|Minecraft Java 版是指 Windows、Mac OS 与 Linux 平台上,使用 Java 语言开发的 Minecraft 版本。 |预发布版是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |然而,预发布版主要用于服主和 Mod 制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |Minecraft Java 版 1.21 仍未发布,1.21-pre3 为其第 3 个预览版。 |本文内容按照 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 协议进行授权,转载本帖时须注明原作者以及本帖地址。
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版
The third pre-release for 1.21 is now available and it comes with even more bugfixes!
1.21 的第三个预发布版现已公布,我们修复了更多漏洞!
Additionally, we introduced some intentional but undocumented changes to the Wind Burst Enchantment in Pre-Release 1 last week. To remedy this, we're including those changes in this changelog instead.
Happy mining!
- Following changes were introduced in Pre-Release 1; The Wind Burst enchantment now bounces the player 7 blocks up per enchantment level
- 以下更改是在 1.21-pre1 中进行的;风爆魔咒现会将玩家向上弹 等级*7 格距离
- With great power comes great responsibility - and risk! At level 3, the enchantment will bounce the player 21 blocks up which doing some quick maths will hurt quite a bit when hitting the ground again
- 能力越大,责任越大 —— 风险也越大!当达到 III 级时,魔咒可以将玩家弹上21格高度,只需简单计算便可得到,再次摔落到地面上时一定会很痛
- In other words, make sure you have a target locked in (or other means of mitigating the fall damage) before making contact with the ground again
- 换句话说,在你直接摔到地上前,你最好确保已经锁定了一个目标(或有其他减少摔落伤害的方法)
- Data Pack version is now 48
- 数据包版本现在是 48
DATA PACK VERSION 48 数据包版本 48 更新内容
- replace_disc entity effect type is renamed to replace_disk
- replace_disc 魔咒实体效果类型重命名为 replace_disk
FIXED BUGS IN 1.21 PRE-RELEASE 3 1.21-pre3 修复的漏洞
- MC-252817 - Placing a map into an item frame and removing it does not remove the green player marker
- MC-252817 - 把地图放入物品展示框后再将其取下不会移除绿色的玩家图标
- MC-267988 - Tamed entities ignore their "LookAtPlayerGoal" distance and look in the direction of their owners from any distance when being stood up
- MC-267988 - 驯服的实体站着时会忽略其LookAtPlayerGoal的距离限制,从任意远的地方看向主人
- MC-272194 - Empty Attribute Modifiers lost during upgrade
- MC-272194 - 升级世界后,空属性修饰符丢失
- MC-272565 - Hanging leashed boats gain excessive upward momentum
- MC-272565 - 船被悬空拴住时会获得过量的上升动量
- MC-272577 - Summoning any entity with rotation causes it to be rotated incorrectly
- MC-272577 - 生成任意带旋转角度的实体时,实体总会转向错误的方向
- MC-272582 - Mip-mapping not properly applied to moss carpet
- MC-272582 - 覆地苔藓不适用多级渐远(Mipmap)纹理
- MC-272661 - Entities have incorrect rotations after loading or reloading a world
- MC-272661 - 加载或重载世界时,实体的旋转角度错误
- MC-272670 - Crash while saving entity NBT - Cannot encode empty ItemStack
- MC-272670 - 保存实体NBT时崩溃并报错 Cannot encode empty ItemStack
- MC-272772 - Leashed Boats' leashes disappear upon rejoining world
- MC-272772 - 船上的拴绳在重进世界后消失
- MC-272789 - Leashing a boat to a fence which already has a lead attached to it removes the existing lead rather than attaching the new one
- MC-272789 - 将船拴上一个已有拴绳连接的栅栏时,会取下已有的拴绳,而非继续拴上新拴绳
- MC-272798 - Teleporting a leashed boat (with chest) or raft (with chest) to another dimension makes a ghost lead
- MC-272798 - 将带有拴绳的船(筏)或运输船(筏)传送到另一维度时出现假拴绳
- MC-272809 - Placed boats/rafts no longer face the same direction as the player
- MC-272809 - 船/筏被放置时不再正对玩家朝向的方向
- MC-272814 - Entering an end gateway does not consistently grant the Remote Getaway advancement
- MC-272814 - 进入末地折跃门有时不会达成“远程折跃”进度
- MC-272827 - Unleashing boats leashed to fences via Use Item/Place Block drops the lead in Creative mode
- MC-272827 - 在创造模式下用使用物品/放置方块按键解下船的拴绳时会掉落拴绳
- MC-272843 - Stepping up blocks while falling on the side of them can sometimes allow players to climb to normally unreachable heights
- MC-272843 - 落到方块边角处后走到其上有时会允许玩家爬上正常无法到达的高度
- MC-272854 - Crash when entity is leashed by non-LivingEntity
- MC-272854 - 实体被非生物牵引时游戏崩溃
- MC-272870 - /execute on leasher does not work for leashed boats
- MC-272870 - /execute on leasher 对拴住的船无效
- MC-272879 - Entering an End portal makes you face the entering direction rather than always facing west
- MC-272879 - 进入末地传送门会使你面朝进入时的方向,而不再总是面朝西方
- MC-272886 - Maces incorrectly cause damage to the player
- MC-272886 - 重锤对玩家的伤害值错误
- MC-272901 - Boats & Rafts with Chests cannot be leashed if they have a passenger
- MC-272901 - 运输船/筏有乘客时不能被拴住
【天震 译自官网 2024 年 06 月 05 日发布的 Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 3;原作者 Java Team】
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