Are you bored of the scoreboard you are using? Do you want to try something new? How about adding some flavours into it? Now let me introduce you my new addon: Better Scoreboard.
Design Choices:
There are a total of 8 designs to choose from
The last one is a custom design of yours.
Navigate through the resource folder then open the subpacks > (custom and custom_0) > textures > ui
Then replace the image there and name it accordingly
您是否对自己使用的记分板感到厌烦?你想尝试新的东西吗?加点新东西怎么样?现在让我向大家介绍我的新插件:更好的记分版。设计选择:总共有8种设计可供选择,最后一个是你的定制设计。使用说明:打开资源文件夹,把图片依次放入subpacks > (custom and custom_0) > textures > ui就可以定制您的记分版了!