本帖最后由 Dreeam 于 2021-10-13 15:57 编辑
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NEWS Mob Vote 2021: Allay 生物投票2021: Allay
Vote for your favorite mob on October 16! 在10.16投出你的最喜爱的生物吧!
As you know, Minecraft Live is almost here and since we love to make the community do our homework involve the community, it’s up to YOU to pick which one of three mobs is joining Minecraft! Gather your bearings, because the allay is gearing up to dance right into your heart and maybe the Overworld!
大家都知道,Minecon Live 就要来了,因为我们很喜欢抄社区的作业提升社区的参与感,现在就由大家从三种候选生物中投出一个加入到游戏里! 这次要给大家带来的生物就是 Allay,它可以舒缓你的心灵。
The allay is a mob with many hobbies. If you give them an item, it will gather more of the same or similar items that they can find and give back to you! This could be a collectible, something you’ve crafted, or a block you mined. Isn’t that nifty? It is also a huge music buff and loves to dance! That’s just delightful. But also practical, because if you have a note block nearby, that’s where it will drop your collectibles! And, as you can see, it is just adorable and has tiny little wings that I am totally not jealous of, not at all.
Allay 是一种有着多种习性的生物。如果你给它一个物品,它就会收集相同或者差不多的物品,然后给回你!这些物品可以是在外能收集到的,可以是你合成的,也可以是你你挖掘的方块。是不是很棒?它还非常的喜欢音乐,喜欢跳舞!真是令人愉悦。不过这也非常的实用,因为如果你附近有音符盒的话,它就会扔下你给它的可收集物!还有,你也可以看到,它非常可爱,有着小巧的翅膀,我一点都不羡慕,真的。
In order to get you some insider information, I cornered an all-around expert who also happens to be my editor.
How did you get into my office? We’re still working from home.
—— Per, Minecraft.net Editor
Well, I might have done a little collecting of my own when nobody was watching the keys they kept securely in their pocket. But it looks like my own collecting days are over, judging by the detailed description of me that Per is giving over the phone. Luckily there is a one in three chance that the allay will join us soon and do all of this good work for me!
好吧,可能还得靠我自己收集信息,等他们没人注意到藏在口袋里的钥匙,我就去偷他一手。不过可能等不到这个时候了,因为 Per 通过电话把我的情况一五一十地都说了出来。还好我们有三分之一的几率让 allay 加入进来,这样我就可以请它代劳了!
Do you want the glare to join Minecraft? Cast your vote on Twitter during this year’s Minecraft Live on October 16! The festivities start at noon EDT, and you can read all about this year’s show at Minecraft.net/live .
你想让 Allay 加入游戏吗?在 10 月 16 号举行Minecraft Live的时候,就来Twitter投票吧!这次盛会在北美东部夏令时间中午开始,更多详情请访问 Minecraft.net/live 。
【广药二世译自官网 2021 年 10 月 12 日发布的 Mob Vote 2021 Allay;原作者 Sofia Dankis】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX】 【本帖转自https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1268882-1-1.html; 作者 Kanonymous】
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