



[版本发布] Minecraft Java版 1.19 实验性快照 1 发布

 发表于 2022-2-18 18:58:16 来自手机|显示全部楼层|阅读模式 IP:福建省
本帖最后由 Steve_MC1.19 于 2022-2-18 19:04 编辑

|实验性快照是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。
|1.19 仍未发布,Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1 (实验性快照 1)为其第1个预览版。

A Very Scary Snapshot

Wardens, and shriekers, and sensors – oh my!
Wardens、Shriekers,还有 Sensors!惊了!

Dear reader, I am writing to you from the safe shelter that my bed provides. No, I am not snuggly nestled under my covers with a piping hot cup of tea in hand. I am cowering beneath the springs in a space usually reserved for monsters and dust bunnies, two friends who pale in comparison to the character I just came face to face with.

I can only be referring to the warden, who has been released into Minecraft in what could be the most terrifying experimental Java snapshot to date. Do you want to mirror my foolishness unquestionable bravery? Of course you do, I am nothing if not a role model. Emphasis on model, I still believe that the strider was based on me. Don’t listen to what anyone else tells you.

There are a few things you need to know before you cannonball into this snapshot. First of all, let’s look at what you can expect to find. Or rather, what will find you. The creature that lurks in the deep dark is the warden. It cannot see, but it sure can hear (and smell!) so don’t make any comments that you don’t want to be held accountable for. Or any noise at all, because that will probably be the last thing that you do.

The only way to avoid the warden is to stay stealthy, or you might set off a skulk shrieker. These blocks are also arriving in the snapshot, and if you make any noise near them they will write a very stern letter that you can expect in five business days. I’m lying – if you so much as cause a vibration near them they will shriek really loudly and, obviously, terrifyingly which in turn summons the warden. So, in the words of my neighbors, keep it down! Another block to be careful around is the sculk sensor. It also detects vibrations, but instead of screaming it emits a redstone signal. Stay stealthy and bring some wool with you to help muffle your vibrations, but whatever you do, do not step on the sculk sensor. Use silk touch to grab it while staying silent, and hug that wool really close if you get scared.
唯一能躲避Warden的方法,就是悄悄地溜走,要不然就会触发一个skulk shrieker。这些方块同样也会被加入进这个快照中,如果你在它们周围发出噪声的话,它们会在五个工作日内向你发一封言辞激烈的信——我想你也能预料到。哈哈哈刚才只是在开玩笑——如果你在它们的附近造成振动,它们会发出尖利的叫声,同时,显而易见地,在你陷入黑暗之时,生成一只Warden。所以,用咱隔壁老王的话来讲,悄悄地进村,打枪滴不要!另一种需要格外注意的方块则是sculk sensor。它同样能检测周围的振动,但是它并不会发出尖叫——它只会发出一个红石信号。保持安静,带一点羊毛,能够降低你所产生的振动。但无论如何,不要试图踩上sculk sensor。在周围环境保持寂静之时,使用精准采集来获取它,然后在被吓坏的时候抱紧你的羊毛公仔。

The rest of the blocks in this snapshot aren’t sound sensitive, but you will have to be careful in another way – the only way to get them is by using silk touch. Take a deep breath and carefully, carefully bring the atmospheric beauty that is the sculk block back with you to your base as proof of your heroic antics, or just for decoration. For the rest of your sculk décor, take a look at the sculk catalyst. It not only glows in the dark but also spreads sculk nearby. Handy and also horrifying. The sculk vein block generates around the patches of sculk that the catalyst spreads, it’s similar to the glow lichen but with a deep dark twist.
这个快照中其他新增的方块则不会对声音敏感,但是你也同样需要在其他方面注意一下——获取它们的唯一方式则是使用精准采集的工具来获得。深**气,然后小心翼翼地带着这些散发着奇异美感的sculk方块回到住处,然后作为自己成为怪诞英雄的谈资,或者单纯地作为一种装饰。看看你剩下的一些sculk类的装饰品,这时候就需要来谈论一下sculk catalyst了。它不仅可以在黑暗之处发光,还可以传播sculk(译注:像菌毯一样?)。方便又恐怖。sculk vein方块也会在sculk catalyst蔓延出的玩意上生长,它长得和发光地衣很像,但是它是深邃黑暗(deep dark)的变种。

Is your body still in place within your skin? Not for long, because we’re just one step away from jumping right out of it. Take a look at the changelog and find out how to dive into the deep dark! Keep in mind, this is an experimental snapshot.

