems: '&a&l &a%items%' inWorldListHeader: '&a所在世界:' inWorldListed: '&e- %world%' loadedWorldsHeader: '&a世界列表:' 复制代码
config.yml: #// <>==<>==<> ItemJoin's Settings, by RockinChaos <>==<>==<> //# #// See the Documentations page for a more in-depth tutorial; https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/itemjoin/ //# #// For per-world support this best works with Multiverse-Inventories! http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-inventories //# #官方教程https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/itemjoin/# #汉化教程http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-725127-1-1.html# config-Version: 6 #// 目前已汉化插件版本为4.4 //# #语言,不用管 Language: 'English' #检查更新 CheckForUpdates: false #记录日志 Log-Coloration: true #是否启用物品项目权限 Items-Permissions: true #Debugging模式 Debugging-Mode: false #// Global Settings for ItemJoin. //# #是否防止被拾起 Prevent-Pickups: false #? HeldItem-Slot: None #// Global Clear Items for ItemJoin. //# #// Set Clear-Items to ItemJoin or to All, ItemJoin clears only the ItemJoin items and All will clear all items. //# #清除物品项目 Clear-Items: ItemJoin #是否在加入游戏时清除 Clear-On-Join: false #是否在切换世界时清除 Clear-On-WorldChanged: false #是否允许OP绕过 AllowOPBypass: false #是否允许创造绕过 CreativeBypass: false #// Global Commands for ItemJoin on join, these commands are executed by console. //# #全局命令 enabled-global-commands: false #启用的世界 enabled-worlds: world, world_nether #全局命令 global-commands: - 'itemjoin get <item> <player>' #// These are optional dependencies, only change these if you are looking to use them in conjunction with ItemJoin, changing the values will require a server restart. //# #连接插件,若要开启请改为true Vault: false PlaceholderAPI: false Multiverse-Core: false Multiverse-Inventories: false PerWorldInventory: false PerWorldPlugins: false xInventories: false WorldGuard: false MyWorlds: false AuthMe: false 复制代码
item.yml: #// <>==<>==<> ItemJoin's Custom Items On Join, by RockinChaos <>==<>==<> //# #// See the Documentations page for a more in-depth tutorial; https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/itemjoin/ //# #官方教程https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/itemjoin/# #汉化教程http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-725127-1-1.html# items-Version: 6 items-Delay: 2 items-Overwrite: false items-Spamming: false items: #ultra-item这个你可以随意改 ultra-item: #物品的id,支持数字和英语 id: DIAMOND_SWORD #库存槽位[请看教程,有点不一样的] slot: 0 name: '&b一派胡言' lore: - '&7多点击' - '&7这是第二行' commands: #多点击 multi-click: - 'message: &e这个消息只有自己看到' - 'console: 后台执行命令' - 'player: 玩家执行命令' - 'say 你好世界!' #触发方式:交互,库存内点击[不懂?就是按E打开背包,鼠标点击这个物品] commands-type: interact, inventory #点击后触发的声音 commands-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING #花费金钱,需要vault commands-cost: 25 #执行冷却,5秒 commands-cooldown: 5 #冷却的信息 cooldown-message: '&7[&e物品项目&7] &a[%item%&a] &c需要等待 &a%timeleft% &c秒后可使用' #附魔 enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT:3, DAMAGE_ALL:5, DAMAGE_UNDEAD:5, KNOCKBACK:8 #标志,教程内会讲解到 itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, unbreakable, hide-attributes, self-drops, CreativeBypass #触发器 教程内会讲解到 triggers: join, respawn, world-change, region-enter #需要权限 permission-node: 'itemjoin.ultra' #启用的区域 enabled-regions: region1, region2 #启用的世界,如果为All则所有世界都启用 enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end map-item: id: MAP slot: 2 name: '&e神秘 地图' lore: - '&7看!' map-id: 1 custom-map-image: 'default.png' itemflags: inventory-modify, unbreakable, hide-attributes, death-drops, self-drops, CreativeBypass triggers: join, respawn, world-change permission-node: 'itemjoin.ultra' enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end gamemode-item: id: PAPER slot: 4 count: 6 name: '&a不同的点击' lore: - '&7左键会触发' - '&7' - '&7右键也会触发' - '&7但是不同' commands: right-click: - 'console: gamemode 1 %player%' - 'message: &e你改变了创造模式' left-click: - 'console: gamemode 3 %player%' - 'message: &e你改吧了观察者模式' commands-type: interact commands-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING commands-cost: 25 commands-cooldown: 5 cooldown-message: '&7[&e物品项目&7] &a[%item%&a] &c需要等待 &a%timeleft% &c秒后可使用' itemflags: death-drops, self-drops, disposable triggers: join, respawn, world-change permission-node: 'itemjoin.token' enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end book-item: id: WRITTEN_BOOK slot: 6 name: '&c&n创建一本书' author: '&bItemJoin' lore: - '&7' - '&7加入的一本书' pages: - 'newpage: &bYou can get this book on join!' - 'newline: &aThis book also supports &ccolor codes!' