本帖最后由 秋枫落叶 于 2022-4-3 19:00 编辑
Around the Block: Dripstone Caves
Who are you calling a drip?
As you’re spelunking through the new cave systems in the recently-released Caves & Cliffs Part II update, you’ve got a lot of goodies waiting in store for you. 在最新发布的《洞穴与山崖:第二部分》更新带来的全新洞穴系统中探险时,你会发现许多新鲜玩意。
There are lush caves, where the azalea grows free, geodes stuffed with amethyst, rich veins of copperore, and – last but not least – large caves full of dripstone stalagmites. Mojang’s naming team were on lunch, so we called them “dripstone caves”, and they’re our biome of the week. 比如说繁茂洞穴,那里是杜鹃花丛旺盛生长的地方;紫晶洞里有着丰富的紫水晶;还有富得流油的铜矿脉;以及压轴登场的——遍布着滴水石笋的大型洞穴。Mojang 命名部当时忙着干饭,就直接叫它“滴水石洞”(直译)了,它就是我们的本周群系。
As we noted when we wrote about dripstone, you’ll easily recognize dripstone caves from the pillars that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, as well as spikes that hang down from the roof (known as stalactites) or point up from the ground (known as stalagmites). 就像我们在滴水石的那篇文章里提到的一样,你只要看到从地面直抵洞顶的柱子,就可以很轻松地认出是个溶洞。通过从洞顶悬下的(也称钟乳石)和于地面朝上的(也称石笋)石锥也能可看出。 They’re not as rich in resources as lush caves, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to collect here. Dripstone caves’ unique geology means that they generate larger seams of copper ore than other biomes, while a cauldron positioned below a water or lava pool and a block of pointed dripstone will slowly fill with liquid. 这里的资源不及繁茂洞穴丰富,但也不是说这里就没什么可收集的,溶洞独特的地质条件决定了这里生成的铜矿矿层会比其他群系都要大。如果在连接着水源或熔岩源的钟乳石下方放上一个炼药锅,锅中就会慢慢盛满液体。 This biome comes with dangers, though. As well as the usual array of spiders, zombies, skeletons, and creepers, you’ll also come across the drowned in this dank environment. Oh, and the environment itself can kill you – dripstone stalagmites are sharp, and landing on one will hurt. 这个群系同样危机四伏。抛开蜘蛛、僵尸、骷髅和苦力怕等常见怪物不说,你还有可能在这片黑暗环境里遭遇溺尸。对了,这里环境的本身属性也能把你干掉,因为石笋十分尖锐,落在上面会把你刺伤。 The real-world inspiration for Minecraft’s dripstone caves is the famous Sơn Đoòng cave in Vietnam, which is one of the world’s largest natural caves. It’s more than five kilometers long, about 200 meters high, and 150 meters wide – so large that a Boeing 747 could comfortably fly through without its wings being in any danger. Minecraft 中溶洞的灵感来源于现实世界中享誉寰球的越南韩松洞,它是世界上最大的自然洞穴,长逾 5 公里,高约 200 米,宽 150 米,大到一架波音 747 都可在里面顺畅飞行,机翼也不会受到损伤。 Sunlight enters in some places where the ceiling has collapsed, allowing vegetation to grow – a bit like Minecraft’s lush caves. But most of it is filled with limestone stalagmites – some of the largest in the world, growing up to 70 meters tall. 透过坍塌的洞顶,阳光可以照入洞内供植被生长,这跟 Minecraft 中的繁茂洞穴有点像,但其中遍布的大部分是石灰岩质石笋,世界上最高的石笋能长到 70 多米。 Minecraft’s dripstone caves get pretty large too, and its stalagmites can get very long. If you can find a cave large enough, try building a Boeing 747 inside! Minecraft 里的溶洞也蛮大的,石笋也很高。如果你找得到足够大的洞穴,不妨试着在里面打造一架 747 吧! |