New Experimental Features!
In this week's Caves and Cliffs beta we have added the cute (but deadly) axolotl, deepslate blocks, and fixed several bugs!
As always with our Bedrock betas, you will need to enable the Caves and Cliffs Experimental Features Toggle to check out the features in your beta worlds (You can find out more about using the toggles at
You can leave us your feedback for these features in the threads at, and search and reports any new bugs you may encounter at
Spawning - axolotls will spawn underground, in water
Tempting & Breeding - Holding a bucket of tropical fish will cause nearby axolotls to follow the player on both land and water. Axolotls cannot be tamed but they can be bred by feeding them buckets of tropical fish
Attacking - axolotls will attack fish, squid, drowned, and guardians!
Colours - axolotls come in a variety of colours, all with an equal chance of spawning except for blue. Blue axolotls have a small chance of spawning as a mutation when breeding 2 axolotls
Drying Out - axolotls can survive on dry land for a few minutes. After that they will start to dry out and take continuous damage until rehydrated
Playing Dead - When taking damage, there is a chance that the axolotl will play dead. While playing dead, the axolotl will regenerate health and mobs will be unable to target the axolotl
Combat Regeneration - When a player kills a mob that the axolotl was attacking, they are rewarded with the regeneration effect and their mining fatigue is removed if they have it