It is still a work in progress, and nothing – including the structures and the warden – are in their final form.


Added Deep Dark biome to the Overworld
在主世界中添加了 Deep Dark 群系。
Added Ancient City structures to the Deep Dark
在 Deep Dark 群系中添加了 Ancient City 结构。
Added Darkness mob effect
添加了 Darkness 状态效果。
Added Sculk, Sculk Veins, Sculk Catalyst and Sculk Shrieker blocks
添加了 Sculk、Sculk Veins、Sculk Catalyst 和 Sculk Shrieker 方块。
Re-added Sculk Sensor to the Creative Mode menu
在创造模式物品栏中重新添加了 Sculk Sensor。
Sculk Sensors now always activate when stepped on, even when sneaking
只要踩到 Sculk Sensors,它就被被激活,无论是否潜行。
Sculk Sensors can now only be obtained with Silk Touch, otherwise they drop XP
仅能通过“精准采集“附魔来采集 Sculk Sensors,否则它们会掉落经验。
Added the Swift Sneak enchantment
加入了 Swift Sneak 附魔。
Added Warden mob
加入了 Warden 生物。

Ancient City
Ancient City

Wander the halls of these long-abandoned structures in the Deep Dark depths to uncover some relics long forgotten.
Ancient City structures spawn in the Deep Dark biome
Ancient City结构生成于Deep Dark群系
In chests, guarded by sculk sensors and shriekers, you can find the new Swift Sneaking enchantment
在sculk sensors和shriekers守卫的箱子之中,你会发现一些包含了新附魔—— Swift Sneaking 的物品。
You can also find a new mysterious block called Reinforced Deepslate here, which cannot be obtained in Survival
你同样可以发现一种神秘的方块,被称为 Reinforced Deepslate,而它无法在生存模式中获得。
Mobs cannot spawn in Ancient Cities
生物无法生成于Ancient Cities之中。

Known Issues

Ancient City structures extend far beyond the Deep Dark biome, even though they start there
Ancient City结构可能会延伸至Deep Dark群系之外, 尽管该结构会在Deep Dark群系之中生成
Aquifers can sometimes intersect with Ancient City structures and submerge/destroy big chunks of the structure
含水层有时会与 Ancient City 结构交错生成,从而导致大部分的结构被水淹没/破坏。


A new mob effect unique to the Warden and Sculk Shrieker, which will afflict you with it when nearby.
一种新的状态效果,仅生效于于 Warden 和 Sculk Shrieker,当你在拥有该效果的 Warden 和 Sculk Shrieker 附近,会影响你的视觉
Lowers the gamma down at an equivalent of “Moody” while having this effect.
In periodic pulses, will lower the overall brightness of the world so that the darkness creeps up against light sources.
When the Warden is around, torches will be more important than ever!
当 Warden 在附近时,火把将会比平时更加重要!
A new Accessibility slider has been added in your Options menu called “Darkness Effect”
在你的设置菜单中,添加了一个新的滑动设置选项,命名为“Darkness Effect”。
Controls how dark the Darkness effect gets when a Warden or Sculk Shrieker gives it to you, but will not affect the fog distance
控制 Warden 或 Sculk Shrieker 在 Darkness 效果下影响你的程度,但并不会影响迷雾距离。

Deep Dark
Deep Dark 群系

Dig into the depths far underground to uncover the darkest biome in Minecraft - the Deep Dark.
向更深处的地下挖掘,探索 Minecraft 中最黑暗的群系——Deep Dark。
Dimly lit and eerie, the Deep Dark is sure to strike fear into the hearts of even the most brave player
昏暗而可怖,Deep Dark 群系能将恐惧敲入任何人的内心中——乃至最为勇敢的玩家。
The floor of the Deep Dark is covered in sculk
Deep Dark 的地面被 sculk 覆盖。
The only mob that calls the Deep Dark home is the Warden
唯一将 Deep Dark 视为家园的生物便是 Warden。

Sculk 系列

The rattling tendrils of the Sculk Sensors had to come from somewhere, right? Introducing Sculk, a new family of blocks that dwells in the Deep Dark.
Sculk Sensors 那咯吱作响的卷须一定得有个来源,对吧?让我们介绍一下 Sculk,Deep Dark 群系中的系列方块。