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &cHow do custom books work?' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &0You can set an &cauthor&0' - 'newline: &0as shown in the items.yml' - 'newline: &0I set it to &bItemJoin.' - 'newline: &0' - 'newpage: &cHow do you create a new page?' - 'newline: &0' - 'newline: &0As displayed to the left in the items.yml' - 'newline: &0Use &bnewpage&0 and &cnewline&0 to create your pages.' - 'newline: &cnewpage &0will start the next page.' - 'newline: &cnewline &0will create a new line for that page.' - 'newpage: &bItemJoin &0by RockinChaos!' - ':endthebook:' itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join, respawn permission-node: 'itemjoin.book' enabled-worlds: world bungeecord-item: id: STAINED_GLASS slot: 8 name: '&e跨服传送' data-value: 12 count: 32 lore: - '&7右键点击进行跨服' enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT:3 commands: multi-click: - 'server: survival' - 'message: &e为你进行一场跨服之旅' commands-type: interact commands-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING commands-cost: 25 commands-cooldown: 5 cooldown-message: '&7[&e物品项目&7] &a[%item%&a] &c需要等待 &a%timeleft% &c秒后可使用' itemflags: inventory-modify, placement, hide-attributes, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join, respawn, world-change permission-node: 'itemjoin.bungeetp' enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end filler-pane-item: id: 160 slot: Arbitrary, Arbitrary, Arbitrary, Arbitrary name: '&f' data-value: 15 itemflags: inventory-modify, placement, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join, world-change enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end arrow-item: id: TIPPED_ARROW slot: 27 name: '&f死亡箭' count: 16 potion-effect: WITHER:1:20 itemflags: death-drops, self-drops triggers: join, respawn, world-change enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end firework-item: id: FIREWORK slot: 29 name: '&d闪闪发光' lore: - '&7Right-Click me and watch me fly!' firework: type: CREEPER flicker: true trail: true power: 1 colors: GRAY, WHITE, PURPLE, SILVER, GREEN itemflags: count-lock, death-drops, hide-attributes, self-drops triggers: join, respawn, world-change enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end potion-item: id: POTION slot: 31 name: '&4疯狂的草案' potion-effect: JUMP:2:120, INCREASE_DAMAGE:3:150, REGENERATION:1:160 triggers: join, respawn, world-change enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end golden-apple-item: id: GOLDEN_APPLE slot: 33 name: '&e女神之苹果' lore: - '&7这不是普通的苹果' potion-effect: JUMP:2:120, NIGHT_VISION:2:400, GLOWING:1:410, REGENERATION:1:160 itemflags: death-drops, self-drops triggers: join, respawn, world-change enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end skull-item: id: SKULL_ITEM slot: 35 name: '&b%player%' skull-owner: '%player%' data-value: 3 lore: - '&7设置一个' - '&7玩家的信息, 像 hypixel! —— 原文是这样说的' itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join, respawn, world-change enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end filler-pane-item-two: id: 160 slot: 28, 30, 32, 34 name: '&f' data-value: 4 itemflags: inventory-modify, placement, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join, world-change enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end helmet-item: id: DIAMOND_HELMET slot: helmet name: '&5孤独的头盔' enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:5 itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end chestplate-item: id: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE slot: chestplate name: '&5上身' enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:5 itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end leggings-item: id: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS slot: leggings name: '&5裤' enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:3 itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end boots-item: id: DIAMOND_BOOTS slot: boots name: '&5鞋' enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:3, PROTECTION_FALL:5 itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops triggers: join enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end offhand-item: id: SHIELD slot: offhand name: '&b保护者的盾牌' itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, self-drops, unbreakable triggers: join enabled-worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end 复制代码