



[版本发布] Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.40 发布

 发表于 2022-10-29 15:25:04|显示全部楼层|阅读模式 IP:福建省
本帖最后由 muhan 于 2023-1-8 10:41 编辑

|Minecraft 基岩版是指运行在移动平台(Android、iOS)、Windows 10、主机(Xbox One、Switch、PlayStation 4)上,使用「基岩引擎」(C++语言)开发的 Minecraft 版本。
|正式版是Minecraft基岩版经过一段时间的测试版测试之后得到的稳定版本,也是众多材质、Addon和官方领域服会逐渐跟进的版本。与此同时Google Play、Win10 Store等官方软件商店也会推送此次更新。

Minecraft - 1.19.40 (Bedrock)
Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.40

A new update is available for Minecraft, bringing a variety of gameplay improvements, vanilla parity changes, and bug fixes.
Minecraft 新版本已发布,带来了一系列玩法改进,原版特性同步,以及漏洞修复。

As always, we appreciate all your help and input, please report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave your feedback feedback.minecraft.net .
一如既往地,我们感谢您的帮助和反馈,请在 bugs.mojang.com 报告漏洞,并在 feedback.minecraft.net 留下你的反馈。


Vanilla Parity:


  • Getting killed by a renamed weapon now produces a death message with the item name
  • 被命名后的武器杀死将产生一条带有物品名称的死亡消息
  • Getting killed by a mob with a renamed weapon now produces a death message with the item name (MCPE-162055)
  • 被持有命名后的武器的生物杀死将产生一条带有物品名称的死亡消息 (MCPE-162055)
  • The Roofed Forest, Savanna Mutated, and Birch Forest biomes use the correct grass colors (MCPE-34936)
  • 黑森林、风袭热带草原和桦木森林生物群系将使用正确的草地颜色 (MCPE-34936)
  • Mobs no longer spawn within the bounds of an Ancient City (MCPE-153524)
  • 生物不会再生成在远古城市的边界里了 (MCPE-153524)
  • Sweet Berries can now be planted on Farmland (MCPE-99632)
  • 甜浆果丛可被种植在耕地上了 (MCPE-99632)
  • Changed bubble column strength to match Java Edition (MCPE-158858)
  • 修改了气泡柱的强度,以与 Java 版本相匹配 (MCPE-158858)
  • Scaffolds now burn at a more correct rate, 1/4 of an item (MCPE-42949)
  • 脚手架现在以更正确的速度燃烧,是一个物品燃烧速度的四分之一 (MCPE-42949)
  • Wither Skeletons can now spawn inside of Wither Roses (MCPE-110127)
  • 凋灵骷髅可生成在凋灵玫瑰内了 (MCPE-110127)
  • Decreased the amount of hunger used while swimming to match Java Edition (MCPE-154452)
  • 减少了游泳时的饥饿值消耗,以与 Java 版相匹配 (MCPE-154452)


  • Ravagers can now be hurt by Evoker Fangs
  • 劫掠兽现在可被唤魔者尖牙伤害了
  • Increased Ravager collision box size to match Java Edition (MCPE-142171, MCPE-45531)
  • 增加了劫掠兽的碰撞箱大小,以与 Java 版相匹配 (MCPE-142171, MCPE-45531)
  • Increased Ravager speed to match Java Edition (MCPE-48145)
  • 增加了劫掠兽的速度,以与 Java 版相匹配 (MCPE-48145)
  • Librarian Villagers can now offer Enchanted Books with Curse of Vanishing and Curse of Binding (MCPE-84906)
  • 图书管理员村民现在可以提供消失诅咒和绑定诅咒的附魔书了 (MCPE-84906)


  • Players now sink in Soul Sand and Mud blocks (MCPE-154973)
  • 玩家现在可在灵魂沙和泥巴方块中下陷 (MCPE-154973)
  • Players swimming above Mud will not have their screen covered (MCPE-153737)
  • 在泥巴上游泳的玩家不会被遮挡屏幕了 (MCPE-153737)
  • Projectiles landing on Mud will not repeatedly shake (MCPE-153744)
  • 落在泥巴上的抛射物不会一直抖动了 (MCPE-153744)
  • Amphibious mobs no longer have trouble pathfinding around Mud Blocks (MCPE-153961)
  • 两栖生物不会在寻路穿过泥巴方块时遇到问题了 (MCPE-153961)

