I've seen some critique around the Grimstone name change. Let me explain:
关于 Grimstone 名字更改这件事,我有几句话想说明:
The reason is that we felt the name "Grim" had too many connotations to a feeling rather than describing what it is. Generally, we don't enforce feelings, as they should be up to player interpretation
Because of this, we opted for a name that describes the journey it took to get, as well as the location in the world. It also more accurately represents that it is a type of slate. It's important that we follow our design principles in the game, even if Grimstone sounds cooler.
因此,我们起了一个新名字,这个名字可以清楚地说明玩家获取它的方式,也就是它们在世界中的分布位置。新名字还可以准确地表达出它们属于一种板岩。尽管 Grimstone 听起来更酷,但是我们需要遵循我们在游戏中起名的原则,这一点很重要。
On Crying Obsidian: crying is not describing a feeling that the player has towards the block but rather the visual weeping fluid that comes out of the block. It's a very unique case being a legacy name from the community, so we wouldn't change it regardless of principles.
关于哭泣的黑曜石:“哭泣”并不是指玩家对于这个方块本身的情绪,而是指方块中流出的可以看到的“眼泪”。它的名字来源于 Minecraft 社区中的一个旧称,这也是个非常独特的例子,因此我们不会受到上面提到的原则的影响而更改它的名字。