Make traps, secret rooms, puzles and more. Illusion Blocks are blocks non-collision that are made wih Ender Eyes - Based by the Java Mod §6Torch Levers by HitchH1k3r and recreated by Jmed De
使陷阱,密室,puzles和更多。错觉积木是用Ender Eyes制作的非碰撞积木-基于Hitchh1k3r的Java Mod§6Torch Levers,并由JMed DE重新创建
How to make an Illusion Block?
Craft an Illusion Crafting Table on a Crafting Table:
The slots to make an Illusion Block are specific as you can see there
There's an Illusion Stick, how to craft it and what does it do?
Craft in the llusion Crafting Table:
Craft in the llusion Crafting Table:
[Block must be at the center, Ender Pearl under the block]
Llusion工艺表中的工艺:\n木块必须位于中心,Ender Pearl位于木块下方]
Phantom sticks have also been added here.