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Get crafty with copper and tuff! 尽情使用铜和凝灰岩!
Minecraft might be a game filled with blocks, but that doesn’t mean we can’t add more. In fact, the more the better! Especially when those blocks mean there’ll be new ways to decorate your base, build a work of art, brighten up the night, and use all that r edstone dus t lying around in your chests!
Minecraft 游戏里可能已经塞满方块了,但我们还可以继续增加方块。说白了其实就是“多多益善”!这句话在这里格外适用,因为新方块将能更好地装饰基地,搭建艺术作品,充当光源,还能让你的箱子里闲置的红石粉派上用场!
Today we’re taking a deeper dive into three of the upcoming features announced at Minecraft Live: the crafter, the new decorative blocks, and the copper bulb – coming soon for testing in snapshot, preview, and beta (except the crafter, which is already out!) 今天我们将深入探讨三个在 Minecraft Live 直播活动里已经官宣过,并即将到来的游戏内容:分别是合成器、全新的装饰方块,以及铜灯泡 —— 它们都即将在快照、preview 和 beta 版中进行测试(合成器除外,它已经在测试了!)
The crafter uses redstone pulses to help you auto-craft. Just pop the ingredients for whatever you’d like to make into its inventory, set the recipe, and apply a redstone pulse . In just a few ticks, the crafter will work its magic and pop your auto-crafted item out in the world! Sounds like a breeze to me, but then again this is my first time using redstone. What could possibly go wrong? 合成器运用红石脉冲来辅助进行自动合成。你只需把任何想要合成的物品放进它的物品栏,调整好配方,然后给予一个红石信号。合成器就会在若干个游戏刻内,运用魔法合成并将产物弹出到世界里!听起来也就是“吹吹风”般简单,但本来就是第一次使用红石。能有什么地方出问题呢?
I’m a Creative mode player at heart, so I am extra excited for all the new copper tones coming to testing! Copper is the only material in Minecraft that changes color through oxidization, and now there are even more uses for its brass-to-green palette. Alongside the copper grate, copper door, and copper trapdoo r, there’s also chiseled copper! It’s going to be so tuff to choose between them all…
我本质上是喜欢玩创造模式的一类,所以我对等待测试的这些全新铜质方块非常上心!铜是 Minecraft 目前位置唯一可以通过生锈改变自身颜色的材料,现在它们从黄铜色到绿色的渐变变化也有了更多用途 。除了铜格栅 、铜门和铜活板门外,还会有雕纹铜块!在这些方块里挑选可太“凝”人“灰”心了……
Speaking of tuff, this versatile stone has now been worked up into an entire family of craftable blocks! Which means you’ll be able to chisel them, polish them, and turn them into stairs, slabs, bricks, or walls. 而谈到了凝灰岩,这种有很多用途的(?)的石头现在也像大多数方块一样可以用来合成了!这代表你可以对它雕纹或是磨制,还可以做成楼梯、台阶、石砖和石墙。
I could wax lyrical about the aesthetic properties of copper all day long, but that’s not why you’re here. You want to hear about the copper bulb! This bright block is a light source that can be toggled on and off using redstone pulses. Unlike redstone lamps, the copper bulb stays lit without an active redstone signal, as all it needs is an initial pulse! Which I think means I need to scatter some more dust around. This stuff gets everywhere, doesn’t it?
您要是问铜的外在美在哪里,“蜡”我可得给您掰扯一天。但这显然不是你看到这里的原因。你其实是想要了解铜灯泡 !这个明亮的方块也是一种光源,它能被红石脉冲开启或关闭。但不同于红石灯,铜灯泡 在没有红石信号的情况下并不会熄灭,也就是说它只需要单次信号输入便可一直明亮!我想也许我要到处撒满红石粉了。毕竟我可以把铜灯泡 放得到处都是,不是吗?
As the copper bulb is made of copper, it can oxidize! But did you know that the oxidization process will also affect the amount of light it can output? Wax it, scrape it, or leave it to go entirely green, and see how the changing patina affects the bulb’s light levels! I’m going to perform a very rigorous experiment to see which one looks coziest in my cherry grove base…
因为铜灯泡是用铜制作的,所以它也会生锈!但你知道吗,铜灯泡 的氧化进程还会影响它释放出光照的强度?你可以为它涂蜡、除锈,或任由其完全变成绿色,然后观察各种氧化的过程是如何影响了灯泡的亮度等级! 我马上就测试到底哪个才最适合放在我樱花树林舒适小屋里。
You can test these features by enabling snapshots for Minecraft: Java Edition, or previews/beta for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Snapshot, previews and betas are testing versions of Minecraft. To install a snapshot, open the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. To enable preview/beta for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, follow these instructions . 你可以在 Minecraft Java 版的快照中启用实验性特性,或下载previews/beta版本的 Minecraft 基岩版。这些都是 Minecraft 用于测试的版本。如果你想要安装一个快照版本,你只需打开 Minecraft 启动器 ,在“配置”选项卡启用快照。想要在基岩版启用 preview/beta 功能的话,你只需按照这篇指引文档。
If you are a Realm owner, you can also play the new snapshots, betas*, and previews* on your Realm! Any player who has an active Realms subscription is eligible to create a free testing Realm, so you can try out the new features with friends. Find more information on how to enable snapshots for Java Realms, and how to enable betas/previews on Bedrock Edition Realms*! 如果你是 Realm 服务器所有者,那么你将可以在 Realm 上游玩最新的快照版、beta 版* 和 previews 版*!所有当前订阅了 Realms 服务的玩家都可以创建一个免费的测试版本 Realm,所以你可以立即与朋友尝试新特性。欲知更多内容,你可以查阅如何在Java Realms 中启用快照功能,以及如何在基岩版 Realms 里启用 betas/previews 功能*!
*Preview is available for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Realms on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS. Betas are available on Android (Google Play).
*适用于 Minecraft 基岩版 Realms 服务器的 Preview 版可以在基于 Xbox、Windows 10/11 和 iOS 平台上下载。Betas 版可在 Android(Google Play)平台上下载。
Important note: Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different save file/folder from your main worlds. 请注意:测试版本可能导致你的世界文件夹损坏,所以请做好备份,或者在不同于主要世界存档的文件/文件夹里运行。
These features are all still in development, which means that the details outlined above might change as we iterate on them. So then why have we released them into testing? Because we want your feedback! Send your thoughts on the new decorative blocks, the crafter, and the copper bulb, and report bugs at bugs.mojang.com! 所有上述特性均仍在开发中,这意味着一些提到过的细节有可能会被修改甚至推翻。那么我们还要把它们公布出来进行测试呢?因为我们需要你们的反馈!请在这里发表你对全新装饰方块、合成器与铜灯泡 的一些想法,并在bugs.mojang.com上反馈你遇到的漏洞!
【氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 10 月 24 日发布的 Test new decorative blocks;原作者 Sophie Austin】
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