Spectator Mode (Experimental)
旁观模式 (实验性游戏特性)

  • Spectators no longer drop XP orbs when killed (MCPE-160245)
  • 旁观者玩家被杀掉时不会掉落经验球了 (MCPE-160245)
  • Spectators no longer reset their player level when killed
  • 旁观者玩家被杀掉时不会重置玩家等级了
  • Water fog is no longer removed for players in Spectator Mode (MCPE-161105)
  • 现在不会为旁观模式玩家移除水雾效果了 (MCPE-161105)
  • Spectator players no longer play sounds when entering/exiting bubble columns (MCPE-161536)
  • 旁观者玩家在进入/离开气泡柱时不会发出声音了 (MCPE-161536)
  • Shulker bullets no longer follow Spectators (MCPE-162069)
  • 潜影弹不会追踪旁观者玩家了 (MCPE-162069)
  • Spectators are now invisible to normal players
  • 旁观者玩家现在对正常玩家不可见
  • If a player is in Spectator Mode and other non-spectating players are present on the server, the spectating player won't affect mob despawning anymore
  • 若一个服务器上存在一个旁观者玩家和其他非旁观者玩家,旁观者玩家不会影响生物消失了
  • If there are only spectating players on the server, mob despawning is now put on hold
  • 若服务器上只有旁观模式玩家,生物消失将会暂停



  • Fixed a crash when using spawn eggs in peaceful worlds on PlayStation 4 Edition
  • 修复了 PS4 版本中在和平模式世界里使用刷怪蛋时产生的崩溃
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an animated structure was loading from a Structure Block and the player left a dimension via portal (MCPE-132561)
  • 修复了玩家通过传送门离开某个维度且结构方块正在加载动画结构时可能发生的崩溃 (MCPE-132561)
  • Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when loading an Arrow with an unrecognized data value (MCPE-157983)
  • 修复了加载带有未识别数据值的箭时可能的崩溃 (MCPE-157983)
  • Fixed a potential crash source in explosions
  • 修复了爆炸中潜在的崩溃因素
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving a split screen session
  • 修复了离开切分物品过程界面时可能发生的崩溃
  • Fixed an issue with Marketplace bundle prices not showing as free after purchasing
  • 修复了购买后市场捆绑包不显示为免费的问题
  • Added a Clear Cache button in Storage Settings for all platforms. This button clears contents of Marketplace folders (but not worlds) and might help alleviate issues downloading content (MCPE-54531)
  • 为全平台的存储设置添加了清理缓存按钮。此按钮将会清楚市场文件夹(不是世界文件夹)下的内容,可能有助于缓解下载内容时的一些问题 (MCPE-54531)
  • Fixed an issue where Wither effect damage would be reduced by armor (MCPE-159407)
  • 修复了凋零效果的伤害可被盔**免的问题 (MCPE-159407)


  • Keyboard players can now sprint when moving diagonally (MCPE-144702)
  • 使用键盘的玩家可在斜向移动时疾跑了 (MCPE-144702)
  • Grove biome is now classified as "cold" and Villagers spawned there will be the snow variant (MCPE-147834)
  • 雪林生物群系现在被分类为“寒带”,生成在那里的村民将为雪原变体 (MCPE-147834)
  • Fixed fall damage accumulating while the player is in a Trapdoor block at the top of a bubble column (MCPE-158858)
  • 修复了玩家处在气泡柱顶端的活板门时摔落伤害计算有误的问题 (MCPE-158858)
  • Fixed an issue causing player to move in the wrong direction after turning using VR snap camera movement (MCPE-152443)
  • 修复了玩家使用 VR 相机移动后朝向错误的问题 (MCPE-152443)


