To clear up some confusion: Some of the gameplay changes from the experimental snapshots were not included, on purpose. What does it mean? Let me explain in a short thread here. 由 璀璨星河丶 翻译自英语 为了消除一些困惑:测试性快照的一些游戏特性是故意没有包含在新快照内的,啥意思?我在这里简短的解释一下。
These changes were experiments aimed at getting feedback. We got great feedback from you all - thank you! In some cases, that led to tweaks we were happy with - those made it in. This is the case for most of the world generation changes. 由 璀璨星河丶 翻译自英语 这些改动仅是测试性的,旨在获得一些反馈。感谢各位,让我们从你们那里得到了更好的反馈。在某些情况下,这些反馈能让我们做出满意的微调。大多数世界生成变化的情况就跟现在的做法一样。
Others we rejected - your feedback told us they weren't a good way forward right now, or raised questions we don't have time to answer. That doesn't mean they are bad ideas or that they'll never return - it simply means that right now, we've chosen to not include them. 由 璀璨星河丶 翻译自英语 其它改动被我们否决了 - 你们的反馈告诉我们,它们不是前进的路,亦或是你们提出了我们暂时没时间回答的问题,这不意味着这些改动是馊主意,也不意味着它们永远不会再回归 - 这仅仅意味着我们现在的选择是,不包含它们。
The changes to world generation were a gargantuan effort - and like Henrik mentioned it is very possible we lost something along the way (like, say, all the trees in the Grove...) but the intent was never to include *everything*. 由 璀璨星河丶 翻译自英语 对世界生成的变动是一项巨大的努力 -
正如 Hennik 所说的,在更新的过程中,丢失一些东西是很有可能的(比如,树林中的所有树...)。但丢失的内容绝对不包括 *一切*(?)