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Taking Inventory: Ominous Bottle 背包盘点:不祥之瓶
Tastes like strawberries, surprisingly! 尝起来像草莓,真出乎意料!
There’s a lot that we don’t know about the illagers. Were they once villagers? How did they acquire magical powers? Have they always been so angry?
But our encounters with these ne'er do wells have taught us one thing – they have a rigid command structure, with officers known as “raid captains”. And it’s these high-ranking baddies that you’ll need to track down if you want to acquire our item of the month – the ominous bottle.
但我们与这些万恶不赦的恶棍的遭遇教会了我们一件事 – 他们有一个严格的指挥结构,包括一个被称作 “袭击队长”的指挥官。如果你想得到我们这个月的物品 – 不祥之瓶,你需要追寻这些高水平坏蛋。
Ominous bottles are a relatively new addition to the game – they were introduced as an experiment in the Armored Paws update in April 2024, then moved into the main game a few months later in the Tricky Trials update. Their purpose is to give players some control over how and when they trigger the effects of the Bad Omen status effect.
不祥之瓶是相对来说新加入游戏的要素 – 它们作为实验性内容被引入到2024年4月的犰甲狼兵更新,并在几个月后正式加入至棘巧试炼更新。这些物品的用途便是便于玩家掌控如何、何时获得不祥之兆效果。
Here’s how the system works. When a raid captain is defeated, they’ll drop an ominous bottle. These bottles can also sometimes be found in vaults in trial chambers. When you drink the contents of one of these bottles, the bottle will shatter and you’ll get the “Bad Omen” status effect.
This effect lasts for about an hour and a half of in-game time. It doesn’t do anything obvious – you can go about your life, mining and crafting. But if you enter a village it’ll transform into the Raid Omen status, and if you approach a trail spawner, it’ll turn into the Trial Omen status instead.
这个效果持续约一小时半的游戏时间。效果的作用并不明显 – 你依旧可以继续生活,去挖矿、制造等等。但一旦你进入村庄,它就会转化为袭击之兆;靠近试炼刷怪笼,它则会转变为试炼之兆。
Raid Omen starts a countdown of 30 seconds. If the player is still in the village with the Raid Omen effect after that time, it’ll cause a group of illagers, witches and ravagers to attack the village. Trial Omen, on the other hand, will immediately trigger an ominous trial event – a variant of a standard trial that’s much harder but yields much more valuable rewards.
袭击之兆会开始30秒倒计时。一旦倒计时结束后,玩家仍在村庄内,它会导致一群灾厄村民、女巫和劫掠兽前来攻击村庄。试炼之兆则与此相反,它会瞬间触发一次不祥试炼事件 – 一次标准试炼的变体,更难,但产生更多更有价值的回报。
If you’re not up for either of those challenges, then you’ve got two options. The first is obvious – don’t drink the ominous bottle in the first place. But let’s say it’s too late and you drank it before thinking about the consequences. What can you do then?
如果你对任何一项挑战都毫无准备,那么你有两个选择。第一个很明显 – 一开始就不要喝不祥之瓶。但假设一切都太晚了,且你在考虑后果前就喝下了它。你接下来该咋办呢?
Well, the second option is to stay away from villages and trial chambers until the effect wears off. And a third option, if for some reason you forget, is to quickly consume a bucket of milk – it’ll wipe all status effects away, and it’s full of calcium too.
好吧,第二个选项是远离村庄和试炼刷怪笼,直到效果消失。实际上还有第三个选项,或许出于某些原因你忘记了,那就是赶快喝桶牛奶 – 它会解除一切效果,当然也富含钙。
So here’s my advice: don’t drink the contents of an ominous bottle if you’re not geared up and ready for a fight. If, on the other hand, you’re feeling powerful and want to test your skills against some of the hardest challenges the game has to offer, then go right ahead. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you!
【n00bt1m 译自Duncan Geere 2024 年 12 月 27 日发布的 Taking Inventory: Ominous Bottle】
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