Features and Bug Fixes 新特性与 Bug 修复 Dripstone 滴水石 Long stalactites drip only from the tip 较长的钟乳石只会从尖端滴下液体 Stalactites now drip water slightly more often when filling a cauldron 当钟乳石下方有炼药锅时,滴水频率会稍微增大 Pointed dripstone now correctly gets destroyed after the block it was placed on is broken by block updates 当钟乳石尖附着的方块因方块更新被破环时,钟乳石尖会被正确地破坏了
User Interface UI Tweaked background color of settings screens 调整了设置界面的背景颜色
Graphical 图像 Fixed a bug that could occur on older worlds where looking up in a minecart would display the inside of the minecart blocking the player's view 修复了一个可能会发生在旧版本世界中的问题,当玩家在矿车中抬头时会显示矿车的内部,从而阻挡玩家视线 Maps inside Glow Item Frames no longer cause nearby items to light up 把地图放在荧光物品展示框中时不再导致附近的物品也被点亮
Items 物品 Picking or breaking Glow Item Frames now gives the correct item (MCPE-117514) 破坏发光物品展示框或拿起里面的东西时会得到正确地物品了 Advanced Pick Block will now save the data of copied blocks correctly (MCPE-126040) 使用中键复制方块时可以正确地保留方块的数据值了 Furnace, Smoker, and Blast Furnace now become unlit when fuel finishes (MCPE-127550, MCPE-127559) 熔炉、烟熏炉、高炉在燃料耗尽时可以正确地熄灭了 Fixed a bug where the map was centred on player's position when it was created (MCPE-126607) 修复了创建地图时关于玩家在地图中的位置的 Bug Baby Axolotls no longer consume the Bucket when being fed with a Bucket of Tropical Fish 用热带鱼桶喂美西螈时,美西螈不会把桶吃掉了 Buckets that were used to feed Axolotls can now be stacked together with other empty Buckets (MCPE-127426) 喂美西螈的热带鱼桶喂完变成的空桶会自动和其他空桶堆叠
Gameplay 游戏内容 Fixed ripple effect on portals and crash when creating a large amount of portal blocks (MCPE-126674, MCPE-126690) 修复了传送门上的波纹图案,并且修复了当创建大量的传送门方块时游戏崩溃的问题 Fixed bubble columns on naturally generated Magma Blocks (MCPE-127196) 修复了自然生成的岩浆块上方的气泡柱的问题
Commands 命令 Function's positional offset is no longer re-evaluated for every command inside the function when run with the '/execute' command. It is now only evaluated once for the whole function (MCPE-124890) 当运行 '/execute' 命令时,函数的坐标偏移不再为每个函数中的命令单独重新计算,只会对整个函数重新计算一遍
Technical Updates 技术性更新 Items 物品 Fixed an issue with Signs not displaying the saved text upon placement 修复了告示牌放置后不会显示保存的文本的问题 The "has_equipment" filter once again supports data values 过滤器 "has_equipment" 再次能够支持数据值
Mobs 生物 Added a new field "transform_to_item" to the "minecraft:ageable" component. If the field is filled with an item name, the item will be given back when any of "feed_items" are used. Similar to "transform_to_item" in the "minecraft:breedable" component 在 "minecraft:ageable" 组件中添加了新字段 "transform_to_item"。如果该字段存有物品名,则当任意 "feed_items" 被调用时该物品名将会被返回。类似于 "transform_to_item" 字段在 "minecraft:breedable" 组件中的作用