Added Sculk block
加入了 Sculk 方块
When Wool blocks are placed on a Sculk block, it will let nearby Sculk Sensors know, preventing that vibration from being occluded
当羊毛方块放置在 Sculk 方块上时,会让附近的 Sculk Sensor 得知,并让波动不被阻挡。
Added Sculk Vein block
加入了 Sculk Vein 方块
These veins are found on the edge of Sculk patches
位于 Sculk 斑块的边缘处
Similar to Glow Lichen, they can be placed in any orientation
Sculk Vein can be waterlogged
Sculk Vein 可以含水
Added Sculk Shrieker block
加入了 Sculk Shrieker 方块
Notable for its boney appendages, this block responds to Sculk Sensors detecting vibrations by sending out a warning call to distant Wardens.
这个方块有着明显的骨齿,当接收到Sculk Sensors因波动而发出的信号时,它就会向远处的Warden发出警告的尖叫
Watch out when stepping on them, as they will feel that too and send out a call!
Initially it may take some time for a Warden to arrive, but you’ll hear it responding in the distance…
最开始的时候 Warden 过来会需要一些时间,但是你能听到从远处传来的呼应……
Once it’s close enough, a call from the Sculk Shrieker will summon the Warden nearby - be prepared!
如果距离足够近,Sculk Shrieker的呼叫会立刻在附近召唤 Warden——请做好准备!
Sculk Shriekers can be found generating in the Deep Dark or growing from Sculk Catalysts.
Sculk Shriekers 会在 Deep Dark 生成,或者通过 Sculk Catalysts 生长出来
Added Sculk Catalyst block
加入了 Sculk Catalyst 方块
A mysteriously soul-emitting block that blooms when mobs die within an 8 block radius
Mobs that perish in the presence of the catalyst will not drop their experience
在有 catalyst 的地方死亡的生物不会掉落经验
Instead, a bubbling charge will be created at the place the mob perished
This charge from mobs will spread through Sculk Veins and Sculk blocks in random directions until they find a valid substrate they can convert into Sculk
这个火花会在 Sculk Vein 和 Sculk 方块之间以随机方向穿梭,直到发现一个能转化为 Sculk 方块的基底方块
The value of the charge is directly proportional to the amount of XP the perished mob would have dropped, and each time a block is converted into Sculk it will remove 1 value from that charge
火花的强度取决于死亡生物的经验值,每转化一次 Sculk 方块就会减少一点强度
This charge in the Sculk blocks and Sculk Veins will eventually decay, but it will decay much, much slower in the close vicinity of the Sculk Catalyst, and much faster away from its host
在 Sculk 方块与 Sculk Vein 之间穿梭的火花会逐渐衰弱,但是在靠近 Sculk Catalyst 的时候会衰弱得很慢,而在远离宿主时衰退很快
If the charge decays 4 blocks away from the catalyst, it has a chance of growing a Sculk Sensor or a Sculk Shrieker
如果火花在远离 catalyst 4格的地方衰退,就有可能生长出 Sculk Sensor 和 Sculk Shrieker
Charges and their values also merge when they move to the same position

All Sculk family blocks require Silk Touch to acquire. Otherwise, they drop experience when mined
所有 Sculk 类方块需要精准采集才能挖掘,否则就只会掉落经验
The efficient tool for all Sculk family blocks is the Hoe
Sculk 类方块的效率工具是锄
Made Sculk Sensor available in creative mode
Sculk Sensor 现在可在创造模式中获得了

Swift Sneak

Imbue your boots with this shiny new enchantment to move as fast while crouching as you would normally walk!
This enchantment can be found exclusively in chests in Ancient Cities, and has 3 levels
这个附魔只会在 Ancient City 出现,一共有三个等级
When applied, it will increase your movement speed while crouching
Can only be applied to boots, and cannot be combined with Soul Speed, Frost Walker, or Depth Strider


The horror of the Deep Dark! A creature with no eyes, roughly resembling the Sculk that can be found throughout the Deep Dark, the Warden is an unstoppable force of nature that inhabits this biome
Deep Dark里的恐怖生物!这个生物没有眼睛,与 Deep Dark 中随处可见的 Sculk 有些相似。Warden 是栖息在这个生物群系中无可阻挡的自然之力。