  • Baby Villagers will again accept flowers from Iron Golems
  • 小村民又会收下铁傀儡赠与的鲜花了
  • Guardians are no longer able to float in the air (MCPE-33641)
  • 守卫者不能浮在空气里了 (MCPE-33641)
  • Enabled tamed mobs that follow the player to follow the player through End Portals
  • 现在允许被玩家驯服的生物跟随玩家穿过末地传送门了
  • Fixed an issue where Drowned could change held items when attacking (MCPE-40288)
  • 修复了溺尸攻击时切换手持武器的问题 (MCPE-40288)
  • Fixed a bug where mobs with a long hit range could hit players through walls (MCPE-55790)
  • 修复了攻击距离长的生物穿墙打人的问题 (MCPE-55790)
  • Fixed a bug which caused Boats to disappear when pushed through a portal (MCPE-161563)
  • 修复了一个可能导致船被推进传送门后消失的漏洞 (MCPE-161563)
  • When a mob is a passenger in a Boat, neither the Boat nor the mob are allowed to change dimension (MCPE-154919)
  • 若船中有一个生物作为乘客,这个船和生物都不被允许改变维度了 (MCPE-154919)
  • NPCs can now have no name, hiding the nametag above their head
  • NPC 现在可以没有名字,此时将会隐藏头顶的命名牌


  • Falling blocks no longer break when landing on double Slabs (MCPE-159921)
  • 掉落的方块落在双层台阶上不会被破坏了 (MCPE-159921)
  • Huge Fungus stems no longer replace partial blocks when growing from Nylium (MCPE-65661)
  • 生长在菌岩上的巨型菌类不会替换掉非充满方块了 (MCPE-65661)
  • Water texture on some waterlogged blocks no longer renders too bright when placed under other blocks (MCPE-76949)
  • 放置在其他方块下时,一些含水方块的水纹理不会被渲染的过分明亮了 (MCPE-76949)
  • Fixed an issue which caused Redstone to output the wrong signal strength in certain configurations (MCPE-81981)
  • 修复了在某些配置下红石信号强度错误的问题 (MCPE-81981)
  • Fixed several issues related to Sticky Pistons being used near world build limits (MCPE-96088)
  • 修复了一些在世界边境使用粘性活塞的问题 (MCPE-96088)
  • Breaking the block below a Snow-covered Flower now makes the Flower drop instead of the Snow Layer (MCPE-61609)
  • 打破被雪覆盖的花下方的方块将导致花作为物品掉落,而非雪层 (MCPE-61609)
  • Fixed Beacon block suddenly disappearing when seen from a distance
  • 修复了信标方块从远距离看时突然消失的问题
  • The book of an Enchanting Table now properly faces a nearby player (MCPE-29924)
  • 附魔台的书现在会正确朝向临近的玩家了 (MCPE-29924)
  • Temporarily reverted the changes to Dirt Path and Farmland collision changes, as well as Soul Sand and Mud blocks sinking while we iron out some bugs
  • 由于正在处理一些漏洞,暂时回滚了土径和耕地碰撞箱的更改


  • Reverted the change that caused Arrows and Tridents to stop moving (MCPE-162085)
  • 回滚了一些导致箭和三叉戟停止移动的变更 (MCPE-162085)


  • Fixed an issue with screen position on Android devices (MCPE-159703)
  • 修复了安卓设备上屏幕位置的问题 (MCPE-159703)

