Minecraft: Java Edition is jumping on the Wild Update train! The first snapshot for 1.19 is now available. It contains frogs, the Deep Dark, and a bunch of new blocks. We've also entered the era of 3D directional audio. Keeping up with the times!
Java 版也要跳上荒野更新的快车道了!1.19 的第一个快照现已更新。快照的内容有青蛙、Deep Dark 和一堆新方块。我们也进入了 3D 定向音效的时代。与时俱进嘛!
Happy mining!
NEW FEATURES IN 22W11A 22W11A 的新增特性
Added the Deep Dark biome
加入了 Deep Dark 群系
Added Frogs & Tadpoles
Added mangrove blocks
Added mud and mud brick blocks
Added Sculk, Sculk Veins, Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Catalyst blocks
Mangrove propagule is a sapling that grows from the bottom of mangrove leaves
Bonemealing mangrove leaves will cause a new propagule to start growing beneath it
Propagules grow through 4 stages, and growth can be accelerated by bonemealing
胎生苗会经过 4 个生长阶段,可以被骨粉加速
You can break off a fully grown propagule and plant it like a sapling. For now it will grow in an oak tree, but will of course grow into a mangrove tree when that is done.
Mud is a block that will generate in the upcoming Mangrove biome.
When walking on mud, entities sink down a bit. Like soul sand, but without the slowdown.
Mud can be created by using a water bottle on dirt, by hand or with a dispenser.
Packed mud can be crafted from mud
Mud bricks are a building block that can be crafted from packed mud
Mud bricks can be crafted into Mud brick stairs, walls, and slabs using a crafting table or stonecutter.
The rattling tendrils of the Sculk Sensors had to come from somewhere, right? Introducing Sculk, a new family of blocks that dwells in the Deep Dark.
Sculk Sensors 那咯吱作响的卷须一定得有个来源,对吧?让我们介绍一下 Sculk,Deep Dark 群系中的系列方块。
Added Sculk block
加入了 Sculk 方块
When Wool blocks are placed on a Sculk block, it will let nearby Sculk Sensors know, preventing that vibration from being occluded
Watch out when stepping on them, as they will feel that too and send out a call!
Initially it may take some time for a Warden to arrive, but you’ll hear it responding in the distance…
最开始的时候 Warden 过来会需要一些时间,但是你能听到从远处传来的呼应……
Once it’s close enough, a call from the Sculk Shrieker will summon the Warden nearby - be prepared!
如果距离足够近,Sculk Shrieker的呼叫会立刻在附近召唤 Warden——请做好准备!
Sculk Shriekers can be found generating in the Deep Dark or growing from Sculk Catalysts.
Sculk Shriekers 会在 Deep Dark 生成,或者通过 Sculk Catalysts 生长出来
Added Sculk Catalyst block
加入了 Sculk Catalyst 方块
A mysteriously soul-emitting block that blooms when mobs die within an 8 block radius
Mobs that perish in the presence of the catalyst will not drop their experience
在有 catalyst 的地方死亡的生物不会掉落经验
Instead, a bubbling charge will be created at the place the mob perished
This charge from mobs will spread through Sculk Veins and Sculk blocks in random directions until they find a valid substrate they can convert into Sculk
The value of the charge is directly proportional to the amount of XP the perished mob would have dropped, and each time a block is converted into Sculk it will remove 1 value from that charge
火花的强度取决于死亡生物的经验值,每转化一次 Sculk 方块就会减少一点强度
This charge in the Sculk blocks and Sculk Veins will eventually decay, but it will decay much, much slower in the close vicinity of the Sculk Catalyst, and much faster away from its host
Charges and their values also merge when they move to the same position
All Sculk family blocks require Silk Touch to acquire. Otherwise, they drop experience when mined
所有 Sculk 类方块需要精准采集才能挖掘,否则就只会掉落经验
The efficient tool for all Sculk family blocks is the Hoe
Sculk 类方块的效率工具是锄
Added sound option for 3D Directional Audio simulation
加入了 3D 定向音效模拟选项
This option is best experienced with headphones
The data pack format is now 10
数据包格式版本现在是 10
The resource pack format is now 9
资源包格式版本现在是 9
Added 3D Blending
加入了 3D 的世界生成混合
Added new font glyph provider for spaces
为空格加入了新的字体 provider
Added estimated GPU utilization percentage to performance profiling metrics and F3 debug screen
在性能分析指标和 F3 调试界面中加入了预计 GPU 占用率
This is only available for graphics devices that support GPU timer queries
需要支持 GPU 计时查询的显卡
Added ability for data and resource packs to selectively hide files from packs below them
World presets/types and flat world presets in “Create World” screen can now be controlled by datapacks
Added server property max-chained-neighbor-updates to limit the amount of consecutive neighbor updates before skipping additional ones. Negative values remove the limit.
New glyph provider type space is added to allow creation of space-like glyphs
加入了新的字体 provider space 来允许类似空格的字形
New provider has single argument called advances which is map of codepoint to glyph advance (width)
新的 provide 只有一个参数 advances,是字形后移(人话:空格宽度)的映射表
Rendering of space glyph is not longer hardcoded (needs to be declared manually in font)
Data and resource packs can have filter section in pack.mcmeta .
数据包和资源包现在在 pack.mcmeta 有了 filter 段落
This section has mandatory field block, which is a list of patterns (regular expressions) for namespaces and paths.
这个段落有一个必填项 block,是命名空间和路径正则表达式列表
If any of files in packs added before one with filter section matches any pattern inside block, it will be filtered out (i.e. treated as if it wasn’t present in the first place).
filter section does not apply to a pack containing it - only to packs loaded before it.
filter 段落不对包本身有效——只有在包下方的包会被过滤
Both namespace and path can be omited. Missing field matches every value.
namespace 和 path 都可以不填,不填就是匹配所有值
For example, adding pack with this section in pack.mcmeta after vanilla pack will hide all recipes and advancements defined by vanilla pack
举个例子,给数据包的 pack.mcmeta 加入下面这段就会隐藏所有原版数据包定义的配方和成就
"filter": {
"block": [
"namespace": "minecraft",
"path": "recipes/.*"
"namespace": "minecraft",
"path": "advancements/.*"
New registry types worldgen/world_preset and worldgen/flat_level_generator_preset were added to data-drive presents (like “Amplified” or “Single Biome”)