● 1.12.2版本,变形后无法使用变形能力
● (BUG) Morphs with tiny hitboxes cannot swim up pools deeper than 1 block.
● (BUG) Horse morphs in grazing mode infinitely graze.
● (BUG) Occasionally morphs can duplicate. This is entirely due to the entity NBT data being slightly different, causing the mod to think the morph as a new morph. If you are being overrun with morphs, delete some.
● (WONTFIX) Morphing into child morphs will show the morph transition into an adult morph. Child models are changed directly in the model class, so I’d rather not go to hassle of handling each individual case to correctly show the transition, especially since there are no hooks by MCForge in that category.
● (WONTFIX) Very large morphs have difficulty blocks, especially those with a very different eye height from the player. The server classes these seperately and might reject the block breaking. Won’t fix, not a big issue.
● (WONTFIX) Morphs with short “arms” float in first person. Won’t fix because the mod is using a generic way to get “arms” of mobs, and attempting to render them in the same viewpoint/position first person as normal player arms.
● (UNDECIDED) Holding items as morphs which cannot hold items, will not show the item.