



[文章] [Minecraft.net | DEEP DIVES]动物园:狼

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Mob Menagerie: Wolf
动物园: 狼

A furry friend with armor options

The Armored Paws update, released back in April, was notable for its armadillos . But it also added another feature that you might have missed – the ability to armor up your canine companions – and it’s these canines that we’re featuring today: our Mob of the Month is the wolf! Awooooooooooooo!
四月份发布的盔甲之爪更新,其中最引人注目的当属犰狳。但似乎,我们都没有注意到 – 你的宠物现在能穿上盔甲了! – 我们今儿给大家伙带来的就是这些毛茸茸的可爱的小家伙们: 本月最佳动物——狼!嗷呜呜呜呜呜呜!

Wolves were first spotted in the Overworld in a photo posted by Jeb in March 2011, and they were added to the game in beta edition 1.4, which was released later that month. Wolf pups were added in version 1.0.0, but other than that wolves are more or less the same beasts they were in 2011.
2011年3月Jeb的一张照片为我们展现了主世界中的狼,然后,他们在当月晚些时候发布的beta 1.4版本中加入了狼。在1.0.0版本中添加了小狼,但除此之外,狼与2011年的版本并无二样。

Wolves spawn naturally in a whole collection of biomes – forests, groves, most kinds of taiga, savanna plateau, wooded badlands, and sparse jungle. Depending on the biome, you’ll get a different species, and different species live in differently-sized packs. Those found in Badlands tend to be family creatures, living in groups of up to eight. But those found in mountain groves, where food is scarce, tend to be loners.
狼会出现在以下群系 – 森林,丛林,大多数针叶林中,对了,还有热带草原,以及恶地。在不同的群系,你会找到生活在不同大小群落中的不同品种的狼。在恶地发现的狼往往都是一个大家族,最多可达比七匹狼还多一匹的八匹狼。但在食物稀缺的山地中,它们往往是一只孤独的饿狼。

Despite their fearsome reputation, wolves will mostly just ignore players – hunting down smaller creatures like rabbits, sheep, and foxes instead. If attacked, they’ll get angry and fight back, which is not recommended. But if you feed one bones, you’ll be able to tame it and bring it home. Tame two, and you’ll be able to breed them with meat to produce a pup, whose growth can be accelerated with more meat.

A tamed wolf will also fight for you – they’ll attack any creatures that you attack, tearing at them with their fearsome teeth. If they take damage in the process, their tail will lower and they’ll need to be fed meat to heal. You can reduce the damage that they take, allowing them to fight for longer, by giving them a set of wolf armor made from armadillo scutes. If you don’t want a wolf to follow you, then point at it and hit the “use” key and it’ll sit on its butt until you return.
驯服的狼也会为你战斗 — 它们会攻击你攻击的任何生物,用可怕的牙齿撕碎它们。如果你不想让狼跟着你,那就对准它按下“使用”键吧,它就会一屁股坐在地上,等候你的回归。

Wolves in the real world are even more remarkable than those in Minecraft! They’re a highly social, expressive carnivore that hunts in packs and has a long and fascinating history with humans.
Wolves in the real world are even more remarkable than those in Minecraft!They’re a highly social,expressive carnivore that hunts in packs and has a long and fascinating history with humans。

In some societies, particularly those that raise livestock, wolves are feared, hated, and sometimes hunted to stop them killing sheep, goats, or cattle. But in others, they’re respected and even worshiped – the creation myths of ancient Rome, China, Pawnee indigenous people, and Norse peoples all feature wolves in different ways.
In some societies,particularly those that raise livestock,wolves are feared,hated,and sometimes hunted to stop them killing sheep,goats,or cattle。But in others,they’re respected and even worshiped – the creation myths of ancient Rome,China,Pawnee indigenous people,and Norse peoples all feature wolves in different ways.

Humans are not natural prey for wolves – they’re far more likely to avoid people than attack them. The vast majority of recorded attacks on humans have been from wolves suffering from a disease called rabies, which causes them to behave more aggressively. Real wolves are definitely not the villains they’re made out to be in kids’ stories.
Humans are not natural prey for wolves – they’re far more likely to avoid people than attack them。The vast majority of recorded attacks on humans have been from wolves suffering from a disease called rabies,which causes them to behave more aggressively。Real wolves are definitely not the villains they’re made out to be in kids’ stories。

In fact, wolves were the first species that humans managed to domesticate – in the time of hunter-gatherers, at least 30,000 years ago. Interestingly, the creatures that we now call dogs descend from a type of wolves that are not the same as the modern wolf population. It’s thought that the process of turning those wild wolves into modern dogs may have taken tens of thousands of years of slow trust-building on both sides.
In fact,wolves were the first species that humans managed to domesticate – in the time of hunter-gatherers,at least 30,000 years ago。Interestingly,the creatures that we now call dogs descend from a type of wolves that are not the same as the modern wolf population。It’s thought that the process of turning those wild wolves into modern dogs may have taken tens of thousands of years of slow trust-building on both sides.

Luckily it doesn’t take so long in Minecraft! A few bones, some belly rubs, and you’ll have yourself a furry friend before you can say “sit!”
Luckily it doesn’t take so long in Minecraft!A few bones,some belly rubs,and you’ll have yourself a furry friend before you can say “sit!”

【IVERINS 译自Duncan Geere 2024 年 7 月 15 日发布的 Mob Menagerie: Wolf

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