User Interface

  • Removed the “Clear Account Sign in Data” button from the Settings menu from non-Switch platforms, as it is only intended to function on Nintendo Switch (MCPE-129704)
  • 从非 Switch 平台上的设置界面中移除了 “清除用户登录数据” 按钮,因为这一功能仅在 Nintendo Switch 上生效 (MCPE-129704)
  • Fixed a bug where usernames could be above max size (MCPE-152884)
  • 修复了用户名可超过最大字体的问题 (MCPE-152884)
  • To make finding the right thing in Settings easier, the Profile screen has been split into two new sections: General and Account
  • 为了更容易找到设置内容,现在档案界面被拆分成了两个部分:通用和账户
  • Ensured proper text-to-speech support for the revamped death screen
  • 确认了修改后的死亡界面能够正确的进行文本转语音
  • Fixed a bug where achievements would be disabled for some world templates
  • 修复了某些世界模板下成就被禁用的问题
  • Fixed a bug in Pocket UI where items could be dropped in the dark-grey areas around the item grid in the Crafting Table screen
  • 修复了携带版 UI 中工作台界面物品可被放置在物品格周围的深灰色区域的问题
  • Fixed a bug in Pocket UI where items could be dropped in the dark-grey areas around the item grid in the inventories for the Horse, Mule, Donkey, and Llama
  • 修复了携带版 UI 中马、骡、驴和羊驼背包界面物品可被放置在物品格周围的深灰色区域的问题
  • Fixed a bug where the death screen message was visible when the Show Death Message game rule was set to false
  • 修复了禁用寒冷死亡消息的游戏规则后,死亡界面消息仍然可见的问题
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't drag/drop or select items from the equipment page
  • 修复了玩家在装备页面无法拖动/放下/选择物品的问题
  • Changed the color of the text descriptions for the 'Darkness Effect Strength' and 'Notification Duration' accessibility options to a lighter shade to make them more readable (MCPE-162047)
  • 修改了 '失明效果强度' 和 '通知持续时长' 无障碍选项的文字说明颜色,现在阴影颜色更亮,更易读 (MCPE-162047)
  • Fixed a bug where death messages were sometimes too long to fit on screen (MCPE-156550)
  • 修复了死亡消息有时太长,无法适应屏幕大小的问题 (MCPE-156550)
  • Fixed the crafting screen search string not saving correctly
  • 修复了工作台界面搜索的字符串未能正确保存的问题
  • Fixed an issue with the durability bar missing on inventory screens on Xbox (MCPE-162063)
  • 修复了 Xbox 平台上背包界面里耐久度不显示的问题 (MCPE-162063)
  • Fixed a bug where the sign in button on Create New World didn't work on some platforms
  • 修复了创建新世界里的登录按钮在某些平台上无效的问题
  • The copy coordinates gamepad tooltip now uses the correct icon depending on the platform (MCPE-162654)
  • 根据平台,复制坐标的手柄提示会展示正确的图标了 (MCPE-162654)


  • Shortened text when uploading worlds and add-ons so it fits in the dialog
  • 减短了上传世界和 Add-On 时的文字,这样就可以适应对话框大小了
  • Fixed a problem where custom add-on packs could not be applied properly in Realms settings, as well as fixed a crash during pack uploading (REALMS-10655)
  • 修复了自定义 Add-On 在 Realms 设定里无法生效的问题,同时修了一个上传包体时的崩溃问题 (REALMS-10655)
  • Unlocalized text no longer appears when connecting to a Realm with an outdated client
  • 使用过时的客户端连接到 Realms 时,未本地化的文本不会展示了

Mobile Touch Controls

  • Fixed a bug where items could not be removed from the hotbar by moving them onto other items in Creative Inventory on mobile devices
  • 修复了移动设备上将快捷栏物品移动到创造模式背包中无法将其移除的问题
  • Fixed an issue where the stack splitting progress bar was not aligned on touch mode
  • 修复了切分物品堆的进度条在触摸模式下未对齐的问题
  • Adjusted layout of the touch toolbar and status effect icons based on user feedback
  • 根据用户反馈,调整了触摸控制下的快捷栏和状态效果图标的布局
  • Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling through the Village trade list on mobile devices
  • 修复了移动设备上一个阻止村民交易列表滚动的问题
  • When the auto-jumping feature is enabled, the player will now automatically jump out of water when moving toward a block on land
  • 启用自动跳跃时,水中的玩家会自动跳上方块或陆地了
  • In Creative Mode while using touch input with Action Buttons off, the delay for breaking the first block has been increased to 800 milliseconds. This reduces the chance of breaking a block by accident
  • 创造模式下,启用触摸控制且禁用动作键位时,长按破坏方块的延迟增加到了 800 毫秒以减少误触
  • Added support for dragging and dropping with touch gestures in the inventory
  • 添加了背包中使用触摸手势拖放物品的支持
  • Double tapping 'descend' now toggles off flight in Joystick touch control modes
  • 在摇杆控制模式下,向下掰两次摇杆将会取消飞行
  • Updated the positioning of status effects for Pocket UI
  • 更新了携带版 UI 中状态效果的位置
  • The inventory button for touch devices is now reset to its default appearance after closing the inventory
  • 关闭背包后,背包按钮会重置为默认外观
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't swap unstackable items with touch controls
  • 修复了触摸控制下玩家无法交换不可堆叠物品的问题
  • Improved the images for the three control schemes in the touch settings menu
  • 改进了触摸控制设定菜单下三种控制方案的图像