Just like Sculk Sensors, these terrifying creatures use vibrations as a means to navigate their environment
与 Sculk Sensor 一样, 这些可怕的生物使用振动来感受世界。
When vibrations aren’t enough, they will also use a sense of smell to track down their prey - you can observe them sniffing their surroundings to get closer to unsuspecting players and mobs
To add to their myriad of ways to detect you, try not to get too close! If you collide with a Warden, it will notice you
它们发现你的方式多种多样,所以不要靠得太近!如果你撞到了 Warden 身上,它们也会发现你
In the Deep Dark, Wardens are everywhere - you just can’t see them. They slumber beneath your feet, and only dig out when enough Sculk Shriekers have alerted them of your presence
在 Deep Dark, Warden 到处都是——你只不过是看不到它们而已。它们沉睡在你的脚下,如果有足够的 Sculk Shrieker 发现了你并发出警告,Warden 就会破土而出。
Watch your step: the more vibrations a Warden detects, the angrier it will get. You can hear and see this from how fast the souls in its chest are beating
注意你的脚下:振动得越激烈,Warden 的怒气就会越高。通过它们胸腔内灵魂的跳动速度,你就能通过视觉和听觉来得知它们的怒气程度。
Once a mob has pushed beyond the Warden’s anger threshold, it will face its prey and roar before charging
如果有生物让 Warden 的怒气超过了阈值,它就会面朝猎物,在开始冲撞前发出咆哮。
If, however, you keep the Warden from noticing you or getting angry for 60 seconds, it will dig back underground and despawn
不过,如果你能让 Warden 连续 60 秒都未能察觉到你/产生怒气,那么它就会重回土地消失掉。
They have a special interaction with thrown projectiles
Warden 对投掷物有特别的互动
If the Warden receives two projectile vibrations within 5 seconds of one another, it will grow angrier at the shooter
如果 Warden 在5秒内连续接受到两个投掷物产生的振动,就会将仇恨转移到发射者身上
If the Warden receives a projectile vibration more than 5 seconds from the last projectile, it will not grow angrier at the shooter
This allows you to strategically distract the Warden without it getting angry while you take loot from nearby chests
这可以让你在不惹怒 Warden 的情况下把它引诱走,然后拿走附近箱子里的战利品。
Unfortunately for all players, Wardens will also disable shields when they hit them with their fists
对玩家来说有个坏消息:Warden 出拳的时候,被打中的盾牌会失效
They do not drop any loot
Wardens are powerful creatures, and it is often better to sneak around one that has emerged instead of taking it head on - you’ve been warned
Wardens 是一种强大的生物,如果 Warden 突然蹦出来,最好悄悄绕着走,不要上去硬刚——已经警告过你了哈。





【块讯翻译组 译自官网 2022 年 02 月 17 日发布的 A Very Scary Snapshot;原作者 Sofia Dankis】


苦力怕论坛 - 新闻资讯板块

 发表于 2022-2-18 19:32:40|显示全部楼层 IP:广西
Deep Dark里的恐怖生物!这个生物没有眼睛
2#2022-2-18 19:32:40回复收起回复
 发表于 2022-2-19 09:46:24 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:浙江省
Deep ♂ Dark 更新
3#2022-2-19 09:46:24回复收起回复
 发表于 2022-2-19 09:52:59|显示全部楼层 IP:广西
az,向更深处的地下挖掘,探索 Minecraft 中最黑暗的群系——Deep Dark。
4#2022-2-19 09:52:59回复收起回复
 发表于 2022-2-19 09:53:24|显示全部楼层 IP:广西
5#2022-2-19 09:53:24回复收起回复
 楼主|  发表于 2022-2-19 09:54:47 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:福建省
MCicebox 发表于 2022-2-19 09:53

6#2022-2-19 09:54:47回复收起回复
 发表于 2022-2-19 09:56:36|显示全部楼层 IP:广西
Steve_MC1.19 发表于 2022-2-19 09:54

7#2022-2-19 09:56:36回复收起回复
 楼主|  发表于 2022-2-19 09:58:04 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:福建省
MCicebox 发表于 2022-2-19 09:56

8#2022-2-19 09:58:04回复收起回复
 发表于 2022-2-19 10:00:39|显示全部楼层 IP:广西
Steve_MC1.19 发表于 2022-2-19 09:58

9#2022-2-19 10:00:39回复收起回复
 发表于 2022-2-19 17:46:07 来自手机|显示全部楼层 IP:内蒙古
Steve_MC1.19 发表于 2022-2-19 09:54

10#2022-2-19 17:46:07回复收起回复







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