Technical Updates:

Updated Add-On Template Packs
更新的 Add-On 模板包

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.19.40 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks
  • 为 1.19.40 版本更新了新的 Add-On 模板包,带来的新的资源,新的行为和新的文档,可在 aka.ms/MCAddonPacks 下载

Custom Block Geometry

  • We have released custom block geometry in this version of Minecraft. This means that anyone can make a custom block with their own custom geometry and textures WITHOUT turning on the Holiday Creator Features experimental toggle in settings
  • 我们在这一版本发布了自定义方块几何体模型的功能。这就意味着所有人都可以在**不**启用夏日创作者特性的前提下制作自定义几何体模型和纹理的方块了
  • For more information and a list of documentation and tutorials, visit the Custom Block Geometry article on minecraft.net
  • 如欲取得更多信息、文档和教程,请见 Custom Block Geometry article on minecraft.net


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the hasItem selector and specifying a negative value for the item's data (MCPE-152314)
  • 修复了使用 hasItem 选择器并为物品数据指定一个负值时的崩溃 (MCPE-152314)
  • Implemented the has_property, int_property, bool_property, float_property, and enum_property actor behavior filters
  • 实现了 has_property, int_property, bool_property, float_property, and enum_property 活动对象行为过滤器
  • Added flag is_hidden_in_commands in menu_category to control whether or not a block can be used in commands
  • 将标志 is_hidden_in_commands 添加到了 menu_category 以控制某个方块是否可用在命令中
  • Release BlockGeometryComponent out of experimental in JSON formats 1.19.40 and higher
  • 在 1.19.40 及更高的 JSON 格式中,将 BlockGeometryComponent 由实验性游戏特性移作正式特性
  • Release BlockMaterialInstancesComponent out of experimental in JSON formats 1.19.40 and higher
  • 在 1.19.40 及更高的 JSON 格式中,将 BlockMaterialInstancesComponent 由实验性游戏特性移作正式特性
  • Renamed minecraft:block_light_filter component to minecraft:light_dampening
  • 将 minecraft:block_light_filter 组件重命名为 minecraft:light_dampening
  • Renamed experiment GameTest Frameworkto Beta APIs
  • 将 GameTest Framework(GameTest 框架) 重命名为 Beta APIs
  • The now-renamed Beta APIsexperiment is still needed to access all beta APIs, including core Minecraft APIs and GameTest APIs
  • 新命名的 Beta APIs 实验性特性仍需访问所有测试版接口,包括 Minecraft 核心 API 和 GameTest API
  • Fixed a bug where EntityHurtEvent would not fire on player death
  • 修复了 EntityHurtEvent 在玩家死亡时不触发的问题
  • Entity
  • Entity
    • Updated target property to be read-only
    • 将 target 属性更新为只读
    • Fixed an issue where UI forms would not mark their cancelled field correctly
    • 修复了 UI 表单不将 cancelled 字段正确标注的问题
  • Converted EntityQueryScoreOptions to an interface
  • 将 EntityQueryScoreOptions 转换为接口
  • Converted EntityRaycastOptions to an interface
  • 将 EntityRaycastOptions 转换为接口
  • Converted ExplosionOptions to an interface
  • 将 ExplosionOptions 转换为接口
  • Converted MusicOptions to an interface
  • 将 MusicOptions 转换为接口
  • Converted SoundOptions to an interface
  • 将 SoundOptions 转换为接口
  • Removed built-in GameTest Behavior Packs
  • 移除了内置的 GameTest 行为包


  • Implemented the "/execute facing" and "/execute facing entity" commands
  • 实现了 "/execute facing" 和 "/execute facing entity" 指令
  • Implemented the "/execute align" command
  • 实现了 "/execute align" 指令
  • Fixed a problem with teleports appearing to fly the target to the new location instead of being instant
  • 修复了传送指令实现上将玩家“飞”过去而非瞬间“传送”过去的问题
  • Added the 'replace block' overload to the /loot command
  • 向 /loot 指令添加了 replace block 重载
  • Implemented the "/execute rotated " and "/execute rotated as" commands
  • 实现了 "/execute rotated " 和 "/execute rotated as" 指令
  • Added the ability to set a custom block with a specific custom block property using the /setblockcommand
  • 为 /setblock 指令添加了使用自定义方块属性设置自定义方块的功能
  • Copying a bubble column with the /clone command no longer results in invisible water (MCPE-153903)
  • 通过 /clone 指令复制气泡柱不会产生不可见的水了 (MCPE-153903)
  • Added new overload to the /summon command that adds rotation arguments
  • 向 /summon 添加了新的重载,现在添加了旋转参数
    • New overload is /summon [ spawnPos : x y z] [yRot: float] [xRot: float] [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]
    • 新的重载是 /summon [ spawnPos : x y z] [yRot: float] [xRot: float] [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]
  • Previous overload '/summon [ spawnPos : x y z] [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]'
  • 先前的重载是 '/summon [ spawnPos : x y z] [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]'
  • Temporarily disabled the rotation for the /summon command while a bug is worked on
  • 因正在处理一个漏洞,暂时禁用了 /summon 指令的旋转功能
  • Fixed a rotation issue when a Command Block executes 'execute facing' and 'execute rotated' (MCPE-162256)
  • 修复了命令方块执行 'execute facing' 和 'execute rotated' 的旋转问题 (MCPE-162256)
  • Implemented the '/execute in' command
  • 实现了 '/execute in' 指令
  • Implemented the ‘/execute anchored <eyes|feet>’ command
  • 实现了 ‘/execute anchored <eyes|feet>’ 指令

Data-Driven Blocks

  • minecraft:direction is no longer exposed as a data-driven blockProperty. Blocks throw a content error when the "minecraft" namespace is used
  • minecraft:direction 不再被视作数据驱动的 blockProperty。若使用 "minecraft" 命名空间,方块将会抛出一条内容错误

Data-Driven Items

  • Added support for recipes to use item tags directly instead of item names
  • 添加了合成表直接使用物品标签而非物品名的支持
    • Added new item tags
    • 添加了新的物品标签
    • Converted several recipes from code into their own recipe files
    • 将部分合成表由代码转换为自有的合成表文件
    • Added several recipes using the new tags to override many old, item specific recipes (these still exist for backwards compatibility):
    • 添加了一些使用新标签的合成表来覆盖之前直接指定物品的合成表 (此项仍然向后兼容):
      • barrel, beehive, bookshelf, bowl, brewing_stand, campfire, cartography_table, chest, composter, crafting_table, daylight_detector, fire_charge, fletching_table, furnace, grindstone, jukebox, lectern, loom, noteblock, painting, piston, shield, smithing_table, smoker, soul_campfire, soul_torch, stick, stone_axe, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_shovel, stone_sword, torch, tripwire_hook, wooden_axe, wooden_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_shovel, wooden_sword
      • barrel, beehive, bookshelf, bowl, brewing_stand, campfire, cartography_table, chest, composter, crafting_table, daylight_detector, fire_charge, fletching_table, furnace, grindstone, jukebox, lectern, loom, noteblock, painting, piston, shield, smithing_table, smoker, soul_campfire, soul_torch, stick, stone_axe, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_shovel, stone_sword, torch, tripwire_hook, wooden_axe, wooden_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_shovel, wooden_sword
    • Custom Items, tags, and block tags now work correctly with the minecraft:digger component (MCPE-155786)
    • 带有 minecraft:digger 组件的自定义物品、标签和方块标签能够正确运行了 (MCPE-155786)


  • Implemented new is_baby actor filter that returns true when the subject entity is a baby
  • 实现了新的 is_baby 活动对象过滤器,若目标实体为幼年实体,将返回 true
  • Fixed "bool_property" filters that didn't specify a "value"
  • 修复了 "bool_property" 过滤器不指定一个 "value" 的问题

AI Goals
AI 寻路

  • Fixed an issue with Iron Golems that prevented mobs with the minecraft:take_flower AI behavior to use the goal
  • 修复了铁傀儡的一个问题,此问题阻止了带有 minecraft:take_flower AI 行为的生物使用此行为
  • Exposed new data parameters for the minecraft:play AI behavior to specify such things as the duration the goal stays active, the chance to start the goal, the range to search for a friend, and the follow distance to stay within when playing with a friend
  • 为 minecraft:play AI 行为开放了新的数据参数,可以指定寻路激活时长、寻路开始条件、寻路搜索距离、停留跟随距离等等

Entity Documentation

  • Removed experimental markers for The Wild Update entity behaviors and components
  • 移除了荒野更新实体行为和组件的实验性特性标记
  • Added documentation for minecraft:heartbeat
  • 为 minecraft:heartbeat 添加了文档
  • Fixed and updated documentation for entity events
  • 修复并更新了实体事件文档


  • Events
  • Events
    • Removed event tick- called each tick
    • 移除了事件 tick- 每个时间刻运行一次
  • System
  • System
    • Added system.run() - to queue a callback to run next tick, re-queue each tick to get behavior similar to tick event
    • 添加了 system.run() - 将回调加入队列以在下一时间刻执行
  • Block
  • Block
    • Renamed property id to typeId
    • 将属性 id 重命名为 typeId
  • BlockComponent
  • BlockComponent
    • Renamed property id to typeId
    • 将属性 id 重命名为 typeId
  • Entity
  • Entity
    • Renamed property id to typeId
    • 将属性 id 重命名为 typeId
    • Added read-only property id: string- Returns a unique identifier for the entity. This identifier remains consistent across world loads
    • 添加了只读属性 id: string- 返回此实体的独有标识符。此标识符在存档加载间保持不变
  • EntityComponent
  • EntityComponent
    • Renamed property id to typeId
    • 将属性 id 重命名为 typeId
  • ItemComponent
  • ItemComponent
    • Renamed property id to typeId
    • 将属性 id 重命名为 typeId
  • ItemStack
  • ItemStack
    • Renamed property id to typeId
    • 将属性 id 重命名为 typeId

GameTest Framework (Experimental)
GameTest 框架 (实验性游戏特性)

There has been a major breaking change to experimental JavaScript APIs:
实验性 JavaScript API 有一项重大更改:

All script modules have been renamed to follow a new convention.

  • mojang-gametest -> @minecraft/server-gametest
  • mojang-gametest -> @minecraft/server-gametest
  • mojang-minecraft -> @minecraft/server
  • mojang-minecraft -> @minecraft/server
  • mojang-minecraft-ui -> @minecraft/server-ui
  • mojang-minecraft-ui -> @minecraft/server-ui
  • mojang-minecraft-server-admin -> @minecraft/server-admin
  • mojang-minecraft-server-admin -> @minecraft/server-admin
  • mojang-net -> @minecraft/server-net
  • mojang-net -> @minecraft/server-net

For example, rather than using:

import * as mc from “mojang-minecraft”;
import * as mc from “mojang-minecraft”;


import * as mc from “@minecraft/server”;
import * as mc from “@minecraft/server”;

Use of script eval() and Function() must be explicitly enabled inmanifest.json
如需使用脚本 eval() 和 Function(),必须在 manifest.json 中显式启用

To do this, set script_eval in capabilities array.
如果想要这样做,将 script_eval 加进 capabilities 数组。

"capabilities": ["script_eval"]
"capabilities": ["script_eval"]

  • Root path for imports has changed; scripts/ prefix are no longer allowed.
  • 导入的根目录已经修改。不再允许使用 scripts/ 前缀
  • For imports, use import "./source.js" or import "source.js"
  • 如需导入,使用 import "./source.js" 或 import "source.js"
  • Deprecated use of import "scripts/source.js"
  • 弃用了 import "scripts/source.js"

【苦力怕553 译自feedback.minecraft.net 2022 年 10 月 25 日发布的 Minecraft - 1.19.40 (Bedrock)
【本文排版借助了:SPXX Userscript v2.4